#could get all meta about the companion/the doctor/the audio drama using their strengths to their advantage
poppiesforthirteen · 2 years
recently i've been thinking about dw audio dramas with a blind companion (let me know if this exists i've barely dipped into audio content) travelling with eight - the typical "don't underestimate me i'm very capable" and "i'm not going to watch out for you (complete lie) this is dangerous (ignored truth)"
the doctor getting into the habit of describing every space they enter so the companion can take part, that leading to him noticing things that lead to The Solution (and the companion being able to take part in the doctor's thought process in a unique way, their experience of wherever they are filtered through what he finds important). the audience being able to listen alongside them, getting the same experience. the doctor getting so into the habit that at some point he describes the room he's in to an empty space [oh shit where did they go]
and i mean occasionally Companion is disadvantaged but it's the companion experience to be a damsel every now and then for the doctor to save the day, but they stick around for a reason and that reason is that they are Actually Very Capable and can save the day just fine thank you very much
also i want someone to step into the tardis and be not all that impressed immediately. so the doctor has to explain that this is his Time Machine that is Very Cool Looking and describe the room in great detail so companion understands that this is his very impressive wife. want an entering the tardis for the first time scene where the doctor has to point out that "it's bigger on the inside"
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