#croxs rwby liveblog
crocus-cryptid · 5 months
On to V1E11 and V1E12. Jaunedice, it's titled. Obviously Jaune is going to be the focal point here.
Clearly, Jaune isn't that great at combat. It's neat knowing that they have the technology to measure aura.
I'm almost as excited for the Vytal festival as the characters! I remember the Vytal arc being really fun to watch.
It's cute how Nora exaggerates stories and Ren dials her in with the truth. You can tell they've been friends for years. The reveal that it's a dream is pretty funny.
Jaune clearly doesn't like making other people worry about him.
Those rocket lockers are cool! I wonder what their top speed is.
Nora is pretty eager for violence. I like her.
I just noticed that Jaune is eating animal shaped nuggets. Clearly a man of taste.
I'm sure a big part of Jaune's arc will be admitting when he needs help.
Cardin is a cunt. I feel bad for Velvet. Faunuses are clearly an oppressed class.
On to part two.
New teacher reveal! I can't remember his name, but I remember liking him my first watch. I'm sure we'll learn more about Menagerie in the future. The board with the papers and red strings is very conspiracy theorist chic.
It's interesting to know that a lot of faunus have night vision! Like I said earlier, classrooms are great for exposition.
I'm on team break Cardin's legs as well.
Do they have night classes, or was this just the last class of the day? Probably the latter. Even if Beacon is a boarding school, students need to sleep at some point.
I noticed Cardin in the window down there. I wonder what he's up to.
Jaune forged his transcripts. I'll admit, i accidentally spoilered myself on that one too. No more looking at the wiki for me. I know his allusion is Joan of Arc, so this is probably a parallel to how she faked being a man to fight for France.
I figured Jaune's hesitance to accept help might have been because he wasn't actually supppsed to be at Beacon. I've been proven right. Cardin definitely heard that, also.
So Cardin is blackmailing Jaune into doing his schoolwork for him now. It'll be interesting to see how this turns out
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crocus-cryptid · 5 months
We're onto V1E9 V1E10. The Badge and The Burden.
Ruby wearing her cape with her uniform is pretty cute.
It's interesting how Weiss is the last to wake up. She comes from money, so I'm guessing she hasn't needed to worry much about getting up early before.
How someone decorates a space can tell you a lot about them.
A boy band poster purposefully put at an angle for Yang. Considering that she's been the most interested in guys so far and is free spirited, that tracks for her.
I wonder how much that painting Weiss brought costs.
I wonder where Blake managed to pack all those books! I wonder what's in Ninjas of Love that's so embarrassing. Maybe it's because pulpy romance isn't exactly esteemed literature?
Ruby using her scythe to put the curtains up and accidentally slashing them is funny! I'm short too, so I get it. Probably the biggest stick she has on hand.
The pan to the pile of beds in the center of the room is a good gag.
Weiss is definitely the odd one out so far. I'm guessing she hasn't spent much time around normal teenagers.
Oh those bunk beds look janky as hell. I doubt they're staying up.
Ruby is really stepping up as team leader! Despite her initial social awkwardness, she seems like a natural at being in charge.
It seems Ruby's a bit time blind. I find her really relateable so far.
I wonder what made Ozpin decide to choose Jaune to lead his team. He hasn't really done much to prove himself yet.
The anatomical sketches of the grimm are neat! I wonder if that's real concept art of them. Putting your characters in a classroom is a pretty natural means to stage exposition, since classes in real life are real world exposition. Maybe that's part of why there are so many books about magic schools.
I think we've all had at least one teacher that wouldn't shut up about their own life instead of teaching. That's why I failed 8th grade math, or got near it. The other part of it was the undiagnosed ADHD.
Christ, they brought a captive grimm into the classroom. I guess that's less intense than initiation at least.
It's interesting how Weiss told Ruby not to tell her what to do, then immediately did what she said. I guess there are only so many ways to kill a boar.
Weiss probably said a lot of that to be hurtful, but has a point. Ruby was fast tracked two years ahead and placed in charge of her own team. It seems a lot like favoritism on Ozpin's part.
I can't say I trust professor Port. He seems weird.
Ozpin saying he's made more mistakes than any man, woman or child is foreshadowing, I know that. I'll admit I looked up his wiki page to figure out why his name didn't follow the color rule. I remembered aspects of his whole deal before that, though.
I agree with professor Port in his assessment that Weiss wouldn't make a good leader. She doesn't have the emotional maturity for it.
The eay both Ruby and Weiss' conversations are intercut makes sense. They touch on the same themes of self improvement amd trying one's best.
I'm excited to see how Weiss improves as a person. It's clear she's going to try at it.
I've had a long day, so this'll be the only liveblog today. There's less on my plate tomorrow, so hopefully I can knock out more than one.
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crocus-cryptid · 5 months
I've decided to stop liveblogging RWBY, but I still plan on watching the rest of it.
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crocus-cryptid · 5 months
We're on V1E16: Black and White. The volume one finale.
His name is Sun Wukong, alright. I know that's also his allusion so it makes a lot of sense for that to be his name.
It's nice to know more about Blake's backstory.
Sometimes, violent protest is the only thing that works. It's not ideal, though. Based on the text, in the world of the show, it's not considered ideal either, even bad.
Blake wiggling her ears under the bow is pretty cute.
Weiss is still acting like a huge brat.
It's interesting that Penny was able to see through Blake's bow. I know why that is. The foreshadowing is really obvious in hindsight.
The tumbleweeds are a fun visual gag.
It'd make sense if the White Fang were targetong the Schnee Dust Company, knowing about their labor practices. I'm not sure why Roman would be working with them, though. He's completely and totally human.
I really like that Ruby is trying to be nice to Penny, even though she's strange. More people should try to be nice to weird people.
Alright, Blake and Sun are staking out the Schnee dust shipment. Let's see what happens.
I like Sun. Rogue types are usually fun to watch.
Damn, it is the White Fang. I really don't understand why they're working with Roman, and Blake doesn't either. Maybe the pieces will click later on.
The cut off f bomb is pretty funny.
Roman looks a lot like that guy from Clockwork Orange, come to think of it. I wonder of that was intentional.
Sun goomba stomping Roman's a fun bit of choreography!
Sun's weapon is cool too! I count two or maybe three forms. A staff, and nunchucks that double as guns.
Penny's weapon is really cool too! I love characters that can control a bunch of flying knives or swords. They pack a punch, considering she sliced two aircraft in two. The strings on them make sense with her allusion, too.
Roman's line about the kids getting weirder is apt lol.
It seems Weiss is tryin to be less racist. That's a start!
Ooh, a message from Qrow! I'm excited to see him in person. It seems Oz always has an eye on the students, too.
And that's volume one! I have some things to do, but hopefully I can get on to volume two today. I like the song in the credits.
Oh hey, a post credits scene! It seems Roman isn't the top dog.
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crocus-cryptid · 5 months
On to V1E13 and V1E14, Forever Fall.
Clearly, we've cut a bit ahead in the timeline. Jaune's been "Fraternizing with Cardin" as Ren puts it, for a while. It's cute that Nora's jumping on the bed, also. She really shouldn't be doing that with shoes lol.
Ooh, field trip! I wonder where to.
Ruby's conversation with Jaune is sweet. I hope Jaune can do right by his team.
I can't say I know what a rapier wasp is, but it doesn't sound good. Cardin is a real tool.
That forest is beautiful! It's interesting to see the students supervised for once. Well, sort of, at least.
I wonder what Cardin's planning. Oh fuck. I hope Jaune doesn't go through with it.
Hell yeah! He put his teammates first! I hope they come to his aid.
Oh hell yeah, it looks like Jaune's semblance might have activated!
Looks like an Ursa smelled the sap. I hope it eats Cardin.
Jaune stepping up to save Cardin is a really noble thing to do.
And he checked his aura levels! Nice, that's character development!
It makes sense they reused Jaune's injured character model from the start of this again after he fights the ursa. What's the point of making two different ones when one gets the same point across?
It's good that Jaune and Pyhrra ve made up and Jaune is accepting her help training. That's exactly what he needs to do to improve bith as a fighter and a person.
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crocus-cryptid · 5 months
Now we're on to V1:E8: Players and Pieces. This one is a continuous 13 minutes and not split into two parts! Yay!
Were Ruby and Weiss riding a grimm? That's quite the strategy!
It seems Nora had the same idea.
Everyone's finally at the temple, great!
Jaune jumping out to catch Weiss as she fell and both of them immediately falling to the ground after was pretty funny. This episode has some great beats of physical comedy.
It's cool to see how weiss employs dust! It's clear she's had a lot of practice with it, even if she doesn't have much, if any real combat experience. It's nice that she and Ruby are starting to connect. It makes sense that Ruby is really eager to prove that she deserves to be at Beacon, since she skipped two years.
It makes sense that they're all planning to flee. They don't need to kill anything to prove themselves just yet. Godspeed, everyone!
I've noticed that basically every weapon has a ranged form and a melee form. That makes a lot of sense.
It seems they'll need to fight regardless.
Nora catapulting Jaune across the gap in the bridge is fun! She must be crazy strong to wield that hammer.
I wonder if those sigils Weiss uses to launch herself around are her semblance or dust. I can't remember.
Oh fuck the music is kicking into gear! Hell yeah!
It's neat seeing the two teams work as actual teams for the first time!
I can't help but wonder when they had the time to come up with that catapult maneuver. It's sick as fuck, so I'm not going to worry about it too much.
It's interesting how the teams were picked, with both duos who got a certain chess piece becoming a unit. I like how the team acronyms work.
It seems Roman is planning something. It'll be interesring to see where that goes.
This is probably the last episode I'll do today, but we'll see if I end up having any more time for this. I want to try and finish the whole series before the roosterteeth website shuts down.
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crocus-cryptid · 5 months
Now for Volume 1, Episodes 6 and 7. The Emerald Forest.
I wonder if being the Emerald Forest is an allusion to the Emerald City, since all of the administrative staff of the huntsman academies have characters from Wizard of Oz as their allusions.
Yangs gauntlets are cool as hell. It makes sense how much she cares about her hair, since her allusion is goldilocks.
It's funny how the grimm just wait around for Weiss to adjust her form while she's out in the open like that. I don't blame them for refraining from mauling one of the protagonists or making her look incompetent by not acting fast enough.
It makes sense that Ruby and Weiss aren't good at fighting with each other, since they've both trained alone up to now. I wasn't expecting a forest fire, though.
That feather is from something huge. Christ.
It's interesting that Jaune doesn't know what an aura is. I know it's an excuse to explain it to the audience, but it might also be because he was homeschooled. He was homeschooled, right?
Christ that's a big snake. It's interesting how Grimm have no souls. Setting the explanation of Aura to a fight scene happening elsewhere is a neat way to keep the viewer's attention. The example of Ren using his aura is a good way to stick that worldbuilding detail into the viewer's mind. It's interesting that someone can use their aura to activate someone else's. Aura also explains why everyone isn't in heavy armor. If you have a natural forcefield already, why would you bother with all that weight unless you really think you need it? Mobility would be more important.
On to part 2.
I wonder how Glynda and Ozpin are surveilling the students. Knowing the specifics wouldn't really help the story, so I can understand why they didn't detail the specifics.
Chess pieces for the relics. This is a detail I actually remembered.
It'a funny how Blake said the temple isn't difficult to find when at least two other teams are totally lost. I love a little narrative irony.
I wonder what kind of beast that glowing yellow tusk is attached to. It seems we'll end on another cliffhanger.
That's a fuckoff huge scorpion, my god. I'd run too. This is probably the last episode I'll watch today, but we'll see how they end up defeating that thing later.
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crocus-cryptid · 5 months
Now for V1, Es 4 and 5. The First Step, it's titled. It makes sense they've abridged the title sequence despite how rad it is.
Oh heck yeah Ren and Nora are here! I used to ship them like mad, and Nora was probably my fave character as a kid.
Phyrra is here too! Her leg armor is really cool. There's alot of cool designs in this series.
I thought Phyrra ran Jaune through with her spear for a second, but I'm glad it was just his hoodie. I can't say I like how he treats Weiss, so I don't blame Phyrra for spearing him. They're all teenagers here so it's expected that they're weird and awkward.
I like how they lined up all the characters with real designs in front then put the shadow people in the back for the initiation line up. I wonder who the two unnamed guys with designs'll come into play. From what I remember, they bully Jaune.
It's funny how they're just being catapulted into the woods. It's a wonder anyone survives initiation!
On to E5.
The score having the same leitmotif as the prechorus of the theme song is a cute touch, with this peaceful intro bit. I'm sure this peace is short lived.
It's neat seeing how everyone lands. That's a little thing that can tell you a lot about a character and I'm sure it'll tie into everyone's fighting styles later.
Seeing the way Phyrra's weapon transforms from a gun into a spear is so fucking cool.
The little doodles to represent Ruby's train of thought while sue's running are cute. I know that style is used elsewhere in Roosterteeth's stuff.
Oh no! Ruby's teamed up with Weiss! I know they get along eventually but it'll be rough riding for now. The petals when she uses her semblance is neat.
There's a lot of clipping through things in this first season.
Ah, we're ending on a cliffhanger! I'm excited to see how Ruby and Weiss fight grimm in the next episode!
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crocus-cryptid · 5 months
We're on to V1:E2, as listed on roosterteeth's website. I know what the E stands for, but it took me a second to realize it's V for Volume. I watched V1:E1 immediately before this, so it's two plays of the theme song back to back. The theme fucks severely so I'm not complaining.
I realized the airships have fins and it looks a bit like they're swimming in the sky. That's really cool. Holy shit they switch to standing on all fours to land, I love that. A lot of RWBY's design elements function on the rule of cool, I think. Is it practical to have a gun scythe? Do physics really work that way in combat? Probably not, but it kicks major ass so it's fine.
I feel bad for Jaune, that's one hell of a case of motion sickness. Poor dude's vomited at least twice.
I noticed one of the shadow people doing a jaunty little walk on the way into beacon, that made me smile. Oh damn this episode is only six minutes. In later seasons I remember everything being a more consistent length, but I guess the series was still finding its footing here.
It's funny how Ruby animorphs into 2d chibi art. The flat colors and style of it harken back to the sort of thing I used to see being posted on deviantart by younger artists, which gives me a nice warm sense of nostalgia. I remember posting my wonky anime art online once upon a time.
I think it's cute that Ruby's a weapon nerd. That could be a great vehicle to explain more about how weapons work in Remnant. How a character explains world details can tell you just as much about that character as it does about the world.
I kind of love the poorly recorded stock sound effects. It's something that really roots this in that era of youtube animation.
Weiss assuming that Ruby doesn't know what dust is is likely to explain what it is to the audience, but she's also a brat who would figure that most people are beneath her based on this scene alone. Blake just standing there reading a book is interesting- was she reading and walking at the same time? I forgot that she was a bookworm.
You can really see the anime influence in how they animate the characters. Also in how they're designed, but how they move and emote feels very anime.
I wonder about that wiggly clothing effect. Is it supposed to be wind? I've seen it happening indoors. I'm guessing it's not an error since they've consistently kept it in. Is it for emphasis? It's probably wind.
Blake bringing up the unfair labor practices Weiss' family corporation employs comes back later, I know.
I like Jaune's shield, and I thought it was funny that Ruby pointed out how it weighs the same. Even the "uncool" weapons are neat. It's cool that Ruby forged her own weapon, too!
The outro fucks severely too! The chorus reminds me of music from the 70s in some ways, with the strings and the bells. I clicked off to look up the full song. The guitar solo is pretty good, feels kind of Steve Vai to me.
Oh huh, V1:E3 is another six minute chunk titled pt 2 to the last one. I'll just keep going in this post since it's basically one episode. This was uploaded after the ten minute limit on youtube videos based on how V1:E1 was one ~12 minute chunk, so I'm not sure what's up with that.
Jaune going "Where am I supposed to find another nice, quirky girl to talk to?" And there immediately being another character with real details behind him is honestly pretty funny foreshadowing. If they were animating this one piece at a time before uploading, it'd make a lot of sense if they read the comments about Jaune clearly being an actual character and decided to make a gag from it.
The dialogue can be pretty rough. It reminds me of like. What people think Marvel movies sound like. And I don't like marvel movies.
Ruby reads as autistic to me, maybe some other flavor of neurodivergent as well.
Ozpin's glasses remind me of Vash from Trigun's glasses. I wonder if that was intentional or not.
I love Jaune's footy pajamas. The background boys having real detail was probably just to sell the gag but it might be fun to see them again.
Ruby's pajamas remind me of the Dead Tired line of g1 monster high dolls, with the graphic tank top, patterned pajama pants and sleep mask. I doubt she has high heeled slippers, though. She and Frankie Stein would probably get along pretty well.
Ooh it's a different song this outro! My guess is it's to show off the totally awesome soundtrack. If I had music that awesome linked to my project I'd want to show it off too. I should listen to Jeff and Casey Lee William's discography after this.
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crocus-cryptid · 5 months
I decided to rewatch RWBY, just finished episode one. Figured I might as well liveblog it. The voice acting is rough but passable. I know the first season has some of the roughest animation, it really looks like it was made in MMD. The weapons are cool as hell and so are the character designs. The theme song slays absolute penis, I know Jeff and Casey Lee Williams went hard for this. Is it just me, or is the animation better in the intro sequence? It's funny seeing Jaune throw up and immediately knowing he has some kind of significance because he's not a sillhouette. I like the scene where Ruby eats the cookies and they just pop out of existence as soon as they reach her mouth. I love the worldbuilding that I can recall, and the character creation rules are fun. I'm excited to see what I've forgotten about everything.
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