#craft mmz
minticecodes · 2 years
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An indulgent mega man zero + digimon AU.
The partnerships are:
Ciel + Zero (Guilmon X)
I didn't draw her with goggles here, but she has them. She uses a visor while researching "digital phenomena."
Unlike the regular Guilmon line, Guilmon Xs' digital hazards are sealed thanks to the X-antibody.
Elpizo + X (Patamon)
Elpizo pushes X to digivolve and become more powerful, while X tries to get him to calm down.
Neige + Craft (Grapleomon) are a different kind of partners.
Neige's a journalist chasing rumours of a secret government division. She's also looking for her old friend--though she can't remember his name or what he looks like. Meanwhile, Craft wants her to stay far away from what he's up to.
More long, rambly (subject to change) plot stuff under the cut:
The secret government division (basically a cross of DATS and Hypnos) has been researching the 'chosen child' phenomena. Wouldn't it be useful, to harness the ability to control powerful monsters? Particularly if you wanted to exterminate this parallel world full of walking nukes, thinks Director Weil.
Ciel either knows exactly what's happening or has men in black style amnesia to stop her from forming a resistance too early. In both options she has a creeping sense of dread/guilt that she's done something terrible and left someone behind.
Zero definitely has amnesia. Ciel first finds him as a hurt Gigimon, plopped out of her computer when she wishes to be stronger to protect others.
Arc 1: Involves Ciel and Zero getting used to a partnership as monsters start appearing in Arcadia city
Half of these encounters are solved without violence. Most digimon are fleeing to the human world for safety--only some elites are seeking to harm humans. Ciel ends up creating a network of digimon in hiding.
T.K. Thoreewon (but much prefers 'Elpizo') is Ciel's lancer, and he's far more ruthless than her. He doesn't have a digimon partner though, despite how he wants to help out in battles.
Occasionally after each battle they catch glimpses of a flickering angel, who repeats the message "stop me."
They eventually do, tracking down the vengeful Holyangemon who's been driving digimon to flee the digital world to escape his reign.
Curiously, Holyangemon (previously Seraphimon X) was once known for his peaceful policies and caring nature. He was one of the few leaders left after a nightmareish red dragon tore apart the world. But citizens whisper he changed after he left for the final battle to seal away that dragon--not just that he lost his X-antibody and dropped down a level. However, no one saw the old human escaping the scene that day when his monster was defeated.
Ciel, meanwhile, has a terrible sense of recognition when she sees Holyangemon's control ring.
Arc 2 involves investigating cases of missing digimon. Ciel has a theory it's humans--though others report a lion general doing the dirty work. At the same time, Elpizo's new partner Patamon rings deja vu...
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iqversity · 16 days
BSc Nursing, ANM & GNM, Jenpas, WBJEEB MCQ Question & Answer Part – 7
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Prepare for your BSc Nursing, ANM & GNM, Jenpas, and WBJEEB exams in West Bengal with our comprehensive collection of MCQ questions and answers. জেনপাস (Jenpas, WBJEEB) নার্সিং পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি নিন: পশ্চিমবঙ্গের BSc Nursing, GNM, এবং ANM Nursing শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য MCQ প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর সম্বলিত একটি অত্যন্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সংকলন। জেনপাস (Jenpas, WBJEEB) নার্সিং পরীক্ষায় সফলতা অর্জনের স্বপ্ন দেখছেন? আমাদের ব্লগ আপনাকে সাহায্য করতে প্রস্তুত। এখানে আমরা পশ্চিমবঙ্গের BSc Nursing, General Nursing & Midwifery (GNM), এবং Auxiliary Nursing & Midwifery (ANM) শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য বিশেষভাবে তৈরি করা অসংখ্য Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) এর একটি বিশাল সংগ্রহ নিয়ে এসেছি। পরীক্ষার আগে আপনার প্রস্তুতিকে আরও মজবুত করতে এবং সফলতার পথে এগিয়ে যেতে, এই প্রশ্নগুলি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিষয়গুলো কভার করে আপনার জ্ঞানের পরিধিকে আরও বিস্তৃত করবে। আপনি যদি মূল ধারণাগুলি পুনরায় মনে করতে চান বা আপনার শেখার গভীরতা পরীক্ষা করতে চান, তবে এই প্রশ্নগুলি আপনার প্রস্তুতিকে আরও কার্যকরী করে তুলবে এবং আত্মবিশ্বাস বাড়াবে। প্রতিটি প্রশ্নই আপনার জ্ঞানকে মজবুত করতে এবং শক্তির জায়গাগুলো চিহ্নিত করতে সাহায্য করবে, সেইসাথে সেই বিষয়গুলোও চিহ্নিত করতে যেগুলোতে আরও মনোযোগ প্রয়োজন হতে পারে। এই MCQ প্রশ্নগুলি চর্চা করে, আপনি জেনপাস (Jenpas, WBJEEB) পরীক্ষায় আসতে পারে এমন বিভিন্ন প্রশ্নের মুখোমুখি হতে আরও প্রস্তুত থাকবেন, যা আপনার সফলতা নিশ্চিত করবে। এই সংকলনটি পশ্চিমবঙ্গের শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য বিশেষভাবে উপযোগী, কারণ এটি জেনপাস (Jenpas, WBJEEB) পরীক্ষার নির্দিষ্ট প্রয়োজনীয়তা এবং মানদণ্ডের সাথে সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ। এটি আপনার পড়াশোনার জন্য একটি অমূল্য সরঞ্জাম। আমাদের সংগ্রহটি অনুশীলন করুন, আপনার জ্ঞানকে আরও সমৃদ্ধ করুন এবং একটি সফল নার্সিং ক্যারিয়ারের দিকে আত্মবিশ্বাসের সঙ্গে এগিয়ে যান। প্রশ্নঃ BEG,DGI,FIK,HKM,? - JNP - NMO - JMO - KLO উত্তরঃ  JMO প্রশ্নঃ CPK,FSN,IVQ,LYT,? - OBY - PCX - PCY - OBW উত্তরঃ  OBW প্রশ্নঃ AEN,MQZ,CGP,? - OSB - PUE - MPX - OTC উত্তরঃ  OSB প্রশ্নঃ DKY,FJW,HIU,JHS,? - LFQ - LGQ - KGR - KFR উত্তরঃ  LGQ প্রশ্নঃ BMK,DLM,FKO,HJQ,? - JHS - JIS - JGK - JIR উত্তরঃ  JIS প্রশ্নঃ RTM,QRJ,PPG,OND,? - NLZ - MMZ - MKB - NLA উত্তরঃ  NLA প্রশ্নঃ AZY,EXW,IVU,? - MTS - MQR - NRQ - LST উত্তরঃ  MTS প্রশ্নঃ বায়োলজিক্যাল ট্রান্সডিওসার বলা হয় - - সংবেদনকে - অ্যাসিটাইল কোলিন - করোটিক স্নায়ুকে - গ্রাহককে উত্তরঃ  গ্রাহককে প্রশ্নঃ GABA কোন অঞ্চলের স্নায়ুপ্রান্ত থেকে ক্ষরিত হয়? - গরুমস্তিষ্ক - রেখমস্তিষ্ক - লঘু মস্তিষ্ক - থ্যালামাস উত্তরঃ  লঘু মস্তিষ্ক প্রশ্নঃ C.S.F. কোথা থেকে উ���পন্ন হয়? - সুষুম্নাশীর্ষক  - সাইন্যাপস - অ্যারকানয়েডম্যাটার  - কোরোয়েডপ্লেকমাস উত্তরঃ  কোরোয়েডপ্লেকমাস প্রশ্নঃ এর মধ্যে নিউরন নিমম্নের কোনটি ক্ষরণ করে না? - এপিনেফ্রিন, নর এপিনেফ্রিন - লেপটিন - অ্যাসিটাইল কোলিন - GABA উত্তরঃ  এপিনেফ্রিন, নর এপিনেফ্রিন প্রশ্নঃ হরমোন আধিক্য হলে উদ্ভিদের নিন্মলিখিত কোন প্রকার লক্ষণ দেখা যায়? - হাইপারপ্লেসিয়া - হাইপারট্রফি - নেক্রোসিস - ব্লাইট উত্তরঃ  হাইপারপ্লেসিয়া আরও দেখুন -> https://www.iqversity.com/bsc-nursing/bsc-nursing-anm-gnm-jenpas-wbjeeb-mcq-question-answer-part-7/ Prepare for JENPAS (WBJEEB) Nursing Exams with Our Extensive Collection of MCQs: A Must-Have Resource for BSc Nursing, GNM, and ANM Students in West Bengal Aspiring to ace the JENPAS (WBJEEB) nursing exams? Our blog is here to support you with an extensive selection of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) tailored specifically for BSc Nursing, General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM), and Auxiliary Nursing and Midwifery (ANM) students in West Bengal. This carefully curated collection of practice questions is designed to cover all essential topics, providing you with the comprehensive review you need to excel in your upcoming exams. Whether you're revisiting key concepts or testing your understanding of the material, these questions are crafted to enhance your preparation and boost your confidence. Each question is aimed at reinforcing your knowledge, helping you identify areas of strength and those that may require additional focus. By practicing with these MCQs, you'll be better equipped to tackle the variety of questions that can appear on your JENPAS (WBJEEB) exams, ensuring that you're well-prepared to achieve success. This resource is particularly beneficial for students in West Bengal, as it aligns with the specific requirements and standards of the JENPAS (WBJEEB) exam, making it an invaluable tool in your study arsenal. Dive into our collection, strengthen your understanding, and take a confident step towards a successful nursing career. Read the full article
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mmzlawyer · 10 months
Secure Your Legacy: MMZ Law – Your Filipino Estate Planning Attorney in Artesia
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In the vibrant and diverse community of Artesia, California, where cultures intertwine, MMZ Law stands out as a beacon of legal expertise, specializing in estate planning with a focus on personalized wills and trusts. For the Filipino community in Artesia and beyond, MMZ Law is not just a law firm; it is a trusted partner in securing legacies, ensuring that the wishes and aspirations of individuals and families are protected through thoughtful estate planning.
Filipino Estate Planning Attorney in Artesia:-
Navigating the complexities of estate planning can be a daunting task, but having an attorney who understands the cultural nuances and values of the Filipino community adds a layer of comfort and assurance. MMZ Law, with its Filipino estate planning attorney in Artesia, recognizes the importance of cultural sensitivity in legal matters.
Understanding Family Dynamics: In Filipino culture, family holds immense significance. MMZ Law's estate planning services are crafted to align with the unique dynamics and values of Filipino families. The firm's Filipino estate planning attorney in Artesia takes the time to understand familial relationships, ensuring that the estate plan reflects the client's desires for their loved ones.
Respecting Traditions: MMZ Law respects the cultural traditions and practices of the Filipino community. Whether it's incorporating specific bequests or addressing cultural considerations in the estate plan, the firm's approach is rooted in cultural awareness and respect.
Bilingual Services: Recognizing the importance of effective communication, MMZ Law offers bilingual services, allowing clients to discuss their estate planning needs in both English and Filipino. This linguistic accessibility ensures clarity and understanding throughout the planning process.
Crafting Legacies with MMZ Law:-
Tailored Estate Planning: MMZ Law takes a personalized wills and trusts in West Covina approach to estate planning, recognizing that each client's situation is unique. The firm's attorneys work closely with clients in West Covina to understand their goals, assets, and family dynamics, tailoring estate plans that align with their specific needs.
Comprehensive Services: From drafting wills and establishing trusts to addressing issues of probate and asset distribution, MMZ Law offers a comprehensive suite of estate planning services. The firm's expertise encompasses both basic and complex estate planning strategies, ensuring that clients have the tools to protect their legacies.
Probate Avoidance: MMZ Law assists clients in West Covina in developing strategies to avoid probate or navigate the probate process seamlessly. This proactive approach streamlines the transfer of assets and minimizes the burden on loved ones during challenging times.
Continued Support: Estate planning is an ongoing process, and MMZ Law provides continued support to clients in West Covina. Whether it's updating documents in response to life changes or addressing legal concerns that may arise, the firm remains a reliable resource for clients throughout their lives.
Why Choose MMZ Law for Estate Planning:-
Cultural Sensitivity: MMZ Law's Filipino estate planning attorney in Artesia brings cultural sensitivity to the planning process, ensuring that the estate plan aligns with the values and traditions of the Filipino community.
Legal Expertise: The attorneys at MMZ Law combine legal expertise with a deep understanding of estate planning principles, providing clients in West Covina with comprehensive and effective solutions.
Client-Centric Approach: MMZ Law prioritizes a client-centric approach, placing the client's needs and goals at the forefront of the estate planning process. The firm's attorneys actively listen, communicate, and collaborate to achieve the best outcomes for their clients.
Community Connection: MMZ Law's presence in the culturally rich community of Artesia and its dedication to understanding the Filipino community's unique needs make it a trusted partner for individuals and families seeking estate planning services.
MMZ Law distinguishes itself as a valuable resource for estate planning, providing personalized wills and trusts in West Covina and serving the Filipino community in Artesia with cultural sensitivity and legal excellence. With a commitment to securing legacies and fostering lasting relationships, MMZ Law stands as a pillar of support for individuals and families navigating the intricate landscape of estate planning.
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goldenyuusha · 3 years
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A scene from my MMZ AU fic. Craft and Zero in the outside lands beyond Neo Arcadia 
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zee-the-zebra · 3 years
Hold up. I just had an idea for an AU.
Saiibo except it’s MMX. I’ll need to pull in some THH and GD characters too, because it’s a big cast.
Kiibo as X, Shuichi as Zero, Kokichi as Vile, Gonta as Axl, Kaede as Iris (pain), Rantaro as Colonel (more pain), Ryoma as Signas (irony), Kyoko as Alia, Celeste as Layer, Hiyoko as Pallette, Byakuya as Gate
And of course Tsumugi as Sigma in 1-7, but as Lumine in 8 with Monokuma as Sigma!
And while I’m at it, Saiibo but MMZ too.
Shuichi is still Zero, Kiibo is still X. Kirumi as Ciel, Himiko as Alouette, Miu as Fairy Leviathan, Korekiyo as Hidden Phantom, Tenko as Fighting Fefnir, Angie as Sage Harpuia, Nagito as Elpizo (duh), Kazuichi as Cerveau, Maki as Neige, Kaito as Craft AND JUNKO AS WEIL!
This is way too thought out for something I just came up with a few days ago.
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lanternslime · 7 years
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Current thing I’m working on.  I have no idea what or why, just that I’ve been using Craft from MMZ as a reference and that the helmet is too similar.
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goldenyuusha · 4 years
Have you ever read the mmz manga? If you have where can i
I’ve read a bit of it mostly just to look at Craft, but I found it online here, i cant say its 100% a safe website so... be careful. the quality of the comic itself is debatable but it is a fun romp 
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