#credit for the image: exellero (artstation)
lady-duskveil · 4 years
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Asked someone to marry you? — "T’is often the man on the other end of so binding a question, is it not? I have married once and had my fill of it. I would hardly think to thrust such a burden upon another.”
Kissed one of your friends? — “Entirely, awfully, deliciously guilty.”
Danced on a table in a bar / tavern? — “Innocent. This is not to say I have not danced when properly motivated, of course...”
Ever told a lie? —  Aleyria parts with a soft smile that is near motherly in its tenderness. The delicate curve of her lips hinges on some unspoken point between sympathy and the obligation of spilling an unpleasant secret to innocent ears. “Oh, my darling...”
Had feelings for someone you can’t have? — “I have never known those peculiar pains - I among all others have ever been reminded how rare a luxury it is to have enjoyed the company of those who have enjoyed me in similar measure. It is rarer still to be a woman whose love has been reciprocated.”
Ever kissed someone of the same sex? — “How could one not? Women are endlessly graceful, captivating creatures. Carefully teasing away the dull ties of reservation that bind a colorful soul - and keep a corset tightly cinched - are among my greatest pleasures.”
Kissed a picture? — “Innocent.”
Slept until 5pm? — “Guilty. I once contented myself with the simplicity of a courtier’s life in my youth and abhorred the tedium of an unceasing schedule. I have found that I rather prefer the comforts of night to the garish light of day. The night - and by extension, the dark - holds no obligation to any but to provide the shadow in which all fascinating things come alive.”
Worked at a fast food chain / restaurant — “...No.”
Stolen something? —  “All great acts of scholarly pursuit are an act of thievery, are they not? The traveling pedagogue or collector of antiquities often sins most egregiously in selfish pursuit of the acquisition of knowledge, and I am no different than any other. Guilty, guilty, guilty.”
Been fired from a job? —  She scoffs. “Certainly not.”
Done something you regret? —  “Guilty.” Tight-lipped, the scholar does not spare a second for ruminating upon conspiracies and dismisses the inquiry with a sharp look.
Laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose? — “Innocent...though I hazard it would be an amusing sight.”
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? — “Guilty. There is a small cabin in the northern mountains in Winterspring that appears nigh untouched by time. With the wane of the sunlit years of my life, there are little joys in sheltering by the hearth while the winters rage. The world is so deceptively peaceful when blanketed by snow.”
Sat on a roof top? — “Oh, yes.” A laugh gathers in her chest. “Young elven ladies shackled by the expectations of their position are wildly irresponsible. My dearly departed father once installed a guard outside of my door to listen for the sound of the window unlatching.. What a handsome young man he was. He rather admired the sight of the city at night, as well...”
Kissed someone you shouldn’t have? — “Guilty.”
Sang in the shower? — “I have a lovely voice, but I would not say it is often used for singing when partaking in a long, hot bath...”
Been pushed into a body of water with all your clothes on? — “...To be fair, that is about the only thing that could have motivated me to leap from the falls...”
Shaved your head? — “Never in my entire life.”
Made a boyfriend / girlfriend cry? — “Guilty.”
Shot a gun? — “One of those wretched Dwarven hand cannons? Terribly unpredictable, dreadfully unsafe and horrendously loud. Few can match the acuity and accuracy of a Farstrider in wait, and I much prefer the familiar pull of a bowstring to the...explosive shot of an rifle.”
Still loved someone you shouldn’t? — “Guilty.”
Have / had a tattoo? — “Innocent. I am well-versed in the art of runework, but such is scarring and not ink. I rather like the look of tattooed skin.”
Liked someone, but will never tell who? — “So curious about the internal affairs of my heart...” An elegant brow lofts inquisitively, but Aleyria minds the question with the thoughtfulness it is due. “All that I have ever loved have known that I adore them. Should I ever stumble upon the sands of time, I would turn them back over a hundred times for the chance to tell my children I love them a thousand times more.” 
Been too honest? — “Innocent. I hardly believe anyone in this world is nearly as honest as they ought to be. Our time together is limited - see deceit dispensed with in favor of the full and unbridled truth. Those who cannot return the same courtesies can and should find companionship elsewhere.”
Ruined a surprise? — “Oh, never. I love surprises.”
Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? — “Oh, my, yes... I need not tell you to take a proper look at me to motivate you to do the same, do I, my darling?”
Stalked someone? — “Innocent.”
Thoughts about murder? — “Innocent.”
How about mass murder? — “Innocent.”
Cheated on someone? —  “Innocent... Really, these questions make rather fantastic leaps from the dramatic to the utterly droll, do they not?”
Gotten so angry that you cried? — “We were all children once.”
Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? — “Guilty.”
Thoughts about suicide? — Slender fingers slow in favoring long silvered strands, their twist coming to a halt. She has no reply.
Had a girlfriend / boyfriend? — “My paramour has been long lost to the ravages of the Second War, and it feels an eternity since I removed the band he slipped around my finger in our betrothal. I have since enjoyed pleasurable acquaintances and rare partnerships that have left us mutually fulfilled. That is enough, for me.”
Gotten totally drunk during a holiday?  — “...Not my finest moment...”
Tagged By: @monster-of-master​; @salt-water-siren Thank you!
Tagging: I’m not 100% who hasn’t done this yet. If you haven’t, do the meme and tag me in it so I can see!
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