#currently taking time off from the blog to put my master plan of wooing Stanley into action
tsp-narrator-ask · 2 years
Hey fashion disaster, it's me, socks and sandals. I don't know a lot but I do have some words. Perhaps it's the GNC in me but I don't think it really matters what you are.. If it helps, my own philosophy is that I'm whatever the hell I am and want to be. If you want you can ask people what they think you are. If they answer something you don't like? Tell them that you aren't. If they don't believe/listen? Tell them "That sounds like a you problem." It's what I do. As for flirting, we both know Stanley likes buttons, perhaps a fidget with a button on it would be a good gift. Asking directly would be a bit forward so perhaps asking if he has his eye on someone? Compliments and physical contact (If he likes that) are a good thing, just don't overdo it.
“No need to clarify your the socks and sandals person. I remember because the socks and sandals combo has been burned into my memory… That and I’ve gotten used to remembering most of my usual readers.”
“But getting on to the main points of this, I appreciate your words. I suppose I can be what ever I dare create my self to be- at least in this parable…even though that’s a fact…”
it still bothers me knowing what I truly am outside of this parable is it’s a feeling that I can’t just have go away. Knowing that some parts of my self I cannot change… for once I’m blanking on what I can compare this to in a way a human may understand…. Hm… either way your right at least I can have the confidence to tell others what I see my self as and if they don’t like it I can simply kick them out of my peripheral!”
”now on to your ideas for my Stanley situation-
“a button fidget might be a good idea, I’ll think about asking if he has eyes for any one but I doubt he does since there’s no one else in this parable except for him and I…. At least from what I believe any ways, though it seems my readers are trying to convince me otherwise) “
“I will try to give him a compliment later today to gage his reaction- but lastly physical contact isn’t my thing. Though if it’s for Stanley and he likes physical affection such as hand holding or possibly a hug I suppose I could put my preferences to the side.”
“Thank you for the advice reader, it almost makes your crime in fashion less upsetting.”
✒️Sincerely the narrator
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