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Central Philippine University. Ground shot
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Central Philippine University. CPU big field Ground shot.
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Central Philippine University, CPU HalfMoon near in main gate of CPU
ground shot.
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Central Philippine university - CPU round a bound, and in the middle is the Philippine flag. Ground shot.
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CPUAA UAE Chapter holds 17th Year Gathering and Induction of Officers
The City of Dubai, UAE is known for the world’s tallest building-the Burj Khalifa, sightseeing attractions and as a hub of conventions and conferences. Central Philippine University Alumni Association – United Arab Emirates (UAE) Chapter is blessed to have held its 17th year Gathering and Induction of Officers for the year 2022-2023, at the famous city on March 19, 2022. The meeting place was at the Edge Creekside Hotel on 4th Street, Deira, Dubai.
Centralian alumni started arriving at 6PM for the registration. Alumni Oliver and Amie Jomadiao introduced the guests and members of the UAE Chapter. The Induction Ceremony followed. Asst. P.R.O. Rezy Tabanera led the invocation. The National Anthems of the Philippines and UAE were played and was followed by the CPU Alma Mater Song , ‘Central my Central’. Alain Paul Andigan. Asst. Auditor, made the Welcome Address. A special number was rendered by CPU Alumni Arvin and Kristina.
Lenie Karim, a member of the Board of Directors, introduced the Guest Speaker Madam Wafa Kasimieh, Senior Executive for Islamic Cultural Activities, who was also the Inducting Officer. Chapter President (2022 – 2023) Ryanne Dolorfino delivered her acceptance speech. She highlighted the Central Spirit that continues to bind all Centralians.
The following are the inducted Officers for 2022-2023:
President – Ryanne Dolorfino Vice President External – Kathleen Grace Gustilo Internal – Lorenz Angelo Corpuz Secretary – Anthea Lee Nuyad Asst. Secretary – Mitzi Lou Cebretas Treasurer – Oliver Lucas Jomadiao Asst. Treasurer – Joy Casaquite Auditor – Gien Rose Vicencio Asst. Auditor – Alain Paul Andigan P.R.O. – Ma. Verna Kathryn Alcala Asst. P.R.O. – Rezy Tabanera
Board of Directors:
Lennie Senato Karim Rudy Llanora Ian Doughlas Balquin Mary Jane Maymiero Rujin Jan Gapilango Teresita Palmes Jonathan Detaro
In his message sent to CPUAAI UAE Chapter, University President Dr. Teodoro C. Robles expressed his deepest appreciation and gratitude. He mentioned that “For seventeen years, this Chapter has been an integral part of Central Philippine University, with the Central Spirit always alive and thriving even in this extraordinary time. The situation has made you stronger and wiser.” He added that, “You have found and nurtured your ‘Oasis’, but did not keep it also yourself; you keep on giving to your Alma Mater through scholarships.” Dr. Robles congratulated the new set of officers led by its President Ryanne Dolorfino. He made special mention of the founding President of CPUAA UAE Chapter Mildred Maravilla Majed.
The President of CPUAAI Dr. Florentino Alerta, and CPUFOAA President Rod Gonzales also sent their congratulatory messages to CPUAA UAE Chapter’s new inducted officers and members. Dr. Alerta emphasized that, “through Scientia (Science) we achieved education, and Fides (Faith) brings us the Central Spirit.” He said that, “without faith it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to him must earnestly seek Him. As Centralians, we fulfill something, and that’s gonna be – To God be the Glory! We bring back the glory to God. He pointed out the great sacrifice of the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW’s) for what they are doing for their families back home. He acknowledged them as the New Heroes of the Philippines who are so blessed.
CPUFOAA President Rodrigo Gonzales thanked CPUAA UAE for linking their Chapter to the mother organization CPUFOAA. He impressed upon the idea that everyone in an organization is a leader, and part of the leadership core manning the Chapter. The organization he said, “do not exist until an induction of its officers. He enlightened the organization about the 5 C’s of being a member: 1) Commit – to fully dedicate on something or to the organization 2) Connect – to bring together, establish a link and join together as they provide access and communication; in many ways connect at a click of a button or a key. 3) Communicate – exchange information, ideas and pass it on to another person. 4) Collect – to gather together. 5) Celebrate – to acknowledge a significant happy day, or an event with social gathering.
Joy Casaquite, Asst. Treasurer acknowledged the Sponsors and Donors. A special number by the CPUAA UAE Officers (2022-2023) was followed by the Closing Remarks of Kathleen Grace Gustilo, VP External. The Dinner started at 8:00PM while Special Numbers, Testimonials, Giving of Certificates of Appreciation, Door Prizes and Stars of the Night segments were going on.
Fritz Arthur Armada and Anthea Lee Nuyad were the Masters of Ceremony.
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CPU faculty as the Regional Trainer of the Department of Tourism for the Filipino Brand of Service Excellence
The Department of Tourism initiated a training program for all tourism related workforce to promote an excellent method of providing customer service focusing on Filipino values. Dr. Maria Amihan “Mae” Tamayo Panes is an avid volunteer for Iloilo City’s Tourism development. She is an active accreditation member of the Regional Assurance Quality Team (RQAT) of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) for Hospitality and Tourism courses and one of the founding members of the Outstanding Students Circle of Iloilo. She is an accredited Department of Tourism regional trainer on the Filipino Brand of Service Excellence.
A practicing academician, she is a graduate of BS Tourism from the University of the Philippines Diliman. She also has a Master’s Degree in Business Management major in Hotel and Restaurant Management and a Doctor of Business Management degree with specialization in Tourism and Hospitality Management. Dr. Panes is currently a faculty of the School of Graduate Studies and the College of Hospitality Management.
The said training was done through face to face since it included workshops to tourism-related front liners. The training mainly focuses on infusing the seven M’s based on Filipino traits and culture; namely Makamaylikha, Makatao, Makakalikasan, Makabansa, Masayahin, Maybayanihan, Maypag-asa. All these seven values were infused to all participants as they do their job in the Tourism Industry. Dr. Panes also cited the famous tagline of the DOT, “It’s more fun in the Philippines” as the guiding principle of the said workers in showcasing the unique and one-of-a-kind customer service of the Filipino front liners.
The training ended as the attendees participated in a workshop on how to accommodate and deal with different customers through the different types of job in the Tourism industry. Participants were taught on how to greet and prepare for themselves to face and showcase their brand of customer service to guests and visitors. At the end of the training and workshop, these front liners coming from different field of work will instill the uniformed greeting all over the country, which is “Mabuhay!”
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The Ruth Scholarship Foundation launches its program
The launching of The Ruth Scholarship Foundation was held last March 21, 2022 at the CPU Henry Luce Library. The Mission of the Foundation is to support students by providing need-based scholarships to enable them to succeed and give back to their communities.
The event was attended by the members of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation. Also present in the event are CPU Vice President for Students Affairs, Dr. Esther Rose R. Romarate; CPU Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Irving Domingo L. Rio; CPU Vice President for Finance and Administration, Dr. Florence B. Bogacia and also the University Church Senior Pastor, Rev. Cris Amorsolo V. Sian. The parents and deans of the different colleges were also present to show their support to the 10 new scholars of the foundation.
Rev. Francis Neil G. Jalando-on led the attendees to an invocation followed by the virtual opening remarks of the University President, Dr. Teodoro C. Robles.
Atty. Peter Irving C. Corvera, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation, explained the foundation’s overview. It aims to give support and resources to students who are financially challenged to achieve their goals.
Atty. Corvera continued that in choosing the recipients of the scholarship, the students doesn’t need to be at the top of their classes. There are no biases especially when it comes to cultural or religious background. Instead, the foundation partnered with the deans of the colleges to select, interview and evaluate students who exhibits the potential to give back to their communities in the future.
“It is not a religious scholarship. It is a scholarship with Christian values,” the Chairman emphasized. The goal is that its scholars, after graduation, may find proper employment and succeed in their respective careers, whereby they may give back to their families and be of service to their communities.
Besides the full scholarship and fees, assistance in board and lodging, connectivity and academic materials, the Foundation also wants to impart their core values to the students which are integrity, equity, leadership, community service and compassion, and relationships.
Dr. Rumalie A. Corvera, founding President of The Ruth Foundation, introduced the Board of Trustees. The following are the members of the Board: Chairman, Atty. Peter Irving C. Corvera, Dr. Rumalie A. Corvera, Engr. Job P. Gimay, Mrs. Ester Lagardilla-Jara, Mrs. Josita Alpha G. Jalando-on, Mr. Adrian Lee, and Prof. Rea Angelica F. Villeza. The members of the Board were chosen because of their competency and their relationship to the Corvera Family.
Prof. Rea Angelica F. Villeza presented the first 10 scholars of the foundation. They are the following: Julienne Anne D. Bajon, Bachelor of Science in Accountancy; Florinda E. Caldito, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management; Alrey N. Canicula and Karen Kate P. Liza, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering; Gad B. Castro, Bachelor of Science in Advertising; Deneilyn P. Gabo, Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering; Reden V. Gadot and Micah Gail M. Sorioso, Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science; Althea E. Labestre, Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy; Jessa Mae B. Malificiar, Bachelor of Science in Social Work.
Gad B. Castro, one of the scholars, entertained the attendees by sharing his talent in singing. Florinda E. Caldito shared her journey in becoming one of the scholars. She unveiled how she thought at first that the whole ordeal was a scam since she had past experiences with such situations. But her fear turned into praises when she became part of the first 10.
Julienne Anne D. Bajon also presented a grateful response in behalf of her fellow scholars.
The event came to an end with a message of commitment and support given by Dr. Esther Rose R. Romarate and a prayer of dedication by Rev. Cris Amorsolo Sian.
The launching was also filled with joy and nostalgia as old friends and comrades shared stories to commemorate and give honor to the late Rev. Ruth Corvera, to whom the foundation was named after.
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CPU tourism students host “Paghirupay, Musika sang Pag-iririmaw”
CPU second year Tourism Management students attended the “Paghirupay” with renowned choreographer, Mr. Romel B. Flogen as guest speaker.
CPU second year Tourism Management students, under the class of Professor Denie Erwin Tan conceptualized an event last April 1, 2022 through a premiere video via Facebook as part of their HPC 2206 class, Introduction to Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions (MICE). This subject actually trains the students in organizing, producing and handling such events in order to help them in their future field of work in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry.
The guest speaker in the said event was Mr. Romel B. Flogen, a graduate of Bachelor in Physical Education major in Dance at West Visayas State University PESCAR College. He is the President of the Ilonggo Artists Festival Association Incorporated and as well as a renowned choreographer who won prestigious awards such as 12-times Iloilo Dinagyang Grand Champion as a choreographer and who shared his talents and skills in the field of theatre internationally. He also introduced Philippines’ culture in countries like Thailand, Pakistan, Germany, USA, and France.
The event was entitled, Paghirupay- Musika sang Pag-iririmaw, an Ilonggo Music Festival to showcase the culture and arts of the Ilonggos through dance and music that was originally choreographed and composed by Ilonggo Artists and was made to show on screen by the students themselves. The over-all chairman of the event was Mr. Charles Benedict Capayan and was assisted by his Co- Chairman Ms. Vea Española. The students brainstormed and made a successful output through their hard work and unique talents and skills. Job well done, students!
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CPU Cultural Affairs Office brings out its best in SALUDO 2
Living up to the title “Saludo 2,” the CPU Cultural Affairs Office made a bigger performance to realize the dream “To have the best presentation of Folk Dances for the Ilonggos and Filipinos here and abroad.” Prof. Crista Sianson Huyong (CAO Director), who made that promise, clarified that the presentation is a revival of Filipiniana folk dances — that can only be had with the involvement of traditional, creative concepts and indigenous outfits. She added that “We wanted to showcase not only the prestigious Ilonggo artistry, but to bring together the Visayan dances and graceful Ifugao and Mindanaonon troupes virtually to the world.”
The ‘folk dance galore’, a full-length Virtual Dance Concert was recently streamed online via Facebook. It was well organized and coordinated with local government agencies so that the folk dances were interestingly showcased with local tourist spots in the background.
The dances were actually shot on site in Guimaras, Iloilo and the Iloilo City Hall, parks and also landmarks of other provinces in Panay. The famous Esplanade and Megaworld Festive Walk areas were included in the shoot. Religious leaders and administrators were respectfully consulted in the use of facilities by the CAO prior to their production.
Much of the admiration for the Saludo 2 project were adequately expressed by tourism agencies to Central Philippine University. Even in the previous performances of CAO’s Dance Company, Dr. Robles specifically cited the creativity that contributed much to the prestige of the University.
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