#cuties is complex but if the writer was a white man no one would be this pressed :
1eos · 4 years
I'm so happy you love kim, i've been following her for a while now and i just have so much respect for the woman for her open mindedness and introspection. She's not afraid to call things out, but she's also mindful of the circumstances around her doing so. Shes so well spoken. I've also been following dangelo for a while and while i greatly admire his research and enjoy his videos, he also has some takes that I just do not agree on, and I felt his Cuties vid was a like a new low for his content
also this like a part two but YEAH why are we listening to men about this topic when the issue is so throughly ingrained in the female issue & introspection. This movie is about child sexuality, but it's told from a female lense, and has more to do with our relationships and understanding of ourselves in our place as women, especially woc. and everybody i see that is white or male that is trashing this movie, i just gotta ask why are you going to such lengths deny validity to our experiences
yes!!!!!!!!! i love kim!!!!!!!! i feel like she could have a take that i 100% don’t agree with but i would still learn something nd agree with her pov. i just love the way she formulates her arguments. nd i watch dangelo’s video on cuties nd it felt very sensationalist. like i don’t think cuties is above critique nd if i were the director there are some scenes i would have left out bc it WAS a lot but everything in that movie was something most if not all woc have seen/dealt with. even down to the girls feeling pressured to be ‘fast’ nd dress way too old to fit in like i remember clearly struggling bc i hated dressing like an old woman when i was 12 but i also hated that my boobs came in early nd i didn't want to accentuate them bc even at 12 i ALREADY had trauma from being sexualized as a child. nd when i scroll thru yt allllllllllllll i see is men/ white ppl trashing this movie nd while they might have a valid criticism or two its moot bc they arent relating to the pov of the movie. nd i literally clicked out of dangelos video halfway thru bc it was really shitting on the writer nd totally ignoring the fact that everything shown in cuties is shit that happens everyday nd that women nd children are objectified nd traumatized by their movie roles all the fucking time but bc the directors are white NO ONE CARES. do u know how many videos there are of young girls dancing dances too old for them? nd ppl just laugh nd laugh nd laugh. its hard to put into words but i feel like ppl are hopping on this hate train without acknowledging the fact that nothing in that movie (even the girl getting her pants pulled down. like.........they used to do that at my elementary school) is not based in reality nd everyone wants to be mad at this movie but no one wants to talk abt how girls are literally brainwashed into hypersexualizing themselves on a daily basis. nd the same ppl signing petitions are the same ppl not giving a fuck abt irl girls of color when they get sexualized. anyways i dont want to hear any onions from non woc
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dominikadecember · 3 years
Love Letter to Leverage
I discovered Leverage on accident. I was rewatching Angel and it was the episode where Lindsey sings and I decided to stalk Christian Kane because his voice is like hot damn hottness.
The bank shot job aired when I decided to give it a go simply cus Kane was in it and he was looking cute and adorable whilst beating up bad guys.
I sort of knew Timothy and Gina from some of their previous stuff but had no idea who Beth and Aldis were but it was still primarily because of Kane.
Then I watched the first episode and JESUS CHRIST! In every person's life there are shows/books/games/movies that they consider as iconic and as a part of their life, nearly like the characters are a part of their family. Leverage is one of those for me.
The dynamic from the very first episode is absolutely EXCELLENT!!! The characters are so well written (especially the female characters which is very high praise for male writers), the storylines are interesting and the comedy is excellent for a sarcastic little shit like me. The 'implied' OT3. The representation for everyone (it's not a coincidence that majority of the rich villains are old white men). The brilliant guest stars (@wilwheaton if you don't make a cameo in the revival we shall be devastated). Everything about Leverage is truly magnificent.
We got Parker who is an excellent little thief, looking cute as hell all the time with inept social skills. Brilliant! Not only that but I connect with her want for money on a very special level.
We got Hardison who comes off as this player but changes that stereotype the moment he smiles like the precious baby angel he is and utters the most beautiful words; "Age of the geek, baby."
We got Nate. A dysfunctional alcoholic who lost his son and brings the team together. What's to say about Nate? He's an asshole, pure and simple. His behaviour is never excused though, the team don't ignore it, acknowledge he has a problem and get on with the job. The thing that makes Nate special though? He can see the good in people. He can see the injustice in the world and very reluctantly wants to do something about it. He's not my favourite but when he has those good moments, they are incredible.
We got Eliot who I adore already because of the Kane factor. Eliot Spencer is a man destroyed by the brutality and realities of the world and still manages to keep his heart. He is so complex and there's so much we don't know about him still and we probably never will because his past his so painful and horrible but he doesn't stop fighting to rectify the wrongs of his past. He protects those he loves and flips his gorgeous hair whilst doing it.
And then we got Sophie Devereaux who makes the team a complete set. She is sexy, she is beautiful, she wears so many different masks that when she wants to reveal her true self, that is one of the most difficult things she can do. Sophie strives to find true happiness outside of being a grifter and her journey searching for herself is absolutely mesmerising.
God this show is so brilliant and it taught me so much about loving myself, flaws and all. It taught me that for every oddball there is someone who will appreciate them and most importantly, it taught me that family does not need to mean blood.
I never expected this show to make it past season 1 because it was just too damn good!!! But not only did it get renewed for 4 more seasons, it got a revival. With brilliant additions who fit into the team seamlessly. I knew Noah would cus his work on the Librarians was a big hit but Aleyse is such a cutie!!!! I am so happy she's on here and I hope her career will become such a big success like her 'Leverage big bros'. (Seriously proud of Aldis and how far he's come)
We're only 8 episodes back into this world but it feels like a hug enveloping me coming back to these wonderful characters. It's a show that deals with how the world is specially designed for the rich and the unfairness of it all. It deals with real emotional issues, it deals with regret over our pasts and it has brilliant one-liners whilst doing it!
I'm just so fucking grateful for this show.
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13-timeslove · 5 years
Thirteen Time Ch1: The Docks
“I can’t believe he made pushed up my deadline again!” You groaned loudly into your Akita plushie. “I told him that this part of the manuscript needed more time considering I had to do more research! And what does he do?! Pushed up another fucking week!”
Your roommate Alice sighed as you continued to roll in your bed. She placed her hot milk onto the side table before sitting by the edge and patting your head. You only groaned once more before rolling into her lap. “My editor is an ass”
“You could always get a new one”
“...but he’s a good editor” you sigh dramatically.
“Then don’t complain sweetie”. Alice began to stroke your (h/c) hair as you laid in her lap, a small habit that has formed between your friendship. “Besides, it’s only one week difference. How bad can it be?”
“It’s awful when you have writer’s block”
You turned your head around, looking up at the black haired girl. “Why couldn’t I be smart like you? I wish I had your brain” She started laughing.
“Bitch you don’t want my position! Medical school is such a pain in the ass. You’re the lucky one with your brilliant creative mind, and nagged a job right out of college”
“Shut uppp. You’re better than me”
“No I’m not. And make me” she said while slapping a pillow to your face.
You squealed and rolled off her lap in an attempt to escape her attacks, sitting on the floor giggling to yourself. Alice followed suit and sat next to you, giving you the chance to rest your head against her shoulder. “This is why you’re my best friend”
“This is why I’m your only friend”
“Kidding”, you both laughed together. This is what your life with her was like, sarcastic jokes and compliments that neither of you would truly accept.
Alice was there for your since the beginning of college, from the time you accidentally spilled ink on her white pants because of sleep deprivation, to your graduation last year, and even to your heartbreaks. She was always there.
“Hey, Alice”
“What time is it?”
“Bout 5:30, why?”
You got up from the ground, and grabbed your blue jacket from the floor. “I’m going to take a quick walk, maybe seeing the sunset will clear my writer’s block”. Alice leaned over your desk to toss a small box over to you.
“Don’t forget these”. You caught them, knowing very well that they were your candy cigarettes. “Still don’t understand why you like that stuff?”
“Because they are yummy” you replied happily. She only scoffed, shaking her head sighing. “Don’t wait up. I’ll be back in half an hour”
“Be safe”
“Will do!”
You started to head out of your apartment complex, walking down the street. You pulled your iPod out of your pocket and continued to walk down the street. “High hopes” was blasting through your headphones, and you honestly didn’t care about the people staring at you head banging in the middle of the side walk. Hell, you even made eye contact with them and mouthed the lyrics hoping they would sing along somehow (some did fortunately).
Eventually, you felt the cold breeze of the shore biting at your open skin. You zipped up your jacket close. Pulling out the candy box, you took out a candy cigarette and placed it between your lips.
You found a spot close to the edge of the wooden rail and leaned against it. Chewing the end of the candy cigarette, you found that all stress in your body left. The sun was close to falling behind the waves, giving the sky a red and purple ombré (you couldn’t help but take a photo for instagram). This is nice, you thought.
“No, no girl. Leave her be”
You felt a nudge at the end of your leg, seeing a small dog bitting at your jeans. If you were a cartoon character, your head would’ve exploded at how cute this dog was.
“Hi baby!” You said in an overly high pitched voice. You knelt down to its level, letting the cutie jump in your lap and lick your hand.
A low chuckle echoed your ear, making you realize that there was still the owner on the other end of the leash. Whoops.
“Seems like she likes you” ooohhh he’s British.
“Heh, I’m glad” you tried to look up at him, but with the sun in your face you really couldn’t get a good look. You held your hand in front of your face, making an awkward smile. “Sorry I petted your dog without asking first. She’s just really cute”
You got up. “No no, I don’t mind. I’m just surprised. Frankie isn't really open to people on the streets. You’re the first”
“I have been chosen” you joked around. The sun started to set behind the sea, but when you tried to look back at the man in front, your eyes took longer to adjust. All you saw of him was his baseball cap.
“Do you mind if I have one?” You cocked your brow.
“I’m sorry?”
“A cigarette. Do you mind if I have one?” He was pointing at the white stick at your mouth, and you pulled it away realizing what he was referring to.
“Oh, um yeah you can. But they’re not cigarettes. They’re candy cigarettes”
“Those things exist?”
“Yeah actually” you laughed out. “But they’re made of sugar rather than tobacco. So sorry”
“No it’s fine. Um” he paused and started to rub his neck. A little embarrassed that he didn’t realize the damn thing wasn’t even glowing. “C-Could I have one still?”
“Sure” you smiled back. You opened the box again, giving the stranger a white sugar stick (author: why does that sound like a weird lingo for a drug...). He placed part of it in his mouth, chewing at the end.
“Oh god, its so plain”
“It’s unique taste” you laughed at him.
The two of you ended up leaning against the rail. Watching the waves crash over each other through the slightly dim sky. You didn’t like pure silence, so decided to try and make a conversation.
“Based on the accent, I assume you’re not from here? Or at the very least, new around here?”
You heard a chuckle escape his mouth, and honestly it was pretty soothing. “Yeah. I’m not from around here”
“Visiting or work, if you dont mind me asking?”
“Sorta for work. I um...I just finished a big project with my friends. We’re celebrating here, and have a um, contest coming up”
“Oh cool! What research did you guys do? Wait! Are you the guys who participated in the research regarding experimental drug for those who suffer from extreme GAD?”
Even though it was dark, you didn’t have to see his confused face as you threw all these questions at him. Well, that and the awkward laugh gave it away. “I’m sorry, but, wh-what?”
You brushed your hair behind your ear, embarrassed. “Sorry. I just realized that project can refer to multiple things, and my brain immediately went to medical research for some reason”
“Are you medical student by any chance?”
“Oh god no, that field is too advanced for me. I just like reading about medical discoveries”. He smiled at your response, a little astounded at how excited you got over it. “Sorry about that”
“It’s fine” he laughed, almost spitting out the candy cigarette. “Our project was actually a film we’ve been working on. It’s been a long process”
He looked off at the distance. His hat was shadowing his face, but if you focused, there were distinct bags under his eyes.
“It must have been exhausting”.
“Yeah it was” He smiled lightly. “There were a few bumps in the road, but...we all managed”
He pulled the candy cigarette from his mouth, looking at the chewed end. Maybe it was the fact that he didn’t have a real cigarette that made him look depressed, but you knew that it was something else. Being the cheesy person you were, you pulled a penny from your pocket and placed it on the rail near him. “What’s this?” He asked.
“Penny for your thoughts? It, seems like those bumps were a bit more exhausting that the whole project”
“Am I that obvious?” He sighed when he grabbed the shiny cent.
“No. I’m just that good at reading people”. You leaned on the rail, twirling the candy between your teeth. “When people experienced hardships, they either need to talk about it, or push it away. What kind are you?”
“...with people I know...I push it away”. You leaned forward to look at him, the back of his head facing you.
“Well...luckily you don’t know me”
And for the first time throughout this whole conversation, this guy that you’ve been talking to for the past fifteen minutes, finally faced you. Your eyes adjusted to the darkness, and you could see him.
He was handsome, no doubt about that. Young, but at the same time, has worn out features such as his eyes. He gave you a full on smile, averting his eyes to the side.
“What’s your name?”
“...(y/n). Whats yours?” You smirked.
“I am Nobody”
you laughed at him again. “Odysseus fan, who would’ve guessed”
“You wouldn’t” he smirked as well. You paused at the conversation, thinking about what he said earlier.
“You asked me my name so you would get to know me. And therefore, not tell me your hardships, didn’t you?”
“...god damn you really are good at reading people aren’t you?”
“Good is an understatement”
You felt your phone ring, and when you looked down, you saw that it was a text form Alice.
Girl get your butt home. I am about to call the cops to get you home safe.
“Boyfriend?” He asked you.
“No. Best friend. My cue to leave”. You squat down to pet Frankie before you left. “By girlie”. You got back up. “Nice talking to Nobody new”
“It’s a good name”
“Just don’t take it seriously”
“What do you mean?”
You started to walk off the boardwalk a little, but looked back at him one more time. “Nobody means someone who isnt worth something. But if you look at it as another way, Nobody always refers to somebody”
“...you’re an interesting character aren’t you (y/n)?” You smiled at him, before giving Nobody a quiet nod and walked off the boardwalk. Passing by more people as you left.
Nobody, that’s absolute BS.
“Hey, there you are! Gwil and I have been looking for you everywhere”
Their friend only looked down the boardwalk, and they waved his hand over his eyes. “Ben?”
“...Rami. I”
“You good dude?”
“I...I just met someone”
“And?” Gwil started. Ben pulled the candy cigarette out his mouth, staring at it.
“Guys, where can I get more candy cigarettes?”
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