#croix soto
uswntpoc · 1 year
This was an interesting read. They talk a lot about Utah and I'm really hoping the nwsl does the work to make Utah a safe place for black players to play. Cause this right here, was very upsetting.
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uswnt5 · 1 year
Thanks for the site! For our consideration, here are the player minutes for KC. Players recently back from injury include Kristen Hamilton, Elizabeth Ball, and Morgan Gautrat, so their low numbers aren't indicative of quality. Gabrielle Robinson 1064 Hailie Mace 1058 Kate Del Fava 930 Debinha 906 Cece Kizer 891 Vanessa DiBernardo 871 Michelle Cooper 831 Lo LaBonta 823 Croix Soto 731 Addisyn Merrick 626 Mimmi Larsson 461 Isabel Rodriguez 383 Jenna Winebrenner 262 Kristen Hamilton 213 Chardonnay Curran 211 Alexis Loera 181 Alexa Spaanstra 159 Elizabeth Ball 141 Morgan Gautrat 54 Rylan Childers 5 Players without minutes: Hanna Glas, Claire Lavogez, Sam Mewis, Desiree Scott, Mallory Weber
Loera would be my best guess. She had a great season last year, pretty unexpectedly. Probably feels like she's earned more playing time.
These three I think should play more: Kristen Hamilton 213 Chardonnay Curran 211 Alexis Loera 181
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dippedanddripped · 5 years
One afternoon in 1999, when the designer Shayne Oliver was in the sixth grade, he came across a magazine ad for Dirty Denim, a line of “pre-soiled” jeans by Diesel. The ad featured a collage of faux paparazzi photographs documenting the meltdown of a fictional rock star. Oliver was struck by the campaign’s tagline: “The Luxury of Dirt.” “That blew my mind,” he told me recently. “Spending money on something that looks dirty? I was, like, ‘This is genius.’ ” He informed his mother, a schoolteacher from Trinidad named Anne-Marie, that he needed a pair immediately.
Oliver’s father had abandoned Anne-Marie before Shayne was born, and she had struggled to raise him on her own. They lived in a tiny apartment on Halsey Street, in Bedford-Stuyvesant. Oliver, who attended some rough schools—he witnessed knife fights in the halls—was highly intelligent, and Anne-Marie was determined to nurture his gifts. She stood up to people on the street who heckled him because he was effeminate, and fought with school officials who wrote him off as a rowdy black kid. She didn’t have the money for the jeans, which cost three hundred and seventy-five dollars, but she respected Shayne’s sense of urgency. “How are we going to afford Diesel clothes?” she asked herself. She soon began working evenings at the Diesel store at the corner of Sixtieth and Lexington. She got an employee discount, and her kid got his jeans.
Oliver began accompanying Anne-Marie on her shifts at Diesel, folding shirts, examining seams, and offering customers unsolicited style advice. Although his suggestions were impeccable, after a few weeks the management told him to stay home, noting that it was illegal for twelve-year-olds to work in retail. Undaunted, Oliver walked a few blocks to a Roberto Cavalli store. Employees there were so charmed that they offered him an unpaid internship. He didn’t take it, but he continued to visit the store—and pester the staff. “I would just be in the shop, hanging out all the time and talking shit,” he recalls. “It was fun.”
Oliver was a recent arrival in New York. He was born in 1987 in Minnesota, where Anne-Marie had immigrated to pursue a teaching degree, and he had spent his childhood shuttling among female relatives in St. Paul, St. Croix, and Trinidad, before settling with his mother in Brooklyn, in 1998. In St. Croix, at the age of five, he had begun making his own fashions out of scraps of fabric scavenged from his grandmother, a dressmaker. After moving to the United States, he started cutting up items in Anne-Marie’s wardrobe. In an effort to discourage this practice, she took him on regular trips to Jo-Ann Fabrics. He kept looting her closet.
When Anne-Marie rode the subway with Oliver, she noticed him staring at men who were wearing streetwear brands like Mecca and FUBU. “Why are you looking at all of these guys?” Anne-Marie asked him. “You’re all up in their Kool-Aid!” Oliver protested that he was inspecting them for their clothes, which was only half a lie. He began cutting up his jeans and ripping out the crotch, which made him a target at the Pentecostal church that he and his mother attended. “I was being expressive!” he recalls, adding that other parishioners expressed themselves by speaking in tongues. At thirteen, he quit the church.
That year, Anne-Marie sent Oliver to a public school in Long Island City which focusses on the arts. For weeks, he came to class wearing a head scarf, and was often mistaken for a Muslim girl. (“I should’ve played that up a little bit,” Oliver told me. “Muslim girls get a lot of attention.”) Shortly after he enrolled, Anne-Marie rented for him a videocassette of “Paris Is Burning,” the 1990 documentary about voguing competitions in New York. A year later, he became a member of the House of Ninja, one of the groups featured in the film. “The Ninja people were all offbeat and not glamour kids,” he recalls. They encouraged him to explore various looks, and in competitions, he said, he “swayed between ‘vogue femme’ and ‘runway.’ ”
As a teen-ager, Oliver began applying his ingenuity to his hair: “There was one point where I was mixing textures—it was, like, a mullet of dreads and then permed on the sides. I’m sorry, that hairstyle was so nasty! It was ridiculous. It was so good.” He went out most nights, commuting between the largely white electroclash scene centered on Club Luxx, in Williamsburg, and the mostly black and Latino scene on Christopher Street, where he liked to “smoke, go to the pier, and then vogue.”
Before entering the tenth grade, he transferred to Harvey Milk, the country’s first high school for L.G.B.T. youths. Many of the students there wore three outfits a day: one for their neighborhood, one for school, and one for going out. It could be dangerous to wear the wrong thing in the wrong place, so kids kept outré clothes in their backpacks and changed on the subway platform. Oliver, though, prided himself on assembling outfits that worked in all three environments: butch enough for Bed-Stuy, smart enough for school, glam enough for the club. He devised subtle, colorless ensembles, the drape and shape of which sent coded messages to the educated eye. “If you have on all-black, you can go unnoticed on the block,” Oliver explained. “Then you go intothe city, and someone who’s thinking about clothing in a different way notices all the cuts and layering.” Styling choices helped him adapt his look to different contexts. Oliver liked wearing tight poom-poom shorts, but on his way to school he pulled them low, so that they sagged “in a masculine way.”
At Harvey Milk, Oliver made friends with another boy who was obsessed with fashion, James Garland. Each was an only child, raised by an indulgent single mother who had given her son the master bedroom. They recorded television broadcasts of runway shows and pored over the designs. Garland liked the debonair luxury of Tom Ford; Oliver preferred the forbidding moodiness of Rick Owens. Before long, the boys began making clothes, conducting photo shoots in Fort Greene Park, and staging runway shows at school. They generated new pieces through collage, stitching together items from vintage shops, children’s jackets from thrift stores, and treasures from their mothers’ closets.
After creating their first line of T-shirts, named Ammo, and their first collection, Cazzy Calore, Garland and Oliver graduated from Harvey Milk and enrolled at the Fashion Institute of Technology. Garland flourished there, but Oliver chafed against the curricular constraints and dropped out in his freshman year. In 2006, he diverted the tuition money that Anne-Marie had saved for him, and launched a fashion line with his friend Raul López, who also hung out on Christopher Street. Oliver called the new line Hood By Air. The phrase suggested a style that was proudly ghetto and proudly élite (“putting on airs”). Within a few years, the label had become the most prominent high-fashion brand to have emerged authentically from street culture.
Oliver’s original mission with the label was to bring to fine menswear what he calls the “thug silhouette”: the shape created by a long T-shirt paired with saggy pants, as if the wearer had a very long torso and very short legs. He also believed that he could turn streetwear basics such as oversized hoodies and multipocketed jackets into high-concept luxury items.
By 2007, Hood By Air clothes had begun showing up in boutiques in downtown Manhattan. The collections cannily combined the audacious (trousers with a dozen pleats) and the accessible (silk-screened T-shirts). The first Hood By Air T-shirts featured bold graphics and slogans like “Back to the Hood.” Oliver and López had the shirts custom-made by Dominican tailors, and they were expensive: two hundred dollars apiece. From the start, they sold well.
In the aughts, Manhattan boutiques were awash in designer hoodies (many of them by Jeremy Scott and Raf Simons). Oliver judged their stitch too fine, their length too short, their colors too bright, their patterns too busy. He felt that designers who appropriated streetwear had a fascination with urban men but were also afraid of them—he considered their skittish engagement to be “peckish,” “gross,” and “disconnected from the real masculinity” driving street culture. He told me, “It’s, like, ‘I think that guy is really hot, but I don’t know how to approach him, so I’m going to put elements of myself in him.’ There’s a power play where you’re inspired by something but you don’t want to give it credit.” Turned off by these “fey” imitations of streetwear, Oliver made clothes that were aggressively harsh and masculine. The graphics on his T-shirts often played with urban-horror imagery: a panorama of a prison yard, red marks evoking blood spattered by gunfire. At the same time, instead of hinting at homoeroticism, he foregrounded it. The first Hood By Air editorial video, uploaded to YouTube in September, 2007, featured a model repeatedly grabbing his crotch.
Oliver also embarked on a conceptual exploration that he calls “formalizing sloppiness”—highlighting the transitional phases between dressed and undressed. “It’s like when someone is horny and in a T-shirt, and it’s dropping off the shoulder,” Oliver explained. He liked conjuring those alluringly awkward moments when an amorous couple still has a few items of clothing on: “The idea of that being so open and so vulnerable—it’s, like, ‘Where’s my pants? Where’s my underwear?’ ”
By the end of 2009, López and Oliver had put Hood By Air on hiatus. López founded his own clothing line, and Oliver focussed on hosting a new dance party called GHE20G0TH1K (Ghetto Gothic). Held in various spaces in Brooklyn and lower Manhattan, the gatherings united disparate musical tribes—urban, goth, queer, punk. Oliver ran GHE20G0TH1K with his friends Jazmin Soto (a pansexual Latina) and Daniel Fisher (a straight white Jew). Soto was in charge, but Oliver sometimes took a turn as d.j., and he favored a dark sound. “At the time, no one was playing Marilyn Manson, and I was playing records that resonated that way—the idea of, like, fear of the world,” he recalls. “I was prying into my past—all my history of being provoked.” Many of the party’s charismatic attendees wore Hood By Air T-shirts. Interest in the brand was so strong that Oliver decided to relaunch it.
This time, he had crucial help from Leilah Weinraub, a filmmaker who was working on a documentary about a lesbian strip club in South Central Los Angeles. (The film, which she plans to release in 2017, comes off as a female-focussed update of “Paris Is Burning.”) Weinraub, who was Soto’s girlfriend at the time, began doing projects with Oliver, and one day they shot a look book for the designer Telfar, a mutual friend. Oliver was among the people cast, and Weinraub was unafraid of challenging him. She recalls, “He was wearing the wrong piece—a shawl—and he refused to be styled. He said, ‘Style me like a lady’—he had on this I’m-a-demure-woman voice. I asked, ‘Can you stand a little more like a man?’ The room stopped.”
In 2012, Oliver asked Weinraub to work alongside him on the relaunch of Hood By Air. (The partnership with López was completely dissolved.) She said yes. Weinraub, who is eight years older than Oliver, told me that she felt protective of Hood By Air. “It was at the point where other people started seeing it as a success,” she said. “And at that point people start to rob you—blind. They start to trick you.” She was wary of mainstream cultural figures looking for a quick way to acquire edge—of invitations to, say, “work on Katy Perry’s team.” Shortly after Weinraub became Oliver’s partner, investors offered to buy Hood By Air and put Oliver and Weinraub on fixed salaries. She was appalled. “This isn’t fucking Motown!” she said. Hood By Air, she declared, would remain closed to outside investors while it was in its “incubation period.” (To date, the company hasn’t accepted any outside investments—an arrangement that is virtually unheard of in the fashion industry.)
In order for Hood By Air to maintain control of its intellectual property, Weinraub believed, it had to grow quickly and attract media attention. Otherwise, the company’s designs would be pirated by bigger labels, which treated avant-garde street culture as a resource to be plundered. In a 2013 article in the Times, Guy Trebay suggested that Riccardo Tisci, the creative director of Givenchy, had referenced Hood By Air designs “without crediting them.” (A spokesperson for Givenchy said, “Hood By Air has never been a reference for our brand.”)
Around the time that Weinraub joined Hood By Air, it presented a runway show at Milk Studios, on Fifteenth Street. One of the models cast for the show was the rapper A$AP Rocky, a friend of Oliver’s at the time. Rocky’s participation helped the brand reach a wider audience, affording it a measure of protection against fashion-world vultures. Rocky also boosted Hood By Air’s reputation by incorporating endorsements of the label into his lyrics. His devotion eventually cooled, though, and in 2014 he released a diss track that included criticisms of the brand. He gloated to a reporter, “I birthed it, so I can kill it.” But Rocky was too late. Hood By Air had established a cult following among affluent teen-agers, avant-garde adults, and pop stars like Rihanna, Justin Bieber, and Kanye West. The label was critically acclaimed, too, winning the Swarovski Award for Menswear, from the Council of Fashion Designers of America, and a six-figure prize from L.V.M.H. Although Hood By Air remained rigorously experimental, it also became profitable, as fans lined up to buy T-shirts with the H.B.A. logo, which cost as much as six hundred dollars each. According to Hood By Air, its sales have doubled every season since 2013. The brand’s reach remains unimpressive by Gucci standards, but business has been good enough to give Oliver “the ability to do whatever the hell I want” in the studio. (He still shares an apartment with his mother, in Prospect Heights.)
Last September, I visited a cramped office that Hood By Air was renting on Hester Street, on the Lower East Side. The space, crowded with garment racks, could have been mistaken for a costume shop, were it not for the giant poster boards propped against the walls, which were covered in mini-Polaroids of harsh, alluring faces. Attached to each photograph was a Post-it scrawled with a concept: “spanish hustlers,” “obscure fetish.”
A dozen men and women, including Leilah Weinraub, sat in a circle, with only one subtle sign of hierarchy: Oliver was the only person not taking notes. Since 2012, Hood By Air had grown into a small collective, and its members were meeting to finalize plans for the Spring/Summer 2016 runway show. They had been joined by an outsider, Rich Aybar, a freelance stylist. Born on the Upper West Side to Dominican parents, he looked like a cross between a Rastafarian and Rasputin.
Oliver was dressed in jeans, a black vest, and a Hood By Air necklace—a chunky chain and a padlock—that he never removes. “Ooooooh!” he said. He had just received a text. “Connie just got confirmed for the door.” He was referring to Connie Girl, a doorwoman who was famous for being impossible to get past and impossible to book. “Taste that,” he said. “Ta-a-a-aste.”
“What’s the lighting like at the space?” Akeem Smith, Hood By Air’s chief stylist, asked. His hair was in small braids gathered into pigtails, and he wore a T-shirt bearing the words “The Black Genius.”
“Bright,” Weinraub replied. “White-blue.”
“Clinical,” Oliver said, approvingly. The show was being held at Penn Plaza Pavilion, a cavernous, fluorescent-lit building, opposite Madison Square Garden, that was slated for demolition. Hood By Air shows are traditionally held in unglamorous spaces.
Several people got up to leave, and a smaller group began discussing the casting of models. Each season, labels compete to book them, and Cathy Horyn, a critic at large at New York, told me that Hood By Air had some of “the best casting of the season, and I mean anywhere.” The brand is known for “streetcasting”—enlisting people who aren’t professional models.
The group stood and went over to a casting board, which was crammed with photographs of prospects. “We have to edit,” Oliver declared, inspecting the images. “We have to be really hard right now.”
“I think your story up there is really strong,” Aybar said. “It’s, like, Undernourished Retards—in a beautiful way.” He liked the “living-under-the-bridge vibe.” Then Aybar started ripping photos off the board. One boy, a Ryan Lochte type, was deemed “too dopey—a white guy in the most boring way.” Oliver asked that another male model be removed for having a swishy walk that struck him as off-brand. “It’s gay-y-y-y-y,” he said. After thirty minutes, a dozen pictures had been taken off the board.
The designing of clothes follows a similar group dynamic. Paul Cupo, the brand’s fashion director, told me, “The top concept is Shayne’s concept, and there’s a very select group of people that are allowed to contribute to this concept. Shayne then comes up with some shapes and silhouettes he wants to show, and then I plug in fabrics and colors.”
Cupo, an Italian-American from Bensonhurst who favors loose tank tops and sneakers, showed me a creation for the upcoming show. “The basic idea is a bomber,” he said. Instead of using nylon for the shell, however, he had used taffeta—a material often fashioned into ball gowns and wedding dresses. It was a surprising choice, he acknowledged with a smile: “It’s sort of a weird fabric for ‘young edgy cool designers’ to be using.” A Hood By Air bomber jacket sells for nearly a thousand dollars.
few days later, at Penn Plaza Pavilion, Hood By Air sent a male model down the runway in a tight bun, a shirtdress, and black heels. The shirtdress, made with black silk, was divided into sections, which had been loosely lashed together with chainlike zippers. The bottom had a feminine band of ruffles, as one might find on a dress worn by Michelle Obama to a state dinner. The middle was a wraparound panel of fabric that, from a distance, resembled high-waisted athletic shorts. The top was a button-down shirt with a crisp collar and oversized chiffon sleeves. Like a chimera, the shirtdress was incongruous but beautiful.
The model, who had been spotted on Instagram, was a twenty-seven-year-old from West Harlem named Mello Santos. He had a thin mustache and a goatee, and as he walked down the runway he allowed the zippers holding the outfit together to start coming undone. Dark silk was peeling off his torso like a rotten-banana peel, and the garment threatened to self-destruct at any moment, revealing Santos’s many tattoos (and parts of his anatomy). From some angles, Santos looked like a cross-dressing gangster; from others, like a futuristic pop star.
Subsequent models showed off equally mongrel creations: bomber jackets recut into togas, backpacks made from tufted sofa pillows. Some models looked like bullies, others like prey. A recording of the Jamaican dancehall performer Buju Banton roared over glitchy speakers. “Circumstances made me what I am,” he sang. “Was I born a violent man?” For the finale, each model took a seat on a raised platform, as if posing for a class picture. Together, they looked scary but sexy, butch yet femme.
The collection was called Galvanize, and the idea for the runway show was to evoke the ramshackle school that Oliver briefly attended as a youth in Trinidad. To galvanize is to electrify—to shock and inspire. But it also means to coat scrap metal with a layer of zinc; it’s the poor man’s version of gilding. Galvanized steel is a common roofing material in Trinidad, and the show’s name suggested a duality about growing up in the West Indies: Oliver claimed that the education he received at the school was exceptional—“college-level English in fourth grade,” he said—but the building was decrepit. This duality extended to the students’ clothing. Oliver and his classmates modified tattered, hand-me-down uniforms so that they became fashionable looks. The Galvanize collection—manufactured in Italy from sumptuous materials but with roots in a Caribbean schoolyard—was gilded streetwear whose aim was to electrify the audience and inspire a new generation to carry the countercultural torch.
The show impressed many critics. Sally Singer, the creative digital director of Vogue, told me that Hood By Air had presented one of the season’s top collections. Cathy Horyn, the New York critic, who was seeing a Hood By Air show for the first time, wrote that the clothes represented a “shock from the future” and a “fist in your face.” She told me that Hood By Air’s startling designs were welcome mutations in an era in which high fashion is controlled by bland international conglomerates.
Several critics described the clothes in the Galvanize collection as “deconstructed.” Deconstruction—whether of a novel, a soufflé, or a shirt—means breaking down a concept into its constituent parts, often with an eye toward destabilizing our vision of the whole. In fashion, it’s traditionally associated with accentuating raw edges and functional elements like seams. Hood By Air’s collection, however, riffed on the modifications that wearersmake to those designs—details like slashing, cropping, and sagging, which typically define a look only after professionals have finished their work.
Galvanize was an homage to the expanding cohort of shoppers who use clothing to revise standard images of race and gender. (Weinraub calls such consumers “modern people.”) In blunt terms, a rich white woman can wear a Hood By Air garment and feel modern because it makes her look like a poor black man; a poor black man can wear it and feel modern because it makes him look like a rich white woman. Whereas other labels had merely broken down design, Hood By Air was breaking down identity.
A classic deconstructionist turns garments into sculptures and models into scaffolding; Martin Margiela often covered his models’ faces. In the show for the Galvanize collection, the models’ faces—adorned with splotchy, wraith-like makeup—were key visual elements. The splotches paid homage to YouTube makeup-contouring tutorials, evoking the moment just before blending tools transform a painted monster into a Kardashian.
Despite the show’s triumphant reception, it did not unfold without flaws. There was a monumental error in the execution of the choreography: the models failed to crisscross, as directed, along the venue’s multiple catwalks, with the result that much of the audience saw only half the collection. It was a mistake that might have sent a tyrant like Coco Chanel or Alexander McQueen into a rage. Oliver, though, was unfazed. After the show, he appeared briefly at a bar on the Lower East Side, and spent only fifteen seconds conferring with Weinraub about the mistake before moving on to a more vexing problem: someone had given Oliver’s mother the address of a rented penthouse where the Galvanize collection had been put together, and where a post-show gathering would be held. (The Hester Street office was too small to accommodate dozens of models.) Anne-Marie had just arrived at the penthouse with pink hair and an entourage of younger Afro-Caribbean women. Oliver was forlorn. “This is exactly the moment I want to turn up!” he moaned, rubbing his cherubic head, which was shaved, and clutching at a floor-length sweater-dress of his own design. “Now my mother is there with her friends!”
I happened to know the identity of the culprit who had supplied Anne-Marie with the party’s address. It was Weinraub, who enjoys seeing Anne-Marie at every runway show. Her own parents have never come to one.
In late March, items from the Galvanize collection began to arrive in stores. Barneys New York installed life-size silicon replicas of six Hood By Air models in its four windows on Madison Avenue. Two of the models were Hood By Air regulars named Chucky and Sunny—Angelenos whose bodies (and faces) are covered in tattoos. In the window, the fake Sunny wore a pleated pant-dress, and his mouth was held open by a guard typically used in dental surgery. Chucky wore a padlocked baby pacifier and a purple leather shroud that might look good on a Jedi. It was the first time that the windows had featured mannequins in menswear. When I stopped by to see the display, in April, crowds of tourists, joined by local one-per-centers, had gathered to gawk. Many observers reacted with baffled revulsion. Inside the store, meanwhile, none of the radical clothes worn by the mannequins were for sale. The Hood By Air racks were instead filled with logo tees. The runway pieces may have blown fashion critics’ minds, but it was the T-shirts that had changed the way people dressed.
Leilah Weinraub studied film as a graduate student at Bard. Before joining Hood By Air, she had no experience in business. Her official title is C.E.O., but she told me that the designation is “fictional.” She recoils at any suggestion that she is Oliver’s Pierre Bergé—the commanding executive who helped Yves Saint Laurent become an international brand. She took the title of C.E.O. in part so that she would be taken as seriously as a man would be: “If I were just Shayne’s friend, and a woman, and me, people would just be, like, ‘O.K., bitch, get the fuck out of the way.’ ”
As Hood By Air has expanded into a collective, she explained, everyone with authority is essentially a creative director—even if, like her, they don’t literally design clothes. The early phases of the label’s design process take place in group texts that unfurl over weeks. For the Galvanize collection, eight employees contributed to what she calls a “running personal diary.” In addition, the label has an iCloud folder for sharing found images—Hood By Air’s equivalent of a mood board. Weinraub wouldn’t let me examine the entire folder for the collection, but she sent me a selection of the materials. There were photographs of Ike and Tina Turner, a jpeg of Aunt Viv, from “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,” and a picture of a Chinese acupuncturist who stuck two thousand and eight needles in his head, in honor of the 2008 Summer Olympics. “It’s memes,” Paul Cupo, the fashion director, explained to me. “It’s never really literal—you’ll never see a jacket on our reference board.” In 2015, when Women’s Wear Dailyasked Hood By Air for an “inspiration photo,” the label sent back a screenshot of porn.
Weinraub is one of only a few lesbians in high fashion. (Others include Patricia Field and J. Crew’s Jenna Lyons.) She grew up in the Koreatown section of Los Angeles, the daughter of an African-American textile designer from Compton and a Jewish pediatrician from Fort Wayne, Indiana. She is small with squinty eyes, broad shoulders, and an almond-shaped face. The skin around her eyes is darker in tone; these raccoon-like circles are so formidable and stylish, and presented with such aplomb, that strangers often can’t decide whether the coloring is congenital or cosmetic.
Rebellious from the start, Weinraub ran away from home several times as a teen-ager. In response, she claims, her parents threatened to put her in foster care. (Her parents deny this.) As a compromise, Weinraub went to high school in Israel, through an exchange program.
After a year, Weinraub returned to L.A., legally emancipated herself, and looked for a job. Her uncle knew a buyer at Ron Herman, an upscale clothing store, and helped Weinraub secure a shopgirl position. “It was in Brentwood,” she recalls. “There would be kids shopping there that were my same age. I hated it.” She soon took a job at Maxfield, a boutique with a more progressive bent. Its owner asked her to help oversee the books section, where she befriended a regular who liked to linger in the store and discuss topics such as slavery, America, and Judaism. It was the director Tony Kaye, who had just made a film about a white supremacist, “American History X.”
One day, Weinraub saw Kaye’s face on the cover of a magazine. She read an interview inside and noticed something: many of Kaye’s answers borrowed language that she remembered using during their conversations at Maxfield. Weinraub sensed an opportunity. She called Kaye and said, “I want to do this for you full time. I’ll be your voice, I’ll answer all your questions, I’ll do your research.” There was a catch: Weinraub was feuding with her family again, and she needed money to pursue higher education. She told Kaye, “If you send me to college, I’ll be your professional student, and you can own all my papers.” Kaye agreed, and began paying her tuition when she enrolled at Antioch College, in Ohio. When Weinraub returned to L.A. for breaks, she assisted Kaye on commercial shoots and chauffeured him around the city. The arrangement lasted until Kaye got a girlfriend who demanded an end to the tuition payments.
Kaye famously lost control of “American History X” in the editing suite, when New Line Cinema allowed Ed Norton, the film’s lead actor, to do the final cut. (Kaye disavowed the version that was released.) The incident left a lasting impression on Weinraub: if you don’t control celebrities, they’ll end up controlling you. She was happy to leave people like A$AP Rocky behind. As she put it, she preferred to go it alone and make Hood By Air’s “own world happen.” She was adamant that she would not temper the label’s provocations. “People are into high concepts and respond well to them,” she assured me. “People want drama. They love it.”
The penthouse that Hood By Air rented in the weeks before the Galvanize show had cathedral ceilings, a vast terrace, and an eight-person hot tub overlooking the Lower East Side. An apparent extravagance, the penthouse was leased in order to save money on hotel rooms by providing a live-and-work space for collaborators flying to New York. This frugal-luxury strategy would succeed, though, only if the palatial digs survived the week intact. (The label has a history of losing hotel damage deposits.) To keep the proceedings professional, alcohol was banned from the penthouse until the work was finished.
Five days before the Penn Plaza Pavilion show, I visited the penthouse, which was fragrant with expensive leathers and gleaming with racks of lustrous silks. Models began to arrive, lining up like supplicants to be dressed by the label’s clergy. Hirakish, a twenty-two-year-old African-American artist and musician from New Orleans, was one of the season’s most charismatic new models. He was walleyed and skeletal—you could see every bone in his cranium. For the show, he was to be dressed in a slashed wedding gown and accessorized with a strip of gauze affixed to his forehead, as if he had just survived a street fight. He was in drag, but the effect wasn’t campy: he looked mutilated but threatening, like a zombie. Hirakish had moved to New York a month earlier, after breaking up with his girlfriend, and this was his first fashion show. “This is what I dreamed of,” he confided, gazing at the penthouse’s occupants, who included several d.j.s whom he followed on Instagram. “This is the modern-day Andy Warhol.” (I never heard the principals of Hood By Air compare their workplace to the Factory. Instead, they referred to the label as a “family company.”)
As evening fell, I spoke with Ian Isiah, Hood By Air’s “global brand ambassador” and an in-house muse. Isiah can pull off the label’s clothes with confidence—or, as Oliver puts it, with “a lot of swag.” Isiah wears the brand exclusively, and between runway shows one of his responsibilities is to attend events where he will be photographed. He also coaches celebrities on how to wear Hood By Air properly. Six feet tall, he shaves slits in his eyebrows and styles his hair in tendril-like dreads.
Isiah went out to the terrace. Disrobing and getting into the hot tub, he said, “Now, this is a fashion interview.”
Isiah had been helping to recruit other models for the Galvanize show. The label, he said, had sought to create a unique tableau: “Black doll-babies. Transgender babies. Little skater boyish-boys. Boys with rashes on their face—less albino, more scabs everywhere. Braces! There’s a braces girl on the board.”
Isiah told me that the more established fashion brands were trying to keep current by copying Hood By Air’s streetcasting (and, sometimes, by poaching models with the promise of more money). But he wasn’t worried about the competition. “All the grannies of the ten-year anniversaries”—he was disparaging Alexander Wang, who was celebrating his label’s decennial—“are trying to latch on to what’s happening now, which you can’t do by getting a random model. You need a culture behind it.”
Oliver appeared, and Isiah urged him to get in the tub.
“What, you want me to do Mariah?” Oliver asked, alluding to Mariah Carey’s passion for swimming fully clothed.
“Yas!” Isiah squealed. “We got a dryer.”
Oliver decided to forgo clothes. A casting associate named Walter Pearce walked onto the terrace. A frenetic twenty-year-old with sixteen thousand Instagram followers, Pearce looked like a member of the cast of “Kids,” but he had come to the Lower East Side by way of Chappaqua, where he graduated from Horace Greeley High School. Like Oliver, he had dropped out of F.I.T.
“I started interning for Shayne when I was fifteen,” Pearce said. “They literally raised me.” A gifted streetcaster, Pearce was responsible for bringing on Hirakish, the New Orleans model. “He’s a legend,” Pearce declared. “And it’s not only because his look is unreal; it’s because he lives the life—he’s a maniac.”
Oliver confirmed that Hirakish was “extremely H.B.A.” He grabbed a towel and took a seat on a nearby bench. “I have conversations with him, and I’m, like, ‘Whoa, his mind is so insane—I want to work with this person.’ ” Hirakish’s mind was so insane that, later that night, he urinated inside the penthouse elevator. The mishap panicked Oliver until he discovered that there were no security cameras to record the violation. Oliver admired Hirakish’s uninhibited spirit, and felt a duty to place people like him under Hood By Air’s wing: “It’s almost, like, not orphanage-y, but I want to see these energies succeed.” (Later, he added, “New energy is very intimidating—it rewrites what has been created. We all get jaded by experiences in life, but I try to create environments for younger kids.”)
Pearce, who is gaunt and pale, got into the hot tub, and Isiah cooed, “Oooh, we got trade in the water.”
Cupo and Akeem Smith, the stylist, joined the group, along with several interns. Weinraub eventually got in, too. Many of the people in the hot tub, if viewed from behind, would be hard to identify in terms of race and gender. Oliver and Weinraub had complained to me that fashion critics often described their work with terms like “unisex” and “gender-fluid,” which evoked shapeless androgynes. Oliver hated “unisex,” because the word was unsexy. Weinraub had a similar problem with “gender-fluid”—in her estimation, it was “not hot.” She had come up with a syntactical solution, though. “You can say it differently, and it could be hot,” she said. “Like, ‘Wait, I smell gender fluid.’ ‘I’d like a little gender for my coffee.’ ”
By now, more than a dozen Hood By Air employees were in the hot tub, and the gathering looked at once absurd and utopian: creative directors splashing and laughing alongside their junior associates. At one point, Weinraub spoke ruefully of how Hood By Air was perceived by outsiders. She said, “People are, like, ‘The super-gender-bending, nonconforming, all-day-all-night party that’s coming at you so windy! Who’s a boy? Who’s a girl?’ Then you’re embarrassed by your own life.” ♦
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pompanohistory · 3 years
Hazel Armbrister obit
We speak her name......Hazel Dell Kelley Armbrister, We speak her name A giant lifeline has been severed and many will be affected by this disconnect. This prominent lifeline, securely wrapped up in a petite female package has been dis- connected from her place on this earth and moved to claim her residence in the celes- tial place called...heaven. We speak her name... Hazel Armbrister. Hazel, a longtime resident of Pompano, made an impressive impact in the history of the city and the lives of many people. On March 16, 2021, the connection was severed. Her presence will be missed as she was an outspoken lifeline to the Pompano community. Hazel was the oldest daughter of 8 children born to the parentage of Cora Jane Kelley and Joe Kelley. Her name, ‘Hazel’, meaning “God sees”, embodied the persona of a strong but determined person of authority and protection. It was destined that she would be a trailblazer and do great things to write the story of her legacy.
For the many impressive and notable women who have transitioned from this fair city to the other side of glory, the name, Hazel Armbrister will be added to the list. Again, We speak her name ...as she was a quiet but discerning woman who wore many hats, titles, and recognitions that spoke to the heart and conscience of others. She was well known and her name holds great influence in many organizations and places throughout the local areas and as well as the state of Florida; Hazel touched the lives of many from all corners. Hazel lived her legacy and proved that her life served a purpose and her living was not in vain. Although she lived in Pompano for many years, she moved to Broward county in the 50’s, from her birth site, Perry, Florida in hopes of finding a job. Hazel was the caring and loving little big sister who took over the role of ‘mother hen’ to help her mother with the younger siblings. All throughout her life, Hazel had to constantly battle many challenges. It was her inner strength and strong faith that carried her through as she took each to task. Hazel was baptized as a child in Perry and raised in the Triumph Church and Methodist A.M.E. under the watchful eyes of her parents and family. She was a devout Christian and active church member throughout her life. As a young adult, she later joined the Episcopal Church. She was determined to make a successful path on her life’s journey. In doing so, she met the love of her life and soulmate, David “Sparky” Armbrister and together they built a home to support a family. She was the first African American in Broward County to receive her GED in 1953 and later trained as a Teacher’s Aide in 1966. Still on her path to success, she worked and earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Education from USF in 1974. While working in various jobs and raising a family, she later returned to the university and earned her Master’s degree in 1975. Hazel was a courageous trailblazer who was not afraid of a challenge; thus it was her destiny to make big paths in untraveled territory. All throughout her adult life, Hazel’s grace, faith and love were bountiful and equally shared among her family, friends and everyone who met her. She understood her purpose and knew that she was chosen to play the lead role as a critical fulfillment to her Destiny; mediocrity was not in her designed path. As life’s challenges would have it, Hazel proved her worth. Her paths took her from the bean fields to the classroom and she did not allow anything to hinder her determined path. Her self-assigned journey was for the good of restoring history and dignity in the Black community. Hazel was a formidable foe against naysayers and a kind but determined “ humble hellion” for a cause ....We speak her name.
Her strength, confidence and intellect were God’s graces that she shared in all of her destined roles in life: First and foremost, over 27 years, she and David “Sparky” worked as a family unit on a mission until his untimely death; she was a devoted and loving mother of two daughters and a son and several adopted children; Her love and memories for all were unparalleled; she was a dedicated and faithful lector at St. Nicholas Episcopal Church; her impressive professional life was initiated as she was the first African American teacher’s aide in Broward County and moved on to become a remarkably dedicated teacher who taught school for over 33 years. As We speak her name, Hazel, we must recognize her savvy leadership and teaching skills that extended far beyond the classroom: she was a teacher of life; Many will remember her not only as a focused trailblazer but more so a staunch community leader/activist and political aspirant; she was former chair and vice chair of the Broward Democratic Club. Hazel was well known and respected for her parliamentary procedures in the local and state political arena; Many believed she helped write the Robert’s Rules of Order. Hazel loved her community and worked hard to help upgrade and maintain its integrity. She was not only actively involved in many social, religious and civic organization but in many she held important positions: Pompano Beach Historian, President and a founding member of her beloved Rock Road Restoration Historical Group, First African American member and president of the Pompano Beach Women’s Club, former Chair of Broward County Historic Preservation and dedicated member and former chair of Elly Lodder Daughters of the King Chapter. When We speak her name, we can be assured that if there is an issue/mission, she, Hazel Armbrister, was actively involved as a champion for the cause. Hazel worked and showed up for the people who loved her thus the severed line to family, friends and the community will leave a prominent gap in the hearts and lives of many. She did her life right, she fulfilled her mission and left no dashes or stones unturned. As We speak her name, Hazel Armbrister, and reflect on the many impressionable memories and unchallenged extensions of her love and con- cern, we can proudly speak her name, Hazel Armbrister. Hazel made her humble transition to her final destination: a place of serenity and comfort . She followed her journey and carved the trail that was destined solely for her legacy. Her extensive family and friends, and the community of Pompano have lost an important and significant lifeline and her quiet demeanor, unconditional love and confident personality can never be replaced but always revered.
Endearing Relatives and Friends Who speak her name: Her children: Lydia Wilson (Richard), Chicago, IL; Anita Soto, Alpharetta, GA; Marion (Karen), West Palm Beach, FL; Sister: Marguerite K. Luster, Pompano Beach, FL; Brothers: Samuel (Fiorella) Kelley, Mt. Vernon, NY; Virdin Brown, St. Croix, U.S. VI; Deceased siblings: Altherenease K. Gamble, Ernest Kelley, Early Kelley, Ruthamae Kelley; Grands: Brett, Hannah; Kevin, Carlos, Kenny, LaToya, Schnequa, Whitney; Loving Great grands, nieces and nephews; Loving and Caring Bonus family of Jacksonville, FL and Nassau, Bahamas; Devoted God daughter: Kyllan White; Special Angel and adopted son: Jimmy Lane; and her loving extensive family and friends near and afar. In Hazel’s words, “If you live right, you will get 70 years! Anything over that is gravy on the potatoes.”
Hazel made some delicious gravy for she added 19 more years to the stewing. Hazel’s life will always be revered for all of her gifts of presence, unconditional love, unquestionable support and genuine concern and relentless personality. We know that when We speak her name.. Hazel, did her work here on earth and now her peaceful transition is complete. The paths in her journey were in God’s Plan and up- on her entrance God will say “Well done my good and faithful servant, you have molded the paths and reached the end of your journey. Assuredly, your living was not in vain!” We speak her name, Hazel Dell Kelley Armbrister
L. C. Poitier Funeral Home.
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sswmm · 5 years
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Feel the Friday Party [CUEPEEDOG MASHUP] swing holic - greyl Checkmate!? (CantabilΣ EDIT) GIRL IN DA BOX (BUDDHAHOUSE Remix) East Tokyo (the sub account Flip) Guilty Sucka - kaputt 壊れました インドア系ならトラックメイカー (°FLUX GARAGE Remix) Come Again (K BoW jersey remix) Kinder (feat. Croix) - Erik Soto だんご大家族 (droplamp Remix) JOSHIRYOKU 7 (the sub account Flip) lucky train! (Hylen&hugkiss Remix) Lido - Lost feat.Muri (813 remix)
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projet371 · 5 years
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Photo 335 - vendredi 23 septembre 2016
Nous voyons trois boules de couleur, une boule bleue, une boule blanche et une boule rouge. Ces boules sont striées de lignes blanches. L’ensemble est suspendu à un plafond.
Nous distinguons également trois piliers qui supportent ce plafond où sont accrochées ces trois boules. En arrière-plan, un mur sur lequel on distingue des formes géographiques, l’Amérique du Sud et l’Australie.
Ces trois boules suspendues sont une œuvre d’art. C’est une installation permanente de l’Artiste Jésus Raphael Soto. Soto est un plasticien né au Venezuela et mort à Paris. L’œuvre daterait de 1989. Aurait-elle été suspendue ailleurs avant ? Car le bâtiment qui l’accueille ne devait pas être sorti de terre en 1989. 
18 ans plus tôt, Soto avait présenté une « œuvre dans l’espace » tout à fait inédite dans sa production. Il s’agissait d’un ensemble de tiges d’aluminium qui, accrochées à une croix grecque suspendue au plafond, descendaient jusqu’au sol et formaient ce que l’artiste appelait alors un « Volume suspendu ».
L’œuvre, haute de plus de deux mètres et large d’un mètre, était installée au beau milieu d’une galerie, incitant les visiteurs à la traverser. Cette ouvre fut qualifiée de « pénétrable » par un critique.
L’œuvre qui est en photo n’est pas pénétrable dans la mesure où elle est suspendue à un haut plafond. Cette œuvre est visible dans le hall d’honneur de la compagnie Air France, à Roissy-Charles de Gaule. Quand j’ai voulu la photographier, ce vendredi de début d’Automne, un agent de sécurité est venu me voir, inquiet, de ce que je puisse prendre des repaires dans ce lieu stratégique où un DRH peut se faire déshabiller… 
Pour aller plus loin, le cube pénétrable du centre Pompidou.
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animebirder · 7 years
Top birding locations by US state or equivalent jurisdiction on eBird
So here’s the US version of the previous post.  Ordered alphabetically.  Sites over 100 species bolded.  Info as of 12-31-2017 (US).  ✓Again, checkmarks denote places I’ve birded. Due to the exponentially higher coverage and higher overall avifauna diversity in the US compared to Japan, expect most of these site totals to be vastly higher. 1. Alabama - Dauphin Island (Town of Dauphin Island) (326) 2. Alaska - Saint Paul Island (City of Saint Paul) (303) ✓3. Arizona - Patagonia Lake State Park (unincorporated Santa Cruz County (314) 4. Arkansas - Bald Knob National Wildlife Refuge (unincorporated White County) (281) 5. California - Hayward Regional Shoreline (City of Hayward) (363) 6. Colorado - Barr Lake State Park (unincorporated Adams County) (336) 7. Connecticut - Sherwood Island State Park (Town of Westport) (307) 8. Delaware - Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge (unincorporated Kent County) (322) ✓9. Florida - Fort De Soto County Park (unincorporated Pinellas County) (339) 10. Georgia - Jekyll Island (Jekyll Island Authority) (303) 11. Hawaii - James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge (Kahuku CDP) (114) 12. Idaho - Camas National Wildlife Refuge (unincorporated Jefferson County) (275) 13. Illinois - Montrose Point at Lincoln Park (City of Chicago) (328) 14. Indiana - Indiana Dunes State Park (Westchester Township) (304) 15. Iowa - Saylorville Lake (City of Polk City) (280) 16. Kansas - Cheyenne Bottoms Refuge (Cheyenne Township) (303) 17. Kentucky - Slough Wildlife Management Area Sauerheber Unit (unincorporated Henderson County) (249) 18. Louisiana - Grand Isle (Town of Grand Isle) (315) 19. Maine - Monhegan Island (Plantation of Monhegan) (301) 20. Maryland - Sandy Point State Park (unincorporated Anne Arundel County) (293) 21. Massachusetts - Plum Island (City of Newburyport and Towns of Newbury, Rowley, and Ipswich) (363) 22. Michigan - Whitefish Point (Whitefish Township) (332) 23. Minnesota - Park Point Recreation Area (City of Duluth) (278) 24. Mississippi - Seaman Road Sewage Lagoons (unincorporated Jackson County) (270) 25. Missouri - Riverlands Migratory Bird Sanctuary (City of West Alton) (313) 26. Montana - Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge (unincorporated Phillips County) (254) 27. Nebraska - Branched Oak State Recreation Area (West Oak Township) (269) 28. Nevada - Corn Creek Field Station at Desert National Wildlife Refuge (unincorporated Clark County) (291) 29. New Hampshire - Odiorne Point State Park (Town of Rye) (289) 30. New Jersey - Cape May Point (Borough of Cape May Point) (367) 31. New Mexico - Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge (unincorporated Socorro County) (360) 32. New York - Jones Beach State Park (Hamlet of Wantagh) (308) 33. North Carolina - Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge (unincorporated Dare County) (328) 34. North Dakota - Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge (unincorporated Stutsman County) (250) 35. Ohio - Killdeer Plains Wildlife Area (Marseilles and Pitt Townships) (282) 36. Oklahoma - Red Slough Wildlife Management Area (Town of Haworth) (314) 37. Oregon - Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (unincorporated Harney County) (301) 38. Pennsylvania - Presque Isle State Park (Millcreek Township) (313) 39. Rhode Island - Block Island (Town of New Shoreham) (293) 40. South Carolina - Huntington Beach State Park (Murrells Inlet CDP) (325) 41. South Dakota - Farm Island (City of Pierre) (268) 42. Tennessee - Ensley Bottoms (City of Memphis) (317) 43. Texas - Aransas National Wildlife Refuge (unincorporated Aransas County) (368) 44. Utah - Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge (unincorporated Juab County) (287) 45. Vermont - Dead Creek Wildlife Management Area (Town of Addison) (238) 46. Virginia - Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge (Town of Chincoteague Island) (340) 47. Washington - Neah Bay (Neah Bay CDP) (284) 48. West Virginia - Green Bottom Wildlife Management Area (unincorporated Mason County) (249) 49. Wisconsin - Manitowoc Lakefront (City of Manitowoc) (298)  50. Wyoming - Wyoming Hereford Ranch (unincorporated Laramie County) (256)
51. District of Columbia - Hains Point at East Potomac Park (City of Washington) (249)
52. American Samoa - Vatia Bay at American Samoa National Park (Village of Vatia) (32)  53. Guam - South End (Village of Merizo) (42) 54. Northern Mariana Islands - Rota Resort and Country Club (Village of Sinapalu) (42) 55. Puerto Rico - Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge (Municipality of Cabo Rojo) (169) 56. United States Virgin Islands - Great Pond (Settlement of Great Pond, Saint Croix) (105) 58. Midway - Sand Island (79) 59. Wake - Wake Island (32) 60. Palmyra - Palmyra Atoll (28) 61. Johnston - no active hotspots 62. Navassa - no active hotspots 63. Kingman - no active hotspots 64. Baker - no active hotspots 65. Howland - no active hotspots 66. Jarvis - no active hotspots  #birding #eBird #UnitedStates
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