#craig never being able to get over him even years after its happened [guy w sicko tshirt meme] haha. YES!!!!!!!
flowernets · 2 years
im 100% anti creek-angst but i think it would be funny if there was a period after like hs graduation where they break up and tweek starts a new relationship and craig finds out and hes like oh lawl. how are you guys doing around tweek when they see each other but then hes just throwing up and crying and shaking and wailing when he goes home 
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hellmersy · 6 years
Shedding Light (Minicat)
The trailer for the new Shadow of the Tomb Raider game hit today and I couldn't help myself. So have some archaeologist Craig and expedition captain Tyler.
It had been a quiet day of traveling, the sea was calm and the boat barely rocked with the small waves that sloshed at its side. Tyler was in his quarters checking the plotted course for the sixth time that day when Craig walked in.
He didn't even turn around as the man hovered behind him until finally. "Captain?" he said sarcastically, Tyler could almost hear the eye roll, and he sighed. "Yes, Craig." He turned around to face the archaeologist and folded his arms over his chest. Just glorified grave robbers, he thought to himself as he stared down at the shorter man.
Craig looked around him and saw the map and hummed in approval. "So you are faithful to the cause," he smirked, it was Tyler's turn to roll his eyes. "I am, that being said, it doesn't mean I'm going anywhere near this Tomb of yours, and that’s on the off chance this island you claim to exists is even there, to begin with. Either way, once we’re there my team is going to split off and do some real work charting the place for the maps."
Craig's eyebrows pinched together and his jaw ticked. "Excuse you?!" Craig all but gasped at his statement, "I'll have you know that if what I have gathered from five years of research, that this discovery could bring humanity one step closer to rediscovering some of the lost arts from the bloody dark ages!" he seethed, poking his finger at Tylers chest and the man scoffed.
"It's the dark ages, Mr. Thompson, what could they have known that has any use in modern day society?" he asked blankly and Craig only seemed to get madder at that.
"It’s not about what they knew Mister Wilde! It’s the history behind it; the when, where and w--" Craig was cut off when the ship shook unexpectedly, making Craig stumble forward and Tyler backward until the back of his knees hit the desk and he bit his tongue upon landing as Craig fell onto him, straddling him.
They stared at each other, wide-eyed until the door opened. "Hey Tyler you might wanna-- Oh..." Anthony trailed off when he saw them, "Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt. Just wanted to say that we entered some rough waters so you might wanna hunker down somewhere until we're out."
Anthony closed the door and Craig quickly jumped off of him before promptly walking out of the room. Tyler could only stare, what the fuck just happened, he thought, standing back up and fixing the now crumpled up map before rechecking the plotted course for the seventh time that day.
-  -  -  -
Thirty minutes later, Tyler found himself following the savory aroma of shrimp and alfredo sauce to the kitchen where David and Brian were cooking. The pair of Irishman looked at each other and smiled smugly, Tyler sighed dreadfully.
"So," David started, still stirring the pot of sauce and shrimp, "Does our resident Archaeologist still have feeling in his legs--" Tyler groaned loudly "--Or do we have to anchor down for a day or two?"
Tyler let his head fall onto the table and shot up when pain spread throughout his forehead. "Fuck!" he yelled, and David turned down the oven temperature and turned to look at him with a brow raised. "Well?"
"We didn't do anything!"
"Who didn't do what?" Craig asked as he walked into the kitchen and David and Brian laughed as Tyler slowly dragged a hand down his face.
Once the food was done everyone was called down and they ate.
"I'm just saying," Jonathan held his hands up defensively, "I've looked at the satellite images a dozen times and I've seen nothing but rocks jutting up from the ocean like jagged teeth.” Jonathan turned his laptop around to show the others.
"Technology is unreliable!" Craig grumbled indignantly. "Says the guy who had to use the GPS on his phone to find the shopping mall that was only a block away for his loft," Evan said without looking up from his book and Jonathan kissed his temple with a smug smile.
"Touche," Craig glared and shook his head, "Look, I never said that my research was one-hundred percent positive about the exact location, no one actually knows where this supposed holy land is. Every text I've found or book I've read has always been vague but that's because this place had already been lost for decades before they were written."
Brian set his food down with a sigh and took a long look at the computer screen. “As long as it’s wet I can sail on it.”
“You can’t seriously be considering this!” Jonathan shouted.
“Enough!” Tyler shouted making everyone pause.”I’m the captain of this expedition and I say that if Brian says he can sail those waters then we’re going, there’s no point in turning around when we’re already so far out.”
Craig watched the group argue back and forth until eventually they were too tired to do it anymore and as soon as Craig's head hit the pillow he was asleep.
- - - -
Craig was ripped from his sleep by the sound of objects clattering to the floor of his quarters and as soon as he sat up the ship jolted violently, throwing him from his bed and to the floor. He winced when he hit his head on the locker across from where he was thrown from and as he was getting up the ship jolted again making him slide across the floor and into the hall.
He yelped in pain when his shoulder collided with the wall and he quickly picked himself up off the ground and started his way down the hall. But as soon as he turned the corner a wall of ocean water crashed into him, instantly sweeping him away and dragging him along until it hit a dead-ended hallway that he realized was close to Tyler's room.
Before he could even think he began swimming towards to the man’s room, fighting against the current pushing him back and filling the hallway until he had to dive down to reach the handel and open the door.
As soon as he did the water started rushing in and filled the room before Craig could get a second to breathe. He immediately spotted Tyler who was floating unconsciously in the water so Craig grabbed his arm and began swimming through the hallways to the hull.
Once he passed through the kitchen there was a break in the water and he burst through the surface with a coughing gasp as he dragged Tyler up as well. Once he caught his breath he realized that Tyler wasn't breathing and he began to panic.
"No no no, don't you dare fucking die of me you bastard!" he panted as he began CPR. He was just about to give him mouth to mouth when Tyler sprung forward with a cough, spewing water and bile and gasping for air.
"Fuck that burns!" Tyler heaved out and Craig laughed before hugging him on impulse. "Thank god!" he laughed as he wrapped his arms around Tyler's shoulders and then the man went stiff in his embrace.
Craig was about to pull away when an arm was laid across the small of his back and Tyler rested his forehead in the crook of his neck. "You saved my life," he said after a moment.
"Don't thank me yet," Craig huffed and pulled away, holding him by his shoulders, "Are you hurt?" he asked and Tyler shrugged.
"My head feels like I got pistol-wiped from behind but other than that I'm fine... You?"
Craig shrugged but winced because of his shoulder and he laughed when Tyler gave him a worried look. "I'm fine, really, I just banged into a wall after getting thrown out of bed," he then suddenly became very aware of the throbbing welt on the side of his skull from when he hit the locker the first time.
Tyler nodded and looked around. "We should probably get out of here," he said, and Craig nodded. It took some finesse to get out of the crooked room and they had to swim through most of the ship, but when they were able to manage to get to the hull Craig gasped at the sight.
"Holy shit," Tyler whispered.
The ship had been torn in half and in front of them the clear blue sky lit up a pearl-white sandy shore that blends off into a dense jungle, and from every other angle all Tyler could see was the ocean. He was about to say something else until Craig dashed past him and gracefully dived over the side of the ship.
"Craig!!" Tyler shouted running over and stopping at the railing and his knees buckled in relief when he saw Craig quickly paddling himself to the shoreline. Once the Brit wadded his way onto the beach he waved for Tyler and shouted for him to join him.
Tyler closed his eyes and took a deep breath before hefting himself over the railing. "Holy. Fucking. Shit!" He flailed wildly on the way down and hit the water with a painful sounding smack.
When he broke the surface and looked to the beach, Craig was gone.
Tyler furrowed his brows and swam onto the beach, looking around and was confused to not see the Archaeologist anywhere. He looked around at his feet for footprints and his stomach sank with dread when he saw the drag marks in the sand.
He noticed a shadow on the ground behind him and he wiped around with his fists extended, but the person ducked under his punch and drove their shoulder into his stomach, effectively knocking the wind from his lungs and bringing him down to his knees before a foot collided with his face and his vision went black.
Wanna read the next Chapter? Check out my book which this mini-series is included “H2OVanoss & Bitches: Volume Two!” on my wattpad which is also HEllmersy2001, and check in soon for the next chapter!
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vvvveta · 3 years
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IN THE IMMEDIATE aftermath of 9/11, Americans were braying for war. A CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll found that 90 percent of Americans approved of the United States attacking Afghanistan, while 65 percent of the public was comfortable with the prospect of Afghan civilians being killed. Only 22 percent thought that the war would last more than two years.
Americans wanted blood, and they got it. The United States invaded Afghanistan and spent the next 20 years making war there and beyond: in Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Iraq; Libya; Niger; the Philippines; Somalia; Syria; Tunisia; and Yemen, among other places. More than 770,000 people have since died violent deaths in America’s wars and interventions, including more than 312,000 civilians, according to Brown University’s Costs of War Project.
Of the 10 percent of Americans who thought that war was not the answer, a small number demonstrated against the impending conflict. They marched in Austin, Texas; New York City; San Francisco; Washington, D.C.; and elsewhere. It took courage to speak out against “indiscriminate retribution,” to assert that it was ludicrous to attack a country for a crime carried out by a small group of terrorists, and to suggest that the repercussions might echo for decades. They were mocked, screamed at, called scum and traitors, and worse.
Those who got it right in September 2001 have long since been forgotten. The White House, the Pentagon, and the media never sought the dissenters out for advice, comment, or counsel as the war in Afghanistan went off the rails, ending with the chaotic collapse of the U.S.-backed Afghan government on Sunday. Instead, those who got it wrong have consistently held sway in the halls of power. “This did unfold more quickly than we had anticipated,” President Joe Biden, who voted for military action in 2001, admitted yesterday. “[Former Afghan President Ashraf] Ghani insisted the Afghan forces would fight, but obviously he was wrong.” Ghani was hardly alone. Biden and countless other Americans played key roles in a 20-year road to defeat that began with the United States toppling the Taliban from power in 2001 and ended with the Taliban installing themselves in the presidential palace in Afghanistan’s capital, Kabul, this week.
Journalist Craig Whitlock’s new book, “The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the War,” will help ensure that no one forgets the harm America’s civilian and military leaders did, the lies they told, and the war they lost.
Synthesizing more than 1,000 interviews and 10,000 pages of documents, Whitlock provides a stunning study of failure and mendacity, an irrefutable account of the U.S.’s ignoble defeat in the words of those who — from the battlefield to NATO headquarters in Kabul and from the Pentagon to the White House — got it so wrong for so long, papered their failures over with falsehoods, and sought to avoid even an ounce of accountability.
“People often ask me, ‘How long will this last?’” President George W. Bush said on October 11, 2001, a few days after the United States started bombing Afghanistan. “This particular battlefront will last as long as it takes to bring Al Qaeda to justice. It may happen tomorrow, it may happen a month from now, it may take a year or two. But we will prevail.”
More than a decade later, the U.S. still hadn’t won the war, and an obscure government agency, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, or SIGAR, sought to figure out why. The result was more than 400 “Lessons Learned” interviews conducted with mostly American (but also Afghan and NATO) officials as well as other experts, aid workers, and consultants. Their assessments were candid, often damning, and the government sought to keep them under wraps.
But the indefatigable Whitlock and his employer, the Washington Post, via two Freedom of Information Act lawsuits, forced the government to turn over the files. These records became the foundation of an award-winning series for the Post; now, combined with several troves of documents from various public collections, these files make “The Afghanistan Papers” the most comprehensive American accounting of the conflict and help explain, better than any book yet, why so many of those who planned, guided, and fought the war failed so spectacularly.
Deftly assembling accounts thematically and chronologically, Whitlock allows America’s war managers to hang themselves with their own quotes, offering an encyclopedic catalogue of lies and ineptitude, delusion and denial, incompetence and corruption, and, most of all, rank cowardice. Again and again, Whitlock presents the pessimistic assessments and harsh judgments of officials who believed that their remarks would never become public — war makers who could have spoken out publicly but too often kept their appraisals under wraps or voiced them when it was too late to matter.
“We didn’t have the foggiest notion of what we were undertaking,” recalled Army Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute, the White House war czar under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama.
“We did not know what we were doing,” said Richard Boucher, the Bush administration’s top diplomat for South and Central Asia.
“There was a tremendous … dysfunctionality in unity of command inside of Afghanistan, inside the military,” recalled Army Lt. Gen. David Barno, an early Afghanistan War commander.
“There was no campaign plan,” confessed Army Gen. Dan McNeill, who twice served as the top commander in Afghanistan under Bush. “I tried to get someone to define for me what winning meant, even before I went over, and nobody could.”
These and hundreds of other officials, military officers, diplomats, and analysts could have leveled with the American people immediately or at any time in the last 20 years. Had they done so, perhaps the war in Afghanistan could have been shortened by a decade or more; perhaps following conflicts wouldn’t have been so easy to start or proved so difficult to end; perhaps more than 770,000 people wouldn’t be dead and up to 59 million forced from their homes by America’s post-9/11 wars.
Instead, Americans muddled through the conflict in Afghanistan, unsure what they were there to accomplish, why they were doing it, who they were fighting, and what they were fighting for. “What were we actually doing in that country?” asked a U.S. official who served with the NATO senior civilian representative to Afghanistan. “We went in after 9/11 to defeat Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, but the mission became blurred.”
To call it confusion is the kindest possible assessment. Another is that, as Whitlock writes, the government was peddling pablum “so unwarranted and baseless that their statements amounted to a disinformation campaign.”
WHITLOCK DOES A masterful job of mining the hard-won SIGAR synopses and archived interviews to juxtapose private judgments with public comments. Bush’s first secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfeld, recently died of multiple myeloma, but Whitlock ably demonstrates that shame ought to have taken him years earlier. Of all the craven war managers who take their star turn in “The Afghanistan Papers,” Rumsfeld may come off worst. “I have no visibility into who the bad guys are,” the late defense secretary wrote in an internal memo almost two years into the war. “We are woefully deficient in human intelligence.”
Rumsfeld never shared his pessimism with the American public. Instead, for years, he took the press to task for pushback while publicly crowing about signs of progress and corners turned. In 2003, Rumsfeld announced that the Taliban was finished. “To the extent that they assemble in anything more than ones and twos … they’ll be killed or captured,” he boasted. If there’s any justice, Rumsfeld is currently being grilled in the afterlife about whether it’s one or two Taliban fighters who are now overrunning cities and districts across Afghanistan.
So much in “The Afghanistan Papers” reads like an unsettling echo of the American war in Vietnam. During that conflict, the South Vietnamese military that was built, trained, armed, and funded by Americans was regularly (and not always unfairly) disparaged for its cowardice and incompetence. In the end, U.S. officials couldn’t understand how a 1 million-person army with billions of dollars’ worth of American weapons and equipment collapsed in 1975. In “The Afghanistan Papers,” Americans similarly disparage the Afghan military they built or make excuses for its weakness and ineptitude. How could the U.S. be at fault when its Afghan charges couldn’t read, write, or identify colors; mistook urinals for drinking fountains; couldn’t learn basic tactics or manage to shoot straight; and were both lazy and corrupt? Left unexamined is just why a rag-tag, under-armed, underfunded insurgency drawn from the same population, without an air force or superpower backing, was able to exist, much less make consistent progress, over 20 years, ending with a blitzkrieg that took one major city after another, including Kabul, in a matter of days.
Opium is another key overlap. During the Vietnam War, as heroin use among U.S. troops soared, Air America, a company run by the CIA, transported opium harvested by farmers in Laos who were also serving as soldiers in the agency’s secret army. Following its defeat in Southeast Asia, the United States sought to entangle the Soviet Union in its own “Vietnam” in Afghanistan, where, as the New York Times reported, “opium production flourished … with the involvement of some of the mujahedeen, rebels who were supported by the Central Intelligence Agency.” By the time Americans were fighting against some of those same mujahideen and their sons in the 2000s, the United States had turned against drug production and devoted billions to eradicating poppies, but Afghanistan nonetheless became the world’s top narco-state.
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sophie-summer · 7 years
All I need
Universe : Endless Summer
Pairing : Jake x MC
Prompt : Travel
Tagging : @hollyashton and @angelschoices
Author’s Note: I hope I’m still on time for the prompt. I didn’t have too much time in the week, so I had to do this as fast as I could. Sorry if you find some misspell. Enjoy it.
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When the cell phone vibrated the second time, I was awake. When the music started, I was about to turn off the alarm. 5:30 am. I wasn’t a morning person, rather I was just the opposite. Everything that was before 10:00 a.m. seemed to me too early and my mood depended directly on the time I got up, the later, the better. But since the night before I was anxious about the trip, suddenly I was the 8-year-old girl who was unable to sleep because of the excitement of what awaited her the next day, and in the few moments of sleep, the only thing present in them, were related to the trip, what would happen and in all the scenes that my mind had imagined being awake. Checking in the calendar the days waiting for the one marked with red letters. So when the time indicated by the alarm arrived I was more than willing to leave the warmth and comfort of my bed.
It seemed incredible, but somehow everything returned to normal, returning only a week had passed, the same time we had to spend there. As it is logical to suppose, we decided to keep the secret, anyway it’s not as if someone would believe anything we said. Time travel, mythical and prehistoric creatures, a tribe of blue people with exceptional abilities? No, I don’t think so, that would definitely have bought the 11 of us a trip to the insane asylum, but not one back.
We didn’t see each other as regularly as we thought, but sometimes I gathered with the girls to catch up, went to games to encourage Sean and Craig, attended some parties together, we managed to have each other class in common. We even had some slumber parties in the apartment where Michelle and Quinn now lived.
But that day was different. The group was never complete, not really. Ever since we came back to the USA, it was always missing a person, someone with blue eyes and a crooked smile. Whose absence always dimmed a little the brilliance of such quietness.
Upon our return, Aliester and Grace, with the help of their influence in belonging to the Rourke and Hall families respectively, were trying to prove Jake’s innocence. However, things were not so simple, it had taken time and still had not been achieved. If he tried to return to the country he would be arrested immediately … as long as the authorities find out. I was not the only one tired of not getting results, and although it was fun to go to Costa Rica in any vacation period, it wasn’t enough, we all wanted things to be resolved.
Jake struggled to hide everything under a lopsided grin and with his unequaled sarcasm, but every time it was time to go home, the fun of his smile wasn’t reflected in his eyes, the glow of them was softened and his sarcasm it became empty.
But that day, that day was different from the others. That day we would finally meet the 12, there in our home. I don’t know how, but Aliester made arrangements so Jake could come a few days undetected, because what was the use of power if you didn’t use it in your own convenience from time to time.
I loved the beach. Everything in it made me feel safe, happy, free … the sand on my feet, the warm breeze caressing my skin, the saltpeter sticking in my nose, the sound of the waves breaking on the shore, the way the water changed its color depending on the sky. Not even all the craziness we went through at La Huerta could change that. So when Aliester gave us the news of Jake coming to the country, one thing led to the other and plans were made.
When I was ready and had assured myself for the tenth time that nothing was missing, I took my things and left the dorm. We’d been meeting in the apartment that Quinn and Michelle shared, there, the bus that we rented would pick us up.
7:15 am. I hurried forward, that 15 minutes late was ensuring a good reprimand from Michelle. The place where they lived was near the campus, so it wouldn’t take me more than 10 min to get there on foot.
“Do you want a ride?” A car pulled up beside me, and in the driver’s seat I recognized Sean.
“Oh! you’re my lifesaver, if I come with you Michelle isn’t going to murder me.” I smiled at him and approached the car. “Will you help me with the door?” I lifted the container.
“Sure.” He reached back to open the door, and I managed as best I could to sit in the back seat.
“Hey Princess.” Every hair on my body reacted before the sound of him voice. Sean and Craig were together everywhere, so I assumed who was in the passenger seat was him, but Jake was the last person I was waiting for.
The last time we saw each other, we had agreed not to continue with our relationship, it didn’t do us any good. I only lived in the few days that we spent the one in the arms of the other, the other days were a blurred intermediate between the times that I went to Costa Rica. He told me that he wanted me to have a normal life, to go out with kids of my age, who go to college just like me. But when he said that he didn’t know that my life without him was not life, that I didn’t care for any other man than him, and that I spent a whole month crying after that.
“Hey Jake.” And I couldn’t say anything else after that.
Almost all of them were there, except for Craig. And we had to wait for him to arrive during two hours. We spent the first 20 minutes joking … after that, well everyone began to despair. In that time we were able to prepare the food that was missing, to go and buy breakfast for everyone and to put our things in the vehicle. There was even time to go and buy the domino game that the boys had forgotten. Finally after half an hour more waiting, Craig showed up with in the apartment with a huge cooler.
“Why the hell did you take so long?” Zahra shouted at once.
“I was looking for something important, babe.” Craig replied.
“What is so important to have us all morning waiting? … and do not call me babe”
Craig’s face brightened with a smile, as if he had been waiting for that specific question. He opened the cooler and out of it he took out a six-pack of beer.
“Booooooze!” He yelled.
“Beer, Craig? Really? “Complained Michelle.
“Don’t worry Meech, I brought everybody’s favorite.”
“You’re already forgiven.” Jake said, patting Craig on the back.
With Craig finally there, there was only one thing to do. We all settled into the seats. I was one of the people who believed that if you went somewhere, the fun started from the time you got up, and that was just what we did. The trip was full of laughter, Craig had to put up with jokes at his expense for being late, and Zahra took care of much of it, we sang at full lungs the songs out of tune, there were many stolen kisses and silly giggles. And many, many photos. Although none of that compared to the looks that Jake and I were throwing during the entire journey. Some things never changed.
The sheen of the sea greeted us when we arrived. The view was incredible. Miles of white sand that contrasted perfectly with the water. Blue and white. And around that, there were numerous palms giving away their shadow here and there. The sky had been stripped of any cloud to let the sea reflect its color with great intensity. I could almost feel the water surrounding me. I just had to take a few more steps and I would be there. Best of all, that part was completely empty.
The boys were in charge of accommodating the heaviest things, chairs, table, the cooler. And we took the food, though Aliester as always didn’t want Grace to raise her own purse. If it hadn’t been for my control, my feet would have led me to the water immediately.
We finished fixing what was missing and did what we most wished, at least I was wanting it more than anyone. I took off my clothes as fast as I could and didn’t resist the temptation any longer. The others soon joined me in the water, except for Estela and Zahra. Each of them looked as happy as I felt.
After a few minutes arguing, Sean, Jake, and Craig headed to the waterfront. Though only Craig could take over of Zahra, it was a good idea that two took over Estela, because despite twisting, fighting and protesting as much as she could, they both ended up in the water.
We spent a lot of time playing, sprinkling water on us and we also tried to make a pyramid, and I say we tried, because on the third attempt Craig thought that maybe I needed a little push to go up, and that’s how Quinn, Grace and I fell on the others in a mixture of hair and limbs. Aliester almost had a heart attack and from that moment he didn’t let Grace take more than two steps if he wasn’t beside her anymore. Raj received a poke in the face from Quinn. And I was the one that had better luck, most of the impact of my fall was caught by Jake, but I knew it wasn’t luck at all. After checking out no one had broken any bones, Michelle made sure Craig thought twice before doing any other nonsense that day.
Afterward, no one had the courage to continue in the water, and with the roaring stomachs we decided to take a break to eat. The food was delicious. And surprisingly, my part wasn’t so bad. When everybody had eaten, some of the guys installed the domino game.
The rest of the afternoon passed the same, for times we went back to the water, went out, played, or just basked in the sun.
Craig fell asleep face down on the sand. And Zahra, believing that no one saw her, laid down on him and stayed like that for a long time. Of course nobody missed the opportunity to make a million photos of that scene. Sean and Michelle disappeared for two hours, and only God knew where they had gone, and what they were doing. Estela and Quinn defeated me and Grace playing Volleyball but it was a lot of fun anyway.
At the end of the afternoon, the bus picked us up again and we prepared to leave that piece of heaven on earth. The return trip wasn’t as energetic as the one out. We were all tired and those who hadn’t fallen asleep already, soon would. Curled up against each other, Michelle and Sean, Craig and Zahra, Quinn and Estela, Grace and Aliester. Raj was sprawled in a single seat, snoring like a tractor.
While it was comforting to feel Diego’s arms encircling my shoulders, I would have given anything for feeling Jake’s instead. To cradle me in his chest. Let him rest his head on mine. And stroked my hair until I fell asleep with the sound of his heartbeat as the only cooing.
“How long do you plan to keep the farce?” Diego whispered in my ear. “Because honestly, the sexual tension between you and Jake is almost visible. Did you see how he undress you a little while ago? Besides, now that you were looking at him you had those eyes of lamb.”
“Diiiego!” I pushed him trying to hold back the laughter. “First, you’re not supposed to say that sort of thing, you’re my friend! Second, it’s already too difficult for me to have to pretend I don’t notice those things and third, I wasn’t looking at him like that.”
“No, that’s exactly the kind of thing I should tell you. When do you think to stop pretending that you’re not dying for each other? And let me tell you that you are not better than him faking. ”
“It’s just that …” I could not find the words to describe how I felt at that moment. “It’s just that we both agreed, and we knew it was not going to be easy for any of us when we saw each other again. Besides he was the one who wanted to finish this, it’s not like having sex is going to fix things, and if he wants everything to be like before, isn’t he supposed to be the one who tells me?
"So, you’re telling me that the only thing that stops you from make it right here is you pride?” He said after a few seconds.
“I’m a fool, ain’t I?”
“Definitely.” His eyes flashed with mischief. “But that’s why you got me.”
“What-” He didn’t even let me finish the sentence. Before I know it, he was on his way to where Jake was. “Wait Diego.” I whispered in vain. From my place I saw them exchange a few words, but I couldn’t understand what they said.
But what happened to these guys? First Michelle and now Diego? Did they want to make my life more miserable than it already was?
A raised eyebrow from Jake and a nod from Diego was all my heart needed to pump blood faster than it’d ever been able to.
Jake stood up. I closed my eyes. I could feel every part of my body vibrate with anticipation. Breathing became a very complicated task suddenly. Air in. Someone settled down beside me. Recognizing his warmth was not difficult for me. Air out. He turned to me. Air in. We weren’t touching. I hadn’t even opened his eyes. But for goodness sake! I knew his eyes pierced every inch of me. Air out.
“I know you’re not asleep, Princess.” I forgot how to breathe. I opened my eyes, but didn’t look at him. “How long are you going to stay this way with me?”
“Like what, Jake?” I turned to look at him.
“Like that!” He said and pointed at me. “I know I’m an idiot.” He ran a hand through his hair as if he did every time he despaired, “You know there’s no way I can be away from you for so long, that the only thing keeping us apart is that I’m still a wanted man. We don’t know when it’ll be solved, damn it, we don’t even know if it’ll ever be solved. That’s why I said what I said, I don’t want you to spend your life waiting for something that may never happen. But I can’t bear a second without touching or kissing y-”
"Then do it.” I said in a slight voice, almost begging him to do it, and It was like he knew the words that were going to go out of my mouth, because when I pronounced them he wrapped me in his arms and kissed me.
I put in that kiss each of the seconds of torture that I had to spend during the day wishing it and his lips responded with the same intensity. At last we became one. This time, nothing would separate us again.
In Jake’s arms, the dream was slowly invading me, with that pleasant fatigue that provides so much fun. A warm tingle gripped my chest. I guess happiness felt like that. And I couldn’t help smiling at that thought before falling asleep.
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soledadgeek · 7 years
Masterlist of Awesome - Part 3 (Other Fandoms)
Hello everyone! It’s been a while! But here’s a new rec list ;) Although, for the Sterek fans following me, this is strictly other fandoms, sorry. Been away from Sterek in a while and that’s the result!  Here’s a listing of what you’ll find!
Merlin / Merthur
Suits / Marvey
Supernatural / Destiel / SamxDean / SamxDeanxCas
White Collar / Peter/Neal/Elizabeth
James Bond (Daniel Craig’s) / 00Q
London Spy / Alex/Danny
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Fandom: James Bond (Daniel Craig’s)  Pairing : 00Q
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Temeraire by professorfangirl (lizeckhart) / 8858 w. / E
"At Bond’s age anything like love was trapped and walled away, a scorpion under a glass; what he felt now was like the fire at Skyfall, filtered through icewater light. And yet it was there, it was possible: one more reckless leap, one more deadshot fall, one more defiance of loss. It was there, waiting in the way Q’s eyes lingered on him, the intelligent desire in their depths, patient, saying, 'we have almost all the time in the world'." 
Does Your Mother Know? by sorion / 17561 w. / M 
“He told me… that he’d loved and trusted people with his life before, and that it didn’t end well. And he told me… that he would trust me with his life… and his death.” 
“Wow. Now I don’t know which one of you to warn off of breaking the other’s heart, anymore.” 
The Inevitability of Time by dhampir72 for missMHO / 27055 w. / M 
When they meet for the first time at the National Gallery, Bond has a strange sense of deja vu. 
For the 00QNewYearParty as a gift for missMHO. 
Mister Kiss Kiss Bang Bang by sorion / 31571 w. / M 
Despite Bond making a kind of running joke out of Q’s “exploding pen” remark by requesting one at every opportunity… it was Q who mentioned it first. The reason behind it is quite simple. They both like to blow shit up. And then they realise that that's not the only thing they have in common. 
Denominations by WriteThroughTheNight/ 33299 w. / Series / T 
Part 1: Denominations by WriteThroughTheNight
"Q confirms that he's an Empath three months before his first day of primary school, and the deciding of Denominations that comes with it." 
OR Q is smarter than anyone gives him credit for, and an Empath to boot. 
The Haunting of Skyfall Lodge by BootsnBlossoms, Kryptaria for shipimpala / 36522 w. / E 
All his life, Q has seen ghosts. For years, he's searched for scientific proof to back up what he knows to be true. Finally, he starts a YouTube channel to chronicle his adventures of exploring haunted sites. His latest location: Skyfall Lodge. 
Yours, J by swtalmnd / 41104 w. / Series / G to E 
Part 1 : Yours, J by swtalmnd
Bond sends letters. Q is vexed. Q-branch starts a betting pool. There are an appalling amount of sweets. Also, 002 is a bit of an arse. 
Alley-Cat Quartermaster by Only_1_Truth for MinMu / 41274 w. / M 
This all started with a conversation with my Queen of Plotbunnies and Paladin of Writer's-Block Slaying, MinMu: So many fics include Bond breaking into Q's flat. What if it was the other way around? 
Summary: After the death of M, everything is in shambles. MI6 is trying to stay afloat and not let its enemies scent blood in the water; the new Quartermaster is orchestrating a flurry of activity to keep his branch at pique efficiency and therefore his agents alive; 007, the agent hit hardest by the death of the old M, is going through the motions and throwing himself into his work. Everyone is a little bit broken, and a lot exhausted. So when Bond and Q end up together in unexpected circumstances, perhaps the outcome should not be so unexpected... 
Ordinary Numbers by BootsnBlossoms, Kryptaria / 44 175 w. / T 
More than anything, Mike Taylor wanted to be ordinary. Being a genius, he learned early in life, meant people expected too much. A career at the MI6 Help Desk seemed the perfect way to guarantee a lifetime of obscurity, until he got a very unusual tech support call. 
Bewitched by BootsnBlossoms, Kryptaria for Jennybel75 / 51888 w. / M 
A few months after the Skyfall incident, Q's sister gives him the excuse he needs to finally take a last-minute holiday at her cottage in Wales, but a priority two security threat means Q can't go alone. For James Bond, the choice between a visit to Psych to discuss overwork or two weeks in the countryside is no choice at all — especially not with the lure of his enigmatic young Quartermaster as a companion. Then again, 'enigmatic' doesn't even begin to cover the truth of who the Quartermaster really is. 
Perfect Fit by saturn_in_retrograde / 53189 w. / E 
Two men. Three continents. Ten cities. Twelve months. Time and trouble enough to fall in love. In which Q sweeps James off his feet with his awkward flirting, genius intellect, smart mouth, sexy librarian cardigans, raunchy sense of humor...and those red, red lips like cherries. 
Mercenary by BootsnBlossoms, Kryptaria / 66075 w. / E 
Five years ago, Commander James Bond of Her Majesty's Royal Navy left England in disgrace, escaping a court martial -- and what should have been a promising career in MI6 with Alec Trevelyan, his oldest friend. He becomes a mercenary, selling his military expertise to the highest bidder, though not once does he act against England or her interests. Now, new intelligence has possibly located Bond in the United States, and Alec is tasked with the mission to bring him back to MI6. But to do so will require a very unique type of field operative -- one Bond will never suspect. Enter Aidan Green, codename Q.
Brave New World by ForzaDelDestino / 70581 w. / No Rating 
After the events at Skyfall, life was different for Agent 007. M was gone—no, there was a new M. There was a new Headquarters. He had a new flat, in which he was still unpacking boxes of belongings. And--bloody hell!--an associate of Raoul Silva had materialised. Then there was the matter of that new, young Q…a lanky, bespectacled boy with a mop of dark hair, who was in serious need of an attitude adjustment...and far too wary when it came to what Bond had in mind for him. 
[References to quotes from Skyfall and one or two much earlier James Bond films.] 
Quriosity by dr_girlfriend/ 82391 w. / Series / 82391 / E 
Part 1 : Quriosity by dr_girlfriend
COMPLETE! Bond finds himself increasingly curious about his enigmatic Quartermaster. 
Excerpt: "Your prior hotel is no longer secure, I will direct you to a new location. Your luggage has already been transferred. A field agent and medic from the Diréction Générale de la Sécurité d'État will be waiting at the side entrance. I have cleared them both personally." In contrast to his crisp dry English, Q's pronunciation of the French words was fluid and flawless, the throaty tone of the fricatives sending a surprising jolt of awareness straight to Bond's cock — all the more remarkable given his degree of blood loss. "You're wasted on Q-branch, you have the voice for a phone-sex call-in line." The words slipped out of Bond's mouth without forethought, although he had plenty of time to think in the sudden pause that came afterward and stretched on for endless moments. Bond hadn't realized until now how Q was always there, with an immediate reply. In all their banter Q had never before been at a loss for words. Ever. 
Red Queen to Overwatch by BootsnBlossoms, Kryptaria / 86175 w. / M 
After returning from the dead, James Bond moves into a new secure flat, only to find that his new neighbour is either: a scruffy teenager, a brilliant computer geek, a mad scientist, or the sexiest genius he's ever met. Two of these things turn out to be true. Well, three, once the Red Queen gets involved. 
Blue-Eyed Monster by Only_1_Truth / 118361 w. / M 
Yes, this version of 007 was a terrifyingly smart agent, and M wondered long and often whether it had been a good idea to promote him to the position. Usually, the title was the dangerous part - being 007 meant deadliness - but this time, M feared that a certain man with ice-blue eyes and scruffy blonde hair had dragged in more danger to the title than it had previously possessed.
Enter MI6's new Quartermaster: an unassuming, bespectacled genius with no mind for subterfuge but plenty of genius behind a dry smile. Curious 00-agents and young boffins don't always mix in predictable ways... 
The Love Song of James Bond by Fightyourdragon / 204 407 w. / Series / E
Part 1 : The Love Song of James Bond by Fightyourdragon
“Knowing your history, and adding to it the fact that I am not entirely unaffected by sharing a bed with you, I think it would be pointless to pretend that we are going to able to share this house for the next two weeks without fucking over every available surface.” Q smiles at the look of shock on James’ face. Clearly he hadn’t been expecting such a direct approach and Q presses on before he has a chance to recover. “However, when it happens it will happen on my terms.” There was definitely a significant gap between the time Bond was breaking down over M's death in the chapel to the time a confident Bond walked into Mallory's office to accept his newest assignment. What, or more importantly, who, put him back together again? Basically, lots of porn with plot.
Fandom: James Bond (Daniel Craig’s) and Sherlock  Pairing : 00Q, Sherlock/John Watson 
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The Love Affair of Willoughby Holmes and James Bond by LadyRa / 31057 w. / Series / G to T 
Part 1 : Why Mycroft Worries Constantly About His Youngest Brother or How Willoughby Holmes Wooed and Won the Heart of James Bond by LadyRa
The youngest Holmes holds a minor position at MI6, but somehow still manages to do more damage than Mycroft at his worst. 
Post Skyfall AU, Q is a little younger and a tad more innocent, and Alec is a good guy and still alive. 
Reichenbach Falls didn't (and won't) happen. 
Fandom: James Bond (Daniel Craig’s) and London Spy  Pairing : 00Q, Danny Holt/Alex Turner 
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*If you don’t know London Spy, please go watch it, if only because Ben Wishaw’s in it and awesome as usual!!! 
Face of Innocence by FaerieChild / 6268 w. / T 
During difficult times, James Bond retreats to the Mediterranean island of Corsica and the home built for his late wife Theresa di Vicenzo. Onto his private beach stumbles a young man who is clearly a lost soul. Both have known loss, both know what it is to feel alone and in that first moment, something nameless sparks between them. 
The Truth of Truths by blackidyll / 8747 w. / No Rating 
For weeks, Q has no idea who the man with a permanent bed in MI6 Medical is. Well. More that he doesn’t quite understand the significance of Alistair Turner, why MI6 decides to keep him within headquarters instead of transporting him to another facility, one more suited to caring for a coma patient. Then M gives Q orders to find a program created by a certain MI6 cryptanalyst, a program now in the Security Service’s possession, with strictly worded instructions to scour it from existence. And Q understands. 
A London Spy/James Bond crossover where Q and Danny are entirely separate people and they lead their lives as they did in the series and the movies. The key here is that Alex works for Bond and Q's MI6 - the one portrayed in Spectre and headed by M(allory). 
Secrets, Spies, and Family Ties by Brihna / 37778 w. / M (Series but I only liked part 1) 
When Danny Holt shows up on Q's doorstep, he is unprepared for the tale he has to tell. Is MI6 really responsible for the death of Danny's partner, or is there more to these strange happenings than meets the eye? Q must decide just how far he is willing to go to help his brother find the truth. 
Fandom: London Spy  Pairing : Danny Holt/Alex Turner 
*If you don’t know London Spy, please go watch it, if only because Ben Wishaw’s in it and awesome as usual!!!
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It's more than what it cost you by Teatrolley / 1916 w. / No Rating 
Alex loves Danny’s sweaters, but he also loves Danny in the suits, and the secretiveness of the bee-printed socks and sunflower-printed pants he’s wearing underneath them. Danny wears the sweaters less, but it’s all right, because Alex learns to love this new side of him, too. 
 __ What Alex means, during the soulmate conversation, is that love has to be adaptive to last. His is, but is Danny's too? Alex isn't sure. 
Supersymmetry by drinkbloodlikewine, whiskeyandspite for GulliverJ / 24335 w. / M 
Alex holds his hands in Danny’s hair, placing a kiss against his brow. It will have to suffice as apology for now, surely the first of many. He doesn’t wait a moment more than that, however, despite how badly he wants to feel Danny close to him, despite the frequency at which they vibrate together. Their waves must propagate faster, first, rising in pitch before they can settle to low and comfortable quiet. Alex fakes his own death and he and Danny leave London to finish his work elsewhere. 
A story of a scientist and a romantic, speaking different languages and saying the exact same thing. 
Fandom: James Bond (Daniel Craig’s) and White Collar  Pairing : 00Q, Peter/Elizabeth/Neal 
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Whoever Fights Monsters by circ_bamboo, feelslikefire / 107327 w. / E / (Series but I preferred this part) 
"Should I start, or would you like to?" Neal asked Q. 
"Are you going to draw this out?" Q said. "It's really quite simple. Some years ago, before MI6, before Neal's little bond mishap—" 
"Alleged bond mishap," Neal said—mostly out of reflex, Q thought. 
"You were convicted by a jury of your peers," Q said. "It's somewhat less alleged at this point. Nonetheless, before . . . that, Neal and I . . . were acquainted." 
Or: When Q hears that the FBI is bringing one Neal Caffrey to British soil for an investigation, he's fully expecting trouble with a capital T. 
Naturally, what he gets is much worse: par for the course when you're dating James Bond and you're old friends with an international art thief. 
Fandom: White Collar  Pairing : Peter/Elizabeth/Neal 
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your favorite old-fashioned fairytale romance by sinead / 12443 w. / E 
Such a small touch, that whisper of skin against skin. 
Perfect Beautiful Good by OnYourMark / 16201 w. / E 
Neal Caffrey doesn't know it, but he's probably the best thing that ever happened to Peter and Elizabeth's sex life. 
Never Leave A Trace by copperbadge/ 16664 w. / E 
Neal Caffrey can steal souls. Peter Burke has two shadows. Everything's normal...except when it isn't. 
The Love Nest by china_shop / 17488 w. / E 
Neal came into Peter's office and closed the door after him. He seemed pensive. 
"Um, Peter?" 
"What?" Peter looked up, caught himself blushing, and looked back down at his paperwork. "What is it?" 
"Your wife just asked me out on a date," said Neal. 
Fandom: Supernatural  Pairing : Destiel 
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Famil(iarit)y by Niitza / 14914 w. / G 
Deep down Dean always knew, from the moment that skinwalker bit him all those years ago, that this is how he'd end up: a stray, unwanted by dad - who stopped seeing him as anything else than a watchdog for Sam a long time ago -, and unwanted by Sam - who wanted him to be anything but. 
So here he is, with nothing but his own senses and fangs to keep himself safe and fed, with nothing but his own hide to keep himself warm. And winter's just getting started. Fortunately, he's found the right kind of town to get through it, the right neighborhood to pilfer until the worst is past. Even, maybe, the right house.
Skazka - A Woodland Fairytale by Angrysouffle, Nishka  / 17786 w. / E 
Satyr Dean's seemingly idyllic existence of getting drunk and debauching virgins is chanllenged when he meets Dryad Cas. Friction and embarassing leaf munching ensues. Throw in a half-Demonling brother who is keen to look up tree sex in the lore and Cas' suspiciously sexy sensing root, Dean is about to take phallic worship to a new level. Will this unlikely couple find their happily ever after? 
The Lonely Sea and The Sky by whelvenwings / 23212 w. / G 
When Dean, a little lost and a little lonely, finds himself wishing on a star one night, he doesn't expect anything to come of it, and certainly not for the star in question to fall right out of the sky. 
The very last thing that he could have possibly anticipated is Castiel - winged, angry and looking for the grace that he lost in the fall, so that he can get back to Heaven. Dean's a little fascinated by Castiel, and Castiel is intrigued by Dean and his seafaring life. But Castiel has to go back to Heaven, and finding the grace has to be his first priority, even though it often seems he would rather put Dean first. 
But Dean knows it's foolish to hope. After all, a bird may fall in love with a fish - but where would they live? 
The Mirror by cloudyjenn / 24568 w. / M 
When Dean touches a strange mirror, he's whisked away to one alternate reality after another and it doesn't take him long to realize the universe is trying to tell him something. 
When Charlie Met Cas by riseofthefallenone / 24666 w. / M 
Charlie is back in all her glory. The Winchesters have showed up on her doorstep and she’s making the best of it the only way she knows how. By being the little sister Dean never wanted and shipping the shit out of Destiel. 
There Might Have Been a Time by SailorChibi for Mirenithil / 24692 w. / E 
Like everyone else Dean has always looked forward to his 21st birthday, when his countdown timer would appear and tell him how much longer he had until he met his soul mate. And at least then he would know whether or not he was an alpha like John always wanted, even though the name of his soul mate was written in a weird language he couldn't read. 
But then it actually happened, and Dean was positive he actually met his soul mate... unless that was a dream. 
On the other hand, as the years go by and his countdown ticks away, the increased strength and vision, lack of a need for food or sleep, and weird new growths on his back that seem to be growing feathers(?!) suggest otherwise... 
The Request by cloudyjenn / 36770 w. / M 
When Sam Winchester prays for his brother, Castiel is finally sent on his very first assignment. But what should be a simple love match turns into much more and Castiel finds himself risking everything to ensure the happiness of his extremely frustrating charge. 
An Accidental Incubus by jupiter_james / 39969 w. / E 
On a hunt gone wrong, Dean finds himself cursed to be an incubus. While Sam and Charlie rush to find a cure before the change is permanent, Castiel decides to become Dean's "offering" when the hunter begins to deteriorate under the effects of the change. 
The Souls of Men by nagapdragon/ 40641 w. / E (Also Sabriel) 
Sam hates that moment in an exorcism, right after the demon leaves, when the daemon explodes into a puff of gold and they know they’ve failed one more person. Every time they finish a job where someone doesn’t make it, Aurora curls around Machaera in a silent reminder that far too soon, they’ll have to watch Machaera turn to a pile of gold dust, too.
Starting in Season 3 and moving on through the timeline. 
Try-Something Tuesday by almaasi / 48284 w. / E 
Human AU. Dean Winchester teaches a third-grade class. He's new to this whole ‘bisexual’ thing - but by pure happenstance, he meets Castiel: a particularly dapper male librarian who moonlights as a substitute teacher. Dean's curious and Castiel is willing, so why the hellnot? 
Except, fate never intended it to be one-time-only... (with art by valiantparadox) 
The Prophet Must Die by imogenbynight / 54455 w. / M 
"What about Castiel? He seems helpful... and dreamy." 
Something about the comment just isn't sitting right, and Dean's jaw twitches. He stares at the wall in the dark, and at a quarter past four in the morning, it hits him. 
"Asshole," Dean hisses under his breath, sitting up straight, "that sonofabitch kept publishing." 
In All Your Borrowed Finery by vanishingact / 67950 w. / E (Equal part Sabriel!!)
Dean finds an interesting symbol in Kevin's angel tablet notes and, against Sam's counselling, uses it in the heat of battle with a pair of angelic assassins. Side effects include pain, disorientation, and uncontrollable new appendages for the Winchesters. A disgruntled Castiel and a delighted Gabriel show up to help. Hunting (and life) gets interesting when wings are involved. 
Includes artwork! (Both relationships are featured in detail, but the plot happens to be *slightly* more Sabriel-driven.) 
Forget-Me-Not Blues by noangelsinthegarrison / 68689 w. / E 
Sam and Jess are getting married and Dean couldn’t be any happier for them. Honestly, they’re kind of disgustingly perfect for each other and Dean’s pretty damn excited about staying with them the week before the wedding. He’s Sam’s best man, of course, and he doesn’t even mind that Jess has her own best man to share in all the organisational duties. The more the merrier, right? 
Except Dean must have done something to epically piss off the universe because Jess’s best man just happens to be Castiel friggin’ Novak. He’s got even hotter since High School, but apparently no friendlier and if Cas wants to spend the week pretending like they’ve never met before? Fine. Two can play at that game. 
How (thanks to Gabriel) Dean and Castiel (accidentally) raised each other (and Sam). by Vera (Vera_DragonMuse) / 69693 w. / E (Also Sabriel) 
In which, Gabriel meddles with the time line and Castiel becomes Dean's angel rather sooner than intended. 
How (thanks to Gabriel) Dean and Castiel (accidentally) raised each other (and Sam). by Vera (Vera_DragonMuse) / 69693 w. / E (Also Sabriel)
In which, Gabriel meddles with the time line and Castiel becomes Dean's angel rather sooner than intended.
All the Way by cadignan, Guu / 80919 w. / E 
Castiel spends the first two weeks of college in much the same way he spent the previous years: alone with his books. He’s fine with it—he enrolled in college to learn, after all. Then in his first chemistry lab, he has the bad luck of being paired with snide, good-for-nothing Ruby, and the further misfortune of sitting behind Dean Winchester, the world’s most beautiful distraction. 
Ruby catches Castiel staring at Dean and makes him an offer. 
Have Love, Will Travel by squeemonster/ 94054 w. / E 
Castiel Novak is a reclusive writer with a childhood so tragic it's left him terrified to leave his home—until his overbearing brother, Gabriel, drags him out for a night on the town full of booze and strip clubs, and he encounters Dean Winchester, a mesmerizing and mysterious stripper with secrets of his own. Both men find themselves inexplicably drawn to each other, and soon Dean's private dances for Castiel become much more, as both men confess their troubles and find solace in each other's company. But neither can seem to find the courage to take their relationship further than the intimacy of the club's VIP Room—and just when Dean's own brother gives him the excuse he needs to finally admit his feelings, Dean discovers something that brings it all crumbling down. Will they find a way past their demons and their trust issues, and back to each other? 
The Best Years of Our Lives, My Ass by ireallyhatecornnuts (CharleyFoxtrot) / 110801 w. / E 
AU after Season 8, episode 6, "Southern Comfort." 
Dean goes to sleep in a motel room in Texarkana, and he wakes up 17 years old, in his childhood bedroom in Lawrence, Kansas, 1996. He has no idea how he got there, why his parents are still alive, why his brother is an adorable freshman with no memory of his adult life, and why the only ally he has in this place is the angel he left behind in Purgatory – somehow also 17 years old. They have to get out, that's the important thing. Only, falling in love with his angel wasn't a part of the plan.... 
Kiss the Baker by Ltleflrt/ 115159 w. / Series / M and E (ltleflrt.tumblr.com) 
Part 1 : Kiss the Baker by Ltleflrt 
Jo is pregnant and craving something a little bit unusual. When she sends Dean on a mission to find her some chocolate cake donuts with bacon sprinkles, he's sure that he'll fail. Luckily his partner Benny comes to his rescue and introduces him to a quirky little bakery that sells all kinds of weird (and delicious!) baked goods. And they do special orders! Dean finds excuses to keep going back, and Castiel finds excuses to keep giving him special treats. 
Cursed Or Not by Ltleflrt / 115223 w. / E (ltleflrt.tumblr.com)
While experimenting with magic when he was a kid, Sam accidentally cursed Dean. Now, Dean is forced to wear a spelled amulet constantly, or he'll turn into a random animal. For a little over a decade, he's learned to live with the curse, and has even found it useful in some cases, but he sure would be happier without it. 
When he meets a witch named Castiel, he's offered a deal. Instead of assuming all witches are bad, Dean can spend a season getting to know him. If at the end of the season, Dean still thinks he's evil Castiel will send him away with his memory wiped of the whole experience. But if he learns that Castiel is not the monster Dean assumes he is, he'll lift Dean's curse. It's an offer Dean can't bring himself to pass up. 
Hooked On Your Love by Ltleflrt/ 122217 w. / Series / E (ltleflrt.tumblr.com)
Part 1: Addicted To You by Ltleflrt
Dean is a Warlock. A very very drunk Warlock. Oh, and a horny Warlock. Hey, he knows how to summon a succubus! He should totally do that. Hell yeah! Guaranteed hot sex! Except that spellcasting while drunk is a Very Bad Idea. He's just too drunk to remember that. 
Painted Angels 'verse by WinJennster / 133969 w. / Series / All Ratings 
Part 1 : Painted Angels by WinJennster for ANobleCompanion
Author Castiel Novak has finally hit the big time, with a book based on his failed college relationship with a brilliant painter. He's put all his pain behind him, but at a book signing, he comes face to face with Dean Winchester for the first time in twelve years, and the reunion doesn't go like Cas hoped.
Dean's a broken man, with a lot of scars and secrets, shoulders weighed down by his demons and self loathing. Cas sees a second chance with the man he's never stopped loving, but Dean's moved on, and is about to get married. Sam launches a "brilliant" plan to reunite his brother and his best friend, but Cas is worried it will all blow up in their faces, and he'll go through the agony of losing Dean a second time. 
Satin and Sawdust by Ltleflrt / 159594 w. / E (ltleflrt.tumblr.com)
When Castiel moves out of Jimmy's house and into his own place for the first time, he saves money on buying a home by investing in a Fixer-Upper. He knows nothing about how to fix the many problems the house has, but he figures he's smart enough to figure it out. Unfortunately it's not too long before he learns that he's way in over his head. 
Thankfully his new neighbor Dean is a handyman, and agrees to help him out. He knows Dean has a bit of a crush on him, but he's not taking advantage of it, really. Dean's a great guy, and quickly becomes a good friend. But a flash of satin under Dean's toolbelt changes everything. 
Like Cats and Dogs by sweetdean / 188749 w. / E 
Dean Winchester, Alpha, lead Hunter for the Pack, is in need of a mate. His wolf is out of control, he's on edge, and nothing seems to be doing the trick. Dean is convinced that he'll never find a mate, but when the Pack's Council forces him to figure it out before he ends up going rogue, Dean doesn't have much of a choice. 
Problem is, Dean isn't interested in what the members of his pack have to offer; and that means looking elsewhere. Dean knew his mate would have to be different. He just didn't know what "different" would really mean, and how "different" would bring his whole world crashing down on top of him. 
Angel's Wild by LimonadeGaby, riseofthefallenone / 389271 w. / E 
But that’s the whole reason he’s here, isn’t it? He’s not out here hunting Humans. He’s not even hunting deer, or bears, or anything else that featured in Bambi. He’s out here, freezing his nuts off every night, because he’s hunting Angels. 
Sometimes Dean wishes that Angels were like how they’re described in the Bible. How people from time too old for him to care much about thought Angels were messengers and warriors of God,protectors of Humans. He knows that how they’re really described in the Bible is actually pretty terrifying, but at least they were told by God that they’re supposed to love Humans, right? That’s a thousand times better than what Angels really turned out to be. 
Writtenby:riseofthefallenone Artist and co-author: limonadegaby 
Out of the Deep by riseofthefallenone / 909874 w. / Series / T and E (this takes serious dedication but so worth it... don’t be scared ;)) 
Part 1 : Out of the Deep by riseofthefallenone
Stay away from the light-beds. Stay in the deep. It is the first thing hatchlings are taught the moment their fans unfurl and they can swim without their parents to buoy them along. It is the first rule, the first law. It is the beginning of every boogey-monster bedtime story told when they settle against the cliffs to sleep. Castiel should have listened better. 
Fandom: Supernatural  Pairing : SamxDean (no rude comments plz!) 
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Stay The Distance by lazy_daze / 23934 w. / E 
"You know why. I'm not leaving my brother alone out there." 
Sam is dependent on Dean's touch and closeness after the wall falls - Dean's presence reminds him of why he chose to wake up, and keeps the memories at bay, allowing Sam to function. 
The brothers have to face up to what happens when their Winchester codependency becomes literal, and the physical, spatial and temporal boundaries of their bond blur the line between familiar and suffocating, comforting and limiting. 
Hit the Ground Crawling by jonny_vrm (elmo_loves_me) / 28122 w. / E 
After Sam pulls Dean out of Hell, Dean stops talking. It takes a week for Sam to convince Dean to open his mouth so Sam can check that his tongue hasn't been cut out. It takes two weeks for Sam to accept that Dean really isn't talking. Then it takes a week of silence, the two of them sitting in the Impala like ventriloquist dummies, sitting in motel rooms like human taxidermy, before Sam decides to start talking for the both of them. 
Old Country by astolat / 40639 w. / E (crossover Harry Potter) 
Sam and Dean go to Hogwarts. 
(spoilers for All Hell Breaks Loose, Deathly Hallows) 
Courting Death by theproblematique / 50723 w. / E 
Sam Winchester lived the first six months of his life in a happy family; the next twelve years as John Winchester's only son, and the last decade as an orphan. He's supposed to die at twenty-two trying to save the woman he loves from a fire, because he doesn't have a brother to pull him back. But the night Sam meets his Reaper he discovers that Death is overly fond of pop-culture references, too beautiful to be real, and reluctant to kill him. 
Fandom: Supernatural  Pairing : SamxDeanxCas (no rude comments plz!) 
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Not a bird by zation / 11100 w. / E 
Castiel finds himself alone in the Winchesters’ motel room and as he waits for the brothers he feels the need to groom his wings. Sam and Dean eventually arrive and things get out of Castiel’s somewhat confused hands. 
Or, The one where Sam just couldn’t let that opportunity pass him by. 
Share Each Other Like An Island by TheGeminiSage / 27576 w. / E 
Dean never expected to see his amulet again, much less with Sam's soul inside. But after a century in Hell, Sam's soul is broken so badly that Castiel says it'll take a lifetime to heal, and that's a lifetime they don't have, not with Sam's body still hellbent on killing Bobby. 
Together, Dean and Castiel set themselves the task of learning the amulet's complicated history, and just what Sam did on his last night on earth. 
Enfleurage by saltandbyrne / 29155 w. / E 
Castiel is a struggling perfumer with a rare gift. When a handsome new customer orders a custom scent for his husband, Castiel is drawn into a world he never imagined. Dean and Sam have secrets, and Castiel might be the only person who can share them. 
CollegeAngels.com by tiptoe39 / 33540 w. / E 
AU. Dean and Sam have always been a little too close, and Dean knows it's wrong -- so he heads to college, hoping that he'll meet someone there who will keep his mind off his little brother. He meets Castiel, who has a business proposal for him --- join Cas in bed, and online, for live webcam site CollegeAngels.com. Through Castiel, Dean learns about sex, kink, and freedom, and he finally feels pride instead of shame for who he is. 
But then Sam gets accepted to the same school, and he wants to live with Dean... 
Fandom: Supernatural  Pairing : None 
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Into This Wild Abyss by jacyevans / 17809 w. / T 
A year after Sam jumps into the cage, Dean finds him alive, but missing an integral piece of himself - his daemon, Astrid. Dean knows she isn't lost, and he and his own daemon, Saskia, embark on a quest to find a way to bring her home. Their search brings them to Lyra Belacqua, a mysterious hunter who tells them that the only way to find Astrid is to speak with Death. Death offers Dean an ultimatum: become Death for a day, and he will do everything in his power to bring Astrid back. However, this means doing the unthinkable - Dean must leave Saskia behind. 
Fandom: Suits  Pairing : Marvey 
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In The Middle (Before I Knew I Had Begun) by PanBoleyn / 4398 w. / M 
It's an accident, when Mike touches Lyla. But everything follows from there. 
(Or maybe everything follows from the moment Rhi saw the golden tiger and all she could think was how beautiful she was.) 
love will come through (it's just waiting for you) by tattooedsiren / 7113 w. / M 
"I just need more time," Harvey says, almost begs. 
Because he's not ready for this, not yet. He knows, the way he's certain Mike does too, that if they do this then that's it. For better or worse, this will either make them or completely ruin them. 
They are standing at the crossroad of that, but he's not yet ready to choose his path. 
The Cat That Walked By Himself by Xanthe / 8737 w. / T 
Everyone has a soul animal, but the ability to see them has faded. Harvey Specter possesses not only the ability to see them but also to transform into his own soul animal. Harvey likes to think of himself as the cat that walks by himself, but that changes when he meets Mike Ross, and comes face to face with the rarest soul animal of all… 
Extract: If Harvey hadn’t had the Specter gift for seeing into a person’s soul and glimpsing the true self within, then he would have sent Mike Ross packing the minute he showed up for a job interview carrying a suitcase full of weed. The reason he didn’t was because he looked into Mike’s soul and saw something he’d never seen before - and it shocked him to his core. 
Second Spin by machtaholic (cinderella81) / 12999 w. / M 
It all started when Kyle broke one of Harvey's records. Kyle knew a guy who knew a guy. In comes Mike Ross, owner of the record shop Second Spin. 
There are sparks, but both men are fairly stubborn ... but don't worry, this is me. It has a happy ending. :D 
a life sentence (in your arms) by tattooedsiren / 13086 w. / T 
Harvey doesn't know why the following words come out of his mouth. It's the lawyer in him, he supposes, always trying to get to the truth of the matter. And besides, he's been accused of many things over the years, and tact is rarely one of them. 
"So, are you a prostitute?" Mike bursts out laughing. 
"No, no I'm not. But it's a common misconception. I'm a professional cuddler."
something inevitable by tattooedsiren / 14853 w. / E 
He would be lying if he said he wasn't tempted. Because he has known Mike for a grand total of twenty minutes and already knows that Mike would work hard, could excel if given the chance. And more than that, he likes this kid, his bravado and cheek, the way he can give back as good as he gets. And Harvey only expected to find someone he could tolerate; he never anticipated finding someone he actually liked. But he can't do it. There are bigger things at play here. He would be betraying Jessica - she’s done so much for him, more than he could ever enumerate, and hiring someone with no degree is not a fine way to repay her. 
So as much as he wants to go back, to say, "You're hired, you start on Monday," he can't. He won't. 
Instead he says, "The coast is clear." 
[AU in which Harvey doesn't hire Mike in the pilot episode.] 
Crescendo by smartalli for starskeeper / 26334 w. / E 
Music & Lyrics inspired AU. Harvey Specter was on top of the world and on top of the charts – until his father died and his partner betrayed him, abandoning Harvey to launch his own solo career. Without him, without a partner to compose the music, Harvey’s career is in jeopardy. And with just a month left until his album is due, the clock is ticking. He thinks he’s done for, until he passes by a storefront and sees a man in a gray hoodie, hunched over in front of a piano, fingers flying over the keys. 
Grande Soy Triple Dirty Chai by friskaz / 38301 w. / M 
Every fandom needs a barista au. 
Original prompt on the kink meme: "Harvey is (still) a lawyer. Mike is the only barista that gets his coffee order right, and isn't afraid of a bit of intelligent and snarky banter." 
I don't feel right (when you're gone away) by IDreamOnlyOfYou (lauren3210) / 47575 w. / E 
Harvey loves his suits. But there maybe something else he loves more. He just needs a little something to help him realise it before it's too late. 
Better Days by turnyourankle / 58520 w. / E 
June, 1999. 
Mike Ross has just graduated high school, and is about to enjoy one last carefree summer before attending Columbia University. With two part-time jobs, demanding friends, and having to prep for college, Mike thinks his summer is set. 
What he doesn’t expect is developing a crush on his friend’s older brother.
Pizza-Verse by Closer / 65613 w. / Series / T to E 
In an alternate universe, Harvey's still the best closer in New York but Mike's not a runner for Trevor: he's a pizza deliveryman, Harvey's favorite pizza deliveryman. And Harvey's discovery that Mike's more than he lets on will change everyone's lives... 
Told and retold through Mike, Donna, and Harvey's point of view, with new scenes and reactions each time. 
 Part 1 : Pizza And A Movie by Closer
Fandom: Suits and Teen Wolf  Pairing : Marvey and Sterek 
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Uneven Odds by Dark_K / 93273 w. / M 
Harvey is having a tough time adjusting to the way things are at the firm right now. Mike doesn't know if he'll ever have Harvey's trust back. Derek is afraid he's made all the wrong choices, and Stiles... well, Stiles may be a little too broken to know what to do anymore. 
The one where they are brothers - they just have no idea what that means. 
Fandom: Merlin (BBC)  Pairing : Merthur 
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The Wall of Arthur by supercalvin / 4557 w. / M 
In a surprisingly good David Attenborough impression, Gwaine said, “Here you see the remarkable mating ritual of the Merlin and the Arthur. Which involves mostly insults and swearing.” 
Or: How Merlin and Arthur Met and Why There is a Restroom Wall Dedicated to Arthur’s Ass 
Strike of Lightning by helloearthlings / 4830 w. / T 
Uther's commandment was very simple: If there should come a day when Arthur met his soulmate, he would drive a sword through their chest and kill them on sight. 
All's Well That Ends Well by StormDancer / 6298 w. / E 
Merlin spent the week and a half that Arthur was gone splitting his time between crafting careful explanations that never ended up explaining the important things, the things that would make Arthur listen, and making half-baked plans to escape to Ealdor. 
He found a number of fire-proofing spells that would have no effect if they decided to cut his head off, and figured out how to adapt an invulnerability spell he had been trying to find a way to cast on Arthur without him noticing so that it would protect him from being decapitated, but it would have no effect on anything but metal. 
Despite all his frantic searching, he did not find a teleportation spell, because that would have been too simple and if there was one thing Merlin had learned in his years at Camelot, it was that nothing was ever simple. 
The Pact by Cori Lannam (corilannam) for vissy / 17700 w. / E 
The ancient Albion Pact demands that the Prince of Wales must take someone magic born as his soul-bonded consort by the time he is 30 or face death. Before he was a Detective Inspector Warlock, Merlin Emrys was young and in love and made a promise to Prince Arthur -- and now Arthur is calling it in. 
The Crown of the Summer Court by astolat / 24339 w. / E 
"The king sent me to get you," Merlin said, with a tone that implied strongly that he wasn't rolling his eyes where Arthur could see, but just wait until his back was turned. 
"He said you're to get changed into formal clothes and meet him in the Great Hall, there's a delegation coming from the Summer Court." 
The Practice Boyfriend by giselleslash / 24495 w. / M 
Merlin’s been in love with Lance for years, but he hasn’t had much experience dating and he wants to figure out the ins and outs of dating before Lance comes back into his life. 
Cue Arthur and his manwhoring ways, ready and willing to show Merlin the ropes. 
Stars Above, Stones Below by Destina / 46843 w. / E 
After the disastrous end of his betrothal to Gwen and the regret of his offer to Princess Mithian, Arthur swears off finding a wife until he's ready to wed. When Merlin offers himself to Arthur as bedmate, Arthur suggests they hand-fast in secret for a single year of mutual pleasure without obligation. 
As their year together unfolds, and secrets and betrayals unravel around them, Arthur and Merlin learn there is no such thing as uncomplicated pleasure. Everything they thought they knew can change in the span of a single year. 
Emrys Ascending by tricksterity / 110864 w. / T (crossover Harry Potter)
In the depths of the Crystal of Neahtid, Merlin sees the resurrection of Lord Voldemort, an event that will tip the balance of the world so far out that only he has the power to intervene and set it right, or stop it from ever happening. For that, he'll have to pose as a student and attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 
The only problem is, he's been chosen instead of Cedric Diggory as a Triwizard Champion, and there's a recently reborn Arthur Pendragon in Gryffindor House. 
A Modern Manservant by Mamalazzer / 112645 w. / E 
A modern magical comedy very loosely based on Ugly Betty. 
Publishing king Uther Pendragon has had enough of his playboy son seducing every female assistant he has ever had so he hires Merlin, a man he is sure Arthur will never sleep with. Merlin would be more insulted by this fact if he wasn’t so busy trying to juggle his duties, save Arthur's skin from ruthless fashionistas and keep his magic a secret at the same time. 
Expect appearances by oil-lathered knights, the occasional mad druid, a perverted Will and a mental caretaker who lives in the basement and keeps harping on about coins and destiny. 
The Student Prince by FayJay / 145222 w. / M 
A Modern day Merlin AU set at the University of St Andrews, featuring teetotal kickboxers, secret wizards, magnificent bodyguards of various genders, irate fairies, imprisoned dragons, crumbling gothic architecture, arrogant princes, adorable engineering students, stolen gold, magical doorways, attempted assassination, drunken students, shaving foam fights, embarrassing mornings after, The Hammer Dance, duty, responsibility, friendship and true love... 
This story was inspired by the thought of Prince William of Wales (and indeed the current Max von Hapsburg) studying at the University of St Andrews; it is also, as the title suggests, at least a little inspired by the operetta 'The Student Prince'.
And that’s it lovelies!! Hope you enjoyed the rec ;)
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