#crocodile Dundee was what came to mind first immediately followed by cowboy before I remembered wait pirate
quillyfied · 2 years
Thing that has been pinging me a little about “We Gull Way Back” that I’ve finally found the words for:
Ed says of his and Jack’s time on Hornigold’s ship that it’s where they first became “outlaws.” Accurate, as outlaw basically means criminal and that’s what pirates are, but it’s a particular term for me as an American. It’s what is most often used in the Wild West genre. Has some romance to it, as most American media about historical rogues does. A little peculiar to be hearing on what’s supposed to be an early 1700s pirate ship, but come on, we know what show we’re watching.
Except that Calico Jack is dressed and acts like the most cowboy pirate I have ever seen. Give him Jim’s hat and he’s the full genre-blending article. Ed uses a cowboy fiction term to describe himself and Jack the Cowboy Pirate.
Look that’s it, that’s the punchline, it’s all I have, I just wanted to giggle about the synergy.
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