#cranial remolding helmet in New York
seowork036 · 1 year
Answering Questions about Craniosynostosis and its Management
The craniosynostosis spectrum is quite broad. Sagittal synostosis, also referred to as scaphocephaly, is by far the most prevalent. This variation involves the premature closure of the suture that separates the bones at the top of the cranial remolding helmet in New York head, which might give your child a broad forehead and a long, narrow skull shape evocative of a boat. The skull has a distinctive shape, hence it was given the moniker "boat head" (scaphocephaly).
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Answering Questions about Craniosynostosis and its Management
When your child is born with craniosynostosis, his or her skull's bones will fuse together too soon, preventing the normal development of brain structures. These sutures usually heal by the time a child is two to three years old. The fissures in your baby's skull may close before or shortly after birth if he or she has craniosynostosis. However, craniosynostosis isn't the only health issue young children may face. These symptoms are associated with the genetic version of the disease and include epileptic fits, blindness, and a general lack of mental acuity.
The craniosynostosis spectrum is quite broad. Sagittal synostosis, also referred to as scaphocephaly, is by far the most prevalent. This variation involves the premature closure of the suture that separates the bones at the top of the cranial remolding helmet in New York head, which might give your child a broad forehead and a long, narrow skull shape evocative of a boat. The skull has a distinctive shape, hence it was given the moniker "boat head" (scaphocephaly).
When it comes to craniosynostosis, frontal plagiocephaly is the second most prevalent occurrence. In this disorder, the cleft between your child's ears on his or her skull closes before it should. It's more frequent in girls and can be mistaken for positional plagiocephaly or brachycephaly, both of which are more common in infant boys. Having the metopic suture, in the middle of the forehead, close too soon causes metopic synostosis, which is more common in boys. If a child's brain has stopped growing, he or she may have craniosynostosis; if the brain is still craniosynostosis treatment in New Jersey.
www.shorthillscranialcenter.com,craniosynostosis may cause increasing swelling and discomfort. Permanent deformity, increased intracranial pressure, migraines, delayed development, and seizures might result from ignoring this issue.
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universal045 · 4 years
Cranial Helmets: Effective Option for Flat Head Treatment
To correct the shape of an infant’s skull, helmet therapy has emerged as an effective treatment.
New-born babies’ skulls have soft plates with spaces between them. As the baby grows, these plates develop, slowly harden, and fuse together. But sometimes when a baby sleeps in the same position too often, these soft plates develop an uneven appearanceor a flat spot. This condition is called plagiocephaly. Luckily, it is not that dangerous in most cases. If the condition does not go away on its own, your doctor may recommend flat head treatment in New York, or exercises.
In some cases, the plates of the baby’s skull fuse too soonin an abnormal way. This condition is called craniosynostosis and can require surgical treatment (with or without helmet to correct the head shape).
How does helmeting correct my child’s head?
Cranial remolding helmets are usuallymade of a plastic outer shell with a foam lining.Gentle pressure guides the growth of the baby’s skull over time.Adjustments can be made as your baby’s head grows.
 Is my child a candidate for helmet therapy?
If your baby has beenidentified with plagiocephaly, scaphocephaly, or brachycephaly, and is not older than 12 months, toddler cranial helmets in New York may be prescribed to correct the shape of your baby’s head. Helmets must be prescribed by a licensed physician because not all infants are good candidates for helmet therapy.
The Short Hills Cranial Center is a good place to get helmets. Visit www.shorthillscranialcenter.com for further assistance.
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Customized Comfort: Choose Cranial Remolding Helmet Services in New York
In the heart of New York, families navigating the complexities of cranial asymmetry in their little ones find solace and solutions at Short Hills Cranial Center.
Our center, renowned for its customized approach to cranial remolding helmet services, brings a blend of compassion, expertise, and cutting-edge technology to the table. This combination ensures not just treatment but a transformation in the lives of infants and their families.
Tailored Solutions for Your Child
Understanding that every child’s condition is unique, we emphasize personalized care plans designed to achieve optimal results. Our cranial remolding helmet therapy is not a one-size-fits-all solution; instead, it’s a carefully calibrated treatment that respects the individuality of each little one we have the privilege of helping.
By choosing to partner with us, you're ensuring your child receives a level of care that’s as unique as they are.
Leading Technology for Precise Outcomes
At Short Hills Cranial Center, we pride ourselves on employing the latest in cranial remolding technology. The STARband™ and STARscanner® systems are at the forefront of our treatment protocols, offering safe, proven outcomes. These innovative tools not only enhance the precision of our treatments but also significantly reduce the stress associated with traditional methods.
Our commitment to utilizing cutting-edge technology ensures that your child’s comfort and safety are always our top priorities.
A Stress-Free Experience
We understand that the idea of cranial remolding can be daunting for many parents. That’s why we strive to make the process as transparent and stress-free as possible. From the initial consultation to the final fitting of the cranial remolding helmet, our team is here to provide support, answer questions, and guide you every step of the way.
Our goal is to not only achieve beautiful, symmetrical results for your child but also to ensure that the journey is a positive and reassuring experience for your family.
Partner with Us in New York
If you’re in New York and exploring options of cranial remolding helmet new york for your child, look no further than Short Hills Cranial Center. Our dedication to personalized care, combined with our use of advanced technology, makes us a trusted choice for families seeking the best possible outcome for their child.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your family’s journey towards a future filled with confidence and comfort.
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Correct Your Baby's Cranial Disorder With The Safe & Effective Cranial Remolding Helmet!
Most parents have encountered or heard of infants who must wear a helmet during the day but are unsure of the helmet's function. Flat or deformed heads usually require helmets. The baby wearing the helmet may have Plagiocephaly, Scaphocephaly, or Brachycephaly (central flattening, symmetrical brachycephaly, or asymmetrical brachycephaly).
Helmet therapy, in which an infant wears a specially designed helmet to facilitate the symmetrical development of the skull, is an option for babies diagnosed with cranial disorders.
Infants with cranial problems must undergo cranial head remolding, which can significantly improve and correct the issue. Most babies are born with a slightly abnormally shaped skull due to time spent in the womb and the stretching and squashing that occurs during delivery. Baby's skulls are inherently pliable for this reason. Generally, your baby's skull returns to its normal shape after 6-8 weeks, but for those who don't or who have an aberrant skull shape during infancy, treatment is indicated.
Cranial head remolding sometimes referred to as cranial molding orthotic, is a frequent procedure. It includes placing your baby's head in a uniquely designed helmet that assists the skull to develop into the proper form over time. For infants with mild to a moderate flat head syndrome, cranial remolding helmet New York is a rather extensive treatment, requiring the child to wear the helmet nearly all of the time.
If you’re looking for the best treatment for your baby with a cranial helmet new york, contact the most experienced Cranial Remolding Orthoses Specialists at Short Hills Cranial Center where they treat babies with the STARbandTM and STARscanner® helmet to minimize discomfort for both infants and parents.
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Baby Helmets for the Treatment of Flat Head Disorder- Get the info here
Flat head syndrome, also called positional plagiocephaly or brachycephaly, has increased in prevalence ever since the National Institute of Health launched its "Back to Sleep" program in 1992 to reduce the incidence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Why? The time a newborn spends resting causes the back of its head to flatten since the skull is so pliable and soft.
It's possible that a newborn with flat head syndrome won't have a visibly misshapen head. Your kid may have positional plagiocephaly if he or she sleeps with the same side of the head facing up, has a flat patch on the back or side of the head, a bulge in the forehead, or unequal ears (one ear may look farther forward than the other).
Parents, who naturally want their cranial remolding helmet New York to be perfect in every way, might be understandably alarmed by the discovery that their infant has a flat head. The good news, however, is that there are several strategies available for avoiding flat head syndrome. One is to give your newborn lots of "belly time" by having him or her play on his or her tummy in an infant activity center and then play and eat while sitting up in an Exert Saucer. Your infant probably likes to lie down, so you should take it gradually at first. Spending as little as 5 or 10 minutes at a time can have a significant impact. Don't freak out if your newborn has a lopsided head. A baby helmet should be discussed with your doctor promptly if stomach time or sleeping with your cranial helmets for infants new jersey www.shorthillscranialcenter.com turned to the other side have not alleviated the problem. It's important to act quickly if you're worried about flat head syndrome, as most cases are easily curable with a cranial remolding helmet.
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Introduction to Cranial Orthosis: Cranial Orthosis, also known as helmet molding therapy, is a form of treatment in which a baby is placed with a specialized helmet to adjust the shape of the head. Your kid will not experience any pain or discomfort during the helmet molding process. Depending on your baby’s age and the severity of the condition, the treatment time can differ in New Jersey, United States, but the average duration is three months.
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Helmet Therapy Get The Reliable Treatment For Your Infant With Cranial Remolding Helmet!
Helmet therapy is performed to rectify the shape of infants' skulls gradually. The skulls of newborn infants are soft plates with rooms between them. As the infant grows, these plates expand, steadily firm up, and fuse abnormally or prematurely in some instances.
If a baby sleeps in the same position for a longer duration, the soft plates may advance a flat spot or a non-uniform appearance. This popular situation is termed plagiocephaly, and it poses no threat to your child's brain. Your doctor may suggest repositioning, massages, or helmet therapy if the head shape does not correct by itself.
Introduction to Cranial Orthosis: Cranial Orthosis, also known as helmet molding therapy, is a form of treatment in which a baby is placed with a specialized helmet to adjust the shape of the head. Your kid will not experience any pain or discomfort during the helmet molding process. Depending on your baby's age and the severity of the condition, the treatment time can differ in New Jersey, United States, but the average duration is three months.
Advantages of using a helmet on a child's head: Cranial remolding helmets have a strong shell and cushion lining. To record the natural development of a baby's head while restricting growth in well-known spots, and permitting expansion in flat areas, mild and constant pushes are applied. Growing babies' heads require periodic corrections. The helmet gives the head a spherical, compact room to expand. If your child begins to lay his or her head solely on a single side, the helmet will inhibit the head from flattening more by providing cushioning.
An appropriate candidate for helmet therapy: If your kid is less than 12 months old and has plagiocephaly, brachycephaly, or scaphocephaly, cranial remolding may be recommended. Doctors prescribe baby medical helmets New York. Not all infants are suitable candidates for helmet therapy; hence consult a Board Certified Licensed Prosthetist Orthotist first. After endoscopy to repair craniosynostosis, children are often advised helmet therapy to further restore the skull shape.
Importance of wearing the baby helmet 24 hours: The purpose of the helmet is to be worn 24/7 for the best results. However, it can be removed during showering only. Frequency of doctor’s consultation during helmet therapy: The regularity of your baby's follow-up appointments is determined by the severity of his or her issue. As your child is fitted for a molded helmet and changes are performed, you’ll make several routine trips to the doctor at Short Hills Cranial Center which provides the cranial remolding helmet New York.
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StarScanner helmets New York
Discover cutting-edge cranial solutions with Short Hills Cranial Center. Our StarScanner helmets in New York utilize advanced technology for precise cranial remolding, ensuring the highest standard of care for infants. Trust in our expertise to guide your child's journey toward a beautifully shaped head.
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Flat head treatment in New Jersey
Short Hills Cranial Center specializes in comprehensive flat head treatment in New Jersey. With our personalized approach and advanced techniques like cranial remolding, we ensure optimal outcomes for infants and children with flat head syndrome.
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The Importance of Cranial Remolding Helmets for Babies: A Guide for Parents in New York and New Jersey
As parents, we want our babies to be healthy and happy, and that includes ensuring that their physical development is on track. However, some babies may develop conditions such as flat head syndrome or craniosynostosis, which can impact the shape of their skulls.
Fortunately, cranial remolding helmets are a safe and effective treatment option for these conditions. If you're considering acranial remolding helmet in New York for your baby, read on to learn more about their importance.
Cranial remolding helmets are custom-made helmets that are designed to gently reshape the baby's skull over time. The helmets apply a gentle, constant pressure to the baby's skull in the areas that need to be reshaped, while leaving room for growth in other areas.
In addition to improving the physical appearance of the baby's skull, cranial helmets in New Jersey can also improve brain function and prevent potential developmental delays. These helmets can help to alleviate any pressure on the brain and allow for proper brain development.
At Short Hills Cranial Center, we specialize in providing cranial remolding helmets for babies with conditions such as flat head syndrome and craniosynostosis. Our team of experts will work with you to determine if a cranial remolding helmet is the best option for your baby's needs.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a cranial remolding helmet  in New Jersey for your baby, it's important to understand their importance. These helmets can improve the physical appearance of your baby's skull, promote proper brain development, and prevent potential developmental delays. Contact   www.shorthillscranialcenter.com  today to learn more about our services and how we can help you and your baby.
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Cranial Orthoses: Molding Helmets and Bands for Your Infant
Deformational plagiocephaly occurs when a newborn is born with an abnormal head shape. Symptoms of this condition include a flat patch on the infant's head.
Plagiocephaly is a symptom of the disorder craniosynostosis. The sutures in the child's skull have fused too soon, causing the condition. The result would be a misshapen head due to uneven growth around the suture closures. In some cases, a cranial flat head treatment new jersey can be used to treat nonsynostotic plagiocephaly instead of surgery.
Mild positional plagiocephaly, often known as flat head syndrome, is a disorder that may improve on its own within the first six weeks of life. If it does not, then it may be necessary to treat it if it is found to be abnormal.
One in every 300 infants was born with positional plagiocephaly in the past. It would apply to both synostotic and cranial helmets for infants new jersey instances. (The term "synostotic" should be familiar to readers; it describes the joining of bones that are usually distinct).
A cranial remolding orthosis is the primary method of treating positional plagiocephaly. Infant or baby helmets are common names for them. Between four and eight months of age, a youngster can start wearing one of these specialized starband helmets new york. - As the skull continues to develop over the next few months, it will be gently reshaped by this orthosis (helmet).
If left untreated, your child's flat head may be the least of their problems. They may also experience difficulties with their eyesight, hearing, or jaw (TMJ). Get in touch with an orthotist at www.shorthillscranialcenter.com in your area to get all the information you need before making a final selection on one of these helmets.
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How can medical baby helmet prove to be useful?
Children with moderate to severe forms of head shape abnormalities may benefit from the therapy known as cranial remoulding. This can involve flattened regions on your baby's skull, such as on the back or one side. Children between the ages of 3 months and 18 months are the target demographic for the diseases, which are curable.
Things to know about cranial remolding: In cranial remolding new york they provide care for Plagiocephaly, also known as a flattening of one side of a baby's skull. A flattening of the back of the head that is generally straight is known as brachycephaly. A head that is unusually wide and asymmetrical is known as asymmetrical brachycephaly. Long, narrow head shape, or scaphocephaly. Due to the shortening of some muscles, congenital muscular torticollis causes the head to tilt to one side or the other.
How can medical helmet prove to be useful? Explain it here in brief: Over time, baby medical helmets new york is used to gradually improve how babies' skulls are shaped. Soft plates with gaps make up a newborn baby's cranium. These plates enlarge with the baby's growth, progressively stiffen, and knit together. As your baby's head develops, adjustments are made frequently. In essence, the helmet offers the head a small, rounded space to grow into. The helmet will act as a cushion to keep your child's head from flattening out even if he or she continues to rest it on one side. For more details, you can go and then click on the given link www.shorthillscranialcenter.com.
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Keeping Your Baby’s Head the Perfect Shape- Avoiding Plagiocephaly
The condition is also referred to as positional plagiocephaly or deformational plagiocephaly. It refers to an asymmetric head shape. The term comes from the Greek oblique head.
Babies don’t get plagiocephaly from being put on their backs to sleep but from spending extended time lying on their backs, especially if they often lie looking to one side. Consider the following steps if you want to keep your baby’s shape symmetrical through a Cranial remolding helmet in New York.
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·       When your baby is awake, and you may watch them, give them supervised “tummy time.”
·       Don’t let your baby spend too long on their back if they aren’t sleeping.
·       Don’t let your baby spend too long in car seats if they aren’t traveling.
·       When you put your to sleep on its back, alternate the side their head lies on. Some mothers put a picture on the side of the crib (cot) and change this from side to side at each sleep time.
·       When your baby is on their back, ensure you alternate all the interesting things to look at.
·       If your baby was born with a flat spot, make sure they don’t always rest on it. A smaller bolster under the flat spot so the pressure is taken by the other side of the head can be used.
Plus, toddler cranial helmets New York is cranial remodeling treatment at www.shorthillscranialcenter.com if you have adequate control over bossing (Bulging) areas and allow adequate room for growth in the flattened areas.
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What is the term Deformational Plagiocephaly?
Deformational plagiocephaly is when a baby suffers from having a head shape that is uneven or irregular in shape. Generally, this would be shown with a flat spot on the infant's head. 
 What do you mean by Craniosynostosis? 
 Craniosynostosis’s condition causes plagiocephaly. This typically is caused by the premature fusion of the kid’s skull at its sutures. It will cause an irregular-shaped head through growth in one direction and developed located at the suture closures. Noncytotoxic plagiocephaly truly doesn’t importantly need that a child has surgery, and it might be treated with the surgery of a cranial remolding helmet in New York. 
 Who suffers from Positional Plagiocephaly? 
 Plagiocephaly occurs in one out of every 300 babies. It will include synostosis and non-synostosis cases. But more recent data suggests that the number has risen to 40% in healthy infants!
 What may cause Non-Synostosis Positional Plagiocephaly?
 This type of plagiocephaly is often caused before birth. This process happens because of pressure that is located within the mother’s uterus. The following conditions caused:
The     infant dropped down early, into the mother’s pelvis prior to the delivery     process.
Bicornuate     uterus
The     infant was born breech 
Several     births like twins, for example
The     baby’s size is unusually large 
 The above-mentioned information is regarding health, not medical advice or to be used as toddler cranial helmets in New York for your child. This is great work with your local licensed orthotics and physician at www.shorthillscranialcenter.com to get the best treatment possible. 
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Baby Medical Helmets: Frequently Asked Questions
This blog set outs to answer some frequently asked questions about cranial remolding in New York and New Jersey.
Though cranial remolding therapy is common nowadays, some parents have questions about this treatment.
Being a parent comes with plenty of challenges and deciding what is right or wrong for the children tops the list. When a medical professional suggests researching baby medical helmets in New Jersey, you probably have questions. We have some answers.
Here are the commonly asked questions one may have while shopping for cranial remolding in New York…
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What is helmet therapy? Helmet orthosis, also known as helmet therapy, is a procedure that’s prescribed to correct the shape of a baby’s skull. Babies will wear the helmet as their skull grows. It doesn’t work after certain developmental milestones, however.
Is Cranial remolding in New York the last option for my child? This is hard to say without a medical professional’s diagnosis. The answer depends on the condition. Sometimes sleeping position changes or other therapies can do the work or help with the helmet.
What can I expect During the Therapy? During the therapy, the experts will measure your child’s head and create a mold for the custom helmet.
The New York cranial remolding experts will then fit the helmet to your child’s skull, show you how to put it on and take it off, and deliver a set of instructions.
The Final Word
Do what the doctors and nurses order and report any issues as you go along. If you have additional questions, bring them to your next appointment.
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