#cosmic cruiser ho-oh
rossotronic · 7 years
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You’ve just moved in with your partner and have no clue what half the crap under their sink is for. Sometimes though, it’s pretty fun finding out! (What is it about Ethan buffing his metal moustache that makes me go weak in the knees?)
For Valentine’s this year, have some domestic bliss of my two favorite guys. <3
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dirtyfilthy · 4 years
The Betrayal Of Chelsea Manning By The Coward Adrian Lamo
I have only participated in “cancel culture” once that I can remember. Once, over the broad course of my life, and that was when Adrian Lamo sold Chelsea Manning out to the authorities. Motherfucker has the  sheer gall to call himself a hacker, and then rats someone out — not because of his principles, but from a constant desire for pure narcissistic supply -- and all this from a position of trust no less… 
I was real angry, and I wanted to put the boot in, any way I could. There was a special circle of hell reserved for people like Adrian Lamo… and as it would turn out, he was already in it. 
Amongst petty vendettas like stuffing his wikipedia page with all the well referenced dirt I could dig up, along the way, and kind of by-the-by, I ended up doing a lot of research on the guy, and then, well, the picture of Lamo that emerged… 
He’s been a hardcore benzo addict since his twenties. If you know what to look for you can tell in some of his interviews, slurring his words and looking very spacey.  He never really had a real job, never broke into the industry he was aways on the fringes of. It’s kinda crazy, if you search for “homeless hacker Adrian Lamo” you can still see what the mass media thought of him before he turned in Chelsea. 
He’d kind of weaselled his way into popular consciousness by being a shameless self-promoter, and then managing to get caught in that spectacular “rebellious teenage hacker” vs. “huge faceless corporation” way that tends to capture people’s imagination. 
There were whole articles about him in Wired. Multiple in fact. Here’s one of earliest from 2004 (unfortunately now behind a paywall), “New York Times vs The Homeless Hacker”. The first few lines can still give you the gist, however
A self-styled security expert and serial self-promoter, Adrian Lamo made headlines as a grayhat hacker. Then the Gray Lady came down on his head. Not long ago Adrian Lamo was exploring an abandoned gypsum processing plant in West Philadelphia with two friends, when a police cruiser drove slowly by. Lamo’s friends were high on methamphetamines…
Even during this phase of his life, a lot of people in the scene didn’t like him. At least, there were people complaining on hacker boards about him stealing exploits and then burning them for the publicity.  In the end he got off with probation and home detention, and that was the end of blatantly hacking into shit. Any more and he would certainly end up in prison. Attitudes were changing, the authorities had stopped seeing hacking as just high-spirited teenage hijinks. and the increasingly severe penalties could land you some serious time. 
After this, he just sorted floated around. He never got job in the industry like the rest of us, and I suspect he may have been  basically unemployable for one reason or another. The next time he popped up in my news feed was in 2010 with a strange article from ex-hacker turned journalist and friend of Lamo’s,, Kevin Poulsen — “Ex-Hacker Adrian Lamo Institutionalized, Diagnosed with Asperger’s” 
The first paragraph or so reads:
Last month Adrian Lamo, a man once hunted by the FBI, did something contrary to his nature. He says he picked up a payphone outside a Northern California supermarket and called the cops.
Someone, Lamo says, had grabbed his backpack containing the prescription anti-depressants he'd been on since 2004, the year he pleaded guilty to hacking The New York Times. He wanted his medication back. But when the police arrived at the Safeway parking lot it was Lamo, not the missing backpack, that interested them. Something about his halting, monotone speech, perhaps slowed by his medication, got the officers' attention
— (https://www.wired.com/2010/05/lamo/)
The article claimed Lamo had been arrested for acting strangely and then institutionalised, basically claiming the police had arrested him because he was autistic. At the time, I didn’t really give this a second thought, “oh well, ho-hum”. As itt turned out, this was a case of the most spectacular kind of “spin” I think I’ve ever seen; the only place the article actually intersected with general consensual reality was in stating Lamo had been arrested and placed on psychiatric hold.
The real story, which is entirely far more pathetic, was that Lamo’s family had become worried about his benzo use (“prescription anti-depressants”) and had cut him off. He totally lost the plot at this point and stormed out of house. Concerned about his mental state, and with fears for his physical safety, it was actually  his own family that called the police to try and find him. 
When confronted about this fairly massive discrepancy, Lamo claimed he hadn’t exactly “lied” as such, and had simply withheld some facts due to personal privacy concerns. 
It was at this point I finally began to see the whole tattered trajectory of Lamo’s entire life — trace the greasy path of his rainbow with my fingertips, and watch as the once bright twine became  increasing gray and frayed as each thread began to curve back towards it’s inevitable impact with the earth, when, at which point, everything important would begin to totally unravel around him.
At his core, Adrian Lamo was a narcissist, and so Adrian Lamo absolutely believed in the Adrian Lamo narrative, as only a narcissist can. Near of beginning of his tale, this was easy to do. He was a wandering Daoist sage, a renegade techno-monk character in a Neal Stephenson cyberpunk novella, and anytime he wanted to see his own reflection he could simply look in any of the major newspapers.  
After his arrest and release, the rest of the world moved on. His peers all settled down to well-paid industry gigs, and you couldn’t just pop the New York Times through an open proxy any longer — well, at least: not most of time, anyway. His own sword, never the exactly the sharpest in the first place, was beginning to show some signs of a serious structural rust. 
Without the constant assurance of people telling his own story back at him, what was he exactly? What did the mirror portray to him now?  An unemployed, semi-homeless drug addict, a hacker who couldn’t hack his way out of wet paper back with pick axe, the tired punch line to any number of bad jokes...   
Of course, the many similarities to my own life were not exactly lost on me. I was basically a case of being a few near misses and unlucky hits away from sitting in his exact position. I had made the transition to an industry career successfully, but I was still a drug addict with mental heath issues.  I had gone through my own narcissistic stage when I was younger, but thankfully grew out of it, the old moons no longer pulled on my tides the way they used to. 
The essential Lamo pattern had began to emerge. Still chasing the same bright stars that had long since sunk beneath the horizon line of the ocean; Lamo would begin to feel irrelevant —  Lamo would get then his name in the media in some fashion. A momentary peace was then achieved, then came a brief period of post-orgasmic. cosmic serenity. 
But of course, the wheel of karma will not stop spinning for anyone, and so, soon enough and all-to-quickly, the entire process of personal renewal, would have to, you know…..  begin anew.
A few other case studies were observed. An unreleased, permanently unfinished documentary featuring Lamo was mysteriously leaked on the internet. Of course, Lamo himself had leaked it. And there was always appearing on various morning television shows, Good Morning America, Fox News & the like.
But then the mother of all opportunities just dropped into his lap.
Chelsea Manning needed someone to talk to. 
Chelsea knew Lamo was Bi, so he was at least in the LGBT community. Adrian was a hacker too. He’d fought against the system in his day, he was certainly someone who would “get it”, she was very sure of this.  And when she did reach out, he was indeed very sympathetic. Honestly, it seemed like he really cared. Just a genuine human being, reaching out across the vast emotional void to provide a sense of empathy to someone who really, really needed it right now.. 
He was very sympathetic when Chelsea told him all about her struggles with gender identity, and he was very sympathetic when she said she was leaking gigabytes of information to Wikileaks…. But behind his sunglasses, Lamo eyes had already morphed into a marquee LED matrix endlessly scrolling his own name. Think of the news coverage!
This was big. This was very big.
It would, in fact, turn out to be fucking huge. Of course, within in the hacker scene, and to a certain extent, even outside it, everyone just fucking loathed him now.  Eventually even the news moved on, nobody wanted any more interviews, and in the end, when everything has already been all said and done: you are ultimately left with only yourself….
… a pathetic drug addict.  Of course, I have to keep telling myself that one point of intersection does not an entire venn diagram or an actual equality make. But I can’t shake the feeling that, perhaps, maybe we weren’t really all that different.  Maybe my own betrayals have had the simple luck of being a lot less public. 
Perhaps my own sins were just as ugly, but far less ambitious. 
Adrian Lamo died alone, from a drug overdose, in a private unit in an aged care facility in Wichita, Kansas.  He was 37 years old. An autopsy showed his kidneys were already failing. 
I guess Sartre got it wrong. Hell isn’t other people, it’s being left totally alone, with nothing else around but the tedious company of your own terrible self, and of course, the fucker won’t stop talking...
So obviously there was nothing more I could do to hurt Adrian Lamo, nothing that Adrian Lamo hadn’t done already. He had long since locked himself away in a prison cell of his own making. I do wonder if maybe one too many silent 3am’s hadn’t come crawling around the clock face when he was there & awake to witness it, lying in bed & staring at the ceiling and trying not to think about things.
Like I’m doing.
Shit, I hope don’t go out that way. 
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firebunnylover · 6 years
Hannah Watches LoSH - Chain of Command
Ho boy... has it been a while since I've been doing this. I apologize to everyone for the wait, but a lot of things been going on for me IRL. I recently got approval for student loans so I’m just waiting for that to come in before school, which will be full time this next semester. I'm trying to resume this on a regular basis as means with coping with recent... frustrations. 
Also, if you notice inconsistencies with the different gifs regarding fonts, that is because I was busy figuring out how to make sure they stood out. And then I had computer problems right as i was halfway done making all of them. And then I thought I lost them. 
So if it takes me a while to get the next one out, know that there is a good chance it’s because I had a heart attack OR/AND I seem to take my frustrations out on my pillow via screaming...
Chain of Command
We kick off the episode with the Cruiser going highspeed someplace, while the Legion are trying to maintain contact with people, Lightning Lad seeming to be the most concerned.
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Wow the same face syndrome here is worse than with Disney.
Lightning Lad asks the people on screen how they're holding up, to which they reply that they need help as the storm they're experiencing is getting worse.
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You gotta give this show credit for constantly making Bouncy pilot on board.
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Oh. That ain't good.
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… Ohhhh...
As soon as the opening finishes playing, we see the Cruiser is still speeding, and Lightning Lad is incredibly anxious about arriving to his home planet. To the point he's constantly asking for updates from the team.
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Sooo history class time?
He then goes to describe Winath, stating it's the "breadbasket of the galaxy", as it provides most of the galaxies food supply.
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Certainly makes his farm boy insults from the first episode look weak.
But he moves on to discuss that cosmic storms used to be a big problem for Winath until they built "THE CORE DIFFUSOR STATION". A station that turns storm energy to usable energy. But unfortunately, the current storm is way more powerful than the maximum the station can handle, which makes the Legion's first priority to make sure the station doesn’t overload.
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However, as soon as they approach the planet, turns out that storm is way worse than anticipated. Saturn Girl manages to get in contact with the people on the planet that are in the shelter.
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Ah, parents... gonna have to discuss them later.
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Saturn Girl you should have caught him in your arms. You're the only one who hasn't!
Seeing as the Cruiser wasn’t built for the storm either, Lightning Lad instructs the Trips and Bouncy to stay on board while everyone else takes the battle pod.
Wait. Battle pod?
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Don't crash, this isn't the Intergalactic games.
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Well, that's what he get for telling another person to do something outside their capabilities.
Unsurprisingly, Lightning Lad crash lands. Typical.
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And that's why Lightning Lad is not the pilot on the usual schedule...
Upon entering, the place looks trashed but Lightning Lad says they got there just in time. Mm-hm.
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Aww he lookin a little heartbroken for a moment~
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And then the introduction between Superman and Cosmic Boy. And honestly, Cosmic Boy starts to fanboy a bit.
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Lightning Lad demands to know what Cosmic Boy is doing on Winath, and he states they got a distress call...
Wait. Plural?
Turns out he brought someone along. Ferro Lad.
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Ok I can't help but laugh a little bit at this.
Cosmic Boy encourages Ferro Lad to demonstrate his powers, which is turning into Metal. And then Lightning Lad interrupts. He tries to give orders, but Cosmic Boy quickly overrides him, having Superman Lighting Lad and Colossal Boy and Ferro Lad stabilize the building while he and Saturn Girl and B5 go to the core.
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He snaps out of his emo mode pretty quickly though and goes to work.
The core meanwhile is well beyond f***ed, making Cosmic Boy project a magnetic field over the central part, but doesn't seem like it will last.
Outside, Lightning Lad is whining to Superman about Cosmic Boy about bringing in a new member with no audition, only for Superman to say it seems like a good choice.  
Wow, it's like this show loves making Superman compatible with just about everyone.
Unfortunately, the generator they were trying to put back together outside overloads.
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He isn't able to contain the core, and Brainy is unable to work on it, and the radiation happens to be building, getting ready to blow. When trying to reaching Superman, due to communication problems caused by radiation from the core. But who needs communicators when you got Saturn Girl?
She quickly instructs Superman to get the core out ASAP, and he does. But when it blows, he passes out, making it impossible for her to reach him.
As Superman is falling back to Winath, Bouncy goes to save him.
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What a pure relationship.
Unfortunately, they lose sight of him in what I assume is smoke. THankfully he lands on the ship.
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Bouncy then has to maneuver the ship to prevent debris hitting them, which does make superman tumble, but Triplicate Girl catches him from the hatch door.
But the debris decides that the cruiser isn't enough to pick on, and targets the guys that are still on the ground, while throwing in cyclones into the mix. So ground team goes to meet up with inside team.
As there is no core to help pacify the weather, Cosmic Boy and Lightning Lad get into an argument on getting the system back online vs saving whatever they can.
When Lightning Lad asks who's going, much to his surprise, Ferro Lad and Colossal Boy volunteer. Brainy stays, being the nerd he is.
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And there's the jerk persona again.
While outside and fixing a bridge, Ferro Lad confronts Lightning Lad.
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Okay. That would include the entire BatFam on Lighting Lad's suspicious people list.
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Back on the cruiser:
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Bouncy notices a pattern to the storm, but gets ignored by the ground team. And then despite protests, Superman leaves as well.
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I feel u.
Meanwhile, Brainy is building a replacement for the old core. When Saturn Girl asks what she can do, Cosmic Boy tells her to step back so she doesn’t get hurt.
The outdoor squad is still struggling with the damn but Lighting Lad flies off when he sees a farm getting wasted by the debris, despite Colossal Boy's statement on not being able to save everything.
He tries to blast away the hail that's falling, but can only split the largest piece in half, which still does a lot of damage. Superman does arrive to help knock the hail stones away, but the ground starts to fall out from underneath.
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Wait. That room.
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Just as the house is going into the ground, Lightning Lad flies out just in time.
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After this, we cut to Lightning Lad telling Superman that it was his home.
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Saturn Girl contacts them to inform them that Brainy fixed the power system, and they fly off to go back.
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When asked where she’s going, Saturn Girl states she's going to the shelter, to which Cosmic Boy says she's too vulnerable. And thus she lays down the best burn she made yet on this show.
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List of things that have happened to her beforehand:
-Carried off by Timber Wolf while he was in full feral mode
-Nearly blasted by Alexis
-Trapped in a fear-feeding abomination of a space station AND GOING THROUGH HER WORST FEAR OF ROLLER COASTERS
-Trapped in the Phantom Zone
She’s dealt with worse.
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Ok if even Brainy, one of the least sociable of the group, knows you f***ed up, then you f***ed up big time.
Back on the cruiser, Bouncy predicts where the next massive part of the storm will hit. The damn, where it will rupture, causing mudslide and sinkhole at the shelter.
But the people on the planet won't listen. At first.
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With everyone finally getting in line, Bouncy gives instructions.
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As the boys are working on this, Saturn Girl arrives to the shelter, offering assurance they will be ok.
Back with the boys, yes I know, that was fast, Lightning Lad starts a fire intentionally, and Superman moves a tornado, directing the flood into what I assume is another river, lake or possibly ocean. It ain't a pond, I know that.
The station finally goes back online, and it seems to be functioning.
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WElp, Brainy certainly likes to leave his signature.
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So pure~
Back with Saturn Girl as she and the Winathians begin exiting.
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Sarcastic SG is what I live for.
Lighting Lad arrives, with the picture he saved from the house. But doesn't go for Saturn GIrl.
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We cut to the cruiser leaving Winath, and Cosmic Boy and Lighting Lad soon dissolve into another argument.
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Wait, MONTHS?! Yeah, Lightning Lad has a right here to be mad, give an update at least once a week.
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Fair enough. If Lightning Lad knew where you were, he probably would have made a massive bad impression.
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I thought that was Tinya's role... then again I doubt she enjoys it.
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Aww, poor ferro lad.
So, to put this argument into the ground, they hold an election. Probably will end better than the american ones can.
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Nothing but respect for my team leader.
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Is Mekt in jail? Or do you consider him more of a nuisance on the level of STAR FINGAH?
But yeah I guess nothing can go wrong.
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So final thoughts on the episode overall and the characters
This was the first episode without a villain character. The main conflict is among the team and trying to keep the planet from being shredded. It's also the only episode with no villain character. I really wish we got more episodes like this, or even on the Legion's everyday mundane lives.
As for the storm plot point, it does remind me a lot of actual natural disasters and nuclear disasters. Which I think from a writing stance is a good thing.
Now. Winath. In all honestly, I kind of want to do a whole post on Winath culture and on the Ranzz family and my personal thoughts, but I'll put some tidbits of that discussion in here.
Big source for food in the galaxy. How big is that planet? Earth size? Moon size? Seems suspicious they only showed us one shelter and that there's only one station, so I'll have to go with moon, maybe smaller. So that should mean that year-round it is the optimal place for most crops. Minus cosmic storms.
But onto the whole subject of why there are so many twins.
In the comics, it was completely normal for twin births, while solo children are the minority. We aren't given any particular reason why though. We did see some people without twins in the shelter, but that doesn’t mean they weren't born single.
Another thing from the comics I want to mention is that Solo children were stereotyped as psychopaths.
Hmm. Wonder how that could possibly negatively impact kids who were solo on Winath. I said sarcastically, looking at a certain trash baby.
When I first watched this, this was when I started doing research into the old Legion comics. Where Mekt was about as sane as a cat on catnip. And had no sense of fashion.
Yes, of course I'm bringing the Trash Lord into discussion, he was in a photo! Don't worry, I'll keep the topic on him short.
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Mm. He doesn't seem very happy. Pretty distant from everyone else. Gonna have to go with the possibility that solo children don't get the best treatment on Winath.
… Wonder how he felt hearing about the whole event for this episode?
And then there is the subject of Mr. and Mrs. Ranzz. How did they treat their sons exactly? Because clearly they love Garth and he did a lot of accomplishments, but Mekt came out as a mess.
In a post from Tom Bierbaum, who worked on the comics, located here, he describes the family as ”...Bit of a mixed bag. There was a lot of good there, but the parents were probably highly accomplished, career-driven people who expected nothing less of their kids but were so wrapped up in their own responsibilities that they weren't giving their kids the kind of attention and support they'd need to reach their positive potentials.”
One thing to keep in mind is that the family were a bunch of farmers. And farming is not easy. So it is possible that being too busy was one of the reasons that the kids ended up as they did, although unintentionally.
But I just gotta mention something based on personal experience.
So most of my Dad’s side of the family live in North Carolina and were in the countryside and worked with farms. 
And most of them conservatives.
Like, racist homophobic conservatives.
You can imagine how uncomfortable I, a biracial pansexual Latina girl, can get around them.
So, based on a personal experience, I am suspicious if there was some neglect towards Mekt as he was a minority that was discriminated against, and favoritism towards Garth and Ayla for being twins.
But it’s hard to say given that we barely see them or their behaviors.
Moving on.
Now the actual characters in the episode.
Starting with Superman. His fanbase grows. Not much development but we also see he's a little impulsive here, judging by how fast he went to get back out of the cruiser.
Brainy doesn't get much development either. But he definitely seems far more open to people now, given he was smiling at Cosmic Boy. Smiling. Our little grouchy pants. SMILING. The writers are keeping consistent with how he has been becoming more and more open to people emotionally, as well as expressive.
And then we have Colossal Boy. This is his second speaking role episode. He seems rather close to Cosmic Boy. Not exclusive to pet names. Which does warrant... shipping grounds. As far as character development goes, it is interesting to note that even though he's close to Cosmic Boy, he volunteers to help Lightning Lad outside the core. So, he might be more pro-active than CB1. But he also says Brainy has a big head. This could be seen as a jab at B5 because of his intelligence, but Brainy also asked if he could get any smaller than what he currently was. Perhaps being asked go get smaller is something he has to deal with frequently, and that was one of his ways of throwing it back into another person's face.
Ferro Lad... so, he seems generally nice in this episode, a bit on the social awkward side, and prefers to stay out of arguments that don’t necessarily involve him. But he keeps his face covered to hide whatever is underneath it, saying people don't want to see what's underneath. We can easily figure this means that he has been disfigured somehow, but whether or not he himself is conscious on it as well is another matter.
Which reminds me of Deadpool, who is self-conscious in his movie and that serves as the motivation to find Axe – oh I'm sorry, FRANCIS.  
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But let's talk some trivia about his comic book origins. Originally, Jim Shooter, a white guy, who worked on LoSH comics, wanted to make him black. However, as writing the character took place during the 60s, DC shot down the idea, saying they would lose distribution in the South. Whitewashing him in the final product.
So, good on Jim for trying with good intentions, bad on DC for tearing it down.
As for where that goes as a consequence overall in most media for LoSH, we'll discuss it in the future.
But... that now begs the question... have other adaptations tackled this race-change? In the cartoon, we can see the skin around his eyes as well as his hands, which are light. So, it’s probably unlikely. 
Given Jim Shooter's original idea, I would totally be down for seeing a POC version of Ferro Lad.  
But I only found out Ferro Lad's backstory thanks to a friend in the last year, so it's might not well known, and the people working on the show might not have known at the time. And I've stated this before, and I'll say it again, the show originally had Triplicate Girl with darker skin, and given that they made her lighter in the final product was executive meddling, so who knows?
Speaking of Triplicate Girl, this episode once again gives us a lot of character development with her. She seems to be the medic of the group, or at least seems to have sufficient knowledge to give medical treatment. And that's a pretty interesting idea in the show. I personally would love to see more superheroes with more real-world skills. Most of the time.
(Glares at Marvel's Doctor Strange)
But she is shown around Bouncy for the majority of the show. But she has her own individuality, as she has more confidence than him, and reassures him that there was no mistake with the votes.
And now, our lovable Bouncy. This is episode gives him A LOT of development, as we watch him assess the situation and take control, making the best decisions on how to treat the situation. And accidentally becomes the new leader during the polls. Something he also has a hard time believing.
Okay, so he had to try multiple times to get into the Legion, and even when he’s in, he finds people questioning his abilities. So now, all of the sudden, he has been elevated to LEADER. That’s a definitely a big shift.
This does look like a good thing (especially since most of the legion think their worst enemies are behind bars based on what Lightning Lad said), and back when I first watched this show, I thought it was the best outcome. But now I can’t help but wonder, what are the qualifications?
Because as much as Bouncing Boy is a good person and does have skills and can assess a situation, we do have to acknowledge that if he doesn't meet the qualifications, he really shouldn't be in the position. Good intentions don't automatically mean good results in the long run. I think the next episode looks into this a bit more but keep it in mind.
I never thought I would criticize the show on that aspect when I was younger, but given the 2016 election results and where that has led, can you blame me for being concerned with this now?
And now, the founders.
So this is Cosmic Boy's first major off screen appearance. And the show quickly show he's Lightning Lad's foil. He does take his duties seriously but does leave the team for a time to try establishing themselves to others, without contacting anyone. Diplomacy seems like a more reasonable reason than just because you're going through the ego-emo phase, but still.
 Does seem to like Saturn Girl, but unlike Lightning Lad, seems to be more overprotective, where he won't have her do anything. Something similar to Timber Wolf in the degree of unintentional misogyny. Something she calls him out on. And like Lightning Lad, doesn't back down from a challenge. But there doesn't seem to be any malice/anger on his part, unlike Lightning Lad.
Saturn Girl also gets developed as well. But it is in terms of her relationship between the two boys, in a love-triangle sort of way unfortunately. She reassures Lightning Lad that she would be with him regardless of what happens, but as soon as Cosmic Boy shows up, she goes to him. And when Lightning Lad is getting ready to go outside, she chooses to stay to serve as communication. But she makes her own decision on going to the shelter. And later, she lets Lightning Lad go to his parents without intervening or apologizing. She practices agency in these relationships, and makes it clear no one owns her and she is capable of doing things, which I really like to see.
And now our favorite Trash Child.
Lightning Lad is confronted with a threat to his home, so he takes this mission far more seriously than most other missions we have seen so far. He is going out of his way for all efforts to protect Winath. And it is understandable why. As for his jerk-and-pride personality issues, he seems to be in better control, except he seems to have focused most of it on Cosmic Boy. However, it does pop up in the tone of his voice when Saturn Girl stays behind. And has trouble trusting new people. But he seems fast to warm up to Ferro Lad.
But he doesn’t demand any apologies from Saturn Girl for siding with Cosmic Boy, showing he truly respects her.
When Bouncy becomes the new elected leader, he doesn't hold anything against him. Instead, he is supportive. We wouldn't have gotten that with our Lightning Lad in the first episode.
And can I just say the quiet moments in this episode really delivered? Both the moment when he goes to his room and when he goes to his parents show his vulnerable side.
But before I wrap up this episode, I just want to thank everyone who has put up with me taking so long to resume these reviews.
Hopefully the next one won’t take as long to get out, but... we’ll see.
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rossotronic · 7 years
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This is an up-to-date reference sheet of my entire main and supporting heroic cast of Cosmic Cruiser Ho-Oh. I like to have all my characters in one place for the sake of being able to keep track of them and add/change info if I need to. If you have any interest, each receives a brief character description below! (Starting top left and working downward)
Ethan Emberheart - Entei - Captain of the Ho-Oh, a stoic, strong man whose notion of right and wrong guides him in all decisions. His relationship with Jet is what gives him purpose beyond merely being ship’s captain. He comes from a distinguished military lineage.
Jet Chambers - Latios - Commander of Dragon Squadron and a charismatic individual. Occasionally his confidence borders on arrogance, but there is nothing he cares about more than protecting the lives aboard the Ho-Oh.
Cassius Silver - Absol - Commander of the Advance Squadron and Jet’s arch rival. He is considered by many to be the best mecha pilot aboard the cruiser, but won’t believe it until he can really gauge Jet’s worth for himself.
Grady Macleod - Gogoat - The Ho-Oh’s Commander, second in command behind Cpt. Emberheart. He has been a friend to   Ethan, and his father, since before the Regi war. He is usually tough and thoughtful but still makes time to joke around.
Aria Chambers - Latias - Jet’s younger sister who still lives on Arceon. They grew up in foster care together until they were eighteen and Jet joined the military while Aria eventually became a psychologist. She misses her brother dearly and wishes him well in space.
Felix Cho - Floatzel - The most seasoned member of Dragon Squadron and the longest-serving pilot aboard the Ho-Oh. He is impossible to rattle, easy going perhaps to a fault. Enjoys a drink with Grady once in awhile. When he’s in the cockpit though, he is a force to be reckoned with!
Rotom - Rotom - The Artificial Intelligence core system of the Cosmic Cruiser. It keeps track of all crucial systems, navigation, as well as all computerized integral aspects to the Ho-Oh. Rotom is not so much a personality as a shipwide presence.
Samira Fayad - Swellow - Major under Jet in Dragon Squadron and his most trusted pilot. She has had to fill the role of Squadron Commander more than a few times in Jet’s absence and has proven capable. She is not quick to warm up to people.
Baxter “Buzz” Kowalski - Electabuzz - Another member of Dragon Squadron and Jet’s best buddy. A crass loudmouth much of the time, but his heart’s in the right place. Misses his family back on Arceon terribly, but does his best to remain optimistic. Has strong feelings for Samira.
Zuri Solarin - Azelf - She is the ship’s communications officer, keeping in contact with Arceon, other vessels the Ho-Oh encounters and even new species of Pokemon. She is brilliant and has a tactful mind. In many ways, her voice is the most important aboard the cruiser.
Father Dimakos - Carracosta - The leader of the religious group, Light of Arceus, aboard the Ho-Oh. He is kindly, wise, benevolent and tries to maintain a peaceful, fair atmosphere for his many followers. He welcomes all manner of worshiper to his chapel.
Tyler Fitzgerald - Tyrogue - After the loss of his father, Tyler took over the Hitmonlee mecha and joined the Dragon Squadron, despite being much too young. He has a lot to prove but his father taught him well, and while he lacks knowledge of protocol, his piloting skills are top-notch.
Liam Fitzgerald - Hitmonlee - [Deceased] Originally the Commander of Dragon Squadron, but when he was killed in combat his leadership passed to Jet. He left his son Tyler behind and after his mecha was fixed up, Tyler became a member of the squad.
Hector Diaz - Herdier - A stern and grumpy fellow who serves as the ship’s chief mechanic and engineer. He likes to play cards and may have a bit of a gambling addiction. When Rafa tried to steal parts from his shuttle, Hector saw his potential and brought him aboard the Ho-Oh as his apprentice.
Rafa Kalani - Rockruff - A young man and war orphan who grew up fending for himself on a refugee station called the ‘Junkyard’. Has never depended on or trusted anyone else until Hector realized his mechanical knowhow and brought him to the Cosmic Cruiser to learn under him.
Violet Nishimura - Vivillon - Ho-Oh’s Lead Science Officer. Her knowledge of xenobiology, alien customs and behavior is indispensable to the crew. She is often on the bridge giving informed opinions when not in her research facilities.
Margaret “Maggie” Steele - Mawile - Something of a civilian-appointed leader, she speaks for the non-crew population of the Ho-Oh. She can be a thorn in Ethan’s way of doing things, and just as stubborn about getting her way, but it’s generally for the good of her people.
Professor Malcolm Burnside - Flareon - One of the three seeking asylum after the Eevee Science Station took sides against the Ho-Oh. He became Ship’s Doctor, and has done astonishing work as a geneticist and medical practitioner. Though introverted, he is a well-meaning fellow.
Raze Renard - Quilava - A hot-headed young pilot in Dragon Squadron who has had trouble adjusting to life aboard the Ho-Oh. He lost his family when the space station they were staying on was destroyed. His relationship with Quaid has been helping him come to terms with his loss.
Davis Dewford - Dewgong - Commander of Avalanche Squadron, another of Ho-Oh’s mecha teams. He is a friendly sort, preferring to stay out of many of the pilots’ rivalries. Instead he prefers to daydream about life after the war and starting a family.
Orion Kincaid - Nidoking - Chief Security Officer aboard the Ho-Oh, essentially leading the police force. It’s a tireless job, being tasked with the interior protection of all the cruiser’s residents. Orion is tough as nails, intimidating and unsurprisingly, takes his work very seriously.
Quaid Wells - Quagsire - He owns and operates The Phoenix Fountain, an upscale bar near Ho-Oh’s downtown district. He’s a relatively new business owner, using everything he had to get his own place on the cruiser. He is outgoing and silly, but his patrons love him all the more for it.
Dax Gupta - Donphan - Major and second under Cassius in the Advance Squadron. He is a man who only speaks when he has something important to say, preferring to quietly observe and learn from those around him in his own way. Has utmost respect and loyalty for Cassius.
Lyle Green - Grovyle - A skilled wingman in the Advance Squadron. His brash way of acting and speaking often gets him to the verge of a fight, luckily his quick thinking and faster mouth usually helps him work out a less violent solution!
Sam “Zero” Keller - Zangoose - An enigmatic fellow who walks the line between legal and less-so every day. He trafficks in secrets and information. He has a peculiar relationship with Orion since they have no business being friends but find they need the other’s help more often than they’d like.
Forrest Woodson - Leafeon - Joined the Ho-Oh along with Malcolm and Gabriel. He left many who he cared about aboard the Eevee science station and is trying to find his place on the cruiser. He is smart, creative and excited to have joined a cause greater than himself.
Gabriel Crenshaw - Umbreon - Forrest’s boyfriend of several months and the last of the Eevee to join the Ho-Oh’s ranks. Big for an Umbreon, Gabe protects himself with a very tough facade, which helps him land a job as the bouncer at the Phoenix Fountain.
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rossotronic · 7 years
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Felt like softening and playing with Ethan’s design a bit, made him even more cartoony I think. :P Today's exercise was: Playing with digital airbrushes!
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rossotronic · 7 years
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Captain Ethan Emberheart, my handsome boy! <3 He’s one of my favorite characters to draw so I thought I’d do a traditional portrait of him. Tryna decide if I want to color it.
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rossotronic · 7 years
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Ethan and Jet had a free half day to themselves to chill out in their room, chat on the interwebz and enjoy an unhealthy donut breakfast! :d
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rossotronic · 7 years
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Some more of my pokedudes having a sparring match. They train a lot when there's spare time aboard the Cosmic Cruiser Ho-Oh as a way of passing the time and staying in good shape. Though admittedly it's kind of one-sided... I mean, there's no way they're in the same weight bracket! Still, Jet is tenacious and won't tap out until he absolutely has to. They're a good match for each other, if only in dogged stubbornness.
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rossotronic · 7 years
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Went back to drawing my Entei and Latios characters again, since it’s been a little while. So, here they are getting up to what they get up to. Just two big pokemons kissin’. ;P
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rossotronic · 8 years
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To complement my Ethan portrait, here’s Jet my Latios. Betcha didn’t know that Latios were actually covered in fine fur! Well, maybe not canonically, but they are when I draw them. Or at least, they are when they’re the pokemon representation of me! 
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rossotronic · 8 years
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This might be my favorite piece that I’ve ever turned out. Ethan and Jet’s wedding day, with all of their friends and family in their brightest possible reality (of many), in which the Regi threat was dealt with, and Cosmic Cruiser Ho-Oh was never destroyed. Somehow they always find their way to each other, no matter the obstacles they face. If anything is ever rough in my world, I think of these two and it makes me feel better. :]
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rossotronic · 6 years
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Though often absorbed in his studies, Ernst the Reuniclus is an invaluable addition to the science division aboard the Cosmic Cruiser Ho-Oh. His genius-level intellect and photographic memory have helped him make real breakthroughs for the crew in the ongoing struggle against the Regi threat!
A collaborative creation with my good friend Rockfang.
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rossotronic · 7 years
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The Advance Squadron of the Cosmic Cruiser Ho-Oh. They are mostly used for scouting and recon, but can more than hold their own in combat when necessary. Their rivalry with Jet’s team has existed since the academy.
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