#curse tumblr formatting and its lack of sub-bulletpoints...
softmarsh · 1 year
let’s start off with something nice and simple: seasons!
yellowstone national park is a sprawling landscape located in the temperate coniferous forest biome, which is marked by warm summers and cool winters. being temperate, the land does cycle through four seasons—but, they’re not clearly defined by deciduous forest standards of 3-month-long springs, summers, autumns, and winters. additionally, because the dominant tree type is evergreens, observing the changes of the leaves is not a reliable indicator of the season.
because of this, the yellowstone cats have developed their own names, lengths, and identifiers for their seasons, where they look to animal behaviors to determine the current one!
the bloom is the equivalent of early spring, with march being the only month of this season. it is named after how the land wakens from its winter slumber, ‘blooming’ into a flourishing land of plenty once more. the most common indicators of the arrival of the bloom are:
the appearance of mountain bluebirds, western meadowlarks, ospreys, and american robins
the emergence of grizzly bears from hibernation
and humans snowplowing the park's interior roads
the second season is called the thaw, which equates to late spring and the entirety of summer. its duration is april to august, and it is called the thaw as it is the season when animal activity really kicks up. winter fully sheds its grip on the environment, and the cats do not yet have to prepare for the next freeze. it is marked by:
the appearance of ruby-crowned kinglets and wilson's snipes
the emergence of black bears, marmots, ground squirrels, and chorus frogs from hibernation
bison calving
bison and elk returning to higher elevations, with elk dropping and regrowing their antlers
growth of buttercups, shooting stars, and pasqueflowers
and an increase in human visitors and cars on the road
elk, moose, pronghorn, and bighorn sheep calving
wolf pups emerging from their dens
cutthroat trout starting to spawn
ruffed grouse starting to drum
growth of glacier lilies and bitterroot
water levels rising due to snowmelt
and humans fishing in the rivers
bison rut
water levels dropping
wildfires are more prone to occur
and a greater increase in human visitors and cars on the road
the feast is the most important season, being their autumn before winter. taking place from september to october, the third season is named for how animals prepare for hibernation by becoming hyperphagic and stocking up on food! the traditional indicators of the start of this season are:
elk rut
animals preparing for hibernation
deciduous trees entering fall colors
snow accumulating at higher elevations
and a decrease in human visitors and cars on the road
the final season is called the freeze, which is appropriately named for being the colonies’ winter! grueling and arduous, the freeze tends to be the most challenging season to survive through, especially if one inadequately prepared during the feast. it spans november to february, and is signified by:
bighorn sheep rut
bison and elk migrating to lower elevations
mule and whitetail deer shedding and regrowing their antlers
coyotes and foxes snow diving
snow accumulating at lower elevations
and a greater decrease in human visitors and cars on the road
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