Gabriel was hungry. And he was still himself enough to know that he needed to get the hell out of this cabin as fast as he could but even as singularly driven as he was at the moment - he, too, had to stop and stare at a very very very large man with very tiny arms. A cautious very tiny sniff brought the scent of magick and a large feeling of crippling loss and want with it but apparently somebody got into something they shouldn’t. Or pissed off a very petty Enchanter with a decent sense of humor.
Given the berth the man was being given and his build - Gabriel figured there was minimal damage he could do the man and so stepped out of the crowd of gapers and approached the also very drunk man. His overly-sensitive nose wrinkled but he poked the man’s side all the same to announce his presence and see what they were dealing with. “What happened?” He asked before swallowing hard because somehow magick mixed with blood was even more tantalizing. This better be over quick. Quickly putting a bit more distance between them, he studied the tiny arms and tried to keep the amusement off his face as he listened to the following word vomit to try and attempt to pick out anything useful.
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oscarxkam · 6 years
Apparently, his half-baked plan had worked. Giving in to the underwater creature for a time, chasing sea-life and playing tag had granted him temporary use of his legs again. He’d scrambled as far away from the lake as he could get before running into someone else. His hand immediately rose to cover his mouth as he took in the Unseelie Queen and her…somehow rather diminished presentation. He still gave her a proper bow and tried not to pry into what had happened to her which was made easier by all attempts to not speak. He didn’t trust the song to not come out.
So he just offered an arm to her and motioned his other arm out in a request to join her on her walk. Truly, he should start keeping a pad and paper next to his flask because apparently, that could be useful in this damned forest. But he did feel awkward not saying anything when his personality was mostly what he was known for so he built up the courage and scrunched up his face before spitting out one carefully rehearsed-in-his-head, “Mer.” complete with a full body shudder. But it didn’t sound musical to his own ears and he shot a careful look at his companion to make sure the whole glaze-y eyes thing didn’t happen and then relaxed into his stroll. Crisis averted. For now.
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kainanxrowe · 6 years
Kainan had given in - because of course he did - and danced with Sorin for a song or two but couldn’t manage another. He quietly excused himself, uncharacteristically in need of an air break, or something. He wasn’t usually one to get a tight chest in crowds or feel winded but both were happening now. His body felt weirdly warm and he wasn’t entirely sure what was going on but knew it was best to get as far away from other people as possible. Unbeknownst to him, tiny flowers cropped up in each of his retreating footsteps, but he was too busy trying to stop his sight and hearing from going.
Why was everything so fuzzy???
Maybe going away from Sorin wasn’t his wisest decision and he turned to shout out for the vampire but found himself completely surrounded by …. green. He couldn’t see the cabin anymore, or hear the party, and now was no longer certain which way it was that he’d come. The green got thicker as his panic grew but he didn’t put two to two together, just ended up cocooned in a surprisingly plush, dark bit of botany slowly regaining the ability to breathe before footsteps made him perk up. “Sori? Sori, love, something’s very wrong!”
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maevetuath-blog · 7 years
Closed Starter || @ourscoutharper
It was a sensation that should be familiar to the Winter Queen. She relished it, invited it, and loathed as the seasons bid springtime arise from beneath a film of ice and snow. In fact, spring was an affront to her entire person; she was of the firm belief that if anything should be arising from the barren Earth, it should be death at her bidding, not new life and its insulting vibrancy. So when winter in Arain proved to be ghastly and heedless, Maeve found herself in a powerful glee. It was rare that she shivered outwardly in the season of death, seeing as she, herself, was as cold and unforgiving as icy windchill. So why was she shivering now?
It was the first thought that crossed the Unseelie Queen’s mind as she awoke. All she could feel was the cutting sensation of cold, piercing through the layers of her regal clothing. Her eyes opened slowly, though they quickly squinted at the brightness of white all around her. Strange...her quarters were far darker in color, and she could not recall a room quite as white as this. Perhaps she was in Aibell’s quarters? No, she quickly dismissed that thought. The Summer Queen was unlikely to keep her rooms this cold. In fact, no one should keep their rooms like this, Maeve mused, and bid her eyes to open further.
A sudden wave of shock rolled over the fae. She wasn’t indoors at all. Quickly, Maeve stood, scanning her surroundings. Trees, dripping with icy stalactites, void of the chirp of birds. As she awoke, her blood racing, her senses came to. She couldn’t hear anything, for that matter. No chittering of squirrels or wind racing through the dead underbrush. There was nothing, except...
Almost instantly, the smell followed. The utterly revolting stench of iron and sweat hit her nose, making Maeve nearly double over. Her head whipped around to the source, her eyes widening at the human she failed to notice. The sound -- a healthy, beating heart -- was suddenly clear as day. Maeve was filled with a sudden sense of anger and annoyance; had the human managed to drag Maeve out here without her knowing? The fae snorted at the prospect. Something this weak could never do such a thing. And to think her guard and power would be so vulnerable...it was inconceivable. Then why was she the only thing Maeve could detect for...what, miles perhaps?
Still riding off of her annoyance, the Queen lifted her skirts and trudged through the fresh snow to where the human lay. Without any sense of propriety or social recourse, Maeve stuck a booted foot out and smacked it upon the human’s side. That’s for the smell, she thought.
“Get up, human. You better have an explanation for this.”
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emmareids-blog · 6 years
✧ CLOSED STARTER ✧ @arainwisp ✧
Mingling for a little while, talking to familiar faces. Or, well, voices as many were behind masks and some who’d chosen a mask from the cabin were even dealing with similar things that Emma was. Powers not working- or being all together replaced. She’d soon realized what had happened. It seemed like everyone had been tossed  into some sort of randomizer and given a new sort of magick. She’d benefited from being the species she found most fascinating. Considering there was only one real one. A wisp. She’d also been playing with the powers for a little while and spotted someone she assumed to be the actual wisp of the forest from a distance. She made her way quickly over. “Willow?” She asked cautiously, waiting for the blonde to turn around in hopes she’d found the right person. 
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ailisinwonderland · 7 years
Glancing over the refreshments Ailis then turned her attention to the dance floor. She hadn’t been dancing in a while. It was something she actually used to enjoy quite a bit. But it wasn’t like there were many clubs or even weddings to crash and pretend you were a guest at to dance through. So she turned her attention back to the refreshments - pretending that she was actually interested in them and that she wasn’t just wanting to go and join the others on the dance floor.
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twinunhinged · 7 years
► CLOSEDSTARTER || @dcvidpark
Aislinn’s hands threaded through her hair beneath the flowers that surrounded her head. She could feel her magick. It was stronger in the light of the winter solstice and she had knows that she would suffer for it. However, it would do her no good to begin projecting nightmarish illusions onto a part of magick users. It would only be foolish to try anything. Instead, she found herself walking further into the trees, away from the festivities until the sounds of such were barely more than background noise. She’d been walking for some time when she began to time her footsteps more unevenly with the fear that another pair of feet were falling ever so slightly out of time with her own. Satisfied with her inference that she was, in fact, not alone and not simply experiencing illusion, she began to quicken her pace.
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eirlysofembers · 7 years
Eirlys was never one for celebrations. Many of the celebrations she’d attended in her lifetime had been ones of great importance to the group in which she’d been raised and the memories only brought confusion now. With her senses heightened, she took in the sound of the crackling fire, the singing, the laughter. And yet, she resigned herself to remaining on the edge of the trees as she often would.
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arainwisp-blog · 7 years
Willow was determined to feel some sense of normalcy, but could not seem to last even minutes before feeling guilt for the part she played in the capture of the heroic fae. Every time she was forced to do something by her link to the human, she was left feeling violated and vulnerable. Even so, she had to push it down. Samhain was once a day when wisps thrived. The borders were weakened and they danced between planes of existence. Now, she was but a dim glow in a jar. Squinting at a nearby being, she quickly approached to push a drink from their hand onto the ground. 
❝You do realize that a fae over there switched your beverage only moments ago...❞
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irisofwolves · 7 years
samhain starter
Iris had slipped away a little earlier, choosing to delve a little deeper into the forest. The bonfires were still visible, but the sounds of chatter and conversations had reduced to a low mumble in her ears. Samhain gave her heightened senses, and she wanted to take a moment and just breathe. She laid down on the ground, and just listened to the sounds of the nocturnal beasts. Her sharpened eyes adjusted to the dark, and she smiled faintly as she took in the stars in the night sky. It was peaceful, until she heard the snap of a twig close by. “Who’s there?”
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A sense of contentment had fallen over Gabriel very early on because this was essentially it - outside of his friendships, outside of his romantic interests, this was his biggest desire. The one that Anthony had talked so easily about in their minds - that sense of belonging and community - it was right here and for once, completely his for the taking. These people were no longer strangers, no longer people to view with suspicion and pressure to keep his distance, no - these were his friends. His people. For awhile, he’d stuck to the outsides of the party, half out of habit and half out of being completely overwhelmed.
It was fun to just sit back and watch people mingle, dance, drink and play the guessing game of who is who since nobody (weirdly enough himself included) could pass the mask table without donning one. His own was a dark blue black with silver embellishments that contrasted nicely with his skin, hair, and outfit and obscured a good amount of his face. It felt suited to him and after moments he’d completely forgotten about its presence on his skin.
He’d lost his significant other at some point, but had no doubt he’d wander back and for now, he just happily sipped on the cup in his hand and felt his grin grow as he recognized a small bright presence.
Slipping through the crowd once his drink was finished and discarded, he made his way to one of his favorite people and gave a small bow once he found her. “Good evening lovely. Are you having fun?” His eyes moved over the dance floor briefly before extending an arm out to her. “Do you feel like dancing a little?”
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kainanxrowe · 6 years
Kainan was Concentrating. Flowers were bastards and he was absolutely not going to feel guilty about stepping on a single one ever again. The stupid things did whatever they wanted and Kai had no idea what changed that suddenly they’d decided he was what they wanted but his wants certainly didn’t matter. If they were going to be around, they should at least make themselves useful and like…be a prickly pointy dangerous army or something. So he was concentrating on developing a row of rose bushes that could act as an uncomfortable temporary barrier but roses made new baby vamps look tame and cooperative.
Cursing them in soft German, he plopped back into the soft grass and considered the row of barely there bushes. “Bitte.” he said finally after much internal grumbling, fully expecting the leaves to grow and branches to thicken but after much staring, he was pretty certain it’d gotten smaller. “Bastards.”
Kai knew nothing about plants other than somewhere called flowers and some were weeds and he didn’t know the difference. Maybe they wanted to be called weeds. “Grow weeds.” he tried, with another much sighed upon “Please.” tacked on. Rolling his eyes, he settled his gaze back towards the cabin and startled to find someone much closer than he’d expect. Apparently, his hearing was going along with his sight, fucking magick. And then he just stopped and stared because apparently he was just completely losing his goddamn mind because that sure looked like Erasmus but…he looked different. And not just because of the mask. “Brother?” he questioned quietly as he stood up and felt a surprising wave of dizziness that went along with stomach rumblings. “Are you also having a very strange night? I’m being followed by flowers. What sort of magick nonsense is this?” Waving his hand caused bushes of lilacs to bloom right where he’d planned the roses to be causing him to throw both hands up in frustration and then hurry to bury them in his pockets as tulips joined the foot of the lilac bushes. “I must make it stop.”
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guardian-macsen · 7 years
Having slipped away briefly from his cairn, duties abandoned for his own time. He made his way towards The Forts, first hearing the event long before he had reached it. Music at first, bass, drums, flutes and then finally the murmurs and indistinct chatter of a group of people. The small clearing was bustling. Winding between them, he had slipped briefly into something smaller to get through them all, hopping between a hare to a scurrying mouse, taking care to avoid the stomping and chivalrous footsteps of dancers. 
He passed a recognisable figure, the air of elegance and grace surrounding her. As a snowy white cat, he brushed past her, taking the time to wind around her legs before glancing upwards to try meet her gaze with a quiet mewl. The Guardian soon moved further forward though, deciding it were better to go somewhere less crowded and Aibell could have the chance to dismiss herself from whatever business she might have been a part of. 
Taking a drink, he stood by the edges of the solstice event, surprisingly enjoying the merriment and the cheer. Although not in clothes that he would usually wear and feeling a little out of his element he was unsure if he would stay long, he could not leave a cairn unguarded for long after all. Despite his conflict the event was a welcome change from the norm of Arain. His glance found the Seelie Queen’s again though and he beamed her a gentle smile.
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emmareids-blog · 6 years
✧ OPEN STARTER ✧ April Fool’s Event ✧ 
Emma was normally a quiet fae. Keeping to herself, doing research. But she also wasn’t one to pass up the chance to attend one of the parties that the forest seemed fond of hosting. Of course the fae held balls and such before the forest... but there was something about everyone coming together. It was nice. What she didn’t expect that was over the course of the time after putting on the mask she’d felt weird- different. She kept checked the mirror to make sure it wasn’t anything that messed with her like the drinks at the last one had.
It wasn’t until she brushed her hand over an item that she’d realized her own powers weren’t working. They’d been fading but Emma was so used to them it took them not being there at all for her to realize. She looked around immediately to see if anyone else was having this issue. She didn’t feel sick- she felt fine... so it wasn’t another illness. The sudden panic caused a light near her to flicker. She turned to focus on it more and mentally told it to dim, and then brighten. Curiosity stuck her and she continued, playing with not only the light but the shadows. She reached up to pull the mask off - wondering if her new found magick would fade but found the mask wasn’t going anywhere. Clever enchanters. A little smile tugged at her lips This was going to be fun. She created a ball of light in her hand as she returned back to where most were gathered. She couldn’t help but play with the magick that she’d acquired.
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twinunhinged · 7 years
► CLOSEDSTARTER || @covenhead
Aislinn could not remember the last time her and her brother had properly celebrated any holiday. Feeling the need to get acquainted with as many as possible in the forest, Aislinn and Cormac separated with the intentions of meeting back up after the long celebration had ended. Until, then she would enjoy herself and use drinking and dancing to distract herself from the boost of magick present in her mind, distracted her from the reality to which she’d been trying to pay attention. In her dancing, it was no surprise when she bumped into another, promptly shaking her out of her own mind. ❝My apologies... It seems the music got away from me.❞
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arainwisp-blog · 7 years
❧ CLOSEDSTARTER || @augusthowell
Willow stood in front of a mirror in August’s cabin. She’d only seen a rough version of reflection against the water of the lake since the eclipse. She sighed, turning to the small table which held an even smaller pile of baby’s breath which she’d been weaving together to form a flower crown. The wisps had always done this together and she’d never been the most skilled weaver of flowers. One wrong move and an entire segment of her head piece broke free from the rest, causing her to release a groan of frustration. She swept her materials from the table into the floor and the room immediately darkened around her, making it harder to see. ❝This was a mistake...❞
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