crcket-blog · 5 years
continued from: here players: cricket & @padmeonline location: floor 49; the beach
“You could say that,” she replied with a small smile as Padme sat beside her. Honestly she wasn’t sure if she was staying just yet, but she didn’t think too much on it. She didn’t have time for anything heavy right now. All she wanted was to pay a little homage to the Beetles and enjoy a duet with a friend. That wasn’t too much to ask for, was it?
She didn’t think so. As Cricket continued playing, Padme joined in and her grin grew. It made it a little harder to sing, but it was worth it as they finished. “Thanks. I loved playing before Velia. I was super lucky to have found something so similar. I mean-- I love the flute too, but even in game, woodwinds get exhausting,” Cricket said with a soft chuckle. “You’ve been holding out on me. I knew you were a great dancer but you didn’t tell me you could sing...”
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