#could go off about these for many more paragraphs i suspect chdhdh
Daemags for ship bingo of course! Also Finrod/Maglor if you're up for it.
Thanks so much @polutrope ! Cannot believe I forgot about the bingo part of ship bingo so far...but I do believe it. Sorry everyone! These two are a BINGO (otp style) and Bingo (not fwb and not qpr but a third stranger, less definable thing)
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They are everything to me! Possibly too many things, but I will argue that their potential to destroy and consume each other does not preclude a domestic au, and indeed, it enhances it.
My comfort ship! I think about them a normal amount.
And in hindsight, I think they, too, can be yuri. Actually I think they are singularly able to Get each other, all the duty and commitment and delight of being a great minstrel, gender included (elvish minstrelsy is a gender. To me). They're camping it up in ways mortal minds simply do not quite comprehend.
And yes, they do meet each other in every iteration of the Music, I'll fight on this hill.
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They're fun! They have fun together, I think, even after the Ice, and Mithrim, and all the betrayal. Possibly into the 5th Age onwards, if ever they meet again?
I think they have a very 'yes, and,' approach to every conversation or impromptu duet that is very difficult to kill and suppress.
They keep up with one another and read each other's tells in a way that fosters a strong sense of intimacy, platonic or otherwise. They do trust and adore each other, I think, which makes my heart ache if I think about it.
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