#creative theft which just makes me sad cuz that’s not how art works
0046incognito · 3 months
Hi! So i have a somewhat similar series to yours, is it okay if I keep it? I don’t wanna seem like im copying, i do take a little inspo but I can credit you! :D ive been working on this project for about a year now.. Just asking if its all alright with you! Again, I don’t wanna copy, Youre a big inspo of mine!!
are you asking if it’s okay to take inspiration from my work? i’d be totally flattered! i’m pretty open about my inspirations so i don’t see the problem with being on the receiving end of that^_^ it honestly makes me extremely happy to hear on multiple occasions that people are inspired by my work and just makes me more and more motivated to make CMY2K real and tangible as soon as possible
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