#couldn't even spare a thought about eugenics
cherryplasmids · 8 months
a guy asked me to explain why i found dinobot and depth charge’s death sad enough to cry about and i gave PARAGRAPHS ON PARAGRAPHS. this man had the audacity to say “transformers is not something to cry on lolll. It's not like a sad romance movie or something it's literally just robots that turn into cars lol”
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skippyv20 · 10 months
Majestic_Cut_2209•1 mo. ago•Edited 1 mo. ago
I liked her when she got married to Prince Harry, I believed she brought something different to the royal family which would be good since it’s an old institution.
I completely started to dislike her and Harry after they came to Africa, South Africa and turned what was a very successful visit into a platform to complain about petty family drama. I’m African so I know how much those visits mean to the charities/organisations and how much preparation goes into them, so to see that all overshadowed was sad. I also couldn’t understand how they managed to have the nerve to complain about their circumstances after meeting mothers struggling to feed and provide for their children and domestic violence victims, some situations should give you perspective and you should let those less fortunate have their moment.
I was completely done though after the Wimbledon fiasco, where she took up a whole section and instructed the public not to take her pictures. Like wtf! Royalty, celebrities and players have all been to Wimbledon as spectators and none has ever tried tell the public not to take their pictures. By the time they were complaining about this and that, I knew they were the problem and the world would soon see it.
asslukt•1 mo. ago•Edited 1 mo. ago
Well.... I used to like her. I loved her on Suits, even though I didn't watch it before they got married. I thought she was pretty, seemed charming and prepared for the role, as an actress who was at least somewhat used to media attention, even though her fame as an actress seems to have been exxagarated. I thought she'd bring some much needed freshness to the royal families, instead she just brought drama for the tabloids to exploit.
She seemed completely unprepared for what it means to be a royal. The cracks started showing, when she invited people from Hollywood she never met to the wedding (like Oprah) instead of her childhood friends. Since then, it was a steady decline where she seems to attribute to racism what is simply cultural differences. And no, I don't mean the skin colour comments, they were obviously horrible.
What really switched it for me, though, was the Oprah Interview. She displays such a lack of understanding of what it means to be a Royal Member that I'm wondering if she even knows what a royal is. She spends most of the interview whining about how she's not as loved as Diana was, or maybe Kate is. But she doesn't understand that they married the heir, and she married the spare. She was supposedly friends with Eugenie before she met Harry, and thus a quick google search would have shown her how Eugenie's mother was treated. Fergie was also cast as "the evil redheaded witch trying to break up the family", somewhat similar to how Meghan got cast as "the evil black bitch trying to break up the family". Misogyny is after all, eternal. She didn't know what she walked in to, unlike Kate, and that shows. She didn't seem to be very eager to find out either, to be honest. It's not like it's hard to google the Royal Protocol or something, and it's not like she couldn't have asked for help within the establishment on how to dress or behave.
She then goes on whining about how Archie isn't entitled to protection, and tries to make it about his (possible) skin colour. Not understanding that the royal family works so that the grandchildren of the king/queen is protected, but not the great grandchildren. William and Kate's kids are protected because they are the children of a future king. Eugene and Beatrice were protected because they were the queens grandchildren, now the kings nieces. Their children will not be protected. Had Meghan waited until now, Archie would have gotten the protection nescessary, as Archie now is the grandchild of the regent. Archie's protection up until now was dependant upon Harry's prescence in his life.
Then she mentions there is no mental help available, and that she's told to just suck it up. Which she might have been, but the lack of mental help is not true. Both Diana and Harry have been in therapy, to the public's knowledge. She then further shits on Kate, and Harry just sits there quietly accepting it, even though everyone know that Kate was very important for Harry's own mental health when he was younger. He's even said so himself before meeting her.
But alright, a confused american girl thrust in to a world her husband is giving her no help to navigate in, I'm sure it can all be forgiven if Harry just thinks to hire a Princess Coach. Or maybe if they spend more time with Fergie to learn about the pitfalls of being the evil bitch married to the spare, she'll eventually realise that there is a hope to save all of this, right?
Not so. Instead they go and do the Netflix series. Where she spends her time pointing out what a good person she is, who understands cultural differences based on her being half black and thus having been around different backgrounds, and then bashes the royal family for not understanding her.What she seems to fail to understand is that unlike in America, where blacks were forced to come and be slaves (which of course was horrible), she is willingly entering an establishment, in a country with very different social norms. So when she tries to be all "relatable" and tells people she's a "hugger", trying to make fun of Kate and William for being stiff as a board when she, a complete stranger, hugs them the first time they meet, she fails to understand that we just don't do that here in Europe. (Or maybe in Southern Europe, but despite it's location England is pretty much Northern Europe, as we are cold people, stiff as boards even among friends.) This thing about hugging our friends and telling them we love them is something the lower classes have adopted from watching american TV, not the upper classes that she married in to. She is trying to appeal to the sympathies of an american audience here, not a european one, which just comes off as even more culturally insensitive on her part. And yet, she has the nerve to accuse Brits of being the culturally insenstivie one. The impression that she's the one who is culturally insenstitive here is further helped by the way she points out that Fergie was panicking that she didn't know how to courtsey the Queen, or that it was even expected of her to do so when meeting, but saying she thought it was all for show when the cameras were around.
It all just comes off as a whiny "why don't they love me, even though I shit on their culture and trashtalk them as often as I can? Boohoo, my life in my giant mansion is so hard because I'm black, and not because I'm an entitled brat who even passes so well as white that most people were surprised to hear that my mother is black". It's like she's completely out of touch with reality.
And don't even get me started on how Harry went from a cheeky, naughty fun and relaxed member of the royal family, cracking jokes in interviews and being genuinely likeable, to a stiff, weird, boring serious and unlikeable parody of his father.
(And for the record, I'm not british nor a royalist)
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n0t-1nt3r3st1ng · 1 year
Vulture!Wednesday AU Part - 10
Monday morning arrived, and as Wednesday Addams reflected, she realized a grave mistake had been made. People were watching her, whispering behind her back when they thought she couldn't hear, and sometimes even when they knew she could. Strangely, not all the whispers were negative, which added to the intrigue. Deciding to brush it off, she carried on with her day, though it was frustrating to deal with the opinions of the remaining club members about what had transpired.
Xavier continuously pestered her about her well-being and advised her to stay away from "Normies," while Beany Boy complimented her, finding her demeanor "cool." Eugene, thankfully, had remained silent, sparing her from yet another unsolicited opinion. Little did she know that the magnitude of her error would soon be revealed during Bianca's shift.
"Good morning, afternoon, or evening, dear listeners, depending on when and where you are tuning in! Welcome to 'Undercurrent Trends', the radio show where we dive deep into the mysterious depths of what's trending. I'm your host, and together, we'll explore the currents shaping our ever-changing world," Bianca presented her program. "Today, we have someone truly remarkable joining us – you might have already seen her, as she made waves on the Internet. I'm talking, of course, about one of our fellow students here at Nevermore, Wednesday Addams!"
Wednesday's eyes widened, her heart sinking as Bianca gestured for her to come forward. If looks could kill, the glare Wednesday shot at Bianca would've wiped out her entire bloodline. The siren smiled as Kent brought a chair and a pair of headsets for Wednesday, who reluctantly put them on.
The setup for the studio was simple. A table, microphone, a couple of chairs, and a console in the middle connected to the DJ's table near them.
"Thank you, Bianca. It's good to be here," Wednesday replied, trying to maintain her composure.
"Wednesday, let's get right into it. You claim that you were acting in self-defense, but many believe your actions were extreme. Wouldn't you agree at least that you took it too far?" Bianca inquired.
"I claim nothing," Wednesday replied firmly.
"Well, you might not, but the response to the video of your attack has certainly divided the public's opinion," Bianca continued. "Some are calling you a criminal, others are saying you didn't do enough. What do you think?"
"Considering the seriousness of the threat, I calibrated my response accordingly," Wednesday replied, choosing her words carefully.
"Did you?" Bianca took out a piece of paper and began reading. "A broken kneecap, injured throat, second-degree burns, and a shattered ankle, how did you assess the level of force used?"
"I based myself on the experiences I, as an Outcast like yourself, have endured."
"And that's how you justify those injuries? Aren't you worried how this might be seen by the rest of the city or how it might reflect on the rest of your schoolmates? Schoolmates who can, in turn, take your actions as a sign that it's okay to injure the rest of the citizens?"
"If any student or teacher in Nevermore had ever felt the urge to attack a Normie under any circumstance they would've done so already," Wednesday replied firmly. "In the same way some of the Normies have already done so to Outcasts over the centuries."
"So you say we're better then."
"I say this: me and two other schoolmates decided to go to a cafe, one owned by Normies and operated by them. The trio who came didn't come for us but for the barista, a fellow Normie," Wednesday explained, her voice steady. "When one of my schoolmates decided to step in to help, the trio attacked their prey. I have encountered this behavior before: predators toying with their prey. For the sake of my schoolmate as well as the barista and the rest of the patrons, I disarmed the situation. Whether you believe my methods were too extreme or not, I don't care. My schoolmates were safe, and the barista was spared any more damage to himself."
"How magnanimous of you."
"You think this is about my ego, but it's not. Personally, I'm indifferent about the relation between the two groups. My actions aren't a reflection of every Outcast who exists, but my own," Wednesday continued, her tone resolute. "What mattered most was that someone, regardless of their background, was in distress and required help. In those critical moments, my schoolmate and I instinctively responded to the situation. We didn't contemplate the potential repercussions or the opinions of others."
"And yet, opinions have risen. Why don't we listen to a few of our callers?" Bianca replied and Kent cut the microphones and started playing some music.
"What are you planning?" Wednesday asked as the music began.
"I'm giving people what they want, discussing the hot topics of the day... business as usual," Bianca offered a smile so sweet it could have been mistaken for genuine. "Now pay attention, the phones are ringing."
Wednesday rarely regretted her decisions, but right now she had two: setting up the radio to transmit online and to receive phone calls. Proficiency in one's job shouldn't be punished, at least not her.
"Hello and welcome to 'Undercurrent Trends,' what's on your mind?" Bianca pressed a button on the console, and a middle-aged man's voice sounded in their headset. Wednesday steeled her resolve; whatever game Bianca was trying to play, she refused to be a part of it.
"Yeah, I just want to know what gives you the right to use your powers on a bunch of kids being kids," the man said.
"My powers aren't of the physical variety, and those 'kids,' as you called them, are old enough to know assault is a crime," Wednesday replied before Bianca had the chance to start.
"If your scale of power is based on bone fractures, it's a woefully limited perspective. What I did can be accomplished by any human being without the help of supernatural crutches," Wednesday replied.
"Yeah, right, why don't I go to your school of freaks and test if you break too, freak?"
"If you're as strong as you're articulate, I'll have to clear my schedule for the rest of the month. Next." Wednesday pressed the button on the console, and the call ended.
Bianca stared at her with a mix of surprise and amusement before pressing another button.
"Hello and welcome to 'Undercurrent Trends,' what's on your mind?"
"Why do you people have to go around causing trouble?" This time the voice belonged to a young-sounding woman.
"What you call trouble is the fight of those who don't fit in the definition of 'normal' by a small minority in positions of power who have the delusion of being the arbiters of what's good and bad based solely on their feelings. Focus on living your lives, and we'll do the same. Next." Wednesday ended the call.
"'Undercurrent Trends,'" Bianca said as she left the call to continue.
"Where did you learn to fight like that?" This time the voice was younger, almost prepubescent.
"I took lessons. Next."
One by one, Wednesday attended to every call, countering any hostility with a composed and brief response. Bianca eventually relinquished her active role, opting to relax in her chair, radiating smug satisfaction as she enjoyed the show. Despite her intentions, Wednesday's patience was gradually eroding due to one insidious question after another.
"Why do you people run around like you deserve to be here? You don't contribute to society, just walking around asking we make exceptions for you. My family has served this country for years, ever since the First World War. What have any of you done for us?" The voice of a middle-aged man barked at her.
"We don't advertise ourselves because until the product of the Strategic Scientific Reserve known as Captain America came to be, using our abilities tended to attract mobs of ignorant, overzealous cretins who'd kill them or worse. Even though vampires assisted the Allies during the second world war."
"Next time you go to celebrate your heroes, ask Captain America about the alliance with the Kingdom of the Night to protect the allies from night raids. The government didn't just make deals with the mafia at the time." Upon hearing the answer, the man made a vague noise. Even Bianca was left with her mouth slightly open in surprise.
Wednesday smiled as she stared into Bianca. Her hand slowly reached the button as she savored the moment.
"What's the difference between Outcasts and superheroes?" A small child asked.
"We were here first. Next," came the reply.
"If you are such good guys, why don't you help with all the supercrime? Like with the Spider?" The speaker's voice lacked clear gender markers, leaving me guessing whether it was a man or a woman speaking.
"Super crime, as you so eloquently put it, has been a bunch of criminals getting their hands on technology derived from the alien invasion. And as for this, what did you say, Spider? What crimes have been committed that have you crying for justice?" Wednesday replied.
"She's a vigilante!" the voice shouted.
"Has her actions brought any damage to everyday people? Granted, I'm not one to indulge in the cesspit that is social media, but I have yet to hear a single thing about this 'vigilante'. Bianca, you know more than me about this, what has the Spider done lately?" She turned to see Bianca as if suddenly pulled by an invisible string, straightened her back, and sat with newfound composure.
"Oh, uhm." Wednesday didn't even try to hide her satisfaction as Bianca struggled to get her phone and scrolled by the news. "The Spider, she... just stopped the robbery of an armored truck."
"Good for her," Wednesday shrugged.
"So the outcasts are with the heroes?"
"Why not?" Wednesday replied. "Captain America isn't a member of the army anymore, Iron Man certainly isn't. Hulk and the other two who were there when the invasion started? If to support them is to support vigilantes then, yes, we are."
"That's not the same! I'm from San Francisco and everyone knows the Spider paid the people who robbed those places to appear as the hero!"
"Then give me evidence. Hard evidence. Give me the confession of one of those robbers in court, under oath, claiming such was the case. Can you provide that? Or give me a link to where I can see and hear the person confessing their affiliation?"
"Then stop wasting my time and everyone else's. Next."
But no new call came, instead music began to play. Both girls turned to Kent but instead found Weems, panting and puffing, sweat glistening on her forehead as she tried to calm her breath after what seemed to be a vigorous run.
"My office. Now." Weems panted.
And so, Wednesday and Bianca trailed Weems all the way to her office, the bustle of students scattering in their wake. Despite being unable to see her face, it was evident that the Headmaster was not in an amicable mood. With a forceful gesture, she ushered the pair into her office and slammed the door shut. The sharp sound made Bianca flinch, but Wednesday noticed something peculiar – the landline phone on the desk appeared to have been torn out, not by a bladed instrument, but by sheer force.
Weems sat behind her desk, attempting to create the illusion of inner peace, but her facade was visibly cracking even before she spoke her first word.
"Well, that was quite a segment you two made, didn't you?" Weems struggled to keep her composure, resisting the urge to scream at them with every word she uttered. "It certainly brought some attention."
Wednesday replied.
Weems lips pressed into a small line it almost looked as her mouth had disappeared.
"Headmaster." Bianca began but Weems raised a finger at her and she shut up.
"Why did you think revealing the fact the government already knew about us and the deals made in history was a good idea?" Weems asked, her eyes going from one girl to the other. She continued before any of them could reply. "Do you have any idea the number of phone calls I received after you said that? The number of conspiracy nuts, the reporters from those little newspapers no one buys claiming 'an alien stole my husband's skin'? Or perhaps the one from the Black Court from Wallachia itself?"
"I was trying to help defuse the situation, Headmaster." Bianca smiled nervously. "I had no idea she would hijack the show!"
"If by 'defuse' you mean left me to answer phone calls without asking for my consent, then yes, that's what you did." Wednesday replied without sparing a glance at Bianca. "You're missing the point."
"And what, pray tell, it's the 'point'." Weems fumed.
"You said it before, Normies hate us. They hate us because across their history we've been the unknown, the thing they threaten their children to behave with. It's a mathematical equation: a subject not fully understood plus fear of the unknown leads to panic, mistrust and violence." Wednesday replied, her tone became more intense with each moment.
"You revealed, on air, that their government has lied to them. You cannot imagine the repercussions this will bring onto this school" Weems leaned over her desk as if she was about to jump at Wednesday's throat.
"Then let's use it to our advantage. They know the story their government told them, now you can tell them our side. You could bring representatives and give lectures to all the Normies who want to hear and they'll spread their views to others. You can make us more 'human' in their eyes"
Weems seethed in anger and slammed her fist on the table.
"You just pulled that out of your ass." Weems pointed her finger at Wednesday. "You can call it whatever you want, try to make it sound as logical as you want but I know this wasn't why you did it. Why either of you did it. Lucky for you, not all calls and messages were cries to kill us on sight. Some were actually interested in what you said. Not many, but some. So your little idea you just did might have some use for the school."
Wednesday smiled satisfied.
"I want a full proposal on my desk by the end of the week. Now get out."
Knowing not to kick the hornet's nest anymore, the girls left the office as swiftly as they could.
"Did you really just come up with that?" Bianca asked as she closed the office's door.
Wednesday ignored her and walked back to the tower, only stopping when a buzzing on her pocket told her Thing had sent her a message. She took her phone, a small flip phone from a company that still produced them and looked at the message.
She had a schedule now. Once every two weeks, the cars would move back and forth between those tracks carrying their precious cargo.
Her only two distractions were a proposal for Weems and a stream at the Weathervane. Easy enough. But first, she'd have to gather information on how to rob a train. It was time to perform her first séance in her new home.
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softguarnere · 2 years
Hey Dove!!!
Loved your first request so I had to send in my own 👹
As my name suggests, I’m a hoe for Eugene so anything, like literally any crumbs you have for him would be outstanding and I’d devour them. And/or something with Nix cause he just 😩 You can pick one or both, I’m fine with whatever! It can be relationship hcs or just regular ones like I said I’ll take anything 💀✋🏻
No rush at all! I look forward to seeing what you have for me 💞
Omg thank you so much, I'm glad that you liked it! I couldn't pick between Roe and Nix and wanted a challenge, so here are some headcanons for both 😌
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Dating Eugene Roe would include . . .
OMG, the sweetest boy
I don't want to sound overdramatic by saying "love at first sight" but he definitely caught feelings for you the first time he saw you in Toccoa
Because he's kind of shy, he was unsure of making a move -- or even how he would go about doing so -- so when you're both chosen to be medics he's secretly a little freaked out inside because you get to spend more time together
He makes his move right before the D-Day jump, because he can't stand the thought of not having confessed his feelings if something happened to either of you
After his confession, he slowly becomes more comfortable around you. The men always talk about how quiet he's known for being, but when his shyness wears off around you, you know him better than anyone
Throughout the war, he's constantly checking in with you to make sure that you're okay. Because let's be real, the medics are always taking care of everyone, but who takes care of them? You both understand the toll it takes on someone to be a caretaker
In Bastogne, he always makes sure that you're warm. He'll share a blanket with you and teach you French and tell you stories about his life before the war while you watch the line
You casually mention that you never want to feel cold again when the war is over. It's something you say offhandedly in frustration one day while trying to find spare supplies, but he never forgets it.
As soon as you find out the war is over, he asks if you if you want to come to Louisiana with him, because you're not likely to get cold that far south
And when you agree, he feels like the happiest man alive
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Dating Lewis Nixon would include . . .
Two words: Power Couple
Y'all are chaotic, but in the best way possible
Like, you would have so much fun together, are you kidding me?
When you have a weekend pass, you put it to good use. Pubs, restaurants, movies. Anywhere you can spend time together, you're there. And probably causing a little trouble along the way
As an officer, he tries so hard not to show you too much favoritism so that you don't get into trouble, but everyone knows that you're his favorite
He's an intelligence officer and it shows. He can read your body language so well that you sometimes feel like he knows you better than you know yourself. You could probably even just think a slightly negative thought and bam! He'd appear out of nowhere from miles away to comfort you
Sometimes, you're the only thing keeping him going. If he starts to falter, he thinks about winning the war to make the world a better place for the two of you to be together in it
And when the war is over? I hope you like to travel, because he wants to go everywhere
It's like having a weekend pass all the time. You have fun with it, but he feels like he's living the dream, because all those times that he told himself that he had to make it to the end of the war to spend the rest of forever with you finally paid off, and he's not going to waste a second of it
Thank you so much for the request! I was honestly so scared to share my writing at first, but everyone in this fandom is so sweet and I'm having a lot of fun here. I hope you liked these! 💖🕊️
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rusty-clock · 2 years
Rapunzel is not responsible for Varian's villain arc
Hear me out.
I'm the first person to admit Rapunzel in the show is not perfect (and lets be honest: often not even likeable) person. The show tries very hard to make her one, but fails miserably.
Let's see things in the show's point of view first.
The show admits freely that Rapunzel does some things wrong. She gives Varian a promise she can't keep. She even feels guilt because of the black rocks. The show frames it to look like she is made to do difficult but understandable choice: the promise she gave to Varian or her kingdom. It is easy to understand why she chooses the kingdom's safety . And later, when Varian asks for help, she gives it. His betrayal afterwards is his own doing and makes him a villain. And even after he kidnaps her mom and tries to destroy them all with his automatons she still shows kindness and asks her father not to be too hard on him.
Now lets look at this in different perspective.
Like its been pointed out many times, Rapunzel could have done so many things differently. Sure she couldn't have gone with Varian during the blizzard but she surely shouldn't have let him being dragged out. And after the blizzard is over her first thought is not Varian but an art block. That's not what a responsible adult does when a child has begged for their help during a deadly storm. Granted, she does think Varian, even talks about him with Eugene but she still doesn't do anything before Varian actively asks for help. Even then she only agrees to help when its Corona which is in danger, not Varian's dad.
What especially bothers me is this picture.
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This is not a face of somebody who made terrible mistakes which ruined somebody's life. This is not look of sadness and remorse. It's a "I fought a villain and won and now it's time for a new adventure" face.
Maybe I'm being harsh but that look just bugs me so much. She shouldn't look like that after fighting against a friend turned to villain.
So why do I think Rapunzel is not responsible for Varian's villain arc?
This is Rapunzel's 19th birthday. She has been out of her tower a bit over an year. A bit over an year to learn how to function on society.
Most likely when Rapunzel was a child and a teenager, she spent lots of time alone with only Pascal as a company. And you know what that means?
She was never wrong.
Of course she had Gothel who belittled and insulted her, but she wasn't around so often. That meant Rapunzel never had to face the humiliating fact that she could be wrong or do mistakes so...she didn't.
Chameleons are great and all but you don't really need to care about their opinions that much.
And then Eugene and everything happened and suddenly this girl raised in isolation is a princess in a kingdom where a tailor can be thrown to stockades because ripping the king's robes.
You see where I'm going?
The only people in the show really disliking Rapunzel are Cass and Monty. Cass often defies Rapunzel but she too gets trapped to Rapunzel's manipulation and guilt-tripping in Beginnings.
Monty is surprisingly wholesome and the show rather surprisingly doesn't force him to be a part of Raps' fan club. But he is not around enough to actually make any difference.
Remembering all this, is not a miracle Rapunzel makes those mistakes she does with Varian. She has never been forced to accept responsibility, nor has she ever really been wrong and suffered consequences for that. And the worst thing is that nobody really allows her to do that.
To be honest (and this is painful to say) the persons behind Varian's downfall are Cass and Eugene.
Eugene puts Rapunzel on pedestal. He doesn't allow her any mistakes, not even when she could learn from them. When he realizes Monty doesn't like her, he immediately tries to make it look like Monty is wrong there.
When it comes to Varian, Eugene barely even glances at Quirin's paralyzed form in amber and doesn't spare any thought to Varian. Instead he focuses on comforting Rapunzel who is completely safe at that moment.
And then Cass, who is dreaming to be a guard, stands still and watches a child being dragged out by said guards -and doesn't bat an eye. Later she just like Eugene, completely forgets Varian until she gets the slightest hint he could be a threat and rushes to arrest him without any real evidence.
Cass and Eugene are both adults. They did not grow up in a tower. Unlike Rapunzel, they have no excuse for their behavior and they should face consequences for their actions. Rapunzel can be cut some slack because she really shouldn't have been in the situation where she was and she did her best with her limited experience. That doesn't mean she wasn't wrong or that she shouldn't have done more, but she wasn't the only one responsible.
So, in conclusion, the whole mess with Varian wasn't all Rapunzel's fault. The blame falls to Eugene and Cass
Thank you coming to my rant talk!
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*Imagine him finding out you tried to fight the saviours by yourself and he gets upset but mainly protective*
I’ve got you
Y/n?" came a loud voice from behind you. You turned around your eyes widening before you ducked underneath the branch starting to run as quickly as you could. You ran for about five more minutes until you couldn't anymore and you gave up leaning against a tree trying to calm your breathing. The venomous words negan had spat at your group spinning around your head as you sucked in deep breaths "pissin' our pants yet?" his laugh echoed in your head and you sighed squeezing your eyes shut knowing you couldn't fight the saviours alone but you didn't want to believe that. The memories flashed in your head and you slid down the tree trying to contain the cries that were ready to escape. You thought screams were the worst sounds but no the worst sounds were the crack of a skull. "Y/n?" you looked up gasping as you noticed Rick and Carl stood infront of you. You felt sick to the stomach and quickly stood up ready to run off but you crashed into something hard. "there's a tree there." Carl stated sarcastically. You ignore the sarcasm and straighten yourself up "it's not what it looks like!" you whisper trying to calm down "we found your plan... It was left on your bed" rick said holding up the large piece of paper "why the hell were you in my room?!" Carl took a step forward "daryl told us you were acting strange... We didn't tell him anything... Don't worry" rick looks at you and tries to get you to look look at him "but that will change" you shake your head rapidly "no! no! Rick please" you begged rushing up to him "I'm sorry but you went behind our backs." you shake your head "no! I was protecting you!" Carl laughed coldly and you felt yourself shiver as you had never heard him be so bitter towards you "more like getting yourself killed" he responded a tamed fire building in his eyes. Rick grabbed your shirt and started to pull you back towards Alexandria "hey! Don't be so rough!" they both ignored you and everything started to go in slow motion. You looked up from the ground watching as the gate was pulled open and a few people stood there waiting to see what the commotion of Eugene shouting for daryl was about. "no! Rick please! I'm sorry" you cried not wanting anyone to be disappointed in you- especially daryl. He continued to ignore you his eyes meeting everyone's faces looking for that one man. Tears stained your cheeks but you tried to wipe them away. You saw Daryl walking towards you with Maggie and Aaron behind him. You tried to get away but Rick was too strong "what's wrong?" daryl asked his voice low and concerned causing you to freeze up. 'should I pretend to faint? That would work... Surely?' you thought to yourself but the look rick gave you told you otherwise and you sighed "you wanna tell him Y/n?" he asked. It took you a second before you backed up slightly into another person's chest and you whined not liking all the eyes on you "I-i..." you couldn't meet anyone's eyes and this was worrying daryl "what the hell happened? Tell me!" you didn't answer and Rick opened his mouth to say something but Eugene spoke up "she went to fight the saviours alone and-" you felt even more sick and before you knew it you were running through the crowd. You ran well limped as fast as you could towards the small shed that you hide in but you're stopped by daryl pulling you back Rick catching up and staying at a distance. "are you fuckin' crazy woman?!" daryl shouts his eyes wide "you know what they did to me! Do you not care or somethin'?!" you shook your head "I-" he cut you off not allowing you to talk "no Y/n! Did you even think about what could've happened?! You could've died! That bastard could've killed you! He killed Abraham and Glenn but he spared us! He spared you! I don't think he would've been as forgiving if you came face to face with him again!" soft cries fell from your mouth and daryl closed his eyes the silence turning into tension before daryl took a deep breath his arms wrapping around you tightly. You collapsed but he held you up his hand rubbing soothing circles into your back. "I've got you" he whispered
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solo-pitstop-vibes · 5 years
Don’t Have to Tell Me Twice
A/N: I wrote this one kinda quick, maybe it’s not too bad. I’m trying to really work on my writing so I’m going to try to get the part two for Come Home to Me out soon. Enjoy!
Words: 2,333
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"The murmur is gone."
The words that stopped your heart, your breathing, and echoed in your mind for weeks, months, days, and years. The second those four words slipped from your sweet Eugene's lips, your world stopped. You held it together, but that night you cried yourself to sleep. You knew Gene would be shipping off soon, off to fight the war that he had so desperately been trying to claw his way to. You didn't want him to go, you knew better than to beg, so you didn't dare ask him to stay. His heart was with the war, and if he didn't go, his heart would never be at home. So you collected yourself the best you could and came to terms with him leaving. You didn't know how long he'd be gone or if you'd ever see him again. You two had known each other for several years now, him being the first person you met when your family moved to town when you were 13, and now you were inseparable. You and Eugene had just been together as a couple for about 9 months when he shipped out.
Seeing him off at the train station almost broke your heart entirely. Especially when he gave you that adorable half-smile of his standing out on the platform.
"You better not run off and find another gal on your way home when the war is over," you had said, in an attempt to lighten the mood, a small grin on your face.
"I'll try my hardest darlin'. Ain't nobody as pretty as you though, gotta make sure I come home so no one steals the prettiest girl in Mobile out from under me," Eugene smiles that smile that made you fall in love with him all over again, and your blush could be seen a mile away. The whistle of the train caught your attention and broke your smiles. It was time.
"Don't forget, mother and father want you over for supper every Sunday afternoon, and you can take Deacon on a walk anytime you like. Don't be shy, they love you," Eugene reminded you.
"I know, Gene. Thank you for reminding me, I'll make sure to give Deacon extra lovin' since you won't be there to spoil him." That dog had gone everywhere with you two the past few years, he had become like a child between the pair of you. You never saw you two without Deacon. The train whistle blew again, meaning it was time for Eugene to board. Tears had started to well up in your eyes, and Eugene pulled you into a tight embrace.
"Don't cry, sweetheart. I'll be back, I promise. I love you (Y/N)."
You hugged him back with everything in your body before pulling away.
"I love you too Eugene," your hands settled on his chest and his came up to cup your face, pulling your lips to his. You knew the next kiss shared between you two would a very long time from then, but you never thought it would be nearly 4 years later. In your heart, it felt like an eternity.
Life had been passing by, but not truly lived while Eugene was away. You had kept Gene's reminder in check, and you had supper with his family every Sunday evening and walked Deacon at least every other day. Since Eugene had been gone, you had moved out of your family's house into a small one bedroom house closer to town. It was exactly what you wanted, and everything you could ask for. Your parents had offered to help you purchase the small home, in exchange that you took classes at Alabama Polytechnic, and kept a small job. Three or four days out of the week after your last midday class, you were an assistant in the office at the elementary school downtown. You always loved seeing the kids during the school year, and when the summers rolled around, they always let you help out the rest of the staff with any repainting they did around the school. Most of the staff had gotten to know you, so they always tried to keep you busy and your thoughts off the constant worry in your mind.
To everyone else, it seemed as if you were doing just fine, but on the inside, you were a pile of shattered glass. Each waking moment was a struggle, every moment was filled with dread and worry. Your worst nightmare was hearing the news that no one wanted to hear, the news that made mothers, fathers, siblings, and significant others crash to their knees and weep. Each letter from Eugene was a small relief, but his letters were filled with glimpses into the hell he was living. He tried his hardest to spare you the gore and the hideous details of each day in the Pacific, but you knew he was struggling to keep it together. You did your best writing him back, you never wanted to glorify the quaint life of Mobile. That was a cruel thing to do to a man in war. Eugene's letters often came months late, and you may only receive one every 3-5 months. When you other best fried, Sidney Phillips returned from the Pacific, he did his best to comfort you when you were down. Although, he was still trying to help himself to recover from the horrors he had seen in the war himself. Since Sid's return home, you both decided to at least have lunch with each other once a week, usually every Tuesday. You were actually the one to help him get up the courage to finally ask Mary Houston it, a girl he had been pinning after since he was a young teenager. After a few months of them dating, Mary started joining you two for lunch, and you and her became friends. This became your routine, every Tuesday you three would meet at the little diner downtown, have lunch, talk, and enjoy each other's company. A year passed and one day, the couple sitting across from you couldn't stop smiling at each other. It warmed your heart to see them so happy together, but this affection was a little more than usual.
"Okay, you two," you giggle, setting your coffee cup down on the table in front of you, "y'all haven't stopped smiling at each other since you walked up. Something tells me that something is goin' on here that I just don't know about yet. You best spill the beans before I have to pull it out of ya."
They both laughed and Sid caught your gaze, a broad smile on his face. It clicked in your head and you already knew what he was about to say. A genuine smile spread across your cheeks, "Well Sid I hate to tell ya, but you might have a few men try to jump you when you announce that the Mary Houston is officially off the market for good." You all laughed and Mary gushed about how romantic it was when Sid asked her to marry him. Their engagement started a new branch of your life that helped you pull through each day. Mary began including you in things with her friends, and she always had a list of things to ask your opinion on each Tuesday. You never let the news break to Gene, Sid said he wanted to break the news to him himself, so you kindly agreed. You helped them plan their small engagement party, which was held at the new banquet hall down by the bay. That night, your heart ached that you couldn't have Eugene by your side, but you put a smile on your face for everyone. The wedding creating a new thread in life for you, which helped brighten your days. The couple decided to wait until the war was over to have the ceremony, mainly due to the fact that Sidney wanted Eugene to be his best man, even though you offered to wear one of Eugene's old suit coats over your dress and be a stand-in. He declined the offer, saying you were too pretty to be standing in for Eugene, that he needed the real deal.
Between the wedding planning, working at the elementary school, and attending college, before you knew it, another year had passed. You were painting a large cartoon farm in one of the halls at the elementary school when the news rang out on the radio nearby. The other ladies helping you paint went frantic.
"The war is over!"
"The troops are coming home!"
"No more war!"
You were stunned, the paintbrush still tight in your hand.
"(Y/n)! Aren't you excited, your lover boy is coming home!" That comment caught you, and the rest of the day, you couldn't wipe the smile off your face.
You called Sid the second you got home, questions flying from our lips. When do you think Gene would be home? Do you think he'll come straight home? You also told him to ask Mary what you should wear to the train station. He only laughed and said, "Slow down speedy, I don't know the answer to every question you've got now. We'll just have to hear from Gene first, he can answer more than I can. He might be rounded up for some cleanup work, so it could be another few months, but Mary said she'd come over tomorrow to help you find something."
Turns out a few months ended up being six before you finally got word from Eugene that he'd be home soon. You were ecstatic, well that was more of an understatement. Your mood improved, your smile brightened, and your heart ached less knowing Eugene would be returning home, alive. The exact date of Eugene's arrival was kept strictly between him and Sid, Eugene said he wanted it to be a surprise, which you hated. That boy was going to be the death of you as if he hadn't caused you any heart troubles already. Awaiting Eugene's arrival you tried to keep yourself busy instead of just staring out the window all day, and Eugene's mother was a huge help. It was currently a cool fall evening, you were at the Sledge household helping Mrs. Sledge do some cleaning. She was inside washing some of her glass plates and cups that she had on display in the dining room, and you were outside hanging freshly washed bedsheets, curtains, and other linens. Humming to yourself lightly, you hung up a bedsheet. The soft fabric flowing in the wind as you pinned the corners to the clothesline.
"(Y/N), dear! You have a visitor, I'm sending them out to you," Mary Frank's voice rang out from the back steps. You didn't bother shouting out a response, not wanting to try and yell across the yard. It was probably either Mary Houston or Sidney. Anytime they couldn't find you or get ahold of you, they always came here. You hang up the last sheet in your basket and smooth it out before you finally lookup. Your heart stops, and you freeze in your place. Through the sheets floating in the wind, you catch a glimpse of dark green moving towards you. Maybe I'm just seeing things, you thought.
"Gene," your voice is barely above a whisper, the words struggling to come out. The wind blows harder this time, the sheets floating through the air almost horizontal this time, and that's when you see all of him. The black shoes, the dark green pants, and coat, with a hat to match. He looks so different but just the same, all at the same time. His skin is tan, his shoulders are broader, and he stands taller than before. He makes his way to you, your breathing uneven, your hands shaking. Please don't be a dream, if it is, so help me God. Eugene stands a few feet from you now, that smile that you love so much appearing on his lips. You didn't think your heart could beat any quicker, but, oh boy, weren't you wrong.
"My mother tells me that I'd be able to find the prettiest girl in Mobile out here, you wouldn't happen to know her would ya?"
His voice was slightly deeper, rougher but it sends waves of comfort through you. A smile broke out on your face, a faint blush covering your cheeks. Before you knew it, your body lurched towards Eugene's and you had wrapped your arms around him in a hug. Tears rolled down your cheeks as Eugene gently pulled your head from his neck, using his thumbs to wipe the tears. "Don't waste those tears on me, I'm home now. You don't have to worry anymore darlin'."
"Ya know, Mitch Haygood kept asking me on a date at least once a month while you were gone, he made the mistake of catching me out with your mother about six months ago. Let's just say, he never asked again," you both broke out into giggles, both knowing how Eugene's mother can be.
"I'm glad she handled it so I wouldn't have to go give him a talking to when I got back. Can't have anyone stealing my girl when I'm away," Eugene replied looking down at you. He simply held you there after he spoke, just looking at you. His hands were cupped around your cheeks and jaw, his thumbs brushing your cheekbones. Your hands grip at the uniform cinched at his waist. His tongue reached out to quickly swipe across his lips. You hadn't kissed those lips in four years, and if you didn't soon you felt like your heart was going to jump out of your chest.
"You better kiss me, Eugene Sledge, before I go calling Mitch Haygood."
With a crack of that beautiful smile and a small rumble in his chest, Eugene replied, "Don't have to tell me twice, sweetheart."
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