silvcrstongued · 4 years
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“ what’s new with you ? “ cleo leans back in her chair, smile written warmly against her lips. dimples on fully display. “ anything interesting to share with little ‘ol me ? “
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trevor-lloyd · 4 years
Status: Open to Everyone Location: Takedown
“You’re looking to get fit, or learn some self defense, maybe take up fighting as a hobby or even if you’re looking for something more serious than that. You’ve come to the right place.” 
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He climbed under the rope and grabbed a towel off the turn buckle, wiping down his face as he made his way closer to the potential client. “So why don’t you tell me what brought you down here and we can work from there.” He glanced over to the new face and offered a smile. “I’m Trevor by the way, and I’m more than happy to help you with whatever you need.” Tossing the towel into a bin. The place was loud, heavy thuds from fists against bags and bodies, grunts, and weights clanging against each other. It was dirty and hot, and a lot of the equipment was already worn down when he bought the place, but it was his and it was where he felt at home. 
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rosesjustdie · 3 years
Location: neutral bar
Open to: everyone  @crimsonstarters​
Barely a year ago if someone had told Zoe she was going to make it to thirty she wouldn’t have believed them at all. Not with the events of the last year, and the fact that she even felt stable enough to go out and actually have a somewhat normal time was a miracle. A drink in her hand she smiled at her companion, holding it up in a toast fashion, “Here’s to 30. Gotta say, wasn’t sure I’d get here in one piece.”
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xofaddiction · 3 years
+open || the art institute of chicago || @crimsonstarters
once upon a time, abraham wished someone would appreciate his art the way these people did, but those days had long since faded. his art was worn with pride, etched into his skin with ink and blood in lines and shades of black and gray. rolling his shoulders, the walsh stood before a painting, it’s swirls of black, yellow, white and scarlet thick against the canvas. the lines were so thick, they cast shadows on the wall beneath it, the track lighting forcing the jagged valleys of the painting to appear deeper than they were. it was purposeful in it’s anger; there was torture in the painting, but total grip of control. glancing at the little accompanying card, he tilted his head, dark streaks of black falling in his vibrant gaze. “damn, this is oil?” he muttered under his breath. “bet this fuckin’ thing took at least a month to dry.” 
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crimsonfaux · 3 years
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“Well, I don’t know if this is cursed being trapped in an elevator after that whole fiasco.” Zane’s hues flicker from the person across him to the flickering level 3 on the elevator. “I phoned up and they said it’s going to be a half hour. So may as well get comfortable.” 
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littlcxbirdie · 3 years
location: anywhere neutral
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birdie had been locked in her apartment ever since her arrest. she hated how much it had freaked her out. but she needed to go to the store and pick up some more things in general. but she wished that she didn’t have to leave. she was content just hanging out in her apartment, avoiding people at all costs. her fingers ran through her hair as she turned the corner, almost bumping into someone. “fuck.” she muttered softly as she jumped. “i uh... i was not paying attention... i’m sorry.” she managed to stutter out. “too much going on in my head. 
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crimsxndesire · 4 years
Location: Centro Del Sole
Open: @crimsonstarters​
Alejandra smiled as she walked off the stage waving at the happy crowd as she disappeared from their view backstage. Show nights were always mayhem, with half naked women and women in elaborate costumes running around backstage, getting everything ready for their set. She had finished for the night and it was time to enjoy herself and support her fellow burlesque dancer friends. She grabbed her feather robe out of her dressing room before heading to the front to be a part of the crowd. "I'll have my usual." She spoke to the bartender as he made quick work of her drink. Handing it to her, "for you, from them," He told her, pointing at a patron. She smiled at the person who just bought her drink, "Are you enjoying the show?"
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silverncrimson · 3 years
Location: Art Institute of Chicago
Open to: Everyone | @crimsonstarters​
“Is my mind just playing tricks on me again, or is this bitch actually smirking at me? Staring at me like she knows all my dirty little secrets?” she muttered aloud, her dark hazel eyes narrowed suspiciously at the painting before her, feeling oddly unnerved by the all-knowing look on the painted woman’s face as she stared right back at her. The two of them having what seemed like a very intense staring contest, although it was a contest that Diamond would inevitably lose. “I don’t like it, it’s fucking creepy.”
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Location: Skyfall Bar Open to: Everyone @crimsonstarters​
Stirring her drink with her straw, she sighed into the glass. Ryan has grown used to being alone. She had her sister but other than Autumn, Ryan didn't have very many friends. She has lived in Chicago her whole life, yet it still felt like the loneliest place in the world. She was just contemplating leaving. Throwing her drink back, sliding the glass over to the bartender and, putting the money for it on the bar.  Closing her purse up when she heard a gasp. Her eyes turning up to see two women going at it like wild animals at the end of the bar. They were screaming and pulling hair. It was vicious. It dissolved into blows and the two girls rolling around on the ground. Bystanders trying to two off of each other. One girl getting in a final kick with her red bottoms. From what she gathered the girl who threw the drink found her boyfriend out with another girl. Now instead of taking it out on the man that was cheating, she attacked the other woman. Eventually, the fight was broken up by security.  Ryan glanced to the person sitting next to her at the bar and with a chuckle asked them. "Oh my god, did you just see that? That was wild."
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crimsoncarrigan · 4 years
*! location: a neutral coffee shop. *! status: open | @crimsonstarters​
the mood over the last few days had seemed to reflect in the weather as carrigan exited swag, the skies opening up to soak her. holding her bag above her head as she ran, carrigan skidded into a nearby coffee shop. she tried to shake off as much of the precipitation as she could before going in, but a puddle still managed to pool under her feet when carrigan stepped in. “y’know.” the nurse sighed, pulling her curls out of their messy bun. “you’d think that, after living in chicago for my whole twenty four years, i’d start carrying an umbrella, but no.” she chuckled, shaking out her hair before realizing she was probably close enough to shake water on the person next to her. “oh, shit. sorry! did i get you?” 
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sinfvlsovls · 3 years
LOCATION.  art institute of chicago.
STATUS.  open to anyone !   (  @crimsonstarters​  )
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GOD KNOWS WHY HE'D CHOSEN this particular painting to idle at, wasting away precious seconds of his time examining the ghastly art piece. of course, stefano knew that art was subjective—merely a matter of what conjured up certain emotions within a person. but, right now, all the old couple with the pitchfork were making him feel was unsettled. there's a faint crease along his forehead and he's wearing a frown that he's sure is visible from the other side of the room. it takes him a moment but when a shadowed figure ghosts in his peripheral, he finds himself unable to suppress the thoughts orbiting his brain. “ it's just so ... grim, isn't it? ” he poses the question to his newfound companion, green-flecked eyes still glued to the painting. “ i mean, sure, it's impressive in its own right but, there's just something so fucking creepy about it. ” it's then that stefano turns his attention toward the other. “ you ever saw the halloween parody of it? nothing disturbed my childhood like it. ”
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silvcrstongued · 4 years
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“ me ? “ there’s an almost nervous laugh that falls from myriam’s lips, as she gives a grin instead. “ yeah ! i’m great.” no she’s not, but she wouldn’t admit that. she’s immensely worried about her older sister as she has been. i should have been there, is the thought that continually runs throughout her mind.
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rosesjustdie · 4 years
Location: Anywhere
Open to: Everyone @crimsonstarters​
“You’re 190 years old? You look-- you look great!”
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xofaddiction · 4 years
++ open || location: random diner || neutral territory || @crimsonstarters​
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“         but that’s half the fun of eating at a diner, isn’t it?” she asked, turning her head to glance out the window. hand clasped carefully around the ceramic coffee mug, hair drifting in soft waves over her thin shoulder. “people watching. wondering who they are, what they’re doing, what makes them tick.” a light smile spread over her lips, a glance cast the way of the person sat beside her. “i used to work in a diner just like this when i was a kid, it was pretty fun, y’know? telling what kinda people they were by how they took their coffee, all that crap.”  
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crimsondelphi · 4 years
*! location: tony’s guns & sporting goods. *! status: open | @crimsonstarters *! triggers: gun tw.
the dead look in delphine’s eyes should have been the only indicator that the customer standing in front of her needed to tuck tail and run out the front door. instead, they continued to stand in front of her, making a scene about the price of one of del’s guns. finally fed up, delphi pulled her handgun from it’s holster and placed it on the counter, muzzle pointed towards the current annoyance. a smirk pulled at one corner of del’s mouth as she watched them tear out of the store, nearly taking the door off its hinges as they ran. reholstering her weapon, delphine turned to the next customer. “sorry ‘bout that. sometimes words just don’t get the job done, ya know?”
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crimsonfaux · 3 years
Oliver spent the better half of evening walking around in janitor garb. Inspecting where each little notch was in his plan, but also they were on a specific hunt tonight. Shark eyes. With a mop in hand he whistled as he stepped out of the elevator. Unfortunately, he ran right into another figure just as soon as his boots made it back onto the first level. “My bad. Heard there was a spill near Van Gogh.” He answered as he tried to throw his tone a bit in disguise. Using the frame of the hat to hide as much of his face as he could. Though if it were another Faust, he definitely had orders to give out.
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