Wellness 360
Recently, the PALS organized an event called Wellness 360.  In this event, the PALS organized a Wellness fair with many different tables with different tips and information about the latest trends in health, how to keep yourself in good health during the academic year, common health issues, where health centers are located on campus, etc.  During the event I received a lot of free stuff, free food and info about health, and how to stay healthy during the school year which can really be hard sometimes.  After the Wellness fair there was a breakout session that taught safe tips and parties and drinking.  This breakout session was very informative and helpful, all the tips that they shared will definitely be useful. I thoroughly enjoyed the event and all the advice it had to offer.
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Plenary 3
Plenary 3 was a very interesting one and a very helpful one.  Hearing her story and how she maintains her work-family balance was intriguing, because as a female engineering student these things are important to consider.  Whether it’s putting your career on hold for your family, or your family on hold for your career -- these are hard conditions to think of and having a woman engineer share her perspective will help me when it comes to me making this decision, if it comes down to it.  Hearing her story and hearing her be able to raise her kids as well was enlightening and shows that women can have it all, but some sacrifices have to be made, for example time off of work.  What really struck a cord with me was the fact that she didn’t make it to every one of her child’s concerts and shows but was there for every concert that she could be.  She put the effort in at work and at home to maintain a successful work-family balance and proved that it can be done. 
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Plenary 1
Going back to the first plenary, I really enjoyed how she shared her podcasts with us and gave us “behind the scenes” details of her journey.  But most of all I enjoyed how she shared her downfalls.  She didn’t stand up there and just talk about all her glory and fame, rather she shared us her downfalls and how she survived them.  She showed us that it’s okay to fall sometimes and it happens to everyone, but what is more important is to get back up.  Her story was inspiring and I enjoyed the work she shared with us.  She really had a lot to share and I am glad that I was able to listen to her share her story.
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Racial Caucus
Last class was very weird for me.  Being a white female I never really realized the struggles many minorities go through.  I can only imagine how minorities feel when they are stereotyped and attack by it, and being able to hear my peers discuss their experiences and feelings was very eye opening.  I always knew that racism was a big issue and I tried to stay away from it and not participate in it, but like everyone I obviously have before without even knowing it.  And this is a huge issue.  More recently, I have stopped myself before making a racist comment or even allowing it to enter my mind, and I have pointed out to others when they do so. But I am only one person, and there is so much more work to do. I wish we had more time to discuss how we can start changing these stereotypical views.
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Media’s role in social justice activism
Media has a huge effect on our society nowadays.  We use it everyday; we revolve around it; we live for it.  Media is a huge part of our lives, and we rely on it.  So when a high ranking celebrity, like Beyonce, puts out a music video like she did, everyone listens.  Her success, and power makes her one of the most influential women of our generation.  And she used this ability to show that women and blacks matter and should be treated equally.  Beyonce’s music video has impacted so many lives, and has spoken to many people.  It gives people hope and strength to push forward and keep fighting.  Media is such a powerful way to transport any information.  Everyone is glued to their phones and that’s where they’ll listen, and speak freely.    
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This weekend I had the perfect opportunity to try on and perform a different gender expression.  I have always been pegged as the tomboy type, meaning I dress in baggy clothing, wear sneakers a lot, and carry around a book bag instead of a purse.  But this weekend I threw away the book bag for a day, took a pair of heels, a skirt, and a purse, and got to try out a different gender expression, and I loved it.  As much as I think skirts are uncomfortable, one day with it on was not too bad, at all.  And the reactions I got from my family were weird. Weird, in the sense that they barely see me wearing a skirt, being all dressed up and not carrying my book bag.  It was a very weird feeling but it also made me feel empowered.  Wear that skirt, and those heels, and carrying a purse, made me feel like some day I can be a strong successful woman, and I loved that feeling.
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As I read Baumgardener’s Day Without Feminism, I realized how much it related to my life.  Growing up with only brothers can limit you sometimes.  My parents were always way too overprotected of me, especially when I got older.  As Baumgardener stated “Guys get to stay out as late as they want”, while girls always have a curfew.  I clearly remember, being told every night I went out to be home by 10 pm, the latest.  My brother, on the other hand, was never told when he had to be home by, he sometimes came strolling in at 1 am and never got in trouble.  But for some reason if I would go a minute past my curfew I would be grounded for a week.  This is unfair in many ways but what it really stands to show is how parents see their daughters as weaker then their sons.  They believe that their sons can take of themselves but someone needs to take care of their daughters.  Baumgardener does a great job discussing this issue of how many people think women cannot handle ourselves, and that we need others, men, to take care of us and think for us.
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