#cuz if you get rid of certain features or make them smaller
kaemiezil · 1 year
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#pastelartchallenge on twitter from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nf2Nsbh12Mo&t=1s
Didn’t do the first one cuz I recognized who it was nearly right away and didn’t feel like doing a from memory challenge lolol
The second one was really fun to follow along with, I based her crop top off a vampire squid cuz I thought that’d be cute. Also I discovered octopus have a sideways eyes! So I put something like that on the bows and in her eyes. I made her hair two twintails cuz they mention the hair has a bow “kinda like Miku” and twintails is what I got from that lolol. I also made the top of the ponytail into that round up-do cuz it kinda looks like the bulbous part of an octopus head.
I think she turned out really really cute!! I hope you like it!!
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