#cpb derealization
merc-h-w · 2 months
Villette by Charlotte Brontë (1853)
I sat up appalled, wondering into what region, amongst what strange beings I was waking. At first I knew nothing I looked on: a wall was not a wall—a lamp not a lamp. I should have understood what we call a ghost, as well as I did the commonest object; which is another way of intimating that all my eye rested on struck it as spectral. But the faculties soon settled each in its place; the life-machine presently resumed its wonted and regular working.
Page 215
Brontë, Charlotte. Villette. First Vintage Classics Edition, Vintage Classics, 2009.
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merc-h-w · 2 months
"Two Part Prelude" by William Wordsworth (1799)
That spectacle, for many days my brain
Worked with a dim and undetermined sense
Of unknown modes of being; in my thoughts
There was darkness, call it solitude
Or blank desertion; no familiar objects
Of hourly objects, images of trees,
Of sea or sky, no colours of green fields;
But huge and mighty forms that do not live
Like living men, moved slowly through my mind
By day, and were the trouble of my dreams.
Broadview Anthology, page 221
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