#cwfc Kinktober
Under the Surface - Leo x Isabella (N*FW, 🍋)
Synopsis: Follow on to ‘Unfortunate Accident’ Isabella is on the war path and Leo is in the firing line
This fic is for Day 11 of the CFWC Kinktober Challenge
Day 11: Creampie | Hate-Fucking | Leather
The words used in bold are included in this fanfic. Please only read if you are comfortable with the subject matter and also you are 18+. PSA completed.
TW: In this fic there is some violent behaviour between characters. If this makes you uncomfortable, please do not read
Tagging: @drakewalkerfantasy @itslaniquelove @kingliam2019 @kimmiedoo5 @mom2000aggie @lorirwritesfanfic @lorircreates @hopefulmoonobject @rafasgirl23415 @texaskitten30 @rainbowsinthestorm @desireepow-1986 @speedyoperarascalparty @liam-rhys @choicesficwriterscreations
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The drive back to the Cordonian Palace was an icy affair and the tension could be cut with a knife. Their relationship had hit a rough patch recently with the Royal couple getting on each other’s nerves and accusations of Leo being quite attentive to the young, blonde attending he met in Boston: Isabella was not in the mood to play happy families. Slamming the car door behind her, the Laurentian Queen sucked in her cheeks as she followed her husband towards the drawing room that Natalia was in. “Natalia!” Isabella pushed passed Leo, making a beeline towards her daughter urgently checking her for any other bumps or bruises, “Mi querida...” Isabella sighed heavily as she tried to smile, hugging the small Princess and covering her with small pecks but Natalia wanted to go back to playing, “Mama...” she protested, “No more kisses!!” wiping her face with her arm as Jackson giggled. Isabella ignored the three men behind her as she checked the time on her Rolex, “Natalia...” she spoke firmly, “It’s already past your bedtime... mama can ready you a bedtime story...” Natalia’s hazel eyes looked across to Jackson before pouting sadly and Jackson reached out pulling on Isabella’s chiffon sleeve, “Can I hear a story too?” Isabella smiled, gently stroking his cherub cheek, “Of course mi amor...come...” Isabella stood tall in her Louboutin heels as she took the children’s hands glaring at the three men with complete distain as she led the children to bed.
“If looks could kill...” Drake mumbled downing his whiskey, “What happened when you picked her up?” Leo glared at him over his whiskey glass, his grip tightening around the crystal tumbler, “I’ll not even burden you with that... it was pretty rough...” Leo scowled as he stood up, walking towards the intricately decorated decanter, “... but whatever you hear tonight, it doesn’t leave these four walls Liam...” Leo barked as he poured more of the caramel coloured liquid into the glass before swirling it around. “I need a cigarette...” Leo sighed, “Drake?” Drake reached into his jeans pocket, removing a tobacco tin that contained some pre-rolled cigarettes. Liam raised his brow rather unimpressed but was only met with a chuckle from Drake, “Emergencies?” before he threw the tin across to Leo. The newly Crowned King of Laurentia took one out, tapping the filter end against the engraved metal. “Strike two...” Liam began to shake his head in desperation as Leo patted his blazer jacket whilst placing his cigarette into his mouth to find his zippo. With a mischievous grin, Leo winked at his brother and Drake, “Go hard or go home brothers... may as well make the screaming match worth it...” heading out onto the balcony into the cool Cordonian night air, with a flick of his wrist, Leo lit his cigarette and took a long drag allowing it to calm him as he exhaled slowly.
Isabella returned, her cheeks sucked in rolling her eyes to the left where Liam and Drake knew best to not speak. Without skipping a beat, Isabella barked, “Can you two get out?” folding her arms angrily as he brow raised. Liam’s brow began to furrow, “How dare...” Drake reached out holding his best friends shoulder to stop him in his tracks but Isabella was incensed pointing towards the door, “Unless you also want me to rip you both a new fucking asshole too, don’t have me repeat myself...” Leo flicked his cigarette into the ashtray beside him as he rolled his eyes mumbling, “Here we fucking go...” Isabella began to tap her foot as Liam and Drake hastily made their exit, “Are you going to hide out there all night?” The Laurentian Queen hissed towards her husband, “Its always like you to put your head in the fucking sand!” Leo took a deep breath, trying his hardest not to succumb to Isabella’s taunting. The former Crown Prince of Cordonia turned, walking quietly as his sea green eyes tried to stare down his petite wife, “Still not off of that fucking pedestal huh?” Leo growled towards the Laurentian beauty who began to slowly smirk much to Leo’s annoyance. “Pedestal?” Isabella began to laugh, “I’m not the one that those kids look up to and I’m also not the one who sidelines them... so excuse me if I am pissed off that the first time in months you’ve spent quality time with one of your daughters and this happens!”
“Get over yourself Isabella... it was an accident that could have happened anywhere!” Leo spat, “If you weren’t so preoccupied with everything, maybe, just maybe, you might have found time in your fucking schedule to come too and actually enjoy yourself!” sighing heavily he continued, “Ever since the Coronation, you have became a bigger pain in the ass than before...” Leo extended his hand out, almost pleasing with her, “it’s like every single piece of you is trying to find fault with everything!” Isabella rolled her eyes to the point that it began to hurt, “Don’t give me that shit Leo... if you actually came home every once in a while, I wouldn’t have to be!” “How many fucking times?!” Leo sighed heavily, “I told you I need to be here for Liam... I’m all he’s got!” Isabella slowly stepped towards Leo leaving barely an inch or two between them, her cheeks were sucked in, eyes narrowing with distain. Leo had hit a nerve and Isabella was not standing for it. Clenching her jaw, Isabella raised her hand and smacked her husband across the face, “How dare you!” Isabella screamed, “My father is barely three months in his grave and that’s what you say to me?” Isabella turned on her Louboutin heel walking away until she began to see red that removed any partial filter she had left.l as Leo shouted at her, “Don’t bring Felipe into this to try to make me feel fucking guilty... we were having problems way before he passed away!”
Immediately, the petite brunette turned back to face Leo to go in for the kill as he rubbed the sting from his cheek, “You know what?!” Isabella began to evilly laugh into Leo’s face, “You know what? Fuck you... and... fuck Liam too!” Leo clenched his jaw tightly as he commanded, “Isabella... that’s enough!” but defiantly, the petite brunette continued with her taunting. She was more than hurt, she was angry. As Isabella’s doe like dark chocolate brown eyes narrowed, glaring up at her husband, Isabella spat, “I really fucking hate you right now!” Leo leaned down towards her, his nostrils flaring as he held himself back seething, “The feeling’s mutual!” Isabella took a deep breath, pursing her lips, “Good!” She retorted as her eyes darkened locking onto Leo’s, their internal power struggle just kept bubbling to the surface as the tension in the room rose stemming from months of frustration. Leo growled as he removed his blazer jacket, throwing it onto the high winged back chair. His tensed muscles strained under his already tight crisp white shirt as his breathing became faster and heavier, “Bella... don’t fucking push me!”
There was a moment of silence between them as they glared into one another’s eyes until Isabella put her arms around Leo’s neck and jumped up into his arms. Their lips urgently crashed into one another, leaving the couple breathless, “This doesn’t change anything...” Leo grunted as his hands firmly caressed the petite brunette’s ass before he roughly pinned her to the adjacent wall. Isabella through her head back as her King peppered her neck hungrily with kisses, running her fingers through his sandy blonde hair until she grasped it in her hand pulling Leo’s head back to look at her before kissing him again passionately. Their tongues intertwined with one another as Leo pressed his body weight against the Laurentian beauty, holding her in place as he ripped open her chiffon blouse exposing her bare breasts. “Hey!” Isabella began to protest, “I liked this blouse!” but Leo began to kiss her again whispering, “Shut up...” against her lips before kissing her again. Isabella reached out and hurriedly unbuttoned Leo’s shirt, keeping his tie around his neck. Leo moved his hand as Isabella slapped it away barking at her husband, “Leave it!”
Stumbling his way across to the couch, Leo walked into the table holding the Crystal with Isabella’s heel knocking over the decanter and a handful of glasses, both of them so preoccupied to notice the noise as they smashed against the floor. Leo threw the petite brunette onto the couch and pulled off her shoes, firing them over his shoulder before running his hands up her thighs, feeling the buttery texture of the leather. Taking both her pants and thong off in one single rough pull, a growl left the Laurentian Kings throat as Isabella reached up, swiftly unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his trousers. Isabella beckoned Leo to sit before manoeuvring herself to sit on his lap to straddle him. Leo clenched his jaw as he groaned, feeling her wet core running against his already hard throbbing member. Isabella sat up, grabbing Leo’s thick shaft in her soft hand and lowered herself down until he was fully sheathed.
Isabella bit down on her lip as she whimpered, the feeling of fullness made her eyes roll back before she began to slowly bounce up and down on her husband’s length but Leo couldn’t help himself; he began to buck his hips in rhythm with the Laurentian beauty, roughly fucking her as his fingers gripped tightly onto her hips. Isabella wrapped Leo’s tie tightly around her hand as she pulled on it hard, bringing him forward towards her. Her dark chocolate brown eyes burned with a desire he’d never seen before, trying so hard not to moan out in ecstasy. Isabella gasped as Leo smacked her ass hard with a furrowed brow “That’s pay back for slapping me!” Isabella clenched down on her teeth as she seethed, “I still fucking hate you right now....” tightening the tie around Leo’s thick muscular neck even more as her core’s walls began to tighten around his member. Leo began to pick up the pace, mercilessly thrusting into the petite brunette as she dug her long, crimson red manicured nails into his muscular shoulders, scratching into his tanned skin.
Leo grunted as he felt the sharpness of her nails dragging against him, groaning loudly as both he and Isabella began to come. Isabella began to scrunch up her nose, immediately getting up from Leo’s lap, picking up her clothes and getting changed. “What... no cuddles?” Leo sarcastically quipped as he ran his fingers through his hair, watching as Isabella had to tie her blouse in a knot to close it over. The room fell quiet once more as Isabella tucked a piece of her long, chestnut brown hair behind her ear before looking over her shoulder towards the newly crowned King, “No...” she spoke bluntly, “... Natalia and I will be leaving tomorrow with or without you...” Leo began to shake his head as Isabella walked towards the door, “And don’t even fucking think of coming to bed... you can sleep here because I really don’t want to look at you any longer...” The Laurentian Queen slammed the drawing room door behind her, leaving Leo in an awkward position, but the question was, did he want to work on his marriage or not?
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