crackonhq · 1 year
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the islanders line up by the pool to take turns in snog, marry, pie. they’ll get to kiss someone, then take a ring pop off the table to do a proposal. lastly, they’ll go get a pie and smash it in someone’s face ! 
callie gets to go first. she goes up to jenny and gives her a proper kiss, pulling her in and kissing her slowly. she pulls away, turning on her heel with a smile as she goes to get a ring pop.
she gets down on her knee in front of angel, laughing as she asks him, “will you marry me?”
finally, she gets a pie, and she’s cracking up by the time that she approaches jude. either because she’s laughing so hard or because she doesn’t want to, she pies him very gently, saying, “sorry.” there’s only a small amount of cream on jude’s face afterward.
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victoria goes next, ready to put on a show as usual. the kiss she gives eden is definitely more than a peck, lingering as she cups the blonde’s face with her hand, pulling her closer by her hips.
next, she goes to get a ring pop, kneeling down in front of charlene. “i know we’ve only been coupled for like ten minutes, but i think you’re so fucking hot and sweet. wanna get married?” she grins.
when victoria goes to get her pie, she walks over to josh and says, “this is for saying vancouver’s better than new york,” and smashes it in his face properly, yet playfully. 
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dante goes next and he immediately walks over to eden, cupping her face for a good smooch. then, he goes to get a ring, walking over to charlene.
“i would like to propose because there is nobody else here i would want to spend the rest of my days with. you make me very happy, charlene,” he says, kneeling down in front of her to put a ring pop on one of the fingers victoria didn’t go for yet.
finally, he grabs a pie, going to smash it in victoria’s face, “i am very sorry, but i wanted to couple with charlene.”
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naomi takes her turn, walking over to josh to lean up to kiss him slowly, draping her arms over his shoulders. she’s got cream all over her face when she pulls away and she reaches up to drag her index finger down his cheek. she sucks the cream off her hand with a smirk before turning on her heel to get a ring.
she goes to kneel down in front of angel, giggling when she informs him, “though we’ll be sleeping in separate beds until death do us part, you starfish.” 
she walks over to get a pie, she hesitates in front of dylan for a beat, devilish smirk on her features before she stops in front of jude, already cackling a little, “’cause once a day he’s gonna make me want to smack him, and he hasn’t done it yet today, but...” she smashes the pie in his face satisfyingly. 
dylan goes next, and he chooses to kiss miles. it’s a good and proper kiss, dylan pulling miles closer by his waist and it goes on for a bit. dylan pulls away grinning and goes to get a ring pop from the table.
he kneels down in front of adela. "i want more of those mornings with you in bed where you cling to me so i don't get out of bed." he grins. "plus, adela michaels has a nice ring to it, don't you think? will you do me the honor of marrying me?"
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then, he goes to get a pie from the table. "this is a special welcome back to the villa, and for not being able to leave the villa the first time without being shady." he pies mali with a smile on his face, though it’s not too hard – he does rub it in a bit, though.
josh goes next, going over to naomi to kiss her. he grabs her by the waist and lifts her up, her legs wrapping around him for a kiss that probably goes on obnoxiously long and is really hot. luckily the viewing audience is getting a cut version.
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he sets her down and goes and gets a ring, walking over to kneel down in front of adela. pointedly, he says, “i’m proposing to this girl because she deserves better than what she’s got, and it beats getting on my knees in front of miles.”
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he grabs a pie and walks over to jenny saying, “i think we both know this pie has your name on it,” and smashes it in her face.
miles goes next, and he paces the line before turning on his heel to go for a kiss with santiago. it’s pretty steamy, and he just goes for it with all the passion of when they were alone together in the hideaway. then, he goes to grab a ring.
“i’ve always got a smile on my face whenever this girl’s around,” he says, kneeling down in front of eden, “think we’d have a mad time together if we got hitched, mermaid or not.” 
he goes over to get a pie, standing in front of mali. he tries to look serious, pressing his lips together, but he can’t keep from grinning when he pies her in the face. “for coming all the way back just to graft the guy i’m coupled with, obviously,” he laughs.
when angel goes, he walks over and kisses eden on the mouth. it’s a real kiss, more than peck, but it’s not excessive and doesn’t go on too long.
then, he goes to get a ring pop, walking over to callie. “callie, i already know you’re the person i’m gonna walk out of here with, one way or the other. you’re the first thing i think about in the morning, i’m so excited about you. i know it’s only been fourteen days, but… will you love island-marry me?” he asks, smiling up at her.
when angel goes to get a pie, he’s laughing when he goes right for josh. “no hard feelings, bud.” the pie isn’t thrown hard, but he does smash it gently into josh’s face, slides the tin around a bit to make sure he doesn’t miss an inch.
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it’s jude’s turn next and he addresses the line, “i want to snog this boy because i've been dying for a taste of his luscious lips since the day we met. c'mere, you,” he says, walking over to angel and pulling him in for a kiss, sliding his hand around angel’s neck and grabbing his hip with the other.
honestly it’s a bit longer than it ‘should’ be, a serious snog that has those not interested in watching tapping their feet, and those that are...you’re welcome.
jude goes to get the ring, but he winds up dropping it at jenny’s feet. he’s cracking up as he’s scrambling to find it on the ground, picking it up from next to dylan’s shoe. 
"i wanna marry this girl because even with pie on her face she’s still the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen. she drives me mad in the best way, and there's no one else i'd rather have a future with,” he says, putting the ring on her finger.
finally, he grabs a pie, going over to naomi, “i'm pieing this girl because she's the worst sous chef i've ever met. my nan could cook better than her, and she's dead.” then he smacks her with the pie, rubbing it all over her face. 
its jenny’s turn to go after jude, and she walks over to angel. "i'm sorry," she says, but she doesn't look very apologetic when she takes his face in her hands, laughing through the moment she gives him to brace himself and shimmies her nerves away before planting one on him. it's definitely not a peck and lasts longer than it ought to, but when they do pull apart they each shove the other away, faces scrunched up in playful disgust.
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after jenny gets a ring, she sinks down onto one knee, then both, kneeling in front of jude and peering up at him, all mischief as she slowly licks her lips and makes like she's going to unfasten his shorts. "kidding," she singsongs, then clears her throat. "well it definitely wouldn't be a white wedding, but i'd like to marry you because i think... i dunno, you're really great, or whatever. it's just you and me, baby." 
next, she goes to get a pie.for a minute you'd think jenny was gearing up to pie charlene, but she backtracks suddenly, landing predictably in front of josh with a resigned smirk. "sorry. the temptation was just too strong." how could she resist throwing something in his face? she pushes the pie onto him then, smearing it until his face is thoroughly coated. and to finish, she swipes her finger along his forehead, gathering some of the cream up to pop in her mouth. "delish."
mali goes next, looking across the line at eden. she smiles at the blonde, “come on, darling,” she beckons before pulling her close in a kiss that can only be described as a show, nothing held back. it’s a full-on snog. 
then she goes to get one of the ring pops, heading to kneel down in front of santiago, "i know this is a little fast, but they say when you know, you just know and i really think we have a great foundation here. would you do me the honor, darling?" she asks. 
finally, she heads over to josh with a pie. she rubs the pie in his face and his hair, smiling as she adds, “sorry, sweetie, it’s nothing personal, but i do think you need this.”
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adela goes next, walking up and down the line to decide who to kiss. she hesitates in front of dante for a moment before choosing naomi. she cups her cheek with the palm of her hand and pulls her close, kissing her. she seems to be testing the temperature, so when naomi kisses her back, adela also fully goes for it. “i just wanted to see what all the fuss was about,” she says as she pulls away. 
next, she goes to get a ring pop from the table, kneeling in front of dylan without hesitation. "i want to marry dylan because he's really sweet and makes me so happy, and there's no one else i'd get down on my knees for."
lastly, adela gets a pie and goes right for mali. she doesn’t do it too aggressively, but she does make sure to smear it down mali’s face before saying, “that’s better.” 
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santiago goes next. he approaches callie with a grin, saying, “i’ve been wanting to do this for a long time,” before giving her a proper kiss. then he goes to get a ring pop from the table, kneeling down in front of mali.
he says to her, “you’re beautiful and incredibly charming, te quieres casar conmigo?” 
finally he goes to get a pie and smashes it in miles’ face, saying, ““i love this color on you.” 
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charlene goes next. she paces before standing in front of santiago, grinning up at him when she says, “this isn’t the first time i’ve thought about kissing you.” her hands reach up toward him as if she’s about to pull him into a kiss until she swerves, reaching for victoria beside him instead. charlene pulls victoria in closer for a kiss.
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next, charlene goes for a ring, lips curved into a wide grin as she gets down in front of dante. “you’re literally my best friend. my partner in crime. the uh, riga to my toni. anyways, you’re incredible and i think the world of you. would you marry me?” 
next, she goes to get a pie from the table. “callieeeee!” she calls in a sing song voice as she approaches callie, “it’s all fun and games and honestly, you’re the only person i can count on to understand that so —” right after she pies her, she swipes a finger over her cheek and cheekily licks off the cream. 
eden goes last, approaching mali. “hey, gorgeous,” she says, placing a hand on mali’s waist to pull her in closer for a kiss. she leans mali back a bit, and the kiss lasts for a few moments, and if you look at them, you can totally see tongue.
next, eden kneels down in front of miles with a ring. “he was a boy, she was a girl, can i make it any more obvious?” she laughs, “he played footy, she did conservation, what more can i say? will you marry me?”
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she brings a pie over to santiago, smashing it in his face. “nothing personal, i quite like whipped cream in the bedroom anyway.” 
ADMIN NOTE: this took place on DAY 43. you can set upcoming starters from after this challenge all the way to the evening of day 44.
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crackonhq · 1 year
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SMS ⏩ JENNY: all day today, you and the girls will take part in an undercover challenge. you’ll all have to complete a task without one of the boys knowing about it – if you manage to successfully carry out most of the tasks, you’ll win a party tonight! #girlcode 
this text comes through on the morning of day 40. as part of this challenge, each of the girls will receive a text with a ‘dare’ on it, which they’ll have to complete. 
here are the challenges each girl recieves : 
naomi – get a boy that’s not josh to spoon you.
callie – get one of the boys to look for your ‘earring’ at the bottom of the pool, then after 5 minutes, find that it’s still on your ear. 
jenny – get a boy that’s not jude to give you a head massage and make sex noises.
frankie – tell 2 boys that aren’t miles that you had sex dreams about them.
adela – get one of the boys that’s not dylan to let you sit on his lap and stay there for at least 30 seconds.
charlene – get one of the boys to let you do their makeup. 
evie – convince two of the boys to wrestle with each other.
eden – have a conversation with dylan and get him to say ‘naur’ at least three times.
victoria – get one of the boys to rub sun cream on your back.
if you fail more than half the challenges...no party 💔 
to try to complete your challenge, write a starter for the boy you are trying to complete your task on. 
you can try more than once, but you must close your first thread before making another attempt. evie can do 3 person threads, or 1 on 1, however she decides to strategize her task. 
you have through may 21 to try to complete these challenges.
i would suggest that these challenge attempts be your only day 40 threads or at least your main focus. 
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crackonhq · 2 years
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on the afternoon of day 24, the islanders all gather to play license to swill. in this challenge, the islanders will be shown quotes and get to guess who said them or who they were about – the unanimously voted person will be dunked in water. 
the person with the most correct answers in the fastest amount of time will get the hideaway on night 24 – if they’re in a couple, they win it for their couple, and if they are single, they win it to take whoever they choose. 
question 1: who said this about bash? “he's an actor, he's got a fucking history of film book in the villa there's no fucking way i can't try [to get to know him], you know?”
most people in the villa, including bash, vote for rhys who is dunked. that’s the correct answer.
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question 2: who did callie say this about? “hey, if kenny wasn’t in the picture, i’d be taking a shot at you. ”
frankie votes for herself, but most people vote bash as the answer, and he’s dunked. however, the answer is revealed to be naomi. 
dylan laughs at this. 
“and i stand by it,” callie pipes up with a laugh. naomi reaches out to high-five her playfully. 
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question 3: who said this to naomi? "i’ll admit, if we were outside in the real world, i’d have wasted no chance to kiss you."
“obviously we all know who that is,” josh remarks.
most people vote for dylan, and he is dunked. it’s revealed to be the correct answer.
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question 4: who said this to jenny? can we keep this between us for now? please. we're talking tomorrow, and then... we can pick this up where we left off.
most people vote for josh, including josh himself, and he’s dunked. it’s revealed to be the correct answer. 
question 5: who is naomi talking about? "things in here have been complicated and intense. for both of us. but when i'm with him, i feel like...it's just really fun. it's easy, in the best way." 
“oh, if this is about dylan i’m adding complicated and intense to my resume,” rhys jokes. 
most people vote for dylan, and he’s dunked. josh votes for himself. dylan is the correct answer. 
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josh looks pissed, like he’s clearly holding back, but he doesn’t say anything. seb leans over to josh and naomi, looking smug, and says, “so is it a good time to say 'i told you so' again or?” 
question 6: who said this? "when you’re with that guy... do you ever think of me? ‘cus he reminds me an awful lot of how i used to be when we started dating."
most people vote for dejan, which is correct. dejan is dunked. marcus rolls his eyes. 
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question 7: who did maddox say this to? "and your pussy will have its place in my personal hall of fame."
frankie covers her mouth like she’s about to puke, “wish i could unsee that.”
it’s almost split between mimi and jenny, but mimi wins out. she’s not there to get dunked, so they just dunk maddox instead because he probably deserves it – even though he also voted jenny. 
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question 8: who did romi say this to? “you are the person I want to kiss the most.”
most people vote marcus, including romi, so he gets dunked. marcus doesn’t think it could be that easy, and votes for dylan. however, the answer is revealed to be josh, even though he also voted for marcus. 
“i forgot about that,” josh laughs. 
marcus looks shocked and confused, but not that rattled.
dejan is the only person who voted for josh.
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question 9: who said this? "if that was my ex i don’t think i’d be settling with a guy like marcus."
most people vote for jenny, and she’s dunked. the answer is then revealed to be frankie. 
marcus looks visibly upset by this, and doesn’t make eye contact with anyone. 
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frankie holds up her hands in surrender, “okay, yeah, i will hold my hands up to that one, sorry marcus. but admittedly, that was before i met you and obviously now i think you're a god, so...”
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question 10: which couple did kenny say this about? "her fella keeps gawkin’ at me like the juiciest lookin’ lamb at the slaughter."
it’s pretty split between jenny and maddox and josh and naomi, but josh and naomi win out and have to get dunked. that’s the correct answer. 
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question 11: who did jenny say this to? "you liked the sound of your dick in my mouth? is that what you said?"
josh immediately starts cracking up. 
dylan raises his eyebrows, judgemental. “jesus christ.”
most people vote for josh, including josh and jenny, and he’s dunked. that was the correct answer.
“wow, okay, does everyone in here know something i don’t?” naomi remarks, stunned.  
question 12: who said this? "i like someone who will bring out the worst in me, honestly."
rhys nods emphatically, “shit, me too.” 
the majority of the islanders’ votes are for sebastien, and he’s dunked. the person who said it was sebastien.
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question 13: who said this? "do you know how hard it is not to laugh at everyone here? it's pitiful really, that any of them think they'll find love, when they're going to be met with just disappointment."
most of the islanders vote for maxwell, who is dunked, but nana has voted for herself – which already raises some question marks. when he emerges, the answer is revealed to be nana. 
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rhys looks around, shocked, “is this her lohan moment?” 
“i guess it’s not hard anymore, go ahead and laugh at us,” dylan remarks, pissed. 
seb breathes out a low, impressed whistle. a number of the other islanders looked pissed, upset, or annoyed. 
nana’s wide-eyed, speechless. for the first time since arriving to the island...she has no thoughts. she feels and looks empty, that anyone can see.
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at the end of the challenge, a text rings out on dejan’s phone.
SMS: wow, you really spilled the tea! for the highest score in the challenge, you have the keys to the hideaway tonight and can bring the islander of your choice. 
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crackonhq · 2 years
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on day 24, islanders will participate in the QUOTES CHALLENGE. this is where they will be shown quotes of things that other islanders said, and they will have to guess who they are about or who they were said to. 
click here to take the quiz
answer these questions based on your character’s knowledge. think of what they would probably guess, rather than giving them omniscient perspective. to be honest, the results of this quiz and who gets what right will not be as interesting as the aftermath. 
during the challenge, they’re just playing a game, so there might be opportunity if your character were to make a snide remark or have a visceral reaction to something . . . if your character has any commentary that you’d want me to add to the post, let me know HERE IN THIS FORM.
to be included on the post, have any forms filled out by dec. 3. 
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crackonhq · 2 years
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soon, islanders will participate in the ‘public opinion challenge.’ the public can now vote on their opinions on the show’s current couples, and soon islanders will have the opportunity to rank each other based on what they believe the public’s perception of them is.
this form closes on saturday, oct. 22
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crackonhq · 1 year
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SMS ⏩ SANTIAGO: today, you will all take part in the SNOG MARRY PIE challenge. line up by the pool to take turns in this challenge. #piedoff #kissandtell
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on day 43, islanders will take part in a snog, marry, pie challenge – a love island tradition. for this challenge, all islanders get to take turns choosing someone to snog, someone to ‘marry’ and someone to pie. the first one is simple, kiss whoever you want. next, you’ll get a ring pop and get down on one knee for a ‘proposal’ with your chosen islander. last, you’ll get a pie from the table and choose an islander to throw a pie in their face. 
please note : your islander CANNOT choose the same islander for multiple things. ie, you cannot kiss and marry the same person, so please make different selections. 
fill out the form by midnight on saturday, june 24. 
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crackonhq · 1 year
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LET’S HIT THE RED CARPET...it’s movie night !
what IS movie night ? on movie night, all of the islanders will gather at a large table to play a trivia game. as islanders get questions correct, they’ll be allowed to select a MOVIE to watch that features clips of a specific islander. getting a question correct allows the islander to choose which movie they’d like to watch. 
how will ours work ? you’ll take a fun quiz (out of character) in a google form that features some fun facts about the other islanders. you’ll also specify what movie your islanders will pick if they get a question right. we won’t get to watch all the movies, so this will help me determine which characters get their movies played. i cannot stop you from cheating on the quiz obviously but for the fun of it i ask that you try to do it without looking and please do NOT spoil the answers in the server until they are posted. 
please fill out this quiz by midnight est on april 30 at the latest. this challenge will take place ic on the evening of day 38.
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crackonhq · 1 year
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on the evening of day 34, all current islanders will get ready for the HEART RATE CHALLENGE. how does it work ? all islanders are hooked up to heart rate monitors. islanders take turns doing sexy dances in costumes around the fire pit to try and raise the heart rates of the other islanders. the islander to raise the heart rates the most wins the challenge. 
so, what do you do ?
fill out this form for your islander. i’ve got a system where i’m assigning point values to your character’s preferences and i’ll calculate who gets their heart raised most by who. take the quiz and trust the process.
sorry, but we don’t have the production time for everyone to dance up on everyone else thirteen times. so, your character will do a performance but they’ll only get to dance up close and personal with five islanders. they should choose who they think they can make really sweat ! 
 try not to converse with each other too much about how you’re filling it out...it’ll be funny if there’s some crazy results.
how do we pick costumes/music ?
that’s up to you. feel free to share your character’s outfit and background track by making a post or just sending a message in #tasks-and-edits.
i’ll keep a masterlist of taken costumes here.
please fill out this form by midnight on april 3! 
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crackonhq · 2 years
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on the afternoon of day 17, islanders gather on the lounge area near the pool to find out what the voting public really thinks of them and their current couples – and to guess what the public perception might be. 
each islander is given a stack of signs, each containing the faces of current couples on them. when a question is prompted, they’ll hold up the sign that corresponds with the couple that they believe the couple will have voted for. 
couples will work as teams with the highest combined score. sebastien and marcus will function as a team for this challenge, but if they win, then they will each get to take a person of their choice. 
as nana wasn’t feeling well, she stayed back from the challenge. marcus will get a point and a half for each of his answers as a result.
first question : who is the most argumentative couple ?
mimi, josh, callie, marcus, liam, naomi, romi, dylan, maddox, and luke all raise their paddles for MIMI & LUKE.
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seb, rhys, and kenny raise their paddles for ROMI & KENNY. 
the correct answer was mimi & luke, with 52.9% of the votes. 
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second question : who is the hottest couple ? 
mimi, sebastien, rhys, and kenny all raise their paddles for KENNY & ROMI. 
josh, naomi, and dylan raise their paddles for JOSH & NAOMI.
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callie, marcus, and romi raise their paddles for NANA & MARCUS.
liam and maddox raise their paddles for LIAM & CALLIE.
luke raises his paddle for RHYS & DYLAN. 
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despite the vote being pretty split, nana and marcus won in the eyes of the public with 41.2% of the vote.
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third question : which couple is most likely to split up ?
most islanders vote based on the couple with the most recent argument. josh, marcus, liam, naomi, dylan, rhys, kenny, and romi all raise their paddles for KENNY & ROMI.
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mimi and callie take it in the other direction and raise their paddles for NANA & MARCUS. 
both newbies, sebastien and maddox raise their paddles for NAOMI & JOSH.
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luke raises his paddle for MIMI & LUKE.
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the couple also has fickle attention, and went with the couple who are most at odds currently : kenny and romi, with 41.2% of the vote.
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fourth question : couple most likely to win love island ?
most islanders go for what is likely the most solid current coupling. mimi, josh, marcus, liam, dylan, kenny, romi and luke hold their paddles up for NAOMI & JOSH.
callie and naomi vote for MIMI & LUKE.
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with perhaps the best idea of what things look like from the outside, seb and maddox vote for RHYS & DYLAN.
rhys raises his paddle for LIAM & CALLIE. 
the couple is in agreement on who they see as the popular pick, with 52.9% of the vote going to josh & naomi.
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fifth question : who is the most one-sided couple ?
most people played this question safe. mimi, josh, callie, marcus, liam, naomi, dylan, kenny, romi, maddox, and luke hold up their paddles for KENNY & ROMI. 
however, sebastien and rhys raise their paddles to show the faces of MIMI & LUKE.
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most of the public said kenny & romi, with a vote of 47.1%
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final question : couple most likely to stay stuck in the friend zone ?
tough call with a lot of budding couples, which is probably what splits the vote so much.
mimi, marcus, dylan, rhys, and maddox raise their paddles for KENNY & ROMI.
josh, callie, liam, naomi, kenny, and luke raise their paddles for NANA & MARCUS.
sebastien raises his paddle for LIAM & CALLIE.
romi raises her paddle for RHYS & DYLAN. 
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extremely split among the public, too, but not in the way the islanders were expecting. the public see liam & callie as just friends by 35.3% of the vote. 
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kenny & romi in first place with 8 points.
marcus & nana in second place with 7.5 points.
naomi & josh and liam & callie in third and fourth place with 7 points.
mimi & luke with 6 points.
rhys & dylan with 5 points.
sebastien & maddox with 3 points.
the winning couple in this challenge gets a NIGHT IN THE HIDEAWAY. romi & kenny should pack their bags for a night in with the hot tub, champagne, and a chocolate fountain. maybe they’re not getting along, but . . . how many nights away from the snoring masses do you get ? better make the most of it. 
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crackonhq · 2 years
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it’s time to enter your character’s GUESSES for the public opinion challenge. how does this work ? your character will get asked the same questions as the public, and they will choose which couple they believe the public would have voted for. basically, they’re guessing what they think the public thinks. 
couples will each have a combined score based on how many they get correct, and the couple with the highest score will win this challenge. the answers do not have to necessarily be what your character thinks, but rather what your character thinks the public’s perception would be – they absolutely can vote for themselves, if they think the public would have a certain view of them.
jsyk, your character will have to show their guess to the group, so what your character thinks is not anonymous. 
please take a moment to do THIS QUIZ with your character’s guesses by 5PM ON MONDAY, OCT 24. 
still haven’t voted as a member of the public ? here’s that vote.
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crackonhq · 2 years
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the week two challenge begins, introducing...THE NEWLYWED GAME, where islanders will answer a series of questions about each other for the chance to win a night in the hideaway with champagne, chocolate, and our hot tub. pretty sweet deal. everyone competes with their partner because you are a team – as the only single islanders, leo and nana will pair up. enzo was feeling a bit under the weather, so he didn’t make it to filming, but he sent his answers for charlotte to play. 
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the first question: what is their favorite color?
mimi, andrea, nana, romi, marcus, and charlotte get it right.
leo, layla, luke, josh, and naomi miss the mark.
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the second question: what’s their body count?
mimi gets luke’s with 19, but luke guesses that mimi’s is 108! dude, it’s 17. 
leo guesses nana’s with 4, and nana guesses his is 16. maybe they don’t talk about favorite colors, but they talk about....the important stuff? i guess.
layla correctly puts naomi’s body count at 37, but naomi incorrectly guesses that layla’s body count is 10 – it’s actually 4. 
andrea correctly surmises that josh’s body count is more than 50. josh overestimates hers a bit, guessing that its 20 when it’s actually 10.
marcus tries to guess romi’s body count, but there was no winning on that one – romi draws a big red X on her board, refusing to tell the group what it is. romi then incorrectly guesses that marcus’s body count is like 100ish – it’s around 30ish, according to him. 
charlotte incorrectly guesses enzo’s body count, figuring it’s probably around 20. it’s actually 7 or 8. 
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the next question: what is their middle name?
layla, romi, naomi, marcus, and charlotte all get this one. 
mimi, leo, andrea, luke, nana, josh don’t.
next up, if they couldn’t be coupled with you, who would they pick?
mimi, going off the tension of the past recoupling, guesses luke would choose layla, but she’s wrong – luke admits he would be with romi. he correctly says that mimi would choose josh, though.
leo thinks nana would choose him. she laughs, and says she hasn’t decided yet. nana guesses that leo’s most interested in layla, and she’s right.
layla guesses that naomi would pick josh, which is correct, and naomi guesses that layla would pick luke. she’s wrong – the answer is charlotte. 
marcus guesses that romi would pick luke, but the answer is josh. romi guesses that marcus would pick naomi, and visibly rolls her eyes when he flashes his board, proving her correct. 
charlotte thinks enzo would pick andrea, but he said that he’d actually go for romi or nana. 
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next, we asked everyone’s biggest turn on.
mimi correctly guessed that luke likes a nice butt, and luke correctly guessed that mimi just wants some physical affection. a couple that knows what gets each other going!
leo incorrectly guessed that nana wants someone to make her a meal – she likes being read to. i’m gonna guess she doesn’t get that far into a book. nana correctly guesses that leo likes a girl that looks really focused while working. “especially in a pretty sundress,” he adds. 
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layla correctly guesses naomi is into neck kissing, and naomi correctly guesses that layla likes when someone draws positive attention to their lips.
andrea writes “NICE TITS” on her board, but josh admits he’s turned on by participating in PDA. josh thinks “a nice compliment” would get andrea going, but she admits that falling in love is her real weakness. 
romi knows body kisses are marcus’s biggest turn-on, and he knows that romi’s turned on my someone that’s genuinely funny. seems like a self-pat on the back watching him right that on his board like that, but okay. 
charlotte thinks enzo’s biggest turn on would be reading together, but it’s actually deep conversations. 
next, the quiz asks everyone’s amount of siblings.
mimi, leo, layla, andrea, nana, josh, romi, josh, naomi, marcus, and charlotte all get it right. 
luke is the only one to get it wrong. 
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next, it asks everyone’s favorite sex positions. not gonna lie, i had to google over half of these. 
leo, andrea, luke, nana, romi, josh, naomi, marcus, and charlotte all get this.
mimi and layla get it wrong. 
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then, it asks about dream holiday destinations and celebrity crushes. cue a montage, where andrea guesses josh is into scarjo, but he’s written the slightly less problematic blake lively. nana somehow guesses both of leo’s correctly, but leo gets neither of nana’s. charlotte tries to guess enzo’s celebrity crush, but “he doesn’t watch tv” and hasn’t put one. and luke guesses that mimi’s crush is “justin timberlake” but it’s actually “andrew garfield.” 
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the scores are as follows:
charlotte (& enzo): 8 points. 
mimi & luke: 16 points.
layla & naomi: 16 points. 
andrea & josh: 18 points.
leo & nana: 22 points.
romi & marcus: 24 points. 
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crackonhq · 2 years
as we approach our second challenge for islanders, help me get prepped by filling out this form by THURSDAY, AUGUST 18.
it’s short and easy – it just asks some questions about your character and it’s all prompted, so way easier than coming up with headcanons ! you’ll get a +3 in the challenge for filling this out on time. if you don’t fill it out, it could prevent another member from participating. 
nana will be your HOST for this challenge as our only single islander, and kashia does not have to fill this out...though, like, she can if she wants to ? 
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crackonhq · 2 years
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Welcome to EXCESS BAGGAGE, where islanders will take turns stepping up to a baggage carousel, and opening bags that contain a “fun” fact on day 3. When an islander thinks they know who its about, they’ll step up and kiss that person.
There won’t be a specific “winner” of this challenge, but for doing it (and for getting answers right) you get points, which will help you get selected for dates and give you priority in recouplings, etc.
The order for this challenge has been randomly generated.
Mimi gets to go first, stepping up to the baggage cart.
She’s pretty confident about walking up to Marcus, pulling him close and going for a full-on snog. Wow, she does not hold back at all. Intense. And she’s right! Marcus was the answer.
She takes her next bag.
Mimi might just be confident about everything she does, because she’s quick to go in for the make-out with Andrea.
That was super hot, but totally incorrect. The answer was Romi.
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Romi gets to go next, stepping up to the baggage cart.
Romi goes to kiss Mimi on the cheek, which totally lacks drama, but she’s wrong anyway. The answer was Naomi.
Romi stays super loyal to Marcus by kissing Josh on the cheek. She’s right this time, guilty as charged!
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Marcus gets to go next.
He stands for an extremely long time. Jeopardy music is playing. Grasshoppers are chirping. Someone clears their throat. His eyes dart back and forth between Layla and Charlotte before he FINALLY leans forward and kisses Charlotte on the cheek.
All that for him to be wrong anyway. It was Mimi.
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He kisses Naomi on the cheek too. Viewers at home probably also think it’s her, so it’s a decent guess, but she laughs and shakes her head. Charlotte raises her hand instead.
Marcus shrugs his shoulders, because he gave it the best shot. With that score, fans at home are probably wishing he’d just kissed Romi anyway.
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Andrea steps up next in line.
Respectfully, Andrea gives Marcus a cute little peck on the lips – enough to keep producers happy, but hopefully not enough to actually piss anyone off. It’s wrong anyway, and Josh admits to being the answer.
Andrea locks eyes with Josh for this one, and apparently doesn’t care about stepping on toes this time around, because she goes for the full on snog. Like, cut to commercials and then come back from commercials and they’re STILL kissing. It’s not him though.
It was Marcus.
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Charlotte gets to step up next, and takes her first clue from the cart.
She takes the opportunity to go in for the make-out with Romi, which I deeply respect. Especially because she’s right about it.
Charlotte goes for Andrea on this one, another full on snog from our seemingly innocent southern belle! She’s wrong though. The answer was Mimi.
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Josh steps up next. 
Josh appears to know who it is, confidently lifting Mimi up into a loooong, hot and heavy kiss. He’s super wrong, though, and Layla steps forward to admit her aversion to the fruit.
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There’s no discretion about who Josh is making out with, because he’s back for more after locking lips with Andrea earlier. He pulls away to find out he’s right about this one. Nice.
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Naomi gets to go next, taking baggage from the carousel.
Taps a finger to her chin before stepping up to lock lips with Charlotte. It’s a long-ass kiss, but Naomi barely manages to catch her breath before she’s proven wrong – Ji-Hoon steps forward, and her jaw drops a little.
But second time’s the charm, and she selects her next clue.
Naomi turns on her heel and goes to lay it on Layla, and it’s a lot less chaste than you’d see at the end of the aisle. Once again not guilty though, and Andrea clears her throat to announce that it’s her clue.
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Enzo steps forward next, not seeming super into it. Though actually, that might just be his face. He takes his first clue.
He decides to give Romi a gentle peck, hopefully not crossing any boundaries or whatever. Respectful. He’s wrong though, and Layla raises her hand to admit that she’s got a super cute dog.
He looks pretty confident in this one as he sweeps Charlotte off her feet in a kiss that we almost feel like we have to censor. We don’t, though, you’re gonna get your money’s worth with that VPN that you’re paying too much for in order to watch this. And he’s right, too – Charlotte was the answer.
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It’s almost like he was written by a woman or something.
Layla steps forward to do her questions.
Now that’s getting hit on! Layla steps forward to give Charlotte a quick peck on the lips, very casual. It’s not the answer, though, and Ji-Hoon admits to being the answer to the clue.
The next suitcase Layla picks up holds:
Layla plays it low key and gives Marcus a quick kiss on the cheek. This time, it’s Charlotte’s turn to fess up as the culprit.
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Ji-Hoon is the last one to pull bags from the cart. 
Ji-Hoon glances around before standing in front of Naomi to give her a quick kiss on the lips. Casual, but also Ji-Hoon’s boldest move so far? The bar is low. She smiles, however, it’s not her. Layla owns up to being the culprit. 
Ji-Hoon kisses Charlotte lightly on the cheek, but she shakes her head. Naomi steps forward with a sheepish smile to admit the clue was about her. 
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💋💋💋💋💋 the most kissed islander was: charlotte !!
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crackonhq · 2 years
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hi, welcome to your week 1 challenge ! excess baggage will present a moving baggage carousel to islanders, who will take turns opening the bags. each bag will contain a ‘fun fact’ about another islander. to earn points, you must kiss the islander you think the fact is about. 
you will earn points for each correct answer, but it’s also a good way to show who you’re into under the guise of the challenge. it’s really up to your muse how they want to play it. 
check your discord dms soon for a link to your own personalized quiz – it’s brief, only a couple of questions. to participate in this challenge, please complete the quiz by WEDNESDAY, JULY 27. 
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crackonhq · 2 years
as we approach our first challenge for islanders, help me get prepped by filling out this form by FRIDAY, JULY 22. 
it just asks you to share some fun facts/headcanons about your character ! you’ll get a +3 in the challenge for filling this out on time, and your character’s fun facts will be used. 
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