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"Dearest Mr Crane,
I do hope you find this letter in good taste, and not so dreadfully imposing seeing as this was Jervis' and Al's idea.
I was wondering if you'd do me the favour of answering 1. What your favourite halloween candy is and 2. How exactly you ended up living with the likes of Tetch and co.
All the best,
"A.. Letter?"
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"ED YA'RE STUPIDER THAN A COYOTE IN A BULL PEN!" He shouted over his shoulder, barely dodging a glass thrown his way. He sits there for a moment, clearing his throat with a fake chuckle. "Anyway. Erm. Right, your questions."
"Favorite Halloween candy? Well, any candy could be considered Halloween candy, you know." Jon went silent for a moment, thinking about it. "But I suppose you mean typical Halloween candy, yeah?" He tapped his nails against his bicep. "Hm, caramel apple pops."
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"As for living with 'Tetch and co', as you so graciously put it?" Jon shrugged, an awkward movement which made him slightly wince. "Edward, mostly. He and Al were friends I suppose, I needed a place to stay after arkham, so Al offered, I took it. Then we formed the 'dork squad'."
"Trust me, we didn't choose the name."
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"Could you be any louder?"
"Could you guys please shut up?"
"For the love of..."
Jon left the room, pinching the bridge of his nose as the bickering of his housemates continued in the background.
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"Hello, I suppose." He sighed, pushing his glasses up and running a hand through his hair. "I'm Jonathan Crane, also known as the Scarecrow." There's a moment of silence as he thinks, trying to decide what to say and how to say it. "This was Jervis and Alistair's idea, not mine."
"So, send asks? Is that what they're called..?"
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