#could've used this as the web poem for the the magnus archives poems but noooo i'll get to that (<- delusional about my own productivity)
irritablepoe · 11 months
Syrup Nightmares
close your ever-watching eyes,
perceiving only lonely darkness
like radio silence behind shut lids.
to you, sleep tells dirty lies and lies beyond
what you could ever caress
with nothing but violence
filling your tired mind
and calloused hands.
between your roughened fingers
spider webs form
and cling to what’s to be held
closer than hats in a storm.
and beyond the web loss lingers,
desperate to catch your syrup dreams
sweet from exhaustion,
but permeated with distortion.
you’ll not find the door to your dreams unlocked.
but once you’ll split it with the axe of a devil
he‘ll have a night of terrors
correcting your foolish errors.
nightmares are worse when awake
and at last only the spider's embrace
can put you to sleep with candy poison.
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