#cpr and all of that because it's so high stress and intense and i don't really know how to write that... but moments in the hospital
arklay · 2 years
accidentally calls him captain oops & when you find out your captain is married 👀👀pleaseee
wip title meme ♡
— accidentally calls him captain oops
captain, oh captian. dreamy sigh. so uh, anyways, miss diana has a slip up. that's the short of it lmao but okay, they are mayhaps having a rough moment™ and it's like... how do i explain this? this needs to go under the cut
okay, so, i feel like the vision here is relevant. they are both like kneeling and sitting up kinda, and at one point diana like reaches out and puts her hands on the headboard to steady herself while he's like kissing her neck, and they are just having a fun time. but then, diana mayhaps gasps out "yes, captain" when he hits her really deep, and he pauses for a second because that's never slipped from her before, and he never thought something like that ever would, in all honesty
diana tries to play it off, act like nothing happened, but he won't let her get away with that so he's whispering in her ear, and being the worst about it, asking her where that came from and such. tells her to do it again because uh, well, it may or may not have gotten him going even more is all i'm saying... as in, one of his hands is now on the wall and the other is around her throat from behind (and you know how much that makes her silly), and yeah, things are definitely happening. leah tries to talk about sex without going into detail and getting embarrassed lmao
— when you find out your captain is married :0 (also asked by @morvaris)
do you remember that massive post i made months and months ago about the time sergei tried to "dispose" of diana? well, yes, this is when diana is in hospital after wesker managed to save her life with cpr. the staff are asking him what his relation to her is, considering he is answering all of their questions about her, and how could he know such personal ones, right? and he says that he's her husband, and the jaws of every single one of his team members just drops to the floor lmao they are all just shocked at the idea of him being married and it's hilarious
anyway, he goes in to see her when she's awake, and the stress of the night and the fact that he almost lost her really catches up to him and it's just a lot. and like his back is to the door, so no one can see, but lmao chris is standing out there and peeking through the tiny window in the door, trying and failing to see any more glimpses of this wild revelation. but he's sitting on the edge of the bed, holding diana's hand, and she sees a little tear roll down his cheek. and it's like. he was the first one to cry in front of the other, and that was unexpected
she quietly asks him to take his glasses off, and he doesn't even care that the hospital is bright and he'll probably get a migraine (he already has a headache from all the stress), he does it anyway, and she gives him this small, lazy smile, because she's so not there and in a lot of pain, but she wanted to see him. and his eyes are so red, and it's such an ough moment. he leans down and kisses her forehead while just holding her hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb and then he makes a comment that his team now know about them, which he didn't really want, and she gives this weak laugh, which hurts like hell
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xhaotixaesthetica · 2 years
Yandere!Ateez Reaction to You Being Pregnant
Starlink Intergalactic Navigator
You are in: The Asteroid Belt
READ THE TRIGGER WARNING: This post contains MENTIONS OF ABUSE, CHILD NEGLECT, SUICIDAL BEHAVIORS, ABORTION, TOXIC RELATIONSHIP DYNAMICS, AND UNHEALTHY FAMILIES. The behaviors and relationships depicted below are abusive and unhealthy. These are not examples of healthy relationships, it’s actually the opposite. This is meant to imagine the members of Ateez in a popular anime trope and it in no way represents their real-life personalities and characters. Real-life ATEEZ are actually known for being some of the kindest, most respectful idols in the industry. It’s fiction, it’s for fun, PLEASE DON’T READ IT IF YOU KNOW YOU WON’T LIKE IT OR THIS KIND OF STUFF DISTURBS YOU!
A/N: I'm warning y'all, most of these don't end with y'all having a baby and becoming a big happy family.Also, I didn't proofread, sorry.
Word Count: 4.2K+
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The Perfect Boyfriend
This might just be what you need to turn Hongjoong around. Yandere!Hongjoong is incredibly concerned with appearances and how other people perceive him. And while having kids won’t be high on his priority list, he will very much so enjoy the social status that being a married family man will bring him. Hongjoong is also incredibly self-absorbed, almost to the point of having a god complex. He will see this child as an extension of himself, a being that is better than everyone else, superior in every way, and deserving of special treatment. To some extent, his views of the child will also rub off on his view of you.
After all, you are the one carrying said god-child, which, in his mind, means that you must be god-like as well. He will treat you more tenderly and he would be too wary of harming the baby to dole out almost any punishments to you at all. He wouldn't even want to do anything that would stress you out in fear of the stress complicating the pregnancy.
Hongjoong would be very on top of your doctor's appointments and prenatal vitamins, go with you to all of the Lamaze classes, hire top contractors to construct an accident-proof nursery, read every parenting and infant-care book he could get his hands on, and force you and himself to practice swaddling, changing diapers, and the proper ways to give infants CPR.
Yandere!Hongjoong doesn't tolerate imperfection and he especially wouldn't tolerate it when it came to his child.
It's important to mention that, in the beginning, a lot of these seemingly heart-warming and overprotective paternal instincts don't come from a genuine place of love for you or the child, but rather an intense desire to be seen as a good father to those around you. He finds it quite easy to manipulate others and the situation when it's just you and him, but when you through a baby and fatherhood into the mix, there are too many ways that the cracks could start showing about you and his abusive relationship.
I think Hongjoong would take a step back when the baby would be about two months old. In the beginning, he would be very hands-on, but Hongjoong is used to getting his way and being listed to, not to catering to the whims of something that, in his mind, can't even give him anything in return.
There would probably be a period of about eighteen months where he would grow to resent both you and the child, doing all of his parental duties but in a very cold and distant way. However, somewhere around the two to three year mark, he would develop a paternal love for the child and a renewed sense of appreciation toward you for bringing them into the world.
I think, in an effort to rear a well-adjusted human being, his punishments would dial back a lot more. He would still be jealous, possessive, and controlling, but more in subtle ways that he thinks will do less harm to the child's psyche.
"This child will be perfect, simply because it's mine. And if you're carrying it, that must mean you're perfect too."
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The Ice King
Seonghwa will put on a brave face, but rest assured, he's going through the five stages of grief all at once.
He isn't really opposed to the idea of having a child, not if it's with you, but he has never really planned on or even thought about ever becoming a father.
He has no idea what to do or how to approach the situation and he's panicking about a variety of outcomes, most notably the idea that he won't feel anything for the child or won't be able to connect with them emotionally.
No matter how hard he tried to conceal it, it would be easy to see his mask slipping, and it would be a good idea for you to take the reigns on this one.
It would calm Seonghwa to see that at least someone has an idea of what should be going on and he would race to follow your orders, wanting to do whatever he could for the comfort of you and the baby.
Seonghwa would actually be surprisingly opposed to hiring any nannies or nurses for the child, at least during it's first two years of development. He wants as many opportunities to emotionally connect with the child as possible, and he even begins talking to the child while it's in your womb, singing it songs, and just trying to do anything he can to ensure there's a higher chance of him feeling something for the child when it finally comes out.
It would be quite surprising to see him start to take initiative like this and I think if the Stockholm Syndrome hadn't set in before, it definitely would now and you would find yourself wanting to be around Seonghwa more to be doted on and helped through such a difficult time.
This would definitely encourage Seonghwa to keep up this doting behavior and would predispose him to like the child more since he would see it as something that must be good since it was bringing the two of you together.
"I never thought of myself as a family man, but this baby is bringing out the love I always knew we were meant to have and that makes me adore it more."
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The Damsel in Distress Next Door
Having Yandere!Yunho's baby really isn't a good idea. His mental state is fragile enough and with how taxing it is to be his significant other, the last thing you would need was someone else to look after.
Yunho is a yandere that tends to let you take the lead more, even though he can be very helpful at times since he loves to feel needed. Still, Yunho gets very jealous whenever you give even a fraction of your attention to other people. While you know he would never take it out on you or the child, the lack of attention he would receive due to the child's arrival would undoubtedly cause an uptick in his self-destructive behavior and self-hatred.
There's no telling how much he would harm himself and how much of it the child would have to bear witness to. The last thing you wanted was to bring a child into the world and traumatize them with what was probably the world's worst relationship dynamic. Not to mention the fact that you would be so tired all the time from constantly having to be on guard to make sure Yunho didn't kill himself that you wouldn't have any energy left for a child and would probably grow to resent it real quick.
All these things considered, I think you would come to the conclusion that the best option would be to abort it.
Because of your efforts to keep the whole situation a secret, Yunho would only find out when he woke up to find you gone and started snooping through your things where he ended up finding some documentation about the abortion.
Yunho would feel terrible, all too aware that his needy and erratic behavior was the exact reason you wouldn't want to have a child with him and were putting yourself through this.
And the worst part was that he couldn't even lie to himself and say that he would make a good father. He knew how he was and he knew as well as you did that a child would only amplify his behavior ten times more.
And he couldn't help the rage that filled him, white-hot hatred for the person that stared back in the mirror filling his veins until his fist lashed out, shattering the mirror with seemingly a mind of their own..
His own child didn't even get the chance to live because of how inadequate its father was and he would never forgive himself for that.
"I don't care what it takes, I will do whatever I can to be better for you. You'll never have to go through this again."
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The Secret Serial Killer
If you thought Yandere!Yeosang was manipulative before, trust and believe, you ain't seen shit yet.
Yeosang being the seemingly perfect boyfriend he was, you thought he would be over the moon when you gave him the news and you weren't disappointed at the wide smile that spread across his face as he kissed you passionately, screaming to all the world that he was having a baby with you!
But it's all an act.
In actuality, Yeosang is furious.
He didn't want a child yet. He enjoyed his life just the way it was. Having a child would mean having to share you, having less control over your movements, having to stop killing, and being at risk of being caught if he ever had to eliminate one of your friends or family.
Yeosang saw absolutely no positives to having a child and he thought it would be nothing more than a nuisance to have one at the moment. Yeosang definitely wants them in the future, maybe in another five or ten years, but he absolutely closed to the possibility of having one with you in the immediate present.
But Yeosang is crafty and has contingency plans for everything. He knew there was a small chance this would happen, and he was prepared.
Yeosang would honestly deserve an Oscar for the performance he put on for the next nine months if weren't so fucked up.
Yeosang knew that you weren't stupid enough to be pressured into getting rid of the fetus without it harming your relationship, so his ultimate goal was to manipulate you into giving it up for adoption where you both would never have to see it again.
Throughout the whole pregnancy, he plays the part of the devoted partner, ecstatic to be a new father and devastated by the events that play out.
He pretends to be having trouble getting work, that the boss is cutting down their hours due to downsizing in the company. You guys have to start budgeting stricter and you're in your final year of school so you can't work and you certainly can't get a job while balancing a full-time university education and a pregnancy.
Yeosang pretends to get fired, stages all these credit card declines at stores you go to, fakes all these overdue mortgage bills, and makes this big show to look like he's breaking his back to make ends meet and giving you his last bites of food so you and the baby don't starve.
In reality, Yeosang has merely gone on a diet to make the whole thing look more believable and he has moved to doing his work online while you're at school. Fat stacks of cash are piling up, unspent, in his bank account and it's only Seonghwa pulling strings at the bank to keep them from foreclosing your home on overdue mortgage payments that Yeosang is fully intending to pay back with interest a few months after this whole ordeal is over. He has moved all of his money to a secret account at another bank for the time being while his regular account is empty when he needs those public credit card declines for dramatic effect.
Crime starts picking up in the area as Yeosang releases his stress on the innocent populace and you're stressed and terrified constantly, especially when a break-in happens close to when you're due to give birth.
Yeosang even goes so far as to get Mingi to help him stage a car wreck and break his shoulder so that medical bills start piling up and Yeosangs "job search" gets put on hold due to his poor health.
In the end, Yeosang is pleasantly surprised when you're the first one to suggest giving the baby up for adoption.
Through Seonghwa (whom you're unaware of so far), it isn't hard to find an uptight rich women willing to give you both an extravagant amount of money in exchange for the baby as long as you all agree to sign a legal document detailing that you will never have contact with her or the child ever again after it's in her custody.
Yeosang puts up a fight about the lack of contact at first, just like he objected vehemently to the idea of adoption before finally giving in. It was all a show and he played the part of the distraught, reluctant biological father all too well.
You trusted him, never doubting him for a second.
The woman is persistent, as Seonghwa told her to be, and it's only when the staged notice of foreclosure that Seonghwa set up comes in the mail that Yeosang finally agrees to the adoption. He's sobbing ad apologizing to you, his words barely audible through his blubbering and you're crying too, reaching over your pregnant belly to hug him and assure him that he's tried his best, that none of this is his fault, that he's the best partner you could have asked for and that you guys are going to get through this together.
And Yeosang knows he has you right where he wants you.
Yeosang uses the rich woman's money to pay off the overdue mortgages, working with Seonghwa to fix the damage this whole charade has done to his credit score, all while dutifully playing the part of the mourning father.
He's convincing, listless and depressed, then angry, then pretending that he regrets the decision and that he's trying to search for the woman to get the child back only for the search to end up fruitless. Then he grieves and he's angry again, the two of you only finding comfort in each other since none of your friends could possibly understand what you're going through.
Yeosang has loved this whole process. Your already high opinion of him has been increased a million times over and the whole ordeal has brought you closer than ever. And, unnoticed by you, you're more dependent on him than you ever have been. No to mention this whole experience has shown him just how far he can go to have you under his control.
Before long, Yeosang gets another job just for things to look believable. His resume is good enough to get a high ranking job with good benefits on his own, but he does need Seonghwa's help to bring the company he was previously working at to its knees.
As a murderer, he believes in covering his tracks and he can't have you ever stumbling into his previous workplace and ruining your relationship over something so silly as what he deems a necessity to keep you guy's current lifestyle.
Seeing the headlines about his previous place of employment closing and going bankrupt only makes the story that much more airtight, and the final loose end is tied when Seonghwa arranges for the adoptive mother of your child to die so that the baby is shuffled to another rich person that you and even Yeosang have never seen or heard of, where it can grow up safe and sound without any chance of you both ever finding it again. This was the final straw in Yeosng's plan just in case you ever got any bright ideas about wanting to find you guys baby again. You could both search and search and you would never find it, just the way Yeosang wanted.
Eventually, Yeosang makes the suggestion that you both start going to therapy to work through your grief and it works.
Yeosang uses his stored money and lavish new salary to spoil you even worse than before, in his mind, an apology for everything he'd put you through during the pregnancy. Though he didn't particularly care about the child, he didn't like hurting or stressing you out, especially when you're body and health were in such a fragile state. As far as he was concerned, you would be treated like a queen for the rest of your life for the sacrifice you made for you and his relationship.
"I'm so sorry, angel. I know this is my fault, but rest assured, I'll never let this happen again. We're going to live the best life possible from now on."
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The Jekyll and Hyde
The absolute worst yandere on this list to have a baby with and I think you would be smart enough to realize that the second that you got pregnant.
Having a baby with San would be the final level to his entrapment, one you would hope to never reach, for both you and the child's sake.
San would be all for having a baby with you, though never for the right reasons. The more sweet, "normal" side of him only likes the idea of having a baby with you because he likes the fantasy it presents. He only wants the sweet I love You's and the baby's first words and the birthday parties, and the cute infant onesies, and he's not at all willing to go through the sleepless nights, diaper changes, teenage stages, and midnight feedings that it takes to get there.
The more possessive, sadistic side of him, "Other" San, can't help seeing the baby as something of a science experiment. He would enjoy something to hold over your head, the ultimate tool to control you and keep you in your place, while having the added benefits of using the child as another living plaything. This could be from things as relatively harmless as dressing the child up in silly costumes or something like him purposefully upsetting the child and making them cry and leaving you to deal with it just because he's had a bad day and he thinks it's funny.
It would also be a massive problem because almost every time San is experience intense or prolonged negative emotions, it triggers his massive mood swing into "Other" San. With all the crying that newborns do and negative emotions that first-born parents experience, San would be way more of a danger than a help around the baby, especially in the first few years of its life, when the child is illogical and unreasonable.
San stalks sometimes, but that's not wholly his M.O, so it wouldn't particularly be that hard to find a way to go to a clinic and take care of the problem before it got out of hand.
But again, San's mood swing is triggered by negative emotion and regular San would be devastated and horrified if he ever found out that you aborted his baby.
It wouldn't be his worst tantrum to date, but it definitely wouldn't be something for the faint of heart.
"You think you can keep secrets from me? You think you can deny me what's mine?! Oh, it seems like you've forgotten who I am, sweetheart. Maybe you need a little reminder <3."
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The Clingy Bad Boy
Mingi's and Wooyoung's are probably going to be pretty short, but for completely different reasons.
In Mingi's case, I honestly don't think that much would change.
Mingi doesn't really care about stuff like this, and the whole situation would really be your prerogative.
If you wanted to keep the baby, he's be all for it simply because you want it and he, surprisingly, doesn't really mind kids that much and they don't really activate his anger issues.
Surprisingly, his major fear is that the baby would end up turning out like him, so when he's around the kid, he takes special care to be particularly gentle and quiet so there's a lesser chance of them inheriting his anger issues.
He would raise the kids relatively normally, and he probably wouldn't be punishing you that much since you would most likely be on your best behavior so as to not agitate him around the child.
If you wanted an abortion or to give the baby up for adoption, he would still be cool. He would see it as continuing to have more time where he didn't have to share you and, in regards to pregnancy, he didn't really care what you did with your body.
Not to mention, he does at least have some sort of self-awareness, so he would completely understand not wanting to take a chance on having a child with him as a father. If abortion or adoption was what it took for you to continue to be with him without problems, then he was more than cool with it.
He comes with you everywhere, so obviously he would be there for moral support, and he would be pretty decent at aftercare, and you both would eventually go on about your lives and move past the situation.
"It's up to you, doll. You're all I want, all I need. As long as I have you, it doesn't matter to me what else happens."
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The Incubus
In Wooyoung's case, this is going to be short because this would never happen.
Wooyoung sees no value in children whatsoever. He doesn't want any, and he's not willing to deal with the consequences that come with letting you have one.
For one, it's highly unlikely you would survive the birth of a demon,human hybrid baby, and Wooyoung isn't willing to risk your life for a child that he sees as nothing more than a nuisance.
Secondly, human bodies are already fragile enough when they're not pregnant with monstrous hybrid babies, and Wooyoung wouldn't be willing to not sleep with you for nine months and he couldn't deal with the fact that if he did, he would most likely do irreparable damage to your body.
Lastly, it would be all to easy to get rid of the baby, no pain, no fuss. Just one sip of a demon tonic and fetus deletus with no side effects.
Having children wouldn't even be a concern with you two.
"A baby? Darling, don't make me laugh. I like seeing you in pain but only because of me. Come here, I'll get rid of it~"
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The Overprotective Guard Dog
Over the moon, no matter what. For Jongho, the most important thing in his life is your happiness. Whatever will make you happy is going to make him ecstatic.
If you decide to get rid of it, he'll be over the moon because oh my god, crisis averted and now Y/N has control of their body and they're happy again!
If you decide to keep it, he'll be even more over the moon because oh my god, Y/N loves me and wants to have a baby with me and they think I'd be a good father and we're going to have a family and — yeah, you get the picture.
Jongho would quite literally be the perfect father, doing everything Hongjoong does but for the actual right reasons. Unlike most of the yandere's here, he would automatically love your child, not just because it's a bargaining chip or because he's idealizing fatherhood, he would actually just love the child in it's own right and genuinely want the best life for it.
He would work overtime to provide the best nutrition and comfort for you, read every pregnancy book, watch every parenthood YouTuber, research pediatricians in advance, build a top of the line crib and nursery, already start the child's college fund, and take the best care of you he possibly could. He'd change every diaper, do every midnight feeding, rub cream on your stomach, give you the best post-natal care, know exactly what day the baby was due for checkups and vaccinations, he'd even cook dinner and clean the house.
As far as Jongho was concerned, you were already a god/dess in his eyes, but now that you've gone a step further and given him the gift of a child, trusted him with protecting and caring for you and that child, you've fulfilled every possible duty and you've got it from there.
Of course, if you decide to have the child, you will most likely also be participating in its upbringing and the household and it would only make him love you more. Jongho would be completely devoted to you and your baby and absolutely no harm would come to you guys if there was breath in his body.
You would undoubtedly be the envy of all the PTA moms, with such a doting husband and father at your beck and call and your child would undoubtedly love Jongho in a way that none of the other yandere's children would.
Jongho and his child would have the most natural and paternal relationship by far, and since Jongho is as devoted to you as he is your child, he would be the champion of giving the child space when they wanted it since, to him, that would just mean more time to tend to you.
The only concern you would have with father!Jongho is the fact that you might have stop him from getting a little murderous when it comes to anyone that bothers his kid.
"We're having a baby? You think I'm worthy enough to be a father to a baby that comes from you?! Oh my love you won't regret this! I promise, I'll be the best I can be for you both!"
The Asteroid Belt
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