#couldn’t even bring myself to actually make Octavian’s shirt Tyrian purple lol-
f0xgl0v3 · 4 months
I’m currently lining/Coloring/ generally digitizing a Comic I sketched out for a fictional SoN scene that is loosely re-imagining related and let me tell you.
i HATE Tyrian purple with a passion. Literally like- it’s so icky and gross. This is purely my opinions and everything, but from what I could see us as a collective society view this,
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(All photos found off google sorry)
As Tyrian purple. This maroon color! This is so gross. If I had a burn book let it be known the first entry would be dedicated to how most warm toned purples are so gross to look at. There’s a reason why whenever I draw any Camp Jupiter t-shirt it is drawn as being a cool-toned purple. And that is because I like looking at cool toned purples, they are pleasing to the eye. They do not look grating like these!
All this to say that I make all of Octavian’s CJ shirts in most comics and stuff actual closer (not fully Tyrian purple because I genuinely hate it) to Tyrian purple compared to all his companions. He physically goes out of his way to dye his shirts because it’s a true Roman’s purple. Oh and it’s probably authentic too. His family has cash to spare so of course it is.
This is my formal explanation as to the reason Octavian and maybe Reyna will be the only ones running around with Tyrian purple or anything that is not a blue-purple or washed out cool toned purple shirt. Everyone else’s shirts are the original dark purple color if they are fresher, or are lighter and stuff due to the sun bleaching them or however sun bleach works. They’ve been outside long enough and unlike Octavian don’t periodically re-bleach or buy new ones. Also Reyna gets to be in it because like… Important head of the legion stuff.
Anyway the comic will probably be finished and posted at some point :3 it’s a little long and definitely a rough draft but it has some silly artwork when I got a little looser with it soooo-
(Pssst. Also there’s a Bryce Lawerence draft, big HoO re-imagine, and Octavian’s Augurculanum posts all in my drafts that are hopefully on their own way).
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