#cuz no one really cares when i rant about elvis and put bullet points marking his hotness
bunnydexterloveselvis · 4 months
My ECU husband list because I'm bored (this is partially a joke) (please don't send hate I'm beggin) (might update if this gets a bunch of notes)
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Dr. John Carpenter (Change of Habit, 1969) <3
Husband qualities:
-good with kids
-doctor (he can heal you)
-not perfect but he tries his best
-sings very well plays the guitar!! (good for bedroom time ;) )
-clean, he keeps his hair combed, face shaved, and skin and nails washed. i bet he smells nice. if he don't use cologne then you would smell hand soap probably. idk i feel like he's a compulsive hand washer (ocd??????? idfk)
-cozy and nice fashion sense
-genuinely wants to help people in need
-did i mention hot (look at the way he's staring you down in the above pic. lawdy!!)
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Jess Wade (Charro!, 1969) (current brainrot as of writing this) <3
Husband qualities:
-pretty smart
-hot as hell!!!!!!!!!!
-cowboy (save a horse ride a cowboy)
-beard (sorry this gets a category on its own)
-can be mean when needed to and can protect himself
-good lord he has a veryyy high pain tolerance (good for bedroom time ;) )
-scars (some people like that right?? i do. someone please hear me out)
-i feel like he has a high body temperature so if you ever get cold he is there to warm you
-also fashion sense (he's a cowboy)
-is a sheriff so he can protect you (can protect you in general honestly)
-good lord he is hot!!!!!!!!!! sorry
-daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy-
-rough and would probably slap you if you wanted him to (also good for bedroom time ;) )
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Ross Carpenter (GIrls! Girls! Girls!, 1962) <3
Husband qualities:
-h h h hh hot
-fisherman, he can bring food to the table
-he can cook full-blown meals!!! like dinner and breakfast and stuff!!! just imagine him cooking dinner for you.. i wouldn't know what to do! now who's gonna write the fic?? /hj
-young (ehh i mean whatever i love dilfs but ross is hot af)
-knows how to operate a boat
-can fight and protect
-sings!! very well actually!!! he can sing upbeat and happy, to slow and sultry, to, well, anything really!!
-knows how to treat a woman right
-can dance, normal upbeat dancing, or tango-like slow dancing
-btw did you see that "walls have ears" scene?? look down. good lord it isn't big it's huge (good for bedroom time ;) )
-pretty good with kids. he can tolerate them at least. if they listen well
-a bit protective actually
-love love love the shirts and pants he wears. and that hat. oh god i love him so much
-pretty smart
-hot n sexy af!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good lord!!!!!!
-have jobs
-great fashion sense
-pretty good with kids
-outstanding in the bedroom
-can sing and/or play guitar
-unique in their own way
-all have their own imperfections but still try their best (lookin at you jess /lh)
-overall pretty loveable and husband material
-blue eyes and long eyelashes (yes this gets its own point. i like eyes. esp blue or brown eyes. and they twinkle at the right spot, oh yes im on my knees. love your eyes sm honey)
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