#cpsa capstone documents
dothesamnthing-blog · 5 years
Final Advising Conference
In the final advising conference I reflected on my time this semester working on my capstone project. I think that I really have done a better job now than in the past on getting parts of my project done. In the past, I probably would have just started and finished the whole project (including planning, and executing) all at once, and at the last minute. This time, I think that I planned too much, and should have executed more. All in all, I think that my project turned out well, and I learned a lot about my self and my work style. I pushed myself to get it done, and I am glad that I did.
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daniellcparts · 7 years
Advising Meeting #1
NAME: Daniel Lee  
MEETING DATE & TIME: 2-8-17 2:20 P.M.
In 3-4 sentences, please describe what was discussed during your meeting.
We discussed narrowing down my broad topic of music therapy and selecting a specific path to take in terms of research. Some of these options were to comparing physical interaction with music compared to listening and experiencing music. In addition, we also discussed the need for specificity when it comes to student needs or sicknesses,
In 3-4 sentences, please explain what the next steps you will take with your project will be.
The next steps will be trying to gauge the needs for students and try to focus my research on those needs. In addition, I will attempt to create a survey for people to fill out to receive more information about the interactions and access people have with music. And from the information I receive, I will be able to start structuring experiments for my peers and their experiences with music. I will collect my own data from my experiment and attempt to analyze them for my overall end project.
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justinlcpsarts-blog · 7 years
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ArtsFest Display!
I am so happy that I was able to bring my 3D printer to ArtsFest and live-print my mouthpiece. I had a lot of people that stopped by to ask questions.
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ryanycpsarts-blog · 7 years
CPSA 250: College Park Arts Scholars Capstone: Solo Project, Spring 2017
Purpose/Mission Statement: I will be conducting a research art project on the history and evolution of ancient Greek pottery from the years 1000-300 B.C.E. Using this research I will create replica ancient Greek pots that display the style and technique that was used back in history.
Learning Objectives:
I will research and learn about the technique, style, and design of ancient Greek pottery from 1000-300 B.C.E. and group it into major categories.
I will create drawings and sketches that illustrate the process of designing and creating the Greek pots.
I will enhance my current ceramics skills by creating 6 (or more) models of Greek pots using some pottery techniques that would have been done back then.
Workshop Process:
I will be conducting research on the Protogeometric, Geometric, Orientalizing, Red-figure, Black-figure, and White Ground styles of ancient Greek pottery. I will learn the unique characteristics of the styles and the process by which they would have been made. I will then throw modern day pots that will embody the aspects of the different styles. I will be doing pencil sketches to plan out the pottery, and then I will make the models out of clay using various ceramics tools. My work will be displayed with descriptions and some of the planning illustrations to show the process.
My planning work will be documented through sketches and descriptions in my process binder. I will also photographically document the process of making the pottery at different stages.
Cartwright, Mark. "Greek Pottery." Ancient History Encyclopedia. N.p., 12 Jan. 2013. Web. 24 Jan. 2017. <https://www.ancient.eu/Greek_Pottery/>.
Cook, Robert Manuel. Greek Painted Pottery. 3rd ed. London: Routledge, 1997. Print.
Cook, Robert Manuel, and Pierre Dupont. East Greek Pottery. London: Routledge, 1998. Print.
Grace, Virginia. “Standard Pottery Containers of the Ancient Greek World.” Hesperia Supplements, vol. 8, 1949, pp. 175–456. www.jstor.org/stable/1353892.
Sparkes, Brian A. Greek pottery: an introduction. Manchester: Manchester U Press, 1991. Print.
Sparkes, Brian A. The red and the black: studies in Greek pottery. London: Routledge, 1996. Print.
Walters, H. B., and Samuel Birch. History of Ancient Pottery: Greek, Etruscan, and Roman. Vol. 2. London: J. Murray, 1905. Print.
Project Timeline: Include dates and deadlines set by the course syllabus, as well as self-imposed benchmarks for what you would like to have done at certain points in the semester.
2/16 – Have research complete and begin first pot
2/23 & 3/2 – First look 2-minute presentation. Have at least 2 pots started.
Spring Break – Have at least 4 pots finished.
4/6 & 4/13 – Second look 2-minute presentation. By end of 4/13 have all pots finished.
4/21 – Showcase poster due
4/29 – ArtsFest
5/4 – Academic Showcase
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creative-dza · 6 years
Final Reflection
1)What was the most challenging aspect of completing your project, and why? (This might be technical aspects, time constraints, problems that arose, etc.—be honest, this is your space to reflect!)
 The most challenging aspect was writing the poems. I think if I were to do it again, I would try to write a poem every day. It doesn’t have to be good, it just needs to be something. Because when I was trying to write these poems, I was just letting inspiration come randomly.
  2)Looking at your learning agreement(s) on ELMS, how do you think you succeeded (or not) in completing your Learning Objectives? Which ones did you fulfill? Which ones did you not fulfill? Why?
 Looking at my Learning Objectives, I was successful in completing them. I learned different styles of poetry and how to use them, learned about other famous poets’ thoughts on the Black Experience, expressed my thoughts on what it means to be Black in America, presented my poetry in an interesting and engaging way. The only thing that I didn’t do successfully was write 10 poems. But, I feel like I was able to accomplish everything else that I set out to do.
  3)What were the most helpful aspects of the (semi) weekly class meetings? What would you like to see added or subtracted for next year?
 I think the most helpful aspects were just helping me to stay accountable. Meeting once a week kind of pressured me to make a little bit of progress each week. Even if it didn’t work sometimes, it helped me to do more over time, rather than waiting until the last minute. It also helped me to think about how I was going to present my capstone. The first look presentation was very helpful for that. Everyone told me that I should read my poems out loud, so I ended up trusting them and doing that.
  4)What part of the project were you most proud of? Why?
 I was most proud of presenting it at Artsfest and the Academic Showcase. I wasn’t even thinking about performing for people when I first thought of my capstone. I was apprehensive about people reading them, so performing was out of the question. But, after some encouragement, I decided to do it. I’m glad I did. I feel like it helped me grow a lot, and it’s something that I can say that I’ve done.
  5)What part of the project would you have changed if you could? Why?
 Personally, I would have chosen a smaller number of poems to write. I chose 10 poems arbitrarily, I should have done more research on how long it generally takes people to do something like this. I only ended up having 7 poems, which is still a lot, but I think it would feel better if I had reached that goal.
  6)If you had to offer advice to next year’s Capstone students, what would it be?
 My advice would be to choose something that you will enjoy working on. Don’t do something that is going to feel like a chore to work on. But, also get outside of your comfort zone, push yourself to grow. And most of all, don’t think of it as an assignment for school. Treat it like you are an artist trying to make something for a gallery or performance, because that’s really what it is.
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lhacapstone · 6 years
Final Reflection
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Academic Showcase Plan
Academic Showcase
Name: Vince De Guzman
Project Title: Emoji Maker
Detailed Description: An android app where the user is able to create and design their own emojis to be used in various messaging applications. There will also be a default keyboard with my own personal art style of emojis that people can use and edit to their own wish. The canvas will be a grid-based style meaning the emojis will be pixelated and presented in a pixel art style. The user will also be able to load and edit preexisting emojis.
1. How do you intend to present your presentation/performance at the academic showcase? I plan to have a table or something to put my laptop on with both the code and the actual application in view. So that people who are interested at the code can look at it and people who just want to create can also do that.
2. Do you plan on presenting a poster?  (This will cost $20 to print and is due to Harold and I by April 20th, 2018) No.
3. What equipment/tools will your presentation/performance require?
What will you provide (a personal laptop, an interactive art piece, props, food) etc.? Laptop
    b.  What will you need provided by the University (projectors/whiteboards/tables etc.?) Table
4. How much space will you need? (a table and/or chair, multiple tables, a “stage”) Just a Table to put my laptop on
5. If your project includes a presentation/performance component how much time will you need? Does not include presentation/performance
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evanwilliamson-blog · 6 years
CSPA250: Final Reflection
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kelsyscpsarts-blog · 6 years
Final Reflection
1)  What was the most challenging aspect of completing your project, and why? (This might be technical aspects, time constraints, problems that arose, etc.—be honest, this is your space to reflect!)
The most challenging aspect was finding the time to go on photoshoots that worked well for both me and my friends as well as finding time to edit the photos near the end of the semester. Since my project involved having college students act as models, I had to communicate with my friends to organize times for photoshoots. This became more difficult towards the middle of the semester with different mid-term exam schedules especially if I wanted to arrange an off-campus trip to DC which would be more time consuming. I also learned the basics of PhotoShop for the first time this semester so I had to take time to watch YouTube tutorials on more advanced PhotoShop skills and these skills were difficult to master as a beginner.
2)  Looking at your learning agreement(s) on ELMS, how do you think you succeeded (or not) in completing your Learning Objectives? Which ones did you fulfill? Which ones did you not fulfill? Why?
I think I succeeded in completing all of my learning objectives. I did learn how to balance ISO, shutter speed and aperture since I watched tutorial videos online and also had the benefit of being in the photography workshop class which gave me more time to practice using my camera.  I took a variety of shots in creative poses that caught the attention of the audience by using accessories and inspiration from fashion photos on social media as well as on fashion blogs. I also like the photos I took in the Clarice and ESJ building where the backgrounds appeared more modern and enhanced the quality of the photos. Lastly, I became familiar with using Photoshop after watching YouTube tutorials and editing my nature landscape photos for the photography workshop as well as editing the fashion photography ones.
3) What were the most helpful aspects of the (semi) weekly class meetings? What would you like to see added or subtracted for next year?
The most helpful aspects of the weekly class meetings involved presenting on the progress of the projects and explaining the importance of the project. Creating PowerPoints for the First Look and Second Look presentations motivated me to stay on track with my time-line so that I had something sufficient to present for each assignment. It was also interesting to watch other students’ presentations and see the progress that they made from the First Look to the Second Look presentation. It was helpful when we did an exercise on describing who our target audience was, what value our project contained and the emotions that we wanted to provoke from our project. This made me think more deeply about my purpose and inspiration in choosing a fashion photography project and how I wanted to express the diversity of fashion styles as well as the beauty in fashion photography.
4) What part of the project were you most proud of? Why?
I was most proud of the photos that I took during my last few photoshoots. I definitely felt more confident directing my friends and finding creative poses or settings to capture near the end of the semester so the photos for the last shoots turned out the best. Since I arranged my photos in the order of earliest to most recent photoshoots, I could see the overall growth in my photography skills. This was also one of my main personal goals for the capstone project so I’m glad to have achieved it.
5) What part of the project would you have changed if you could? Why?
I would have liked to arrange one-on-one photoshoots in the beginning of the semester so that I had a greater variety of photos to choose from. It was difficult to conduct photoshoots with many people at once since I didn’t want to take too much time with one person and as a result, the poses weren’t that creative and I didn’t like many of the photos. I also planned on having the printed photos be 5in by 7in rather than 4in by 6in to show more of the details in the clothing and accessories, especially in the full-body photos where there was a lot going on. Although 5in by 7in photos were much more expensive to print for the small difference in size. If I had the time, I would have added frames for each of the photos as well to create a more professional look.
6)  If you had to offer advice to next year’s Capstone students, what would it be?
First, I would tell them to choose a capstone project that they’re truly interested in. Since the project is spread out over a semester, it’s easy and common for students to push the project off but if someone enjoyed the process of creating the project, then it’s more likely to be completed on time and in better quality. It’s also important to follow through with the time-line you constructed in the beginning of the semester as well as you can, unless you change a significant part of the project. By working on the project every week or every other week, you won’t run into situations where an obstacle could prevent you from completing it. Instead, you would have the time to find a way around it or change your project slightly so that it still resembles an idea you like and can be proud of.
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ryanscpsarts-blog · 6 years
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Learning agreement
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kgardinercpsa · 6 years
Final Reflection
What was the most challenging aspect of completing your project, and why? (This might be technical aspects, time constraints, problems that arose, etc.—be honest, this is your space to reflect!)
The two most challenging aspects of completing my project were finding time and figuring out my theme. I tend to work in short bursts when I have inspiration, so at the beginning of the semester I did not feel like setting aside time to work on the project, hoping that inspiration later on would help me complete it. Also, it was difficult to come up with a concrete theme because my poetry-writing also tends to happen in random bursts of inspiration, making it about a variety of themes. Choosing a theme was helpful because it focused my thoughts and energies to make the end product more cohesive.
 Looking at your learning agreement(s) on ELMS, how do you think you succeeded (or not) in completing your Learning Objectives? Which ones did you fulfill? Which ones did you not fulfill? Why?
I definitely completed my objective of creating four works of visual art that incorporate poems in a way that emphasizes their meanings, although for some of the poems I possibly could have done a better job of making the paintings reflect the meanings. I did not learn as much about the four poets I chose at the beginning as I anticipated, and this is because I ended up changing my inspirations. I also did not necessarily learn how to mimic the styles of all of those poets, because I focused on other ways of interacting with their poems. I ended up only doing one imitation poem (of Gwendolyn Brooks’ poem), one response to a poem by Gabriela Mistral, one in the same form (haiku) as the work of Yosa Buson, and one in my own style. Overall, I learned less about imitation and more about different ways of interacting with and being inspired by poetry.
 What were the most helpful aspects of the (semi) weekly class meetings? What would you like to see added or subtracted for next year?
The most helpful aspect of the class meetings was sharing our thorns and roses. This was helpful because it helped hold us accountable and helped to build community by giving us the sense that we were all progressing towards a common goal despite the fact that we all had unique projects. It helped us become invested in each other’s projects and made us want to see our peers succeed. It was neat to see how each of us made it happen, no matter if our plans or objectives changed over the course of the semester.
 What part of the project were you most proud of? Why?
I was most proud of the final project as a whole for several reasons. First, I am the type of person who likes to see physical results of my work, so seeing the final product hung up at Arts Fest and the Academic Showcase was very satisfying. Second, seeing my poems boldly written for all to see made me proud of my own growth since poetry used to be something I would write and keep to myself. Third, it was really gratifying to see my signature in the corner of each painting to signify that it was finished. Overall, the final product gave me a sense of completion that made me proud of my work and the fact that I had seen the project through to its culmination.
 What part of the project would you have changed if you could? Why?
One specific aspect I would have changed about my project would be the length of the poems. Although in the grand scheme of poetry my poems were all very short, putting them on paintings made them appear longer. I did not anticipate that they would take up as much space on the canvasses as some of them did. For example, my Spanish poem, although only two stanzas of four lines each, looked very crowded on the 12x16 canvas. I would make the poems shorter to be able to experiment more with lettering in order to make the words more artistic rather than writing them all in the same font and roughly the same size.
 If you had to offer advice to next year’s Capstone students, what would it be?
My advice to next year’s Capstone students would be to come up with a central theme for their project, something that is meaningful to them, then ask themselves, how can I make art that conveys this theme to an audience? It is helpful to have a theme to ground your art, and it is even more helpful to pick a theme that is important to you so that you will be passionate about completing your project. I also think it is helpful to do one thing each day that relates to your project, whether that is a quick sketch or a couple lines of poetry. What really makes the project eventually start coming together is when those daily tasks start becoming focused on and/or motivated by your central theme.
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dothesamnthing-blog · 5 years
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Critical Binder Week 4, Entry 16:
I have sewn int he hair to the canvas! This is most likely the hardest hair I will have to sew into a canvas in my Capstone because they are not individual braids, but rather loose hair that then forms a braid. It is very sturdy and the braid turned out really well!
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daniellcparts · 7 years
Advising Report II
NAME: Daniel Lee    
 ADVISOR: Harold
 MEETING DATE & TIME: Wednesday 3-29-17 1:30 P.M.
  In 3-4 sentences, please describe what was discussed during your meeting.
 We discussed the next steps I should take in improving my experiment. There are some things I can do to help make my experiment more viable and allow me to fine tune my poster. In addition, we discussed the aesthetics of my poster and the format of my presentations.
 In 3-4 sentences, please explain what the next steps you will take with your project will be.
 My next steps will be to test more volunteers to increase my sample size. Furthermore, I will aim to find other studies that have been performed that are similar to my own to justify any results I may receive. Finally, I will aim to add more information to my poster that further explains my methods and conclusions of my capstone project
 Please use the space below to indicate any further questions, concerns, or confusions that were NOT addressed during the meeting.
 I asked all the questions that I had during the meeting.
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sophiescapstone · 6 years
Advising meeting 2
MEETING DATE & TIME: 4/6 11:20
In 3-4 sentences, please describe what was discussed during your meeting.
We talked about my plans for my infographics. We talked about how to orient them on my poster—vertically I could include the 3 lesson plans, or landscape I could include the 3 lesson plans and the overview infographic. We talked about how I need to make sure the pixels on my infographics can be supported by them poster so it is the best possible image quality and how to do this.
In 3-4 sentences, please explain what the next steps you will take with your project will be.
I am going to finish creating the infographics and the projects. I am going to get these done sooner so I still have time to figure out the poster design and the math for the pixels. I am going to decide how I want to display the art examples (easel or pinned on the wall).
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creative-dza · 6 years
Final Learning Agreement
Advisor: Patricia Akinbola
Weekly Meeting Time: Thursdays at 2
Process: This semester I plan on writing at least 10 poems on what I think it means to me be Black in America. These poems will be about my personal experiences. I’m not trying to define Blackness for everyone, just how I’ve experienced it. By the end of the semester I want to have them printed out into a book and display it at Arts fest. I hope to learn more about different styles of poetry and how to express myself in writing.
Learning Objectives:
learn different styles of poetry and how to use them
Learn to express my thoughts on what it means to be Black in America
Learn how to present my poetry in an interesting and engaging way
Learn other famous poets thoughts on the Black Experience
Workshop Process: I want to do a lot of reading for this project. Some of the books I want to read are The Complete Collected Poems of Maya Angelou, Selected Poems of Gwendolyn Brooks, Selected Poems of Rita Dove, The Collected Poems of Audre Lorde, The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes, and Black Feeling, Black Talk: Nikki Giovanni. I hope that these poems will act as inspiration for me, and allow me to read and try to write different styles of poems. I also want to leave some time for me to revise my poems. For revision, I plan to share my poem with some people whose opinions I trust for feedback. I will also reread the poems and revise the poems if they need to be revised.
For my process journal, I created a new Tumblr for it. I want to post something everyday, that way I get into the habit of writing and being creative each day. I’ll put videos and poems that inspired me on there, as well as write about what steps I’ve taken that day to get closer to my goal.
At the end of this I want to have a physical book of my poems. It doesn’t have to be fancy or anything, but I want to have something to hold that looks professional. I know that there are places that do it online, I just need to find them. So, that’s another part of the process that I need to finalize.
-The Complete Collected Poems of Maya Angelou
-Selected Poems of Gwendolyn Brooks
-Selected Poems of Rita Dove
-The Collected Poems of Audre Lorde
-The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes
-Black Feeling, Black Talk: Nikki Giovanni
Project Timeline:
January 31- have 5 poems done
February 15- have 6 poems done
February 22-in class presentations
February 28-have 7 poems done
March 1-in class presentations
March 15- have 8 poems done
March 31-have 9 poems done
April 13- in class presentations
April 15- have all poems done/start revisions
April 20- in class presentations
May 1- have printed poems
May 4- Academic Showcase
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lhacapstone · 6 years
Final Capstone Agreement Form
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