#also yeah miss diana... sighs. good for her honestly. and for him i guess cause yes make him feel more powerful and in charge girlie. but
arklay · 2 years
accidentally calls him captain oops & when you find out your captain is married 👀👀pleaseee
wip title meme ♡
— accidentally calls him captain oops
captain, oh captian. dreamy sigh. so uh, anyways, miss diana has a slip up. that's the short of it lmao but okay, they are mayhaps having a rough moment™ and it's like... how do i explain this? this needs to go under the cut
okay, so, i feel like the vision here is relevant. they are both like kneeling and sitting up kinda, and at one point diana like reaches out and puts her hands on the headboard to steady herself while he's like kissing her neck, and they are just having a fun time. but then, diana mayhaps gasps out "yes, captain" when he hits her really deep, and he pauses for a second because that's never slipped from her before, and he never thought something like that ever would, in all honesty
diana tries to play it off, act like nothing happened, but he won't let her get away with that so he's whispering in her ear, and being the worst about it, asking her where that came from and such. tells her to do it again because uh, well, it may or may not have gotten him going even more is all i'm saying... as in, one of his hands is now on the wall and the other is around her throat from behind (and you know how much that makes her silly), and yeah, things are definitely happening. leah tries to talk about sex without going into detail and getting embarrassed lmao
— when you find out your captain is married :0 (also asked by @morvaris)
do you remember that massive post i made months and months ago about the time sergei tried to "dispose" of diana? well, yes, this is when diana is in hospital after wesker managed to save her life with cpr. the staff are asking him what his relation to her is, considering he is answering all of their questions about her, and how could he know such personal ones, right? and he says that he's her husband, and the jaws of every single one of his team members just drops to the floor lmao they are all just shocked at the idea of him being married and it's hilarious
anyway, he goes in to see her when she's awake, and the stress of the night and the fact that he almost lost her really catches up to him and it's just a lot. and like his back is to the door, so no one can see, but lmao chris is standing out there and peeking through the tiny window in the door, trying and failing to see any more glimpses of this wild revelation. but he's sitting on the edge of the bed, holding diana's hand, and she sees a little tear roll down his cheek. and it's like. he was the first one to cry in front of the other, and that was unexpected
she quietly asks him to take his glasses off, and he doesn't even care that the hospital is bright and he'll probably get a migraine (he already has a headache from all the stress), he does it anyway, and she gives him this small, lazy smile, because she's so not there and in a lot of pain, but she wanted to see him. and his eyes are so red, and it's such an ough moment. he leans down and kisses her forehead while just holding her hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb and then he makes a comment that his team now know about them, which he didn't really want, and she gives this weak laugh, which hurts like hell
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Favorite part of the interviews and a song for all?
ivy: "*he keeps a small polite smile, silently gesturing to the refreshments available as he asks* how have you been finding angeles and the palace, ivy?
*/king doof-ael,/ the title her friend alba had dubbed him with, though she couldn't possibly off that as another name. even if it was interesting, it's only when raphael sits that she notices one of the imposing figures standing a ways behind him. /the divergent man/. seven. he was here? now???"
alaska ("and I walked off an old me/oh me, oh my I thought it was a dream/so it seemed/and now breathe deep, I'm inhaling/you and I, there's air in-between/leave me be, I'm exhaling/you and I, there's air in-between")
meredith: "*he keeps a smile at her* I believe I do prefer celebrations inside, though, knowing how hot it can get in the afternoon here in angeles.
*she feels a bit insensitive when he answers because it's such a huge "duh" moment and she kind of just didn't think about it before she made the comment about all the parties. but she can just add it to her mounting list of little mistakes. she grimaces and nods, murmuring* right, sorry, of course. *she shifts again, reminding herself that she needs to focus more* it's um... colder in northern angeles too. at least where I grew up *she breathes in a sigh because somehow she's turned this into a conversation about the weather, which she feels like is what you do when you're stuck in a waiting room with a stranger and even if that's what the interviews could be likened to she was hoping it wouldn't be like that. she squirms a bit more and honestly a bit of desperation is setting in and meredith unclasps her purse, finally looking down so she can see what she's doing. she hesitates a moment, then reaches a hand inside and pulls out an assorted bag of gummy bears, which she pilfered from the pantry the night before. she quickly closes the purse again, then her hands go to the bag as she opens it, the bag makes that loud plastic crinkly sound. meredith finally looks up at him again and gives him a weak smile, holding up the bag between them, with the opening facing his way* would you like some? *her eyes dart to sam and the cameras, then back to him* it has all the flavors, I think"
good as it gets ("just leave it up to me, to be sad in paradise/I got a good heart but f*ck it for the art/had a good life, I could never really see that/got so bad, lookin' for love in the trash/if I had it, I wouldn't know how to keep it/well, maybe i'm a mess/and maybe I'm depressed/and maybe I'll just find out who I am and I won't like who it is/and I'm a wreck"
diana: "*he shakes his head at her question, not dismissive at all but offering only this* I'm not the cooking or baking type. reading, you could say, is a hobby of mine - basic as it sounds. *he knows it's probably not enough as an answers so he also adds this* podcasts are a good alternative too if I'm moving around on vehicles *he leans back, putting his elbow on his arm rest as he thinks about the baking thing but wanting to confirm his guess he asks* if you don't mind me going back to the cupcakes, were they in celebration of something?
*she shakes her head when he calls his hobby basic* it's not basic at all. I love reading, honestly, it's a luxury to be able to pick up a book on any topic and learn about something new */especially when you never got a formal education past high school/. she thinks it but doesn't say it out loud*"
blind ("but you're a little like me, same type/cancels every date night/stays home, never leaves/just can't find the energy/I stay pretty numb/never fell for anyone/you seem similar/always end up getting hurt/I haven't felt a thing this year/and I'm only tryna be sincere")
dahlia: *elevator music*
alassie: "*he shakes his head at her question, unsure also of how she's approaching this either but he lifts a shoulder up* not exactly, since it was accidentally spilled on me. it's a shame, however, that I don't have the time to change until a few interviews after this. *he waits for her to take a seat properly, gesturing to the seat again* I do ask for your patience to look beyond that for the next five minutes of your time.
*she raises her eyebrows at his gestures, and settles a little more in her current position by crossing her legs. all his fuss over his jacket makes her want to roll her eyes, and she says sarcastically* I'm not sure I can. *she looks towards the camera crew, sounding more polite as she addresses them* can anyone bring us gin? and a dry cloth?"
entertainer ("you thought you had me, didn't you?/when you lied to my face, I could see the truth/every step of the way I knew/how you fooled me, boo/guess you didn’t know that/you were my favorite entertainer/I'd watch you, I'd laugh, I would fuck with you/don’t you take me for a fool/in this game, I own the rules")
ramona: "*he presses his lips together at her last statement, a wry smile on his lips* nothing that the palace laundry couldn't handle. though, it was my lucky shity that got stained.
*she quickly gives him a more sympathetic smile, replying in an almost joking tone* I hope that wasn't an omen for the rest of the day"
meet me at our spot ("i'm not getting younger/but when I'm older/I'll be so much stronger/I'll stay up for longer/meet me at our spot/caught a vibe/baby, are you coming for the ride?/I just wanna look into your eyes/I just wanna stay for the night, night, night")
rhea: "maybe you'll get to work into developing the shows themselves in the artistic team side now *he tilts his head* I'm sorry that you don't get to perform anymore.
*she waves the apology off* developing shows looks like fun - you get some more creativity. *this is what she had rehearsed for. random fact, something near embarrassing, to make her memorable - not something her mother ever said, but something guy of all people had suggested. she leans in with a sly smile* this sounds incredibly nerdy, but I- well, someone I know back home and I- started work on this musical about aliens"
honey ("'cause I'm a beautiful wreck/a colorful mess, but I'm funny/oh, I'm a heartbreak vet/with a stone-cold neck, yeah, I'm charmin'/all the pretty girls in the world/but I'm in this space with you/colored out the lines/I came to find, my fire was fate with you")
cornelia: "I still think invitations are a nice touch, if not the tiny umbrellas stuck on the cherries of the black forest cake. *he bobs his head at the mention of her friends, curious about them* did your friends get to send you off the other day?
*she chuckles because of his words* the tiny umbrellas /are/ a great detail. I didn't know those were something I needed in my life."
like real people do ("I knew that look dear/eyes always seeking/was there in someone/that dug long ago/so I will not ask you/why you were creeping/in some sad way I already know/I will not ask you where you came from/I will not ask you and neither would you")
kaden: "*he thanks her for the coffee, holding it with both of his hands for a bit to let it cool* my previous shirt and jacket have seen better days, and this is a new set of saucers and cups but thankfully not many other casualties *he shakes his head, lifting his mug up* I'd prefer to be drinking coffee or wine rather than have it accidentally on my shirt.
*she finishes to serve her own cup* a thrilling morning you're describing. *she looks up from under her lashes, still amused apparently* perhaps getting rid of the small talk would be for the best."
slow burn ("born in a hurry, always late/haven't been early since '88/texas is hot, I can be cold/grandma cried when I pierced my nose/good in a glass, good on green/good when you're puttin' your hands all over me/I'm alright with a slow burn/takin' my time, let the world turn/I'm gonna do it my way, it'll be alright")
andreia: "*should she look closely, there are coffee stains on the place setting of the coffee table while raffy is in a different shirt and jacket thanks to the wine incident earlier. around them, there are still cameras going off around them, documentation crew really going at it. still, raffy's standing tall with his hands clasped in front of him as she approaches, only offering her his hand when she's close enough to him so he can guide her to her seat. he tries to give her a small smile despite being tired* lady andreia, thank you so much for waiting. my name is raphael, it's a pleasure to meet you.
*being outside all day, with the sun being bright, has not been /ideal/ for andreia, but she's trying her best to ignore the budding headache. she takes his hand when she reaches him, but keeps her other hand in her pocket for the time being, and gives him a small smile in return* just andreia is fine. it's nice to meet you. *once the handshake is done, she takes the other hand out of her pocket, and smiles a little sheepishly before explaining* in iberia, it's rude to show up to someone's house without a gift to give the host *she holds out her hand and in it is a small origami corgi* I know it's not much, but... *she shrugs a little, still with the same sheepish smile*"
valerie ("well, sometimes I go out by myself/and I look across the water/snd I think of all the things of what you're doing/in my head I paint a picture/since I've come home/well, my body's been a mess/and I miss your ginger hair/and the way you like to dress/oh, won't you come on over?/stop making a fool out of me/why don't you come on over, valerie?")
arely: ??????????????
suzy: "*he waits for her to take a seat before taking his own, making a gesture for plato to follow like the besets boy he is and he stays by raffy's feet* he gets mad when he feels underdressed for an event. *he nods at her response to the food, understanding of her wanting to save space for dinner, but is very pleased to hear that she likes the food. he glances at the table, looking for his recommendation and gestures to a green tea bag* I believe some hot green tea would be nice before dinner. cleanses the palate too. *he tilts his head* any favorites from the selection of food earlier?
*she raises her eyebrows, surprised since she tried to dress up bom several times but she ultimately hated being dressed, even if it's a simple bow. she turns her attention to plato and looks down at him* a true gentlepup I see"
505 ("not shy of a spark/the knife twists at the thought that I should fall short of the mark/frightened by the bite, though it's no harsher than the bark/the middle of adventure, such a perfect place to start")
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dib-adrift · 5 years
[ @dib-adrift @queen-of-lazuroth @son-of-an-invader]
Dib shifted nervously. This would make the second time he was at the Team Nebula base. Since his first visit the dreams he'd been having were far more intense, ranging from flying a ship he'd never seen to fighting an unknown Irken in an engine room. Every time they felt so real, and he couldn't help but linger on them.
When Midge came and answered the door, smiling up at him warmly, Dib managed to smile back. There was just something about Midge that was...comforting. He couldn't put his finger on it. She was sweet and friendly, and seemed very concerned with making him feel comfortable. He would admit it probably wouldn't be as awkward if he didn't feel like he was seeing a strange blurry version on her in his dreams.
“You're early!” Midge mentioned brightly, stepping to the side to let Dib inside. “Did you miss us that much?”
Dib couldn't help but snort. “Well when you live alone the quiet does tend to drive you a little nuts,” he replied.
Midge shut the door and began heading for the kitchen. Drun was current napping and Ada was playing in her room, so the living room and kitchen area were strangely quiet. “I get it,” she said with a nod. “I've gotten so used to noise that the quiet becomes weird and disturbing.”
“That makes sense,” Dib said. You have a big family and all you team mates have their own living quarters. I imagine it's hardly ever quiet and if it is there's probably something wrong.”
“You got it!” Midge said. As she went into the kitchen she turned around. “Dinner's still in the works, but if you want you can go find Dek in the ship yard. You remember where that is, right?”
Dib gave another nod in confirmation. He took a peak to see the spread of raw burgers ready to be cooked. He grinned a little, excited. It was hard to make a good vegan burger, but from what he could smell he had high hopes.
He made his way from the front living area to down the hall. The ship yard was basically part of the bases gigantic back yard, a good ways from the garden. Diana the cougar could be spotted napping among some of the flowers and plants. Dib decided not to disturb her rest.
He found Dek almost all the way toward the back, where the prized main ship of Team Nebula was. He appeared to be repainting the outside. Do jogged over. “Need some help?”
Dek turned from his work to look at Dib, the smallest of grins appeared on his face. “Nah. It's almost done,” he said, applying a few more strokes of the charcoal paint. “It's been a while since I've been able to give her some TLC. We've had so much going on.”
Dib didn't know all the details, but he did know this family had been through some shit. The fact that Dek had two different colored eyes was one of the many reminders of that. “Well, I'm glad all of you have so peace for the moment to do things like this,” he stated, staring up at the large Nazo. It was easily the biggest ship in the whole yard.
Dib took a moment to look around. There was a couple ships that were about half the size of the Nazo, and from there they steadily shrank. Thanks were so many different kinds, some models he recognized, others he didn't. Then...one in particular caught his eye. Except...it felt like more than that. He felt like it was...calling to him.
“What's that one?”
Dek looked up again from his work, his brow furrowing in confusion. Huh. That was strange. “That's an Astor. It's an older ship model but with some sprucing up they're forces to be reckoned with. Really fast and agile. But…”
Dib gave a look of concern. “But what?”
“I just...I could have sworn we only had one.” He shook his head. “Maybe we just kept missing it or something.”
“You mean you had more than one?”
“I...I guess so.” Dek walked over to the Astor, tapping his chin. So strange. “Agent Dib as it. The other one I mean. It's called the Delphina.”
Dib approached the Astor as well, still unsure why he was feeling so drawn to it. It looked...eerily familiar. Like a family member he didn't remember until now. There was an urge to… “Do you mind if I fix this one up?”
Dek rose a brow at him. “Um...sure.” He shrugged. “ You Dib's got a thing for old ships or something?”
Dib chuckled nervously. “I guess so.”
They chatted a little longer, mostly Dek telling him about the pros and cons if Astors. Dib listened intently, trying to ignore the weird case of deja vu he was feeling. He reached up and touched the side of the ship, already knowing what to call it. “Do you think Agent Dib would mind if I named this ship Sualocin?”
Dek blinked. “I mean...I don't think so. But if you're that concerned I would ask him. Though why would you want to name it Sualocin. His is named after Delphinus because we joked that it looked like a dolphin.”
Dib shifted a bit. It was never easy to reveal something personal. But he wanted to try. “My dad's name was Nicolas,” he explained. “It's...a strange coincidence, the constellation and all that.” He shrugged, not sure how to really explain. “For the longest time we never got along but recently things were getting better but then…” He trailed off. Not yet.
Dek let Dib speak, noticing that talking about this was difficult for him. Once if seemed like he was finished, Dek decided he should probably change the subject. “You like sparring?”
Dib felt his stomach flip nervously. “I haven't done it in a while. So I'm probably out of practice.”
Dek grinned. “Then let's get you back into practice,” he said, gesturing for Dib to follow him back inside.
Dib watched Dek walk away for a moment before following after him. The hybrid led him to the elevator and then to a room with a strange, squishy flooring. The walls were plain and gray, but Dib could see a controlled panel near one of the corners.
“Sometimes we have simulations in here for team building exercises,” Dek explained. “But it’s also nice and open for just normal sparring.” He took a moment to walk over to the other side of the room before taking a fighting stance and grinning. “Alright. Come at me anytime.”
Dib hesitated. He hadn’t had a good spar since...the incident. Since losing him. He observed Dek for a moment, trying to get a gage of what his strengths and weaknesses might be. It didn’t take long for him to realize he was just going to have to find out. He positioned himself, too, and then charged.
Dek’s grinned widened. He’d give the kid credit. He was quick. But he was too obvious in him movement, and Dek easily dodged the initial attack. “Come on, Dib. You can do better than that.”
Dib scowled, feeling like the captain was mocking him. He charged again, this time swerving low a bit. He caught Dek off guard, sweeping his leg to knock the captain off his feet. Then, in a fluid move, he leapt at Dek and dragging him to ground, pinning him with his arm behind his back. “Is that better, Captain?” Dib asked with a smirk.
Dek could hear the smirk on Dib’s face, and couldn’t help but look over his shoulder with one of his own. His amaranth eye glinted mischievously, and then two of his PAK legs were out, helping hims break free of the hold. “Almost but not quite.”
Dib fell backwards on him but, frowning. “Oh, come on! That’s not even fair!”
“Did I say I was going to fight fair? I don’t recall.”
Dib huffed, but got to his feet anyway. Well, if Dek was going to be like that. Dib reached up to his goggles and began tinkering with a dial on the side. It helped him see heat signatures, x-rays, and even had night vision. After a moment of analysis, he shot toward Dek again, this time attacking with his arms. He tackled the hybrid down, pinning his PAK beneath him and rendering useless. He kept his grip firm. Dek could handle it, and Dib wasn’t about to take a chance of the hybrid getting up. “Do I win yet?” Dib asked brightly.
Dek rose a brow. Dib was impressive, but he didn’t expect anything less of a Dib. However, there was one thing this one lacked from the others he knew. Experience.
In a strong and swift movement, Dek got his legs free and use his feet to kick Dib off of him, throwing him off. He kept hold of the human, causing them both to sumersault with Dek landing on top of him, effectively pinning him to the ground.
Dek grinned proudly. “You’re good. But you rely on your height too much.”
Dib shook his head, trying to wrap his head around what just happened. Dek was fast and decievingly strong. But of course he was. He was part Irken. And Dib knew he should never underestimate Irkens. His brow furrowed at Dek’s comment. “Huh?”
“It’s just kind of obvious. It’s almost like your used to fighting people shorter than you.” He shrugged. “If you wanted some training, you’d be pretty tough to deal with though.” He got up off of Dib and offered his hand to help the human up.
Dib didn’t want confirm that Dek was right. He was used to fighting and sparring with people shorter than him. Well...someone in particular, anyway. “What would I need training for? It’s not like there’s...anything happening.” He took the hand, gathering himself back to his feet. He yelped a bit when he felt a jolt of electricity from the touch. Not really painful, just very intense.
“There isn’t anything happening right now,” Dek explained. “But trust me. Those roached won’t stay in hiding for long. But...it’s your choice if you want to stay out of it. Probably for the best, honestly. He- ack!” He cut off, also shouting in surprise at the strange sensation. His brow furrowed. “Well...that was weird.”
“Yeah,” Dib said, staring at his hand for a moment. It was the same thing that had happened the first time he’d met Midge. The weird jolt of energy. But…it didn’t feel like it was repelling him from them. It felt more like...it was trying to draw him in…
He shook his head, deciding to go back to the other conversation. “What were saying? He who?”
Dek sighed. Someone needed to tell him. “Dwicky. The High Chancellor asshole that poisoned my daughters. He has an extremely disturbing obsession with Dibs.”
Dib grimaced. It was still very hard to wrap his head around the fact that Dwicky - any Dwicky - had climbed his way to a position like High Chancellor, and that he was going around trying to kill children and wanting the complete annihilation of the Irken Empire. It was...disconcerting to say the least. “I see. That’s...creepy.”
“Yup.” Dek looked at this wrist communicator to check the time. “Dinner’s probably ready by now. Let’s go see, huh?” He began to walk out of the room.
Dib nodded, following Dek all the way back to the living area. Midge had already had set the table, with the baby Drun in his high chair and everything.
Ada looked up from her own burger. “Hi Mr. Drift Dib!” she said excitedly.
Dib snorted. “You can just call me Dib, you know?”
“It’s just a filler until Mama or Daddy adopt you and you become another one of my uncles,” Ada replied, biting into her burger.
Dib couldn’t help but laugh. He’d heard the Denivars had a habit of adopting wayward souls. And...maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Even if it would be like filling a square hole with a dozens of mismatch triangle pegs, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to have a family again…
Midge finished serving the food and they sat down to eat. The burgers smelled even better now that they were fully cooked. There was even some sweet potato fries. He took a small bite of the burger, and his eyes immediately widened. “Midge...this is amazing.”
Midge’s cheeks dusted light blue. “Oh, uh, thanks. It’s an easy recipe. I can teach you if you want.”
“Please teach me everything,” Dib said. “I can cook simple things, but I’ve never made anything this good oh my god.”
Dek chuckled, leaning over and giving his wife a light kiss on her temple. “Midge is the best cook in the universe. A woman of many remarkable talents.”
“Dek stop,” Midge squeaked, her blue blush darkening.
Dib smiled a little at the display of affection. It was plain just how much Dek and Midge loved each other, and he was happy that two people he was slowly coming to like had someone they would always lean on. But...there was an ache of longing in his chest. So much that he reached up and grabbed onto the object that laid beneath his shirt. He missed having that, too. So much.
When dinner was finished, Dib offered his help in the kitchen. Most of the dishes could be put into the dishwasher, but Midge figured she could use the help with the ones that needed to be hand washed and dried. Also, she wanted to ask about something. Not right away, of course.
“So, how did my burgers hold up? You said they were your favorite?” she asked.
Dib smiled. “I wasn’t kidding. They were really good. Please teach me everything.”
Midge giggled. “You’re welcomed over here every time. And when I’m not helping you with your cooking skills Dek can help you with your hand-to-hand combat.”
Dib frowned a little. It may or may not have looked like a pout, but he was not about to admit it. “I just haven’t had the need to fight, is all. So I just...haven’t kept up with my training.” Not to mention I haven’t felt much of a reason to do...anything.
Midge wasn’t good at lying, but she was also good at telling when someone else was hiding something. She handed another dish to Dib for him to dry and put away, their fingers brushing accidentally. She gasped. It was the strangest feeling. Not quite like static electricity, but definitely something...buzzing. It made her hearts jump a little.
Midge wasn’t the only one to feel that weird buzz between them again. His brow furrowed, and his hesitated in putting the plate in his hand away. Unconsciously, his hand went back to his shirt, gripping the item beneath through the fabric. There was...such a strange familiarity here. Like he was a missing puzzle piece that was being welcomed home. Then there was the strange dreams he was having. Dreams that felt more like memories. But he’d never done any of those things. He’d never been on a space station or had to beat up some ugly alien that stole Zim’s PAK. Nor was their first kiss on board ship he had restored on his own.
Midge took a deep breath. She could tell there was something under Dib’s shirt, could tell it was a bit of a comfort item. She could even see a bit of a chain peeking out. She took a slow step toward, taking the plate from his hand. She created a footstool with her ice powers before using it to put the plate away. Once she was done she stepped down and looked back up at Dib. Her hand came up to cover his, gentle, trying not to startle the human. There was that buzzing. It was warm and strange. Familiar. Like...but that couldn’t be right.
“Did...he give that to you?” she asked. “Your Zim?”
Dib was in the middle of backing away from Midge when she reached out and touched him. For someone with ice powers were so warm. And then there was that buzzing, like a quiet, calm vibration. Like the universe was trying to tell them something. It was so weird and confusing and Dib couldn’t fathom what it meant, but it was also...comforting. He was almost tempted to take her hand in his and hold it for a while.
He shook that thought away and cleared his throat. “Um...yeah.”
“I want you forever, My Dib.”
“I’m forever yours, Space Boy. Forever and ever.”
Who would’ve thought forever wouldn’t have been promised to either of them…
“I’m sorry,” Midge almost whispered. She knew when someone was grieving. She could see it in Dib’s eyes, his facial expressions, the way he was holding himself right now. And as someone who had lost someone she’d loved so much, she understood how much it hurt. And how there would always be a whole there that would never truly be filled.
Gently she tugged Dib forward a little. “Would a hug be okay?” she asked.
Dib contemplated the question. A part of him wanted to run away from this. To go back to his ship and fly far, far away. From the Denivars, from this neighborhood, from this strange connection that he’d found with Midge and Dek. A connection that seemed to only be growing the more he hung around. But yet, that very connection was what kept him from doing so. What was this? What did it mean?
Dib nodded silently, accepting the offer for a hug.
Midge had to pull the human down a bit as she pulled him into her arms. The buzzing increased. If felt like something warm and fuzzy was being wrapped around the two of them, yet with also a small bit a strange, gentle vibrations. Suddenly Midge found herself overwhelmed with emotion. The only thing she could compare it to was when she’d found out that Addie was awake.
“You don’t have to be alone, you know,” she said. “You…” “You may have be strong for the rest of the world, Membrane. But you don’t have to be strong with us.”
Dib nodded as he leaned more and more into the hug, even burying his face into the crook of Midge’s neck. The unknown sensation seemed to increase the closer he got. Some part of him was scared of it, and wanted to get as far away from it as possible. But...it was also the most comforting thing he’d felt in such a long time. He found his throat growing tight, and he gave Midge a squeeze. His heart was pounding a little. It felt like dozens of emotions were flooding him at once.
“I…” He started, but his voice cracked. He cleared his throat and tried again. “Thank you.”
Midge smiled, reaching up the pet the human’s hair a bit. “Of course. Any time.”
They weren’t sure how long they stayed like that before Dib finally pulled away and made his way out.
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shintorikhazumi · 7 years
A Warm Diana Chapter 4: Turn Up the Heat
A Warm Diana Chapter 4: Turn up the heat
I don’t hate Andrew, not at all, but he doesn’t really interest me. Ok, bu t I love wingman Andrew... so much! I prefer Frank, honestly, but I don’t really mind Andrew, but for the sake of explanation to Chap 3’s Akko and her… pushing away despite loving Diana… well…
Ok... why? WHy in the last episode, and why too late when I already go this set, is it hard for me to post this? Wingman Andrew is best Andrewm but... ugh... why must I be conflicted?!
I apologize beforehand if this chapter will be so random and/or vague especially when it involves Akko, and it will be so damn confusing unless I placed my answers here right.
This is sooo… weird. This chapter. It’s weird. And horrible, and bad and I’m just-
I’m so disappointed in myself rn… but don’t mind me. It sucked. I’ve read it before you guys so a heads up… T^T… Why????
AKKO LOVES DIANA SO MUCH, Okay? Maybe a little too much.
Annnndddd… I don’t understand myself anymore L
EPISODE 25 WaS GLORIOUS!!! And I wanna cry… so bad… losing another series is just too painful… I’ll be lying on my bed staring blankly at the ceiling, so please read.
Ok, I know I said I wouldn’t post because of Ep 25, but… my country won’t show it yet… soooo… I’ll watch it in a couple of minutes. It should be out by now.
~Shintori Khazumi
The insistent ringing of the alarm clock just by her head got Akko flapping her arm about, looking for the damned button to take away the annoying noise so early in the morning.
She did not want to open her eyes, just so she could get that last few minutes of shut-eye before having to get up, lest she comes into a full state of being awake.
She could hear the groans from above her, whispering that she should just get up and turn it off, to which she stubbornly refused and was hit in the face with a pillow that flew from across the room, with the aid of mushroom propulsion.
Due to the vote of the majority, Akko forced her eyes open, blinking and trying to register all the light, shapes and colors around her till she spotted the ticking little object, slamming the button, and tossing it into her drawer.
Silence ensued for a good five minutes before a stray thought popped into Akko’s mind, confusing her on why she had set the alarm if it really was the day she thought it was.
Mustering enough volume into her raspy, early-morning voice, she knocked against the wood of the bunk above her to gain the attention of one of her roommates and best friends.
“Hey, Lotte?” An exhausted hum was the only response, but Akko took it that the girl was listening anyway. “What day is it today? Is it Saturday?” She didn’t know why she needed an answer despite having an idea, but the reply she got had her slapping her forehead and bringing her into complete awareness.
“If you knew, why the hell did you set your alarm for the weekend?” Sucy groaned from across the room, turning about in her bed, looking away from the side with her friends.
“Yes, Akko… It’s Saturday. Don’t tell me you have supplementary lessons again.” The blonde sighed, taking a peek at the bunk below, and he faced morphed into confusion as she watched a bewildered Akko staring at the seven-am numbers on the clock she had just retrieved.
She seemed to be in deep thought before she slapped both her cheeks, now sporting three red triangle points on her face.
No Answer was given as Akko bolted from her spot to the drawers to gather her materials, towel and some underwear- something odd since she usually included her clothes, throwing in whatever to an outfit for the weekend, or simply wearing her uniform. The bathroom door banged shut as the sounds of rustling clothes, a yelp (courtesy of Akko slipping) and the sudden sound of a shower (and another cry as the temperature hadn’t been adjusted) were the sounds that headed their morning.
As she scrubbed herself totally clean, Akko couldn’t stop the jitters as she remembered why she needed to be up by this time.
She cursed as she remembered that she still had to plan out her clothes for the day. Something she seldom did, but just had to do.
Because today was special…
Today was…
The date.
 Sucy resisted the urge to roll her eyes as another shriek came, followed by angry muttering as Akko had either bumped into another piece of furniture, her leg bumped into something low, she stepped on something lying round or she stubbed her foot, or maybe worst case scenario, she was making out with the wall again.
“Stupid Walls.”
Ah. She got her answer.
The potion brewer could hear Lotte’s scolding voice as the bespectacled girl had actually been watching Akko in her dance of madness while she threw articles of clothing over her shoulder.
“Akko, calm down. Why are you so panicky in the morning?” She inquired, now climbing down from the bunk and helping her brunette friend out by picking up all the materials strewn about the room.
“Thank goodness, Lotte… Umm… I need your help.” She said putting on a shirt, wearing it, shaking her head then throwing it back in the pile.
“What’s wrong? Why are you in such a hurry? And why are you even acting like this?” Lotte watched her skeptically, seeing this out of character Akko, playing dress up. “It’s almost as if you’re trying to impress someone on a date.”
“I am.” Akko replied instantly, without thinking.
Sucy winced inwardly at the loudness so early in her day, and faced her roommates, deadpan expression on.
“To be more specific, she is trying to impress Diana on a date. At what, nine-am?” The brunette nodded as Sucy gave Akko a once-over, grimacing at her too flashy attire this time, telling Akko that she needed to change it. “And don’t worry, Akko.” She turned to her other friend. “You could wear a rag and Diana would still want to walk around town with you, though I guess you wouldn’t be caught dead wearing that, with or without Diana.”
Akko coughed into her fist, out of embarrassment and out of the fact that she choked on her words the moment Sucy spoke.
“Y-yeah… so Lotte?” She returned her attention to the blonde. “Help me out?” She pleaded, voice nearly a reluctant whimper.
As Lotte went through Akko’s clothes more neatly than the owner, said owner was lost in her own thoughts again.
Akko wondered why she was trying so hard when she, herself had been the one who was so hesitant on going on this date with a certain blonde prodigy.
She had almost refused those dazzling blue pools and that affectionate smile, almost.
Just because she had her insecurities, she had her fears.
But then again, that was exactly why, why she was doing such things.
Looking herself in the mirror, in all her uncoordinated glory, hair strewn about, she muttered her prayers.
If, at the very least for today, any god would hear her prayer, she wished that she would look acceptable enough, worthy to be seen walking beside Diana, and making her happy on this date.
And really, if it were granted, it would be her only wish for a long time.
At the very least, let her be the one to be by Diana’s side today.
She viewed herself in the mirror as Lotte fancied her up, enough to look presentable, but not too much to look, well… and maybe the blonde added a touch of make-up, against Akko’s will, but enough to bring out her beauty as the blonde squealed at her handiwork.
“There! All done.” She smiled, closing the compact. “You must be excited, huh?”
Akko didn’t respond.
She just stared at herself in the mirror, recalling exactly why she did not favor this date than she would have if certain incidents hadn’t occurred. She looked at the mirror, now asking herself if she looked good enough, feeling familiar prickling at the corners of her eyes as Lotte gasped in surprise, asking her what was wrong as she began quietly letting a few tears slip down her features at her face portrayed through the glass.
She looked into watery eyes in shock, asking herself so many questions, one of them being why she was crying.
She felt so conflicted now. Her feelings for Diana, or her insecurities involving Diana. Negated by her fears, the emotions she held…
It almost didn’t seem worth it at all.
Sucy and Lotte stared at her worriedly, before both drew in to comfort her, knowing there was something causing her dread more than first date butterflies.
They didn’t want to know, but they also wanted to be confided in.
And Akko remembered a day, three days ago when she asked herself. For Diana…
Am I enough?
 Three days prior to the talk by the fountain…
A young, well-groomed man stepped out of his expensive limousine, fixing his tie and brushing off whatever imaginary dust he thought he’d have on his two-hundred thousand dollar suit.
He was a man on a mission, two actually, one just serving as a lowly premise for a grander order of business that was composed of him, a lovely mischievous witch, her hat, and some worded feelings.
Yes, the reason why the famous Andrew Hanbridge had returned to Luna Nova Academy was to return Kagari Atsuko’s hat and hope she returned something else of his.
As luck would have it at a quarter-past four just outside Luna Nova’s largest building, the Japanese girl just so happened to pass by, carrying a brow-raising amount of cleaning supplies.
Fixing his tie, checking his breath and clearing his throat, he called for her. “Miss Kagari?”
The girl did a double-take at the sight of the boy- and of the expensive-looking vehicle behind him.
“Oh, hey Andrew! Why are you here?” She asks with a smile, setting down her materials as she approaches him to chat.
“Actually, just this. Here you go. You seem to be quite careless and I recommend you take care of your belongings more.” He reached out the hat to which the girl gave a happy sound followed by a sheepish grin.
“My hat! You had it… Whew, thank you so much for returning it to me.” She told the boy, scratching the back of her head. “Professor Finneran has been hounding me non-stop about it. My ears are starting to scar.
They shared a laugh and the atmosphere was pleasant enough for Andrew to commence with his intentions.
“May we talk a while?” The man asked, holding out a hand expectantly, which Akko either failed to notice, or purposely ignored as she walked past him, leading the way to a nearby bench.
Exchanging pleasantries and experiences between the two brunette’s ate up quite the fair amount of time, and Akko realized that she still had detention work to do, and tried to excuse herself from a frowning Andrew.
Andrew was disappointed. He enjoyed chatting with the brunette. Really, he did, but something was strange about every single thing they talked about.
It had started with how school was doing, and Andrew told Akko of his learning experience, how he found a good piano teacher there, he boasted about his grades and awards and Akko simply clapped in awe. He liked it, the praise and attention.
But then, it began.
Akko praised him, but then she said she knew someone who could do the same things.
Well, it was only one comparison out of many and the rich boy tried to not let it bother him so much.
Akko talked about her own school happenings, and Andrew smiled in fondness, listening attentively, erasing her existence… before Akko rewrote it with so few words.
“-But then Diana helped me out with my homework again! She’s so nice and amazing, and surprisingly kind, wait no. She’s always been that. I’m just stupid.” Akko laughed at her own words, but Andrew remained mirthless.
And that became the format of each conversation.
Andrew would start up a new topic each time the Cavendish girl’s name popped out, trying to drive it as far away from her, and lead it back to them, he and Akko, back to him.
But each and every time, school, family, hobbies, likes, EVERYTHING. Everything always seemed to lead back to Diana. Akko’s thoughts always strayed back to Diana. Everything coursing through Akko’s life always connected to Diana.
Diana, Diana, Diana, Diana, Diana, Diana.
How ladybugs and tacos could even come close to be related to her was a mystery, and he felt his confession chances slipping more and more till he reached breaking point. When Akko asked if she could go ahead.
“I’m sorry Andrew!” She squealed, looking at the gigantic clock overlooking Luna Nova’s courtyard. “I forgot about my detention duties. Is it okay if I go back now? Really sorry, I still wanted to talk some more but-“
Andrew breathed deep, feeling the air fill his lungs as he tried to compose himself. “It’s fine.” He spoke through gritted teeth. His chances at confessing were slim, but then again, maybe he should leave it for another time, Diana indirectly thwarting his plans with the help of time.
Wait, Diana?
On second thought, Andrew got up and grasped Akko’s arm looking into wide red irises, blinking at him, stunned.
“Miss Kagari, I have one final question.” He informed, and she straightened up and stared at him in wait.
Bracing himself for the most likely answer that he knew had the biggest possibility of crushing his chances, He asked with all his dignity and pride on the line.
“Do you fancy Diana?”
The way Akko choked on air, jaw hung slack and staring gave Andrew all the answers he needed as his eyes narrowed, gripping her arm tighter as he willed her to stay with him for this conversation.
His next words, he knew they were out of his own jealousy and spite, and against his better judgment, would obviously hurt Akko, something he wouldn’t do normally.
But still he said it.
“You can’t.”
It seemed to snap Akko out of her shocked trance as her confusion turned into interrogation, wondering why her friend, who had somehow realized her feelings for another witch, was questioning- no, opposing the nature of her feelings.
“Why?” She asked, needing an answer. All her other friends here at Luna Nova seemed to have no qualms with it, why should Andrew.
Then she remembered Andrew wasn’t from Luna Nova, he wasn’t with the witches, he was traditional like his father in a sense, no matter how much he did not want to be. Andrew was a boy.
“You just can’t.” And Andrew tried searching for a compelling enough reason for Akko’s love to not come to fruition. “The two of you are so far apart, not only physically, but emotionally, mentally, socially even, and culturally. Akko, if you didn’t know now, I’ll tell you myself. Society will judge you.”
Akko wondered what was going on. And after everything was okay earlier in their talk, it took a turn for worse.
She was struck by a sudden thought. She didn’t think it could be possible, but if there was even the slightest chance, then… What if-
“Are you saying this because you think you’d be a better match for Diana?” She inquired seriously, honestly, not wanting another rival out of a friend.
“NO!” Andrew shouted, not being able to believe how dense the girl could be. Didn’t she see that he and Diana were practically always at each other’s throats? He needed to clarify. “I’m saying this because I’m interested in you.” He finally confessed, hand squeezing the one in his as Akko blinked back in surprise, before frowning with a shake of the head.
Andrew was a nice person, and maybe it wouldn’t be so wrong- No, if there was one thing she was certain of, she wanted Diana and herself to work. This was something she needed to be blunt about, not only to the male, but to herself as well.
“No Andrew,” She began calmly, looking into his eyes as she shook his hand off, standing as tall as her petite stature would allow her.  “If you can plainly see, and understand that I like, no love Diana, then why would you tell me I can’t, ignoring the fact that you actually just confessed.” Akko informed, before adding as an afterthought. “Sorry I can’t accept your feelings, by the way.”
Andrew looked at her, his own perception used against him. But now, the irritation he felt wasn’t due to the fact that Akko rejected him of all people, but because the cause of the rejection was Diana of all people.
“Then can you say that to her face?” He challenged her, hardening his head in defiance. “Tell her you love her?”
“Andrew-“ Before she could give a steady answer, she was cut off.
“Akko, I’m the one who likes you more.”
And the brunette instantly knew he was wrong. She just felt it.
Because no one. No one. Gave her the feelings Diana gave, Looked at her the way Diana did, and made her want to shower Diana with as much love as the prodigy had for her. No one could let her feel love without needing to say a word.
No one was as Warm as Diana.
“But then wouldn’t you be in the same boat as Diana?” Once more, she tried using his own words against him, but against her expectations, Andrew gave her a wry smile, knowing something she didn’t and was ready to share.
“The only difference between I and her Is that she is a woman, you both are. And I am a man.”
It was so Quiet. Akko was speechless as she was swarmed with unpleasant thoughts and assumptions.
Just what had Andrew said to make her feel such?
“And have you ever considered what her family would think?” The gut wrenching mention of Diana’s family, people Akko didn’t exactly have fond memories of, made her shiver.
Because whether or not they were horrible human beings, or snakes, They were still Diana’s family and therefore held more importance to the girl in her life.
“Would they ever approve of you two?” Andrew added more and more salt to the wound. “Much less you.“
Akko felt her fists clench so tightly her palms hurt, as she gripped them, nails digging into her skin, ensuring red marks later on.
“I’m ready to find a way for myself, but is Diana?” The boy turned away from the witch, ready to walk away and not let the disdain show on his face, hating everything including himself for being such a petty, lowly, jealousy-driven individual.
Envy was a dangerous sin.
“She- she… She is.” Akko decided to put all her faith in Diana, but still… even with this much trust in the blonde, Akko knew that her uncertainty was not for fear for herself, but for fear of the things that could affect Diana, and love just confuses everyone.
“Think about it.” The politician’s son gave his final offer and warning to which Akko was grateful for, but not willing to accept.
“I am.”
She really was thinking. Deeply about his words, their talk.
“You know I only say this because I care. About you.” Andrew told her this, climbing back into the seat of his car.
“I’m sorry.” Akko gave a curt bow, no longer being able to smile and laugh and look into her friend’s eyes. “I may care about you, but it can only ever be as a friend.”
Andrew kept the strangled breath in his throat as he did nothing to bid goodbye, as did Akko.
“Suit yourself. I will be waiting.”
Left alone now, Akko picked up all her cleaning supplies, hearing a frustrated growl from a familiar teacher in charge of detention.
“Guess I’ll get back to those windows.”
 “You are distracted.”
Akko nearly spat out her drink, quickly scanning the table for a tissue or cloth, Diana handing her one helpfully, the brunette nodding her thanks as she wiped off the liquid that escaped her lips from her surprise.
“Are you alright?” Diana’s worried gaze filled Akko with warm fuzzies and butterflies, but she also felt bad for causing the blonde concern on their date that was seemingly very special to the heiress.
“I’m fine.” Akko replied with a nod for extra guarantee.
Diana seemed to accept it, and leaned back into her seat, taking another bite of her food and letting her date relax, before tensing again.
“So what has been on your mind that you have been ignoring me this whole time?” They had been sitting at their table, in this café for nearly two hours and not so much as simple greetings and formalities had been exchanged.
Akko was barely lucky that the cup was still to her lips as she spat out all she had drank, back into the cup, disgusted by herself as she put the cup back down, hoping the waiters would just throw the contents away later.
“Sorry.” The girl whispered with a bowed head.
The heiress sighed, folding her hands on top of the table as she looked at Akko’s defeated form. “I don’t need an apology, I want an answer.”
Diana was sad because Akko was sad, and there was no way she wanted her very first date with her very first love to end on a sour note. She needed to fix things as soon as possible.
“Is it… because of me?” It hurt to ask this question, but she felt it was relevant to know.
The brunette witch’s eyes widened, shaking her head furiously. “No, absolutely not. You are not- well… I-“
What was she doing? Allowing Diana, in her oh so stunning dress to impress,  to feel anxious, scared on the date after she had been so kind as to invite Akko out, choosing a private location for them, a rarely visited café on the outskirts of town, far from all who knew them, and at first Akko’s thoughts of Diana being ashamed of her nagged in her head, but of course the blonde herself denied those ideas, telling Akko as they arrived that she chose this particular setting for the girl’s own comfort if she wished not to be seen due to her consciousness of Diana’s status.
Akko felt like crying a second time that day, simply from the fact that Diana still thinks of her despite how Akko is towards Diana, shy and inconsiderate of the girl’s feelings in a way. Though she refrains from doing so, she does not fail in expressing her utmost gratitude by hugging the girl tightly.
“I’ll… be fine Diana.” Akko spoke after reminiscing the past few minutes, smiling softly. “Let’s just enjoy our date? I swear I’ll pay attention now.” The girl grinned for the first time in a while, digging around her pocket before tossing loose change as tip on the table, showing her hand to Diana who was still questioning her state. She rolled her eyes. “I promise I’ll be fine, if not you can take care of me, or something?” She said, blushing a bit.
Though Diana was still a bit suspicious, and wanted to know what was bothering Akko so much, she accepted the offer of happier times and took Akko’s outstretched hand that dragged her out of her seat and out the café’s door with a clang of the bell that hung by the door.
Akko laughed freely as the air brushed against her face as she had no intentions of halting this run along this dirt road in a place far from anything they already knew, only knowing each other out here. To the dunce, there was no more place for fears or insecurities and for the first time in these past days, she felt she could breathe.
She muttered a few apologies down the road for every time Diana would make a sound of discomfort or would trip as Akko was leading her by the hand, by her own pace, letting go of all her thoughts, and replacing it with ‘Diana.’
As compensation for all the hurt, she hoped she could let Diana enjoy it… at least for today.
On the other side of things, Diana could only stare at the back she missed looking at so much, following around into adventures and all that excitement.
She spotted the smile Akko sported, even if it was for but a millisecond, but she could confirm it was real.
This was the Akko she asked out, The Akko she loved.
It was finally time to enjoy their date.
 Diana was frowning. Wait, no… she was scowling.
She wanted to enjoy her date.
She had chosen a simple enough dress, stopping just above her knees that would give her enough comfort for the outdoors, and wore boots along with it, a thin coat to keep her warmer in case they stayed out late, and a shoulder bag for her things. She even applied light amounts of makeup to top off her look.
And she loved how Akko looked, arriving to meet Diana, despite her slouched appearance at first as she was bashful to show herself to the heiress.
A Plain white V-neck shirt and a scarf, a black coat, black tapered jeans, ankle boots and a cap. A leather backpack hung behind her.
Neat, not too casual, not too formal.
Akko had even taken initiative to lead her around by the hand, despite walking around with her eyes to the ground, hiding her face.
And after the café incident, things had started getting better with Akko back to her usual endearing self.
She had been beginning to enjoy her date.
-Before it rained. HARD.
“Faster, Diana!” Akko shouted through the loud noise of falling water, the clouds crying heavily on them. “I think I saw a shed over there.” She pointed through the practically misty visibility due to how strong the rain was. A silhouette of a roof barely seen on a hill.
Diana nodded, but realized Akko couldn’t see her just as she was having a hard time following Akko. The only reason they were yet to be separated in this weather was the firm hold Akko had on her hand as she guided her to shelter.
They had been running, with Akko in the lead, to any place their feet would lead them to, no particular direction in mind, though Diana had her misgiving, and worried if by chance they would get lost.
But Akko’s happiness was just too contagious that it dissipated all those thoughts. Diana had been led like a moth was to a light, the light being the ever bright Kagari Atsuko.
But just as she had been reveling in the light, basking in its warm glow, dark clouds formed suddenly overhead before releasing all the gathered waters of the heavens onto the poor pair of girls.
Now, running to a seemingly unreachable destination, Diana felt the need to be more careful as she had been tripping and slipping a few small times, before her foot eventually hit a larger rock causing her to lose her footing as she shrieked, “Akko!”
She closed her eyes in preparation for any form of impact, but the only impact she knew of was the pelting of rain against her now shivering, cold arms that found purchase around her savior’s back.
Other than that, she was left in warmer arms, a stronger protective barrier against the howling winds as she felt her back being rubbed in comfort.
“Are you okay?” A soothing voice asked, distressed for the heiress’ sake, holding Diana carefully close, only a so few feet before her head would hit the ground. Her neck and head were cradled gently in one hand, as the other supported behind her waist.
Akko was nearly parallel with Diana and the ground as her back received all the rain, Diana beneath her and shielded from it all, drops falling from brunette strands.
“You’re not hurt, are you?”
Diana’s mouth opened and shut again, gaping like a fish as she tried to find the words to say in her surprise and embarrassment as her heart beat faster and faster by the minute.
Not finding any words to express what she wanted to say, she opted to wrapping her arms fuller around Akko, pulling her into a hug, torso to torso, so close together, nearly taking them down to the ground as the other witch struggled to right both bodies, Diana now clinging against her as she returned the embrace.
“Let’s get some shelter.”
The blonde nodded, loosening her hold on Akko just a bit as said girl assisted her in standing and walking to the place she had spotted earlier.
Diana was so focused on just walking through the strong, squinting all the way that she failed to notice Akko taking off her cap and placing it on Diana’s head, allowing her to see a bit better and protect her eyes, as well as make a surprised sound.
“Akko-“ She tried to reject the help, but Akko was already shielding her eyes with her hand, not giving Diana the chance to return the hat.
“Wear it, I’ll be fine.” She instructed, lowering her head slightly, looking for a better way to see. “We’re near that shed thing, anyway.”
True enough, they now stood at what looked to be an old, worn down bus stop, deserted and in the middle of the flooding nowhere.
Akko sat Diana down and tried digging in her pack, searching for anything to wipe away all the droplets running down Diana’s face from her dripping hair onto her clothes.
Finding a face towel, Akko began dabbing carefully at Diana’s face, the other girl closing her eyes and enjoying the care as Akko proceeded to her hair and cheeks.
Diana, after being able to open her eyes, stared at the concentrated, determined look on Akko’s face as she dried Diana off gently.
“Akko, thank you, but what about yourself?” She asked, stopping the movement of Akko’s hands and calling for her attention as their gazes met. The brunette witch was obviously more soaked than she was, and possibly very cold, but was trying to hide it.
Akko decided not to reply as she tried loosening Diana’s grip on her to continue with her service to the girl- but she froze as she went lower, wiping Diana’s neck and seeing her translucent white dress due to being wet. Her eyes averted straightaway, a blush conquering her entire face as she mumbled something to herself before slipping off her black coat and covering Diana properly, the girl confused at the actions.
“What are you-?” The heiress tried removing the cloth but Akko waved her hands frantically to stop her from doing so, drawing in too close as they ended up staring into one another’s eyes again, before blinking at the same time.
The moment their eyes opened, they were in a quiet café, only drizzles outside the window as warm sunlight permeated through the grayish clouds outside the tall glass windows in the warm atmosphere.
“What the- Where are we?” Akko asked no one in particular, very suspicious of the place, their sudden location. “What just happened?”
One look at Diana who was now seated at a nicely arranged table instead of on an old wooden bench, told Akko that she had no clue either.
The brunette rubbed her temples, trying to comprehend how they got to this mysterious place, before a voice interrupted her thoughts.
“Welcome, visitors. To Café Riparo, your shelter from the rain.”
Akko’s head turned from one side to another, trying to pinpoint the location from where the voice came.
“There’s no use in searching for me. I am the owner of this magical place. A place to rest, to relax, to take shelter from the storms of the world and inside you. I cannot be seen, only heard, and I can only serve, no service returned to me. No one shall know my name, though I may always know yours.”
“Kagari Atsuko.” The girl bravely replied, giving her name, as Diana’s protest died in her throat. “I have another question.” Akko said, pulling out a chair and taking her seat, two floating towels immediately draping themselves over the guests.
Akko and Diana were surprised that after one brush of the towel, they were dry again, the cloths disappearing into thin air.
“Ask away, my guests. But before that, would you care for a warm cup of tea?”
Akko could only nod, still wary of everything, before a tea set appeared on their table, sugar cubes floating about as Diana held up two fingers, the sweet bits jumping into her cup and the liquid stirred itself.
“Why are we here?” Akko asked the question both witches were curious about, relaxing after a sip from her tea.
“To escape peril and enter into paradise, two hearts must be connected by the same actions, the same thoughts, the same feelings.”
“What is that sup-“
Then it clicked.
In one single moment of surprise, when the pair had gazed into one another’s eyes, no other thoughts running in their head but each other- the same thoughts. When they had blinked in synchronization- the same actions.
But what of the same feelings?
To embarrassed or afraid to admit, somehow they just knew and didn’t know what it meant.
While they were in deep thought, not exactly doing anything, the voice resounded throughout the room once more.
“Would you mind chatting with this unlucky, lonesome soul?”
Looking up, both shrugged, not having much choice as they still failed to comprehend what was happening, nodding their replies as more tea and treats came floating or appeared on their table.
“Let’s savor this company, shall we?”
 Chatting with, what they learned, was a cursed soul roaming this cursed “Town of Rain”, as it explained, was far less scary than one would have expected.
The voice was gentle in its stories, refilling the witch’s refreshments from time to time. Possibly the only other thing they were grateful for, food after missing lunch, aside from the shelter.
Also, maybe a new magical history that was known by so few it was such a privilege to be told from the source itself.
A greedy mayor of a town abundant in water and rain with astounding greenery and produce, charging so much for each and every product, building this café and charging his own people too much.
And the soul was cursed by the justice of the Nine Olde Witches.
Akko felt sorry for it, the soul bound to a hidden town, a hidden store, only to have company if the terms of visiting were met.
How sad was an eternal damnation alone.
But all stories must have some ending, and no matter happy or sad, they all bore a lesson to learn.
And the soul spoke in all his years of learning, that he had finally learned… a bit too late.
Diana had also felt mercy for him, as the girls shared a look while sipping tea, and they did not notice the sad atmosphere, the darkening clouds outside the window as they blinked together, realizing a moment later.
“Thank you for visiting. Do come again.”
 “Hey Diana.”
Akko was now kicking her shoes against the ground as they found themselves sitting on that old wooden bench, at the deserted bus stop.
“Yes, Akko?”
“I think I learned something.” Akko said, neither of them looking at each other as the brunette got up, staring at the softer pelting rain, now turning into a light drizzle.
“I did too.”
It was quiet, and Diana was still staring at her lap, registering everything as if it had been a dream- until a hand came into view. She followed the arm up with her eyes, reaching a small, slightly melancholic smile.
“Did you enjoy the date?” Akko asked, though having a feeling that she and the heiress shared the same sentiment.
“Not as much as I would’ve liked.”
The brunette nodded in agreement as Diana placed her hand in the outstretched one that pulled her to her feet.
Looking back into Akko’s eyes, the girl seemed to look more refreshed, like she had really found something important.
“I guess we think and feel the same about that then, huh?”
Diana’s eyes widened as she heard those words in her head in a different voice, the two sharing grins as their hands linked, squeezing one another.
“I suppose you are correct on that front. It could have been better.”
Akko hummed, nodding, rocking on the balls of her feet before  her expression morphed into mischief, eyeing the water droplets in a contemplative manner.
“It’s not too late for us to make it better?”
She smirked, and Diana did not have the luxury to wonder what it would have meant, as she was tugged by the hand back into the drizzling atmosphere, Akko leading once more, but this time beginning to run and horse around, taking Diana near bushes and trees and getting water droplets to attack the blonde girl as she shrieked in horror, before giggling and returning the favor.
What was the purpose of drying off earlier? Diana did not know, nor did she care anymore as they played around in the puddles and in the rain.
Even if the gentle breeze and the little droplets were near freezing, their joined hands emitted all the warmth in the world they’d need.
It was time to enjoy their date for real.
The setting sun on the horizon and their dimly lit dirt path leading to familiar parts told the pair of students something. More specifically, it was time for something.
To go back to town to go home.
Diana was certainly displeased to have to leave now, not wanting to return to school despite the rules for students when going out, surprising herself as she always saw herself as a diligent and obedient child. But Love was something that was dangerous, and this was a proven fact.
Now entering the city gates, Diana found herself more relaxed, and Akko contrasting her, more tense as she kept looking around ever since they stepped foot into the crowd.
Her head was down, hiding her face and she was on high alert, almost as if she thought someone were watching her every move, or judging her for just being there, walking next to Diana.
The heiress sighed, frustrated and needing to know what caused the girl this distress. Diana never pegged her the type to worry  about appearances and status, and she certainly had shown that fact a while ago, with how she acted around Andrew and other aristocratic figures. So what was so different now?
Arriving by the tower that would connect them to the leylines, Diana watched Akko’s shoulders relax as she let out a deep breath. It was the time she’d ask. They were not to return until the blonde knew what was wrong.
“Akko.” She called and the girl jolted up straight.
“Y-yes?” She looked nervous, almost as if she did not want to go back home yet- or rather, go back home with Diana. She even took a step back once the heiress drew near her, cancelling all the elation Diana had accumulated the whole day in one gesture.
“Akko…” Her voice sounded weaker as her hand tried to reach for the girl who stepped back till she was backed against the wall. “Did you hate it?”
“Huh?” Akko straightened up, now it was her turn to reach out and lift Diana’s gaze to hers. “What-“
“Did you hate the date?” Akko looked at her disbelieving, shaking her head in denial, her only way to reply, wondering where Diana obtained such thoughts. Hadn’t Akko been happy most of the time.
Oh, that was it, wasn’t it?
Most of the time.
“When it said about the same feelings… Akko… what was it that you felt before we entered the café?” Diana asked. “And on a more negative note, the shop before that, what were you thinking about? Why don’t you want to be seen with me? You were far more relaxed away from prodding eyes- Akko, just… is there something wrong with me?”
Again all Akko could do was shake her head no, mouth open but silent.
“Then, are you ashamed of being seen with me?” Diana asked, quivering.
The brunette’s eyes widened in utter shock. “Never!” No, that wasn’t it. In fact, it may have been the opposite. “Diana, I’m more scared that you’d be ashamed of being seen with me.”
Now that was a surprise. Why, indeed? And Diana had asked it simply, like it was perfectly questionable, that statement. Why should she be ashamed of Akko, of someone she loved?
“Because Andrew-“
Diana frowned immediately as Akko clamped her mouth shut, at the glaring eyes. “What about Andrew? Did he tell you something? Akko?” She may have looked menacing, but her air and voice were afraid and weak.
Diana pleaded for honesty, and there was no way Akko could say no.
“He said I wouldn’t suit you.”
Diana’s heart dropped to the floor.
“He said… I can’t love you.”
Diana choked on thin air, now lacing her hand with Akko’s that was grasping at the sleeves of her jacket.
“Society would judge us… and your family…Who you are, you’re amazing and- I’m not someone… who can freely walk next to you, you know?” Akko was teary-eyed explaining to Diana. “I don’t want to ruin your life just because I’m in it.”
Ruin her life? Akko was basically the only thing good in her life!
“That’s why I can’t be your lover, or girlfriend or any other title other than your friend, Diana.” Akko breathed out. “Okay?”
The girl nodded in confused understanding.
“Because I’m a coward… and I’m scared.” Akko released her grip and stepped back. “I’ll ask Lotte or Sucy to pick me up. Go on ahead.” Akko smiled a smile that did not quite reach her eyes. “I at least hope you enjoyed the date.”
The sun had finally set and the tower was enveloped in quiet nighttime darkness that reached the depths of Akko’s heart.
The firm voice made Akko lift her head in confusion.
“You didn’t?”
“NO.” Diana said again, voice louder, angrier, sadder, more loving. “No, Akko… You are mistaken, very much so.”
“You suit me… Only you. You and I, we complement one another. No, Andrew is wrong. You can love me. I want you to love me.” Diana swallowed hard, parting her quivering lips. “Please, I need you to love me. Please love me.”
“Diana, I said I can’t.”
“No, because you are far from ruining my life. You fill it with adventure, fun, love, color… warmth.” Diana spoke with fondness. “No, you are not a coward. Afraid, perhaps, but not a coward. And no, do not call your team. You are returning with me.”
Diana finished it with a smile, but Akko still had questions.
“But what about the date? Did you enjoy it?”
Diana thought about it. She’d be lying if she said either yes or no.
“I think we both know the answer.” Akko nodded. “Though… there is one yes…” At the brunette’s raised brow, Diana sighed, running a and through slightly cool damp hair. “Society will judge us.”
“I see.”
“But know this Akko,” Diana cut in before the sadness consumed Akko. “I love  you.”
Akko felt her heart beat faster, but painfully in her chest as she clutched it, tears in her eyes. Even after all the pain and rejection she had caused Diana, she was able to say such honest words, while Akko lied to both Diana and herself.
“No- I can’t… Diana, please…”
“I don’t need a title or a label for us just yet.” Diana cut off the weeping child, now holding onto Diana’s clothes as she slowly felt her knees go weak, the pair crouching on the floor. “But I want to date you.”
“Diana…” Akko shook her head, not allowing it, even if she ached to do so… to be allowed to love Diana. “No, I can’t… you can’t, we can’t-“
“I want to show you how I can be for you, with you, because of you.”
Diana continued her sincere words, a second, stronger confession in the making, while Akko was wavering in her decisions of a second rejection.
“I want to date you. I want to go out with you. But if you are against it, then I cannot force you because I have my feelings and you have yours. I do not, will not, push or force upon you my desires.”
Why did Diana have to be so kind, why did she still have to be so considerate… why did she have to return Akko’s feelings and impossible love?
“-but…” She spoke up again, hugging Akko once, before releasing her, holding her at arm’s length so that Akko could see the truthfulness in her eyes. “ I long to love you.”
Diana began wiping away the never-ending tears from Akko’s face as she held onto Diana’s clothes, still shaking her head, resolve breaking, shame overruled by love.
“So will you let me?”
The tears fell into her lap as she cried, noisily, then quietly, sniffling, then breathing deeply, trying to let it all out, but trying to prevent it all. Akko held onto Diana, not any closer than their one body apart distance, but Diana wanted more, pulling the smaller girl in close and hugging her as tightly as she could.
“Will you let me?”
“D-D… Diana!” Akko sobbed into the jacket, soaking it with her salty tears as she nodded, finally accepting, hugging Diana, clutching the fabric covering the girls back, running her hands all over. “I’m sorry!” She cried. “I’m sorry I hurt you, I’m sorry I was scared. I’m sorry… I’m sorry for leading you on… I’m sorry for not giving you a proper answer… Diana I’m sorry I can’t- I’m…”
“You were hurt, weren’t you?” Diana whispered softly into her ear, tucking Akko under her chin as she rocked them both back and forth. “His words hurt you, those thoughts scared you… for my sake.”
Akko nodded, not trusting her voice any longer, broken and raspy.
“Don’t be sorry.” Diana cooed. “Thank you for telling me, Akko.” She kissed through the girl’s hair, on her forehead, she brought the girl’s hand to her lips, warming them with her love. “We can now work this out together.”
Akko felt herself being lifted up, up into Diana’s arms as she felt so, so weak, as the heiress prepared and mounted her broom.
“We can work the details, and the other things out later.” She planted a kiss on the girl’s nose, then on her eyelids, then on her tear-stained cheeks. “For now, let’s go home.”
Akko nodded, and with a ‘Tia freyre!’, they were on their way to a new start, a fresh one, a happier one.
 Arriving at the gates, Akko was able to stand on her own two feet, wobbly, yes, but enough to walk on her own, albeit with the assistance of Diana.
“Akko, before we go back in,” The brunette barely had enough time to be aware before Diana’s forehead bumped against hers and her lips were planted just on her chin, inches shy of Akko’s own pair of pink petals. “I love you. I am willing to wait.”
A fresh batch of tears welled in her chest as Akko cried, pulling Diana into a hug, muttering sorry and thank you over and over to the blonde, hugging her, grateful and apologetic, but more relieved than anything, more loved, more loving… happier, sadder, lighter…
She would anticipate the day, they both would, the day Akko could say ‘I love you ‘ and have no worries, no ‘but’s , or problems, no ‘sorry’s behind it.
And they could wait forever.
Diana and Akko.
The two of them entered the gates hand in hand, teary smiles, dopey faces, blushing and embarrassed, but feeling so warm as they returned to the dorms.
Tomorrow would be another day.
It would be a fresh start for everything, even for them.
They were so happy that they might lose sleep, but they hardly cared.
It was time for a new warmth.
They did not see the two pairs of eyes watching them from afar, icy and dark.
Eyes that spoke-
A/N: So no water form, but this time it was rain… still counts, right? Um… Sorry… for the quality drop… See you next time?
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~Shintori Khazumi
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smartgirlsaremean · 8 years
The Camping Trip - Chapter 3
Fandom: OUAT
Relationships: Rumple & Neal, Rumple & Henry, Neal & Henry
Rating: T
Summary: Neal is determined to take Henry on a camping trip, and Rumplestiltskin is along for the ride. Neal just wants them to have a nice, normal, male-bonding-in-the-woods experience, but normal isn't exactly coded into the Stiltskin gene pool...
Chapter 3
Rumplestiltskin didn’t know why he didn’t expect these things to happen to him, honestly. He, a dark sorcerer, was on a camping trip with his magically-unaged son and his cursebreaker grandson, and there was no reason for this camping trip to be anything approaching normal. Still, when he left the campsite to walk about the woods and be absolutely certain there were no dangerous creatures waiting to pounce, he had fully expected to be able to make the circuit and return to his boys.
No such luck.
The gigantic gray wolf in his path growled, its teeth glistening in the moonlight, its ears flat against its head, its hackles raised. Rumplestiltskin held his hands up in surrender and carefully backed up a step, but the wolf snarled and took a step forward.
“Foolish human.”
Rumplestiltskin blinked and looked around before realizing that the guttural voice was coming from the wolf. He sighed. Of course it was a magical wolf. What else?
“Why do you hunt alone? Why do you leave your pack?”
“I’m not hunting,” Rumple insisted. “I’m merely...patrolling. My...pack is nearby; I wanted to be sure we were safe.”
The wolf growled again. “Never safe to hunt alone.”
“I’m not hunting.”
“You have a weapon.”
Rumple thought of the dagger sheathed and concealed in his boot and winced. “It’s not for hunting, it’s for protection. I never let it out of my sight.”
“You do not kill with this knife?”
“I never touch it if I can help it,” he snapped, and the wolf growled a warning.
“Mind your tone, human. I punish the foolish.”
“Papa? Papa!”
Rumplestiltskin whipped around to see Neal charging into the clearing, his crossbow at the ready. His eyes bugged at the sight of the wolf and he raised the bow higher, preparing to fire.
“No, Bae,” Rumplestiltskin said, raising one hand. “I’m alright.”
“Wolves?” Neal was incredulous. “There are rabbits and wolves in these woods and nothing else?”
“Amaroq is no ordinary wolf.”
The wolf’s stance relaxed a little, its ears pricking and its hackles lowering a little. “You know my name.”
More crashing footsteps and then, “Whoa! Did that wolf just talk?”
Neal huffed but didn’t take his eyes off the wolf. “Henry, I told you to stay at the camp.”
Amaroq shifted his eyes from the men to the boy. “You are teaching your young to hunt.”
“I...yeah. Yeah, that’s it exactly.” Neal lowered the bow an inch or so.
Meeting Rumplestiltskin’s eyes, Amaroq relaxed entirely. “You are truly not alone.”
Rumplestiltskin took a deep breath, rocked by sudden strong emotion. Neal stood by his side ready to protect him. Belle waited in Storybrooke to welcome him home. Henry was willing to spend time with him. “No,” he rasped. “No, I’m not alone.”
“Very well.” With a flick of his tail, Amaroq turned and dashed back into the woods, his enormous paws making almost no sound even in the dry undergrowth.
Neal let out his breath in a whoosh and lowered his bow all the way. “Holy crap, that was terrifying.”
With a small smile, Rumplestiltskin turned to his son. “This from the man who survived Neverland?”
“Neverland was filled with teenage boys. I know how they think. Giant wolves? No idea.”
“Amaroq is an Inuit creature that stalks and kills those who hunt alone at night.”
“Never heard of it.”
Rumplestiltskin shrugged. “Once he discovered I wasn’t alone, I was no longer in danger.”
“Right.” Neal glanced around uneasily. “All the same, we should probably get back to camp. What if there’s a giant porcupine out here that preys on groups of three?”
Henry laughed, and they headed back through the woods.
“Are you sure that pole goes there?”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
“‘Cause it looks a little weird.”
“It’s not weird, it’s fine.”
“But it’s kind of sticking up in the middle and…”
“We’ve got this, don’t worry.”
“But what if…”
With a twang the tent pole, which he’d bent to create the proper dome shape, sprang free and caught Rumplestiltskin square in the eye. Letting loose with a string of Dwarvish curses, he stumbled away from the tent and sat on one of the logs, his hands pressed over his face.
“That sounded awesome!” Henry exclaimed. “Can you teach me…”
“Not on your life,” Neal muttered. He knelt next to his father and pulled at his hand. “Let me see, Papa.”
“‘m fine.”
“Will you let me look?”
“I said I’m fine. Finish pitching the tent.”
Neal rolled his eyes and tugged hard, finally prying Rumplestiltskin’s hand away and revealing a blooming yellow bruise. “Can you open your eye?”
His father complied, though he looked like he was in pain.
“Is anything blurry? Can you move it around?”
Rumplestiltskin looked from side to side, wincing, and Neal leaned in closely.
“I don’t see any scratches or anything. I think it missed actually hitting your eye.” He backed away a bit and grinned. “You’re gonna have one helluva shiner, though.”
“Fantastic,” his father muttered.
“We can tell ‘em all you were fighting off that huge wolf thing.”
“And what, the wolf punched me in the eye?” Rumplestiltskin scoffed.
“Like that’s the weirdest thing these people have ever heard. Flying monkeys, anyone?”
Neal regretted his flippant remark when his father’s face shuttered. “Yes, that was quite fantastical, wasn’t it. Now are you going to finish with the tent, or shall I…?”
“Yeah, I’ve got it.” Neal rose and hurried back to the tent, guilt making his heart thump. For all he’d suffered sharing his father’s mind and body, he at least had not been the object of Zelena’s twisted desires. The things she’d done to Rumplestiltskin - the things she’d made him do - Neal still suffered nightmares, and he knew his father’s must be immeasurably worse. At least he’d been persuaded to see Archie now and again, sometimes alone, sometimes with Belle or Neal, and his eyes had that haunted, hunted look in them less often.
Until some idiot would make some stupid remark.
Henry helped him hammer the tent pegs into the earth, and they stood and surveyed their handiwork. Considering that he’d mostly lived in a cave in Neverland, he hadn’t done too bad a job pitching the tent. Sure, it leaned a little to one side and didn’t quite sit level on the ground, but it would keep them sheltered through the night. He helped Henry unfurl the sleeping bags inside the tent and turned to look at his father, who was staring into the flames.
Cautiously Henry walked over and sat next to his grandfather on the log, picking up a stick and poking at the fire. He kept glancing up at the sorcerer as if trying to read his mood. “So what now?” he asked after a while.
“It’s dark,” Neal said. “Shouldn’t we go to sleep?”
“I guess.” Henry shrugged. “I guess I thought there would be more to this than eating half-cold hot dogs and sleeping on the ground.”
“Your father taught you something about the stars on the way back from New York, didn’t he?” Rumplestiltskin asked quietly.
“Yeah, he said you had to navigate by them.”
“Did he tell you any of the stories associated with them?”
Neal smiled and sat on Henry’s other side. “No, I didn’t. We were pretty focused on getting you back here as fast as we could.”
“I know some of the constellations, but I didn’t know they were stories,” Henry said excitedly.
“Pick one.”
Henry tilted his head back and squinted up at the sky. “Orion.”
“Orion the hunter.” Rumplestiltskin took a stick and traced the shape of the constellation in the dirt. “The son of Neptune, god of the sea, and Euryale, queen of the Amazons.” He turned to grin at Henry. “Met her once. Charming woman, if I ignored the blade held to my throat.” Henry laughed, and his grandfather returned to his drawing. “He was the greatest hunter that ever lived. He had his mother’s strength and cunning, swift and silent and keen-eyed, able to fit an arrow into his bow and fire it into the heart of a creature before the beast even knew he was there.
“Unfortunately, he’d also taken after his father, and Neptune was never known for his self-restraint or his good humor. The more renowned Orion became, the more renown he sought, until he boasted that he could best any creature in the world. You know what they say about pride, of course, Henry.”
“Uh...it’s not good?”
“Pride goeth before a fall,” Neal said. His father smiled at him.
“Exactly. I suppose the animal world heard and resented his boast, because one day as he hunted a particularly large bear, a scorpion crept out of the grass and stung his foot. He died instantly.”
“How did he end up in the stars?” Henry asked.
“Some legends say he was Diana’s betrothed, and when he died she was so grieved that she placed him in the stars so that she could look upon him always.”
They were all silent for a moment, staring up at the heavens.
“My turn,” Neal said. “Tell him about Chiron.”
“Which one is Chiron?”
“The centaur,” Rumplestiltskin explained. “You know it better as Sagittarius.”
“That’s one of the astrology signs, isn’t it?”
“Indeed. Chiron was a centaur, but he was also a teacher and healer and musician, the gentlest and kindest of the half-horse beasts, adored by all who knew him. His death was a tragic accident.” Rumplestiltskin tossed his stick onto the fire. “Hercules had slain the Hydra, chopping off the dominant head and thus completing one of his tasks, and he carried arrows dipped in the monster’s poison. Hercules visited the centaurs on another task, to obtain a bottle of Dionysus’ wine, highly prized by the centaurs, who tried to take it. There was a fight and, by accident, an arrow lodged in Chiron’s breast. As an immortal,” and Rumplestiltskin winced, “Chiron could not die, but he was in terrible agony. He wished to become mortal so that he could put himself out of his misery, but even in his quest for mortality Chiron proved his compassion and heroism. Prometheus, who had stolen fire from the gods to give to the mortals, was chained to a rock with an eagle feasting on his liver - the liver would grow back every day, and every day the eagle would return to eat it. Chiron begged to take Prometheus’ place - to become mortal, to be chained to the rock and allowed to die, to release Prometheus from what Chiron deemed a most unjust sentence. Jupiter, astounded by this half-human who had displayed more genuine goodness than many purely human mortals, honored his sacrifice by placing him among the stars.”
“Chiron was always my favorite,” Neal said softly into the silence that followed Rumplestiltskin’s tale.
“Why’s that?”
“Because he was a hero, but not the kind of hero most people think of. He wasn’t loud or bold, he didn’t run into danger and wave swords around. He just - did what he thought was right. Sometimes it’s harder to be that kind of hero.”
Henry tried to hide his yawn behind his hand, but Neal noticed.
“Okay, kiddo, time for bed.”
“There’ll be more camping fun tomorrow. Go on in, we’ll be in soon.”
“Okay,” Henry sighed. “Night, Dad. Grandpa.”
When Henry was safely zipped into his sleeping bag, Neal sat on the ground, leaned against the log behind him, and looked at his father, whose bruise was now beginning to turn purple and red.
“If I had known you were in Neverland, none of this would have been necessary.” Rumplestiltskin’s voice was so quiet Neal barely heard it.
“What wouldn’t have?”
“The curse. Teaching Regina dark magic. Sending Emma here.”
“There was no way you could have known.”
“I would’ve come for you in an instant. You know that, don’t you?” Neal was silent, his heart beating wildly. “Don’t you, Bae?” his father pleaded.
“Why did you let me go? Just tell me that. All these years, it’s the only thing I’ve ever wanted to know. I knew you couldn’t get to me. I knew you couldn’t find me. I never wondered why you didn’t come after me. I wondered why you let me go in the first place.”
Rumplestiltskin was silent for several moments. At last he said softly, “I didn’t want to. You’ve been in my head, now. You’ve heard the voices.”
He had. wretchedspinner,useless,worthless,patheticslaveofawitch,soiled,filthy,killyourself,bedone Or worse: yesyesyes,killthewench,killtheboy, freeyourself,loveisweakness,sickness,death,killthemkillthemall
“They told you to let me go.”
“Screamed it until I could scarcely hear my own thoughts. It’s not an excuse, I know that. I’m a coward and always have been, and I was scared not to listen, terrified of what would happen if I went through, of being without the power to protect you.”
“I didn’t need protecting.”
“I didn’t see it that way.” His father sighed. “You would do anything for Henry, and you’ve only known him a month or so. I had fourteen years of holding you, caring for you, keeping you safe. It was all I knew.” He ran a hand down his face. “I will never ask your forgiveness for that. I’ll never deserve it. But you wanted to know why, and the simple answer is that I was afraid.”
Neal sat silently for a few more minutes, staring up at the stars and remembering nights like this one, sat by the dim light of a fire and listening to his father weave tales of heroes and monsters and gods, somehow always featuring a brave little boy with curly hair and dark eyes. He remembered other nights, huddled in a cave and wishing with all his might on the brightest star he could see, but no fairies ever answered his call.
And through it all his father had been working, plotting, scheming, tearing apart worlds to get to the son he’d let go in a fit of fear and weakness. He’d never given up, even after hundreds of years when he had every reason to think Baelfire was dead and gone forever, even when his plans almost failed and he was trapped and in danger of losing his memories as well as his magic.
It mattered. Maybe it shouldn’t, but Rumplestiltskin’s sorrow and regret and desperation mattered . And while it was not okay, it would never, never be okay, Neal felt that in time he could stop being angry and hurt and begin to heal. Hell, maybe he could do with some one-on-one sessions with Archie himself.
He stood and, after a bit of hesitation, reached out and squeezed his father’s shoulder. “I’m gonna turn in. You coming?”
“In a minute. I’ll put the fire out.” He glanced up at his son and smiled very faintly. “Without magic.”
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