koffeetips · 9 months
25 Most Quirky Facts About Coffee That Will Blow Your Mind
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What Are The Quirky Facts About Coffee? Quirky Facts About Coffee: Coffee Drinkers Live Longer Than Non-Coffee Users. Research shows moderate intake (about 3–4 cups per day) may lead a person to a longer life ( Harvard Health Publishing ). Coffee may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and Parkinson's. Two chemicals in coffee, caffeic, and chlorogenic acid, reduce inflammation. They increase the level of antioxidants in the body and decrease oxidative stress within cells. These acids in the coffee can slow down and prevent cell damage by reducing free radical activity. Decaf Does Not Mean Caffeine-Free. An eight-ounce brewed cup of decaf coffee contains two to 12 milligrams of caffeine based on a Mayo Clinic study. A standard cup of coffee has between 95 and 200 milligrams of caffeine, while a can of cola contains between 23 and 35 mg. Decaffeinated coffee comes from a chemical process where the caffeine is taken out of the beans. These coffee manufacturers then sell the caffeine to soda and pharmaceutical companies. Drinking decaf coffee fuels the soda industry.
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Decaf Coffee Is NOT Caffeine Free Coffee Wasn’t Always A Drink, Coffee Was Originally Chewed. Before people learned how to brew coffee, east African tribes mixed coffee berries with animal fat and chewed them as food. They would also ferment the pulp to make a wine-like drink.
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Coffee Was Consumed As Food Originally Drinking Coffee Was Once Punishable By Death! In 1511, Mecca rulers believed coffee stimulated radical thinking and banned the drink. During the same period, some Italian clergymen also tried to outlaw coffee because they believed coffee to be "satanic." Yet, Pope Clement VII loved coffee so much that he lifted the ban and had coffee baptized in 1600. In the 17th-century Ottoman Empire, the government believed that coffee contained mind-altering effects. The emperor outlawed coffee from public consumption believing it to be a type of narcotic. In 1746, Sweden's King Gustav III took things to an extreme when it banned both coffee and coffee paraphernalia, including cups and dishes. The Boston Tea Party Helped Popularize Coffee In America. Around the American Revolutionary War, it became patriotic to drink coffee instead of tea.  Also, the Civil War made coffee more common because it helped to energize tired troops.
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Bostonians Dumping Tea In The Boston Harbor The Word "Coffee" Comes From The Arabic Word For "Wine". The word 'coffee' comes from the Arabic word 'qahwah' which refers to a type of wine. The Ottoman Turks then used the term “kahve”, which was followed by the Dutch word “koffie”, from which the English name was derived in 1582. One Cup Of Black Coffee Only Has One Calorie. Sweeteners, cream, and other mixes to the coffee can load up the total calorie. A Venti White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks contains 53 grams of sugar and 530 calories, which is almost equal to a McDonald's Big Mac's 590 calories ! Teddy Roosevelt Did Not Coin Maxwell House's Slogan. Some articles report that Teddy Roosevelt, the 26th president, loved coffee very much. In 1907, on a trip to Andrew Jackson's former estate, the president called a cup of Maxwell House coffee "good to the last drop".  This catchphrase is still used today. The truth is that ‘Good to the last drop’ is not presidential, just savvy marketing.
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A Photo Portrait Of Teddy Roosevelt Hawaii Is Not The Only State That Produces Coffee. Hawaii is best known for its world-famous Kona coffee originally grown in the Kona region of the Big Island. With its tropical climate and areas of mountainous terrain,  Puerto Rico offers suitable conditions for coffee growing. Recently, in Southern California, small coffee-growing farms produce experimental coffees which are quite pricey.
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Hawaii Was the First State to Grow Coffee Commercially In The US The Coffee Grounds Can Beautify Your Skin. Coffee grounds can lift off dead skin cells, making skin feel smooth and look fresh. Caffeine is believed to improve blood circulation in the skin. A few cosmetics brands use coffee grounds in their beauty products, though there has not had enough clinical data on its use in topical products.
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Hawaii Was the First State to Grow Coffee Commercially In The US Coffee as Biofuel. Scientists are turning the oil from waste ground coffee into biodiesel. One day coffee may be fueling some lucky ones’ cars, it might be a better alternative to EVs. People get to enjoy the coffee aroma from the car exhaustion mufflers.
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Coffee Biofuel May Be A Reality In the Near Future Cream Keeps Your Coffee Warm Longer. Coffee stays warm 20% longer when adding cream. Simply, because the cream thickens the coffee, and adds viscosity, so coffee evaporates slower, avoiding a lot of heat loss. Beethoven Might Not be A Torture to Baristas. Beethoven was a coffee connoisseur, he, sometimes, could have six cups of coffee a day together with Haidn who was his music teacher. The legend that he would count 60 beans exactly per cup before making his brew is more of a story than there is any real record or evidence .
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The Only Oil Painting Of Beethoven By Joseph Karl Stieler Expensive Coffees From Cat Poop And Elephant Dung. In Indonesia, the local adorable weasel-like critter, the palm civet eats the coffee cherries. A unique fermentation process occurs as the beans (rather seeds, to be precise) travel through the civet’s digestive tract. Some brave coffee farmer collects the beans from the civets’ droppings. This special coffee, after roasting, has a smooth finish and a very distinctive flavor to the final brew. Thus, Kopi luwak is known as "cat poop coffee." With prices ranging from about $100 to $600 a pound. 
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A Lovely Civet Cat Hanging From A Coffee Bush Branch Yet, the priciest coffee in the world is Black Ivory Coffee. It costs about $1000 and up per pound. This coffee is produced from part-digested coffee cherries eaten and defecated by Thai elephants . Oldest Cat Ever Loves Coffee. The "Oldest Cat Ever," a 38-year-old cat named Creme Puff, according to the Guinness World Record, drank coffee every week her whole life . Its owner, Jake Perry also raised another long-life cat, a 34-year-old, named Grandpa Rex Allen. Jack fed the same diet to Grandpa Rex Allen. This might be a coincidence, considering the average cat’s life is about 18 years. How Much Coffee Do Americans Drink A Day? Americans consume about 400-600 million cups of coffee every day, which is about 2 to 3 cups of coffee every American per day. Feel Gloomy? In a study of 263,923 people, the NIH (National Institutes of Health) and the AARP ( American Association of Retired Persons) found coffee may lower people’s risk of depression. Those who drank 4 or more cups of coffee a day were almost 10% less likely to become depressed than those who drank none .
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A French Bulldog Lays Gloomily On A Piece of Dark Rug 100 Cups Of Coffee May Kill A 150-Pound Person. Medical studies estimate that roughly 10 grams or more of caffeine would be a lethal dose for an average 150-pound adult. 10 grams of caffeine equals 100 cups of coffee to be down in a very short period . Bees Love Coffee. Coffee plants have very sweet nectar-like flowers that are pollinated by bees. The flower also contains caffeinated nectar .
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A Bee Is Busily Feeding On The Nectar of A Coffee Bush Flowers You Don't Need To Drink Coffee In The Morning. The human body produces cortisol naturally as soon as one wakes up. Drinking coffee first thing in the morning tricks our body into producing cortisol when it doesn’t need it. It is better to have a cup of coffee after lunch when one’s cortisol level drops and feels less alert and energetic . Coffee Shops Boost Your Creativity. The coffee shop's aroma and the soft background music may help people to think creatively. The coffee smell plus the atmosphere increase a person's openness and encourage a flexible mindset. Read the full article
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