ofshrinkingviolets · 7 years
@cridejoie || starter call.
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   Haphazardly, Olivia approaches the dark mage. They are of vastly different personalities, though, they do share a commonality -- they both hail from countries other than Ylisse. Perhaps, they share more similarities than she is aware of. But more importantly than that, she feels the need to thank him for his aid in the last skirmish they fought in; he had stepped in of his own free will and had struck down the Risen that surrounded her.  And so, plucking up what little courage she has, she speaks.
   ❝Henry...! I wanted to thank you for your help last battle. I-If not for you, I could have been hurt, maybe even killed. So...thank you.❞
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tharaja-blog · 7 years
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          she’s seen that STUPID SMILE on his face ever since they’ve met, lips never faltering as he speaks, nor when he does his daily activities. the annoyance has gone as far as seeping into her precious schedule. how could she watch over robin peacefully if all she could think about was henry looking like the village idiot. it didn’t make any sense. he was supposed to be a GREAT & FEARSOME dark mage, but … there wasn’t much that screamed terror by the looks of him. had he no pride ——– was he hiding something ?? tharja needed to find out, & she needed to know now.   ❛   your HEART is difficult to read, little man, almost as if you are devoid of human emotion. i can never tell what you’re thinking or what’s going on inside that head of yours. it’s annoying.   ❜   
@cridejoie, ( ♥ ) !!
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honestly, the whole point of a family is spoil them rotten. he'd never known that any one person could be this happy! but here he is, beaming, rapping his knuckles against the crown of Cynthia's head as he points her in the direction of a pile of presents. books (stories, mostly, mixed in with a magic tome or two), things to maintain her armor, an enamel hairpin carved in the shape of a raven - to name only a few. ❛ a birdie told me that someone has a birthday today. ❜
       “Huh?” Cynthia said, looking up at her perpetually smiling father, a bit confused at the light tapping. He seemed even happier today, if that was possible. The silver-haired heroine looked in the direction he pointed in and a loud gasp escaped her.
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       “Father!” She exclaimed, quickly throwing her arms around him in a hug. “You’re the best in the whole universe!” She couldn’t wait to go through all of it and see what he gave her! Latching onto her dad she pulled him with her towards the substantial pile of gifts. She flipped through each book, grinning all the while. The few tomes mixed in earned a startled grin, how’d he know she wanted to try her hand at magic like him? The armor-maintenance kit was probably the most practical thing, and she knew she would get a lot of use out of it - shiny armor was nice but well cared for armor was better!
        It was the small enamel hairpin that she liked the most though. She smiled gently as she held it, her fingers tracing the carved shape of the bird. Immediately, and with great care, she affixed it into her hair. Memories of meeting ravens and crows when she was young with the elder version of the man who stood beside her flooded back to her.
        Shining from joy and love, Cynthia wrapped her arms around her father again in an embrace. “You really are the best in the universe!”
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grimahearted · 7 years
❝ i’ve got just the thing to cure that pout. ❞
     “Do you now?” Her sour mood lifts ever so slightly as she tilts her head to the side, curiosity rising within her. “I’ll admit that the prospect alone helps, but I’m not opposed to something pleasant.” 
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