#cosmetics is really pushing the boundaries of what might reasonably be allowed
ultimat-e · 4 years
( Link to original meme )
🍍  :    how comfortable is my muse in their body?  how do they feel about their height,  weight,  strength,  and body type?  how important is being attractive to them?
In regards to the physical, Dimentio has never bothered himself too much about it.  He’s not the tallest or bulkiest thing out there, but considering it all remains under wraps it isn’t of much concern to him.  If it wasn’t something that was looked down upon, he wouldn’t mind being ‘ugly’ either ( also considering that he wears a mask all the time, it wouldn’t really matter either way. )  Rumor has it he’s quite charming under there, though!  But whether or not that’s the truth, who could say for certain?
🍅  :    how does my muse feel about plastic  /  cosmetic surgeries   &   procedures?  is it something they have done or would do?  do they mind if others do it?
Again, because looks aren’t exactly one of Dimentio’s top concerns ( at least physically, style is something he is very much interested in...and that isn’t to say he doesn’t take care of himself either ) he wouldn’t go so far as to go under the knife for anything.  Whether or not anyone else decides to do it is of little concern to him either.  All in all, he cares so little about the matter he doesn’t even have an opinion on it.
🍏  :    how stable is my muse’s physical health?  do they go for regular or semi-regular checkups by a physician?  do they have any diagnosed illnesses and / or take any medication?  how often do they get sick?
Dimentio is hale and hearty for the most part.  He rarely gets sick, and when he does, it’s usually not enough to slow him down much, not that he would be very inclined to do so even if he was poorly.  In regards to checkups he is well overdue, but someone such as himself is in no position to take advantage of such common services.  He does well enough without them though, having dabbled in medical sciences himself.  He can’t do anything drastic for himself though, but tending to wounds or concocting medicines to cure what ails him is no trouble at all so long as he has the right supplies.
Dimentio does not catch illnesses very often, but can make himself poorly if he gets carried away with any subject of interest, be it studies or experiments or magical practices.  Forgoing sleep and food for his obsessions, the consequences can range from simply being a bit tired and hungry afterwards to nausea and headaches that takes days to recover from, all dependent on just how far he took things during.  Of course, knowing he can simply whisk away these troubles with the waggle of a finger means that he isn’t the best at taking care of himself in those regards anyways.
Other than that, he is not diagnosed with or takes medication for anything.
🍎  :    how stable is my muse’s mental health?  have they been diagnosed with any mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they have any undiagnosed mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they or should they attend therapy?
Stable...enough.  Formally, Dimentio has not been diagnosed with anything specific, but allow any person of study to take a look at his case and a plethora of titles might just go flying.
Dimentio can be prone to manic episodes during which his emotions can run rampant.  They tend towards feelings of euphoria but he can easily switch to intense anger if one is not careful around him.  They are mostly triggered when his research or his goals become the subject of focus internally or externally.  He also displays some symptoms characteristic of a mild form of ADHD.
His actions may lead some to think he is a psychopath, and perhaps it may hold true, but he is very much aware of what he is doing and when it is wrong, the issue is that he simply does not care if such things will bring him closer to his own personal goals.
🍑  :    how meticulously does my muse look after their physical appearance?  do they spend a lot of time on their hair,  makeup,  grooming,  and clothing?  is there a particular reason why they do or don’t?
Because he is usually covered up, Dimentio does not spend too much time on himself, but he does not neglect himself in this regard either.  He ensures his hair isn’t in a wild mess despite it being hidden away anyways, and keeps himself clean both bodily and in regards to his clothes.
Because it is what people see most, his cloak, hat, mask, gloves, etc. are kept in absolute perfect condition.  Such a pristine and decorated appearance gives him the look of a doll come to life, enough that the title pretty boy clown has been floated about in regards to him.  He takes great pride in that, of course.  A true showman is always looking his best after all.
🍒  :    how much does my muse value companionship?  do they constantly keep people around them,  or do they prefer to be alone often?  do they have or desire to have many friends?  do they see every meeting as an opportunity to make a new friend?
Dimentio enjoys company and attention as much as his showmanly personality makes it seem.  However, he does not desire popularity in the standard sense.  True, having people speak his name with admiration, noting his accomplishments, and being at his beck and call are all things he considers favorable, but the humdrum of having friends, needing to keep in touch, being invited places, going out...all of that seems like a needless waste of time he finds little energy to entertain.
His focus on his studies and goals has made him somewhat of a hermit, something he has adjusted himself to over the many centuries of his life.  After having pushed away any friends he once had and knowing he would do poor to entertain any more, he doesn’t pursue them, nor did he even before he was lost entirely to the madness of his work.
🍇  :    how would my muse describe their childhood?  how much has it impacted the person they are now,  or will become as an adult?  around what age did they or will they start to mature,  and why?  do they wish to go back to their days as a child,  or have they embraced adulthood?
Dimentio’s childhood was a lot more normal than one would probably expect.  His parents supported his curious interests wholeheartedly, and he returned their efforts with efforts of his own.  A gifted child from a stable background.  So where did it all go wrong?  He was never ‘childish’ or ‘rebellious’ in your typical sense as he grew, but he started to become the person he is today sometime prior to his projected graduation from the academy.
tl;dr - The academy is a bit like Hogwarts, or other fantastical places of magical study, built up and supported by the Ancients before their civilization would crumble into the remnants left in Flip and Flopside.
It was the key to unlocking his unyielding desires for discovery and wants to push the boundaries of what was and wasn’t possible with magic to their very brink.  His enlightenment was what cast a dark shadow over his soul and consumed him completely...
He was not unhappy with his life during childhood, nor is he very unhappy with it now.  At times he wishes he could take advantage of the lack of responsibility in childhood, but appreciates the knowledge he has obtained far too much to ever want to revert back to ‘innocence’.
🍐  :    how intelligent is my muse overall?  are they smarter than the average person,  or less than?  are they primarily self-taught,  or did they acquire most of their knowledge in school?  are they more street smart or book smart?
Dimentio, despite all his madness, is one of the most brilliant minds to come out of the academy, and not just because he is one of the few remaining ‘graduates’ left ( he never properly graduated himself, having left the academy prior as his pursuit of knowledge quickly outgrew the means of the institution. )  Most of his learning he did on his own in regards to his special subjects of interest, outpacing his peers academically ever since he was a child.
Dimentio has a good balance of both, but is much more book smart than he is street smart.
🍉  :    which of the four seasons suits my muse best,  and why?
Fall.  Despite being a bit intolerant to the cold, in the west, Fall is the beginning of the academic year.  Campuses are especially magical during that time as leaves fall and decorate the ground.  It’s a point in the year where the weather is tolerable, and when it is not, it is manageable with layers.  Also...Halloween.
🍌  :    is my muse inclined to help others,  or will they only do it when it benefits them,  if at all?  what makes them this way?  has it ever gotten them into trouble,  or inconvenienced them?
Dimentio is no saint, though that probably goes without saying.  His interests come first and foremost.  That isn’t due to any malicious reason, it is simply a part of his nature as a hermit.  He prefers not to get entangled in other people’s business...unless it benefits him of course.  There is hardly a time where such a situation translated into helping someone, though.
Sticking to his own business hasn’t gotten him in any particular trouble yet.  It wasn’t as if anyone expected much from him in regards to being sociable anyways.
🍊  :    does my muse desire romance?  is it something they would actively seek out,  or prefer to happen more  ‘  naturally?  ’  what is their love life like?  do they have any exes or past flings,  or crushes?
At a time he too once thought about the fantasy of ‘love’.  As a member of the Tribe of Ancients, love was once a thing he valued highly.  The thought of being in love was something that put a smile on his face, once upon a time...but those days are long over.
As he is now, love is just another distraction from his ultimate goals.  He never did actively pursue it despite thinking of it positively, so as it never occurred naturally ( what with him having his face in a book rather than speaking with anyone ) once his life became dedicated to his studies it fell to the bottom of the list of important things in his life.
Dimentio has never dated, had crushes, or engaged in romantic activities with anyone.  If he paid any attention to the world around him when he was younger, he would have found he had a few admirers though.
🍓  :    how is my muse typically seen by others?  does it ring true to who they really are?  does their reputation matter to them?
It all depends on who you ask.  Those who know him distantly view him as someone immensely charming and charismatic.  A graceful and doll like appearance, with such attributes echoing in his very mannerisms, laced with secrecy and mystery make him a very enticing character indeed.  However, those who get closer to him would come to know the truth about him.
He is undoubtedly charming, yes, but the closer one gets to him the more and more the uglier side of him begins to show.  Obsessive, manic, manipulative, dangerous...he is a self serving demon of his own making, a doll with puppeteer strings...but they aren’t for him.  Nay, the charming gentleman most view him as is but another illusion of his own design.  There is little happiness to be found at his side, lest you be someone independent who wouldn’t get in his way.
Dimentio does think of his reputation from time to time...what little remains of it anyways.  His emotions and mannerisms are as masked as he is, everything but an act, and his face yet another lie to muddle the truth with.
🥝  :    does my muse have any  ‘  unusual  ’  habits, interests,  and  /  or talents?  do they hide it,  or are they proud of it?
In this day and age: magic.  Proper, true magic, and beyond that, dimensional magic.  He obviously does not hide it and has dedicated decades to perfecting his craft far beyond anything even the most accomplished mages on this earth could ever hope to achieve.
Other than that, in the realm of ‘unusual’ talents ( or things he is unusually good at ):
- Dimentio has impeccable handwriting - He can read books thoroughly at an alarming rate - He can sing very well - He is a very good actor - He can forge signatures and imitate handwriting as well as do impressions that are eerily spot on - Mending clothes - Decorating desserts ( he had a phase... )
And a few other things here and there that he picked up as he shifted to an independent life separated from society.  In regards to habits, his penchant for speaking in similies and laughing ( at times where it may be wholly inappropriate ) are a few to note.
🥭  :    how important to my muse is their hometown,  or where they’re from?  are they proud of it,  or considered a hometown hero?  did they move away,  or do they wish to?
Short and simple: not at all.  Dimentio has detached himself from his old life, from his name, to his face.  Those who knew him exceptionally well, such as the council from the academy to whom he pitched a few of his early ideas to, might have been able to deduce that he was...well, him despite his mask during his exploits with the Dark Prognosticus, but at that point, no one who had known him back then was still alive.
Despite his genius, he was a bit of a nobody within the tribe...just another scholar looking to graduate and make something of themselves.  He had moved away and abandoned everything he knew well before he achieved anything substantial, so even if ancient texts or pictures are dug up, there is no way to link the man he was to who he is now.
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kellyp72 · 7 years
6 Reasons Why You Should Care about the Green Beauty Movement
As my previous post on the Green Beauty Movement mentioned, more people have become aware of the presence of harmful chemicals in many commercial personal care products. As a result of that growing awareness, as well as a general increase in public discussions about major climate-related and public health crises, there is more interest than ever in environmental issues. The Green Beauty Movement represents one small aspect of this phenomenon, but it is more important as a bellweather of healthy living trends than you might have realized. Here are six reasons why the Green Beauty Movement matters for the collective, global push towards a greener environment and a healthier you.
1. Because there is a direct connection between the products you use and the health issues you are dealing with. Many people don’t think about what might be in the toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, lotion, soap, or makeup they use, but most commercial brands contain chemicals that have been linked with negative health outcomes ranging from ones that are mildly inconvenient (e.g. skin irritation) or life-threatening (e.g. cancer). Companies selling these products, as well as government regulatory bodies, usually claim that the amount of potentially harmful chemicals in them is miniscule and not much of a threat to human health. That is largely true, except if you think about the fact that you are using these products every day, multiple times a day, and are being exposed on a constant basis to harmful chemicals that may be behind some of the health issues you and/or your family members have been facing. Most studies and reports that downplay the harm caused by chemicals like parabens or ureas don’t take this into consideration. Instead, clinical studies tend to focus on a single instance of exposure in a controlled environment. If you are pregnant, the ingredients in the personal care products you use are entering your baby’s bloodstream through the placenta, and their little bodies are not equipped to excrete (flush out) these chemicals adequately.
2. Because the US government does not really regulate what goes into your cosmetics or other personal care products. The FDA is responsible for guaranteeing the safety of cosmetics by enforcing the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act (FD&C Act), while the EPA is in charge of regulating pesticides and toxic substances under the FD&C Act and the Toxic Substances Control Act. Back in 2015, the EPA and FDA signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for sharing data on pesticides and toxic chemicals, which was intended to enable them to better assess risks to the public and the environment. However, despite these responsibilities, the FDA and EPA have been unable to carry out their responsibilities effectively, in part because of the high number of potentially dangerous chemicals that enter the market each year, in part because of effective lobbying and obfuscating by the chemical industry, and in part because of staff shortages and budget cuts in these agencies. Under the Trump administration, regulatory bodies like the EPA and FDA have been further hobbled in their ability to regulate industry’s use of harmful chemicals in commercial industrial and consumer products. A new study by Northwestern University shows that consumer complaints about harmful chemicals in cosmetic products more than doubled from 2015-2016, but the EPA has largely ignored these complaints. What’s more, cosmetics companies are not required by law to report complaints about their products to the FDA or any other regulatory body.
3. Because it demonstrates the power of consumers to change manufacturing practices that harm us. The bottom line: you as a consumer have to take matters into your own hands. Is it fair that you have to virtually get a degree in chemistry to understand whether the products you are using may cause your health to suffer? Absolutely not! But the fact is, it’s going to be up to you to do the work if you want to know more. Fortunately, two things are making it easier for you to become better informed. One, more people are demanding toxin-free beauty products, and you don’t need an MBA to figure out that consumer demand drives production. There are many green beauty products and companies out there working hard to bring you eco-friendly, effective products. But caveat emptor: as more companies get into the green beauty game, that means more companies will also engage in greenwashing to convince you to buy their brand. How can you avoid falling for the eco-friendly hype? That brings us to the second thing that’s making it easier for you to become informed: activists and others out there are giving you the tools, tips, lists, and apps you need to make more informed decisions. One great tool? Our toxic chemical cheat sheet. It’s one of the tools available when you sign up for the free resources library on the Green and Prosperous website.
4. Because it is helping raise awareness about the prevalence of toxic chemicals in personal care products. While most millennials have been trending towards healthy living for a while now, with American youth in their 20s and younger being way more concerned about GMOs, organic food, and green living than other groups, the rise in interest and awareness about harmful chemicals in personal care products and other consumables cuts across boundaries of class, ethnicity, age, income, and geographic location. By some accounts, the health and wellness industry is set to become the next trillion dollar industry, with environmentally friendly beauty and anti-aging products topping the list of most sought-after consumables.
5. Because the more people become interested in green beauty, the more companies will offer these products, driving competition and (ultimately) increasing affordability. It’s no secret that many organic or otherwise eco-friendly beauty products don’t come cheap. Toxin-free nail polishes tend to start around $9 a bottle, and organic anti-aging skin creams can easily run into the hundreds of dollars. A few companies offer products that are lower-priced and more affordable, but none (at least as far as I know) has been making products for low-income or poor people, who disproportionately suffer the consequences of exposure to harmful chemicals in the environment and in the products they use. Want to make the switch but don’t want to break the bank? Check out these products by Dr. Bronner. They make more than just soap, and are currently offering a monthly special of 15% off! Alba Botanica, Desert Essence, Güd, and Kiss My Face also make great eco-friendly and budget-friendly products.
6. Because the more you care about green beauty, the harder green beauty companies will work to ensure that their products meet the highest standards for performance, sustainability, and authenticity. It’s no secret that even the most eco-conscious companies can make mistakes. That’s to say, in the best case scenario they are mistakes. Companies from Whole Foods’ 365 brand to Boots Retail USA have been sued for allowing harmful chemicals into some of their products. This brings me back to a point made in #3 of this list: the power of the consumer. The same is true for green beauty products as any other – ultimately consumers have the power to change manufacturing practices, and it’s often collectives of consumer groups that call companies to task if they have not lived up to the standards they profess. One of the most recent unfortunate examples has been the Honest Company, which settled a nationwide class-action lawsuit for $1.55 million over accusations that it misled consumers about ingredients in its laundry detergent and dish soap. Another example is Wen by Chaz Dean, the hair care products company owned by direct marketing pioneer Guthy Renker (which has been around since the late 1980s). A class-action lawsuit against Wen drew the attention of the FDA, which launched an investigation into the safety of its Cleansing Conditioners just last year. Other companies have taken note and are working overtime to ensure the safety and reliability of their products, in some cases taking on the manufacturing and sourcing of those products themselves.
Are you interested in making the switch to green beauty products? The last post in this series asks the experts to name their go-to products and tell you why they recommend them, so come back to find out more in a week!
In the meantime, you may want to browse some of the products on our Recommended Products page. Have a recommendation? Drop me a note using the Comments box below this post.
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cliffordsteblg · 7 years
Steps On How To Make Plastic Cosmetic Surgery
Many reasons exist someone can be considering cosmetic surgery. Regardless of reason, there are several aspects to consider before heading through from it. This informative article contains many tips that gastric sleeve surgery in mexico can help you determine whether, plastic cosmetic surgery suits you. Continue reading for more information about aesthetic surgery.
Ask to view the surgeon’s portfolio of past patients. It is possible to determine if you will certainly be pleased about the surgeon’s work by viewing these pictures. Make any inquiry you sense is needed and ask for to talk to prior patients regarding their experiences. This will help to you determine if the surgeon is made for you.
Every surgeon includes a specialty. You need to speak with the surgeon you are interested in, to make certain that his specialty is exactly what suits your expections. While there are several doctors that do multiple varieties of procedures, it would be your best option to get your surgery performed by anyone who has expert knowledge in this specific type.
You need to ask your surgeon what can happen if you were not happy with the results. If something went wrong through the procedure. Your surgeon should be honest with you. Show you you could file claims for malpractice. Should your surgeon will not be honest about this topic, you need to check out another clinic.
Every surgery comes with risks. Take the time to talk about the hazards with the doctor in order that you are fully aware as to what is involved. Often people usually do not recall the risks related to plastic surgery.
Be sure you thoroughly check the qualification of your prospective surgeon. You have to research their background, education, qualifications, and disciplinary history. They have to be licensed in your neighborhood. Furthermore, be wary of doctors planning to do complex procedure and therefore are not surgeons. That may be a very risky gamble along with your life.
Once you chat with a cosmetic surgeon, what in case you ask him? You should get as much information since you can. Board certification is certainly a important qualification to find within your doctor. You must also see pictures of people he has worked tirelessly on. Question medications, recovery periods and other things associated with the procedure.
Find out through your doctor, that will be administering the anesthesia. It can either come from the surgeon, a specially-trained nurse based on the complexity of your procedure, or an anesthesiologist. You will find the right to insist that a second person administer the anesthesia as a precaution, but it really will probably amount to more.
Allow yourself sufficient time for recover once your procedure is completed. You can require as much as a month to recuperate from the surgery, according to what it is. Anyone who is employed needs to make sure to obtain enough vacation time scheduled. And, be certain you not push yourself past the boundary, too fast.
Avoid owning your mind made up about what procedure you need before ever consulting with a surgeon. An experienced professional can supply you with several different options, some you might have never considered. Consult with your medical professional by having an open mind as well as a full understanding of the risks involved when you create your decisions regarding how best to proceed.
You should make yourself aware cosmetic procedures cannot be treated as if you were purchasing a new body part. Plastic surgery can improve or strengthen an attribute of the current physical traits, but it cannot re-do them. These procedures have a risk together, and you ought to be sure that you are 100% in regards to the changes you happen to be intending to make to the body.
Don’t rush into any decision pertaining to plastic surgery. These are decisions that can physically change your appearance and are not easily (or cheaply) undone. Any quality surgeon, gives you time you have to produce a smart decision. If you feel your surgeon is pressuring you, you really should consider other options as there might be financial motives behind their pushiness.
Inquire about the level of anesthesia your procedure would require. Many people will not make sure you find out about this, but is essential for a variety of reasons. One consideration is the fact that differing levels of anesthesia will allow you to feel varied levels of pain. Depending on the type of anesthesia used, you might need a longer time to recover as well as a ride home from the procedure. Prices also can vary, too. Inquire in advance about anesthesia so you know what to expect.
As previously mentioned, there are many different reasons someone can be considering plastic surgery. There are many questions one might have about plastic cosmetic surgery, and the ways to choose the best surgeon. After reading this article above, you ought to have a better idea concerning how to determine if aesthetic surgery fits your needs.
from Danny Jobe NIKSTAR was here… https://dannyjobenikstarwashere.wordpress.com/2017/05/11/solid-guidance-on-how-to-make-surgical-treatment-bariatric-surgery-in-mexico/
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cliffordsteblg · 7 years
Steps On How To Make Plastic Cosmetic Surgery
Many reasons exist someone can be considering cosmetic surgery. Regardless of reason, there are several aspects to consider before heading through from it. This informative article contains many tips that gastric sleeve surgery in mexico can help you determine whether, plastic cosmetic surgery suits you. Continue reading for more information about aesthetic surgery.
Ask to view the surgeon’s portfolio of past patients. It is possible to determine if you will certainly be pleased about the surgeon’s work by viewing these pictures. Make any inquiry you sense is needed and ask for to talk to prior patients regarding their experiences. This will help to you determine if the surgeon is made for you.
Every surgeon includes a specialty. You need to speak with the surgeon you are interested in, to make certain that his specialty is exactly what suits your expections. While there are several doctors that do multiple varieties of procedures, it would be your best option to get your surgery performed by anyone who has expert knowledge in this specific type.
You need to ask your surgeon what can happen if you were not happy with the results. If something went wrong through the procedure. Your surgeon should be honest with you. Show you you could file claims for malpractice. Should your surgeon will not be honest about this topic, you need to check out another clinic.
Every surgery comes with risks. Take the time to talk about the hazards with the doctor in order that you are fully aware as to what is involved. Often people usually do not recall the risks related to plastic surgery.
Be sure you thoroughly check the qualification of your prospective surgeon. You have to research their background, education, qualifications, and disciplinary history. They have to be licensed in your neighborhood. Furthermore, be wary of doctors planning to do complex procedure and therefore are not surgeons. That may be a very risky gamble along with your life.
Once you chat with a cosmetic surgeon, what in case you ask him? You should get as much information since you can. Board certification is certainly a important qualification to find within your doctor. You must also see pictures of people he has worked tirelessly on. Question medications, recovery periods and other things associated with the procedure.
Find out through your doctor, that will be administering the anesthesia. It can either come from the surgeon, a specially-trained nurse based on the complexity of your procedure, or an anesthesiologist. You will find the right to insist that a second person administer the anesthesia as a precaution, but it really will probably amount to more.
Allow yourself sufficient time for recover once your procedure is completed. You can require as much as a month to recuperate from the surgery, according to what it is. Anyone who is employed needs to make sure to obtain enough vacation time scheduled. And, be certain you not push yourself past the boundary, too fast.
Avoid owning your mind made up about what procedure you need before ever consulting with a surgeon. An experienced professional can supply you with several different options, some you might have never considered. Consult with your medical professional by having an open mind as well as a full understanding of the risks involved when you create your decisions regarding how best to proceed.
You should make yourself aware cosmetic procedures cannot be treated as if you were purchasing a new body part. Plastic surgery can improve or strengthen an attribute of the current physical traits, but it cannot re-do them. These procedures have a risk together, and you ought to be sure that you are 100% in regards to the changes you happen to be intending to make to the body.
Don’t rush into any decision pertaining to plastic surgery. These are decisions that can physically change your appearance and are not easily (or cheaply) undone. Any quality surgeon, gives you time you have to produce a smart decision. If you feel your surgeon is pressuring you, you really should consider other options as there might be financial motives behind their pushiness.
Inquire about the level of anesthesia your procedure would require. Many people will not make sure you find out about this, but is essential for a variety of reasons. One consideration is the fact that differing levels of anesthesia will allow you to feel varied levels of pain. Depending on the type of anesthesia used, you might need a longer time to recover as well as a ride home from the procedure. Prices also can vary, too. Inquire in advance about anesthesia so you know what to expect.
As previously mentioned, there are many different reasons someone can be considering plastic surgery. There are many questions one might have about plastic cosmetic surgery, and the ways to choose the best surgeon. After reading this article above, you ought to have a better idea concerning how to determine if aesthetic surgery fits your needs.
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