csyuul-blog · 6 years
for someone who can barely keep track of their own schedule, yuul has a remarkable knack for remembering jeno’s. coordinating time in an otherwise hellish day to see her best friend at least once is clearly more important than remembering that she has to attend her general education course if she wants to graduate (and ‘forgetting it exists’ is apparently never a passable excuse). today in particular, however, she’d found herself sprinting into a familiar building with a purpose. 
the classroom she’s been staking out for the past ten minutes doesn’t show any sign of releasing the students trapped within from its grasp and she is grateful, belatedly, that the guy at gongcha forgot to put ice in the cup of boba she picked up for jeno on her way to the building because it definitely would have melted by now. her own cup has already been drained and discarded in the nearby bin under the watchful eye of the custodian that caught her accidentally Not Recycling last time she was here. yuul has learned her lesson and she’ll never neglect the planet again 
approximately one (1) minutes passes and eternity weighs on her shoulders like a lead weight. patience isn’t her strongest suit and yuul is on the verge of admitting defeat and also maybe drinking the beverage she’d bought specifically for jeno, when the door finally, finally, opens. a stream of students comes pouring out, chatter filling the hallway as they walk past her in both directions.
she idles, leaning back against the wall and sinking down ever-so-slightly until she’s essentially miming sitting on a chair. 
the next time yuul looks up from her phone, where her kakaotalk messages and spam of emoticons has gone unread, she locks eyes with the exact person she’s been waiting for.
“did you see my messages?” she asks immediately, in lieu of greeting—and despite knowing that he hasn’t. with much futility, she straightens up again, heaving herself back into an upright position and first, extending the drink to jeno and second, looping her arm with his, too naturally. “i need your moral support today. i woke up this morning and decided that today is the day that i, lee yuul, will finally adopt the dog of my dreams.” 
the grin on her face is wide and electric. 
“i even figured out a name,” yuul continues. “i’m going to name the dog william.”
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csyuyang-blog · 6 years
at some point, yuyang forgets why he’s doing this.
this being sprinting across a campus he can just barely say he knows outside of fall when the leaves lining baekyangro are especially worthwhile. there’s a clear file containing a neatly stapled report on some scientific gibberish he gave up on trying to comprehend two minutes into his first and last feeble attempt at reading through it clutched in his hand. he’s not really sure what struck him about the report so poignantly that he felt compelled to return it to its owner. maybe it was the FINAL REPORT typed ominously in bold. or the name? jeno? don’t hear that one too often. he was sort of curious to see what kind of person jeno was. or, wait, ah, yeah—he remembers now. 
it was the glaring due date on the report that very clearly reflected today’s date, and yuyang isn’t heartless enough to let a student take a hit like this when he could do something about it.
he just, well, before committing himself to the cause, hadn’t really thought too far into it. for starters, yuyang definitely did not expect to be spending a majority of his morning and a chunk of his afternoon on trying to find this one stranger in a campus too big for his liking. in jeno’s defense, it probably would have taken much less time had yuyang sucked it up early on and just asked someone for help instead of stubbornly refusing to interact with strangers for the first two hours he wandered around yonsei. 
but that’s the past. the present is what matters the most—and in the present, yuyang has finally found a location and a time. and speaking of time, it’s almost up. 
hence why our humble protagonist jettisons himself through a crowd of students, nearly stumbling and slipping at every corner as he tries to navigate the science hall. 
the end of his (this is embarrassing) three hour saga is very close to an end. 
ten minutes before the purported class is supposed to end, song yuyang skids to a stop in front of the classroom in question and flings—flings—the door open. it’s unintentional, and he can’t really bring himself to apologize about it when his body is insisting he lie down right then and there and take a nap, but yuyang lifts his head in feeble greeting when all eyes turn to him. 
“is—” he grimaces, one particularly sharp breath clawing its way out of his throat. with much futility, yuyang lifts the file up. “is lee jeno here?”
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youngbincs-blog · 6 years
— lucking out [ meme open ]
youngbin doesn’t consider himself particularly lucky, nor does he generally believe in luck. he would rather believe that if something happens it’s because he’s worked hard for it and earned it himself. he wouldn’t mind winning big on the lotto, though.
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csyuul-blog · 6 years
she adores babies! and is also deathly afraid of them! mostly because she adores them! it’s very much so the residual “BUT WHAT IF I DROP THEM WHAT IF THEY CRY” panic. yuul thinks babies are the cutest and is content admiring them from afar but please do not bring one near her what if she offends it by breathing. 
at some point in the natural progression of sweet baby whom she would not even dare to TOUCH to A Normal Child, the line blurs and she’s a-ok holding them upside down by their ankles when she gets corralled at the park into playing the evil monster in a game of power rangers. 
(she’s great at playing evil witches btw. hire her for ur next children’s birthday party if u don’t want ur child to ask for a birthday party ever again!)
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