pietysinned · 6 years
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"Bold of you to show yourself in front of me again... what exactly is it that you’re up to this time?” 
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About the Mun
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name : Toby
nickname : Maki ??? kai??? idk
age : 14
currently reading : Nothing tbh
favorite color : Blue
favorite flower : What’s flowers honestly
number of muses : In total? I think like 4?
their urls : @protction @crushinghxpe @heroicfxilure and thiso ne
favorite muse of yours : Currently Connor, Sonic is too tho
number of followers : 54
number of drafts atm : None
number of starters : None
last movie you saw : Idk might actually be Suicide room,,
Tagged by: @brckenbottlcs
Tagging: steal it bc I think everyone already got tagged
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