andrewbwhite · 6 years
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...and I’ll be opening up for Santa Monica’s @thepopravinas with @mikecobb abd The Crevulators at @pianosnyc 3/17. 7pm. The Popravinas play rocking country twang as do the Crevulators. #popravinas #crevulators #pianosnyc #livemusic #originalmusic #newyorkcity (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu2EsRZlzfL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jo4mm5tiq31p
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pinky and the brain: s1e7 - tv or not tv
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y’all do NOT understand how many times i have tried to post this. tumblr just will not stop eating it. this was supposed to be out last wednesday LMAO i am doing my best.
episode summary: brain engineers a pair of Mouse Dentures that give him a charming smile. anyone hypnotised by these dentures Suddenly Adores Him For No Good Reason. unfortunately, he’s also a bit of a shut in, so nobody is actually going to see his charming smile-- unless he gets himself a sitcom.
....or something.
the rundown:
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we open on brain talking about the “weird and magical power” of celebrity. he has defaced several women, and is sticking his ass out. as you do. what is he doing to CINDY! and her ilk?? he must be stopped.
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“those who have it weild tremendous influence. few can avoid the enchantment of its’ spell.”
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“do you know what gives them this power?”
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holy shit. he just stabbed CINDY!.
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pinky absolutely does not care for CINDY!’s fate. “haha. narf. hey, paddlefoot, do you know what they call a quarter pounder in france?”
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of course, sirius black was not in pulp fiction, and neither, as far as i can tell, was he in france. brain silences him with “enough gay banter”, like he wasn’t just sticking his ass out in his general direction, like, two minutes ago.
(this was the 90s, y’all. gay definitely meant gay back then. this is not the faraway tree.)
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“pinky! behold the key to the power of attraction!”
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“no, pinky.”
apparently the key to attraction is a
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“winning smile”, as brain points out, tapping on CINDY!’s poor mutilated face for emphasis.
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“and a nice healthy gum!”
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“and... a nice healthy gum.”
it turns out that brain has “taken this idea of the influential smile to a new level - a level no less than world domination“, which is bold words for Mr Tumble Dryer. to achieve this, he has invented
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(okay. so it’s a bit bigger than that. he shows pinky the plans for,
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and then a prototype of, a whole machine built specifically to engineer him little mousie dentures. a lot of work went into this one. shame, really.
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“when did you have time to build that?”
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“while you were engrossed in your mr belvedere reruns.”
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“oh, i miss him. ):” )
anyway so. brain puts his teeth in.
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there he is.
pinky describes this as
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“enchanting (’:”
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and brain affirms that it’s supposed to be. apparently the “reflective vibrations” (okay) of his smile stimulates the medula oblongata,
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“causing the viewer to adore me for no good reason!”
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“zort! i’m adoring you for no good reason!”
(he does point out, while brain is admiring his reflection in a nearby bunsen burner, “what if they’re wearing sunglasses?”
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brain’s response is “we’ll work nights.”)
still, brain can’t just sit around in the lab twiddling his thumbs and expect the general public to Adore Him For No Reason. he needs exposure! and as pinky ponders “what would mr belvedere do,” brain asserts that he would “eat some butter”.
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“i’m afraid, my friend, that you’ve seen far too much of mr belvede--”
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more like mr belvIDEA lol. sorry i’ll see myself out.
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“pinky, are you pondering what i’m pondering?”
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“i think so, brain, bur it’s a miracle that this one grew back. ):”
thankfully, the plan is not, in fact, to amputate pinky’s leg. again???? instead, brain intends to use a weapon of “great stealth, power, and corruption.”
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meanwhile, at the wb studio, we meet jerry kilmer. mr kilmer is currently being harassed by some dudes who also really, really want their own sitcom. for far less nefarious purposes, presumably.
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“so there’s this guy, right?”
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“and get this! he designs--”
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“TINY LITTLE BIKINIS. OKAY okay okay okay so here’s the hook.”
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it does not appear to be what mr kilmer is looking for.
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(meanwhile, the mice are spying on the acme labs janitor. he seems like a cool dude! but the mice are not here for friendship.
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they sneak into his jacket pocket!
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and...... steal his.... car keys? “YES. to the television station!”
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this isn’t even the first vehicle he’s stolen. hopefully he’ll have this one back by curfew as well.)
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they do get pulled over by the police, but i don’t want to go into that. unless you guys reaaaallly want me to. instead, they park outside the studio and harass some poor receptionist.
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“excuse me. we’re here to-- pitch. as they say. a sitcóm. my dear.”
i don’t know why brain says words like that.
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“oh, i’m sure you can--”
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“work us in.” says brain. he is sticking his ass out for no reason. all the appeal is in his sparkly dentures, so.... there’s really no need for that, my dude.
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“you’re next! for no good reason!”
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these dudes are still here. “wait!” yells our budding comedian, “wait! check out this idea. it’s about a guy!”
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“who always sticks his foot in his mouth!!”
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clever. unfortunately, his demonstration goes wrong, and he ends up kicking mr kilmer in the face.
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gives him a nasty black eye to boot. ouch.
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“ugh. can’t i ever just see someone normal?”
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good thing these very normal individuals have just shown up, huh? nothing shady about these guys. “ugh, thank goodness,” says mr kilmer. they introduce themselves politely as jonathan michael charles (left) and jamal spelling (right).
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“you guys have quite a look.”
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“thank you.”
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“alright then. what do you got for me?”
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“egad, brain.”
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“he’s not adoring you for no good reason!!”
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“well. we’re young hip adults--”
“and hijinks ensue!”
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“who sit on a big fat couch and whine--”
“with disaaaasterous results!!”
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“and have lots of generation x friends who trade zippy, sarcastic banter.”
“and i have a monkey.”
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a very original concept.
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at least, mr kilmer sems to think so. “hmmm. fresh. but tell me! what really brings you here. what are jamal and jonathan all about.”
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“actually,  we are two lab mice involved in a broad and sweeping plan to take over the world.”
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mr kilmer thinks this is hilarious, apparently.
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these guys do not. but they’re not important, for the moment.
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the long and short of it, anyway, is that kilmer can’t give them a sitcom because nobody knows who they are, quote unquote. “the day i see your face on the cover of peeple magazine is the day you get a sitcom.”
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irritated, jamal and jonathan make their exit.
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and mr kilmer laughs so hard at the idea of lab mice trying to take over the world, that he falls out of his chair.
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this will become relevant later.
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meanwhile -- i just had to screencap this, okay, because of brain’s face. pinky suggests that he get on the cover of peeple by marrying prince charles. and brain thinks this is a horrible idea.
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he’s much more interested in princess diana. but no, pinky, the path he must follow is “the same one followed by the leading sitcom stars of the day.”
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“so hey, how about those mitochondria? do they have enough cilia or what?”
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“hey, why don’t you tell a joke you know!”
this may be harder than brain thought. undeterred, though, he presses on.
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“do you ever notice how when you’re looking in the mirror of a quadrant electrometre, your forehead seems large?? why is that??”
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“i just flew in from cleveland! and boy are my upper extremeties fatigued by a buildup of lactic acid!”
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“booooooooooooooo!” says our guy on the left.
“go back to your troll village, squirt!” says his friend on the right. “what do you say to that?”
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“i find you repugnant.”
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(well. that made them laugh, at least.)
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“your stupidity is matched only by the ill-slipped caterpillar, that chews off its’ own wings after emerging from its’ cucoon!!!”
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“in fact! all of you! are just a gaggle of pathetically misguided root diggers!!”
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“why don’t you all stand under a stalactite and bellow the resonate frequency, causing it to plummet onto your cranium!!”
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“you’re all repugnant i say!!! repugnant!!!”
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and with that little mousie tantrum out of his system, brain trundles off to sulk.
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pinky claps him on the way out.
“egad brain! narf! they love you!”
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so then he goes on tv, i guess.
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“our comedy challenger is the master of insults! the prince of putdowns! jamal spelling!”
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“you’re all a bunch of crevulating nitwits with peat moss for a cortex. repugnant!”
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i don’t envy that guy third from the right. he doesn’t look like he’s having a very good time. he’s sensitive about his peat moss cranium, okay? don’t make fun of him.
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“so, uh, jamal spelling. what kind of stupid name is that? cmon? what’s your real name?”
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this would be racist if jamal spelling was a human man comedian and not like, a lab mouse. thankfully, this is not the case.
“my real name is the brain.” says brain, helpfully enunciating the “the”. “and you, my unwashed friend, are repugnant.”
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“oh, you’re hot, baby.”
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but we’re, uh. we’re not going to think about that, and we’re going to go look at the david letterman show instead.
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“uh, my next guest-- paul, do you know who our next guest is?”
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“daaaaave, i know he’s a beautiful kind of-- nutty cat who just got us all a-wow.”
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“here he is, ladies and gentlemen! for your comedy dollar, jamal spelling!!”
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jamal spelling appears to be naked.
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but he’s funny, so nobody minds.
“somebody here smells like a coagulated agar slant growing in a petri dish. repugnant!”
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see! he’s just too comedy for clothes.
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(meanwhile, we take a short trip to the office of janet mekko. “welcome, mr kilmer,” she says.
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“my... secretary sent me here-- actually, i feel kind of stupid.”
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“oh, honey. that’s a good thing! if there weren’t any stupid people, i wouldn’t have any business.”
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“now. ya got some paaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiin.”
(in the distance, dan reynolds - at the tender age of eight - mumbles “you made me a, you made me a believer” in his sleep.)
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“yeah.” says mr kilmer, completely unaware of this. “i fell out of my chair.”
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“i’m gonna hypnotise you, so relax.”
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“this’ll make you sleepy.”
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“what is it?”
“a kenny g album.”
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“okay. you’re in a trance. i’m gonna give you a random word. if you feel pain, say that word, you’ll feel good.”
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“but careful! cause if you say it when you’re feeling good, the pain will come back! bad.”
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“and your random word is--”
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there is, of course, absolutely no way this can go wrong.)
let us turn our view to happier pastures. namely, the mice are watching tv.
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pinky is elated! “egad, brain! circus of the stars! narf! you’ve really made it!”
pinky wants to be on circus of the stars, don’t you know. unfortunately, as he dutifully informs brain in pretty much the same breath, he hasn’t quite made it into peeple magazine yet.
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“hm. it’s time to use plan b, pinky.”
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“there was an a?? poit.”
ouch. jesus, pinky.
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undeterred, brain marches his merry little ass over to the old timey corded phone.
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“yes, connect me with buckinham palace, please.”
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“egad! you did it brain! the cover of peeple!”
rule britannia is playing in the background of this scene. let’s... not think too hard about how this works, and agree that, yes, pauly shore, enough.
no more pauly shore, please.
jerry keeps his word, and, upon learning that jamal spelling is now legally married to princess diana (a fact which would certainly not lead to a warrant for his arrest in a couple of years) he asks him for a demo tape.
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for such small hands, jamal sure does have very neat handwriting.
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“make me laugh, jamal, and you got yourself a sitcom.”
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“why don’t you all stand under a stalactite and bellow the resonate frequency, causing it to plummet onto your cranium!!”
he seems to like it! kilmer makes a little hee hee noise, unprepared for where this is undoubtedly going.
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“you’re repungnant!”
there it is.
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“i say repugnant!”
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repugnant repugnant repugnant repugnant
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and with that, jerry kilmer falls out of the window.
as he does, he yells “i’ll get you, jamal spelling” which personally i think is unfair. jamal couldn’t have known, surely? don’t be mean to jamal. he’s got a lot on his mind, what with that restraining order against howie turn.
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meanwhile, in the lab, the mice debate a good pitch for a pilot (i’ve got it, brain! it’s a show about nothing!) when jamal spelling gets a call.
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“hi jamal! this is nina from the tv station. could you come down for a meeting?”
“mm hmmm.”
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it’s the WB.
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as nina types away, jamal and jonathan enter casually, like this is their house, or something. “are you pleased to see us?” asks jamal, in a cocky, egomaniac labmouse sort of way.”
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“yes i am!”
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(nina somehow doesn’t notice.)
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anyway then these guys find the dentures and pitch the first idea that comes into their heads.
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“hey cortex! what do you wanna do tonight?”
don’t ask why mouse dentures fit a human man. we suspend our disbelief here.
(also there was no way this was brain’s fault. he couldn’t have known. outside influence it is. a shame, really.)
brain: 7 pinky: 7 outside influence: 14
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thanks for the fun meme, @shuunthenonbeliever​ !
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cortelyouroadradio · 6 years
The Crevulators at The Flatbush Frolic! Come on down! www.cortelyouroadradio.com https://www.instagram.com/p/BoE7Nt7F3JS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3wj6fbsd80ny
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jeffsomething · 7 years
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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Imaginative man
In quite the predicament.
Is it a day dream?
I’ll start this the same way I started my entry for the 2013 film with the same name, but little similarity. “I was in the play A Thurber Carnival in High School, so I know “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” quite well. This movie has nothing to do with it. They should have at least had something crevulate in an homage to the original.” They include the surgery scene, with a giant anesthesia machine, but he never says it’s crevulating. I get that you can’t make much of a feature film out of a short story. They do make a slightly interesting in actually getting him involved in a spy type plot, and then later make you question whether it’s really happening or if it’s just another fantasy. As far as I can remember I’ve never seen anything from Danny Kaye before. He makes no effort to play a character and includes some of this comedy songs without any justification. It probably played better at the time than it does today.******
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diyeipetea · 8 years
365 razones para amar el jazz: Un disco a dúo: Crevulations ( Evan Parker, Stan Tracey) [83]
#365RazonesParaAmarElJazz: Un disco a dúo: Crevulations ( Evan Parker, Stan Tracey) [83]
Un disco a dúo: Evan Parker y Stan Tracey: Crevulations (Psi, 2004)
Seleccionado por Diego Sánchez Cascado
View On WordPress
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andrewbwhite · 7 years
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"Celebrating Red Hook" is on today, next to IKEA in Red Hook, Brooklyn. 10 bands, food and beer - free entry! Noon - 10pm. I'll be playing bass with the Crevulators on stage at 8pm with @dacozz on drums @michaelcobb70 on vox/guitars. A great way to spend the last of summer in a great part of Brooklyn. #redhook #brooklyn #celebratingredhook #rockysullivans #ikea #eriebasinpark #livemusic #mikecobbandthecrevulators #crevulators (at IKEA)
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andrewbwhite · 7 years
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Tonight I'm playing with Mike Cobb and the Crevulators as part of Holding it Down For H-Town - a benefit show to raise funds for Houston after Hurricane Harvey. Venue: Alphaville, Brooklyn from 8pm - Five acts in total. #livemusic #alphavillebrooklyn #crevulators #houston #hurricaneharvey #benefit #fundraiser #brooklyn #newyorkcity (at ALPHAVILLE.)
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andrewbwhite · 5 years
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A couple of shows this week - first up on Thursday 1/23 at @barchordbrooklyn for this Australia 🇦🇺 bush fire fundraiser featuring a variety of artists. I’ll be up with the Crevulators and @jonasread #fundraiser #australia #barchord #brooklyn #livemusic #newyorkcity (at Bar Chord) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7mdRAZJDFR/?igshid=1sibgp0gd3d5b
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andrewbwhite · 5 years
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This Wednesday night at @whiteeaglehalljc Jersey City! Raising funds for affected families in Christchurch and coming together in unity for a fun night of New Zealand entertainment. Tickets $25, kids $10. Lineup as follows: Marie Te Hapuku (Soprano at the Met Opera) Ngā Ānahera Māori performance group Sarah Lane (Principal at the American Ballet) Dave Gibson (Elemeno P) Tyson & Tim (Steriogram) Hamish Kilgour Streets of Laredo Miriam Clancy Samuel R. Saffery Stanley John Mitchell (The Drongos) Carrie Beehan Ukelele Cabaret The Crevulators with MCs Raj Varma and Arthur Meek #youareus #christchurch #newzealand #benefit #whiteeaglehall (at White Eagle Hall) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwPxYpxhoDU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9ee1k0iw4ax7
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andrewbwhite · 7 years
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Tonight! Playing a benefit show for Houston with the Crevulators along with six other acts at the Jalopy Theatre, Brooklyn. Should be a great night for a good cause, but unfortunately one of too many of late. Need to be doing 10x of these for Puerto Rico 🇵🇷😟 About the Jalopy Theatre: "The Jalopy Theatre and School of Music is a community arts center focused on traditional roots music from around the world. We showcase folk, bluegrass, country, blues and traditional world music. In addition to nightly concerts, Jalopy is both a music school and a vintage instrument store. Jalopy has an internet radio station, Jalopy Radio and its own record label as well, Jalopy Records." www.jalopy.biz #jalopytheatre #livemusic #fundraiser #concert #brooklyn #newyorkcity #hurricaneharvey #houston @jalopybrooklyn #emmaandjohnny mikecobbandthecrevulators #alastairottensen #lovechild #alexbattles #fatboywilson (at Jalopy Theatre and School of Music)
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andrewbwhite · 6 years
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Hitting the @jalopy.tavern in Brooklyn tonight with Mike Cobb & the Crevulators. A couple of sets of original and covers; rock’n’roll/country/rock in a stripped-back setting complete with upright piano. We’ll have a couple of guests with us tonight @stefanzeniuk on sax and Charlie Giordano on accordion/piano. 9pm, no cover. #crevulators #jalopytavern #livemusic #brooklyn #newyorkcity (at Jalopy Tavern) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrSceXelotq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11ymlghg9fluy
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