#d3m0n's amphibia thoughts
p4ntry-d3m0n · 2 years
Anne regularly asks Marcy for help in science class and a couple times when Marcy’s helping, Anne will completely derail the convo and ask different questions like “could you explain the periodic table of elements and when and how they were discovered?”
Marcy’s a bit confused because “But we’re not learning any chemistry right now?”
Anne just kinda smiles and goes “can you, though?”
Marcy’s still confused, but her want to ramble and explain goes brrr and so she begins explaining and rambling all about it
Barely any of it makes sense to Anne, but she’s more than happy to listen and she loves how excited Marcy gets when she explains certain topics
Marcy gets done rambling and sees Anne staring and teasingly goes “...you didn’t hear a word I said, did you?”
Anne laughs a bit and says “I heard some, didn’t understand most of it, but I love hearing you ramble and listening to your voice, that’s all”
This causes Marcy to squeak and stutter a bit before going “Okay, back on topic, so um, what were we talking about-”
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p4ntry-d3m0n · 2 years
Marcy has 100% dragged Anne into cosplaying with her
Anne wasn’t too into it and was gonna tell her no, but Marcy was bouncing on her feet and making little happy hums and squeals and had really excited puppy dog eyes, so Anne literally just- couldn’t say no
Marcy chose to cosplay as Entrapta from She-Ra (if you know, you know) and Anne chose Marcelina from Adventure Time because “who wouldn’t wanna be a badass vampire queen?”
Marcy was rambling like hell when she saw how Anne looked, switching from rambling about vampires and the history of vampires to “you look so pretty and cool!!!” to her own headcanons of both her and Anne’s chosen character
Anne could barely keep up with what Marcy was saying, so eventually when she got too fast for her to keep up with, she just- put her hands on Marcy’s shoulders like “Marcy!”
When Marcy paused, Anne just sighed in fond exasperation before going “you look good too” and Marcy starts bouncing on her feet and making little happy hums
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p4ntry-d3m0n · 2 years
Anne has a bunch of soft frog hoodies that she loves and she’s gotten onto a table and screeched “ribbit ribbit, motherfucker, I’m a goddamn frog” more than once while Marcy tried to get her down and Sasha just counted down before they both fell
She barely got to two when counting down from three before they both fell from the table
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p4ntry-d3m0n · 2 years
My schedule consists of sleeping in the day and being awake during the ungodly hours of the night, that is all
Also we started journaling in my art class and literally all ive written are au and fic ideas for Amphibia, specifically marcanne because yes
Like you can’t tell me a Warrior Cats au of Amphibia wouldn’t be a fun concept to play around with. Like Marcy and Sasha are patrolling the boarders of whatever clan (I was sort of thinking Windclan or Shadowclan?) and they see a farm in the distance and Marcy pauses and smells the air like “I smell some others down there!” and Sasha pauses to look for a second before turning back around and going “let’s hope they haven’t crossed into (insert clan that I haven’t decided on)” or something and then a bigger animal comes out, maybe a semi-adult fox that’s big enough for cats to be like “f u c k” if they come across one. So Sasha and Marcy are immediately trying to figure out how they can come out of the situation alive while the fox is growling in front of them. Next thing you know, Anne, a fluffy ass Maine coon (I haven’t decided on another kind of cat) tackles the fox out of nowhere and gets away from its jaws. Now she’s a Maine coon, so when her fur rises, she looks bigger than she is, so the fox is a bit put off. So Anne keeps hissing and growling and occasionally swiping at the fox until it hits the road. Anne stays like that before calming down and going “are you okay” and Marcy, a bit stunned, nods while Sasha takes a bit to process before growling “we were fine, what are you doing in our territory” and Anne looks caught off guard and more than a little annoyed like “I was in the area and could smell two cats and a fox, and then I saved your tail” AND THEN IT BEGINS
Obviously Marcy and Sasha would have clan names since, y’know, clan cats, but I haven’t decided on those just yet. Anne is one of the cats who lives on that farm that I mentioned before. She, Hop Pop, Sprig, and Polly all live there. They still have all their names because like- farm cats, not clan cats. Sprig is like the age of an apprentice cat, Polly is an older kit of course, and Hop Pop is obviously an elder. Anne, Sasha, and Marcy are like- just newly made warrior age, I would say
My whole idea was just kinda them, and other Amphibia characters turned into cats, constantly having run-ins with Anne and constantly having to report it to their leader (maybe Grime?? Idk, I haven’t thought that far yet) before the leader is like “interesting. Bring her in the next time you see her, I have some matters to discuss” because the leader wants the farm to be an area for them to take advantage of and secretly expand their territory. NOW- it has been a hot minute since I’ve read a Warrior cats book, so a lot of stuff might be flimsy or inaccurate. Also I debated having Marcy as a medicine cat, but honestly, I feel like that could both help and hurt the au. Like it would be interesting interactions between Marcy and Anne, because I do plan on making this into a marcanne thing since I don’t ship any of the other ships, but it would also minimize those interactions. SO I feel like it would be great if Andrias was the leader of whatever clan and he was still an evil cat with ulterior motives, while Grime could be deputy. Marcy wanted to be a medicine cat, but Andrias kind of *strongly* suggested that Marcy would be better as a Warrior cat, so she sadly gave up being a medicine cat
That’s all that I have so far
But also like- human warrior cats au- which kind of defeats the purpose, but I really can’t and don’t wanna draw cat anatomy-
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p4ntry-d3m0n · 2 years
Okay so like I’ve been thinking of this all day b u t-
If you’ve seen Naruto/Naruto Shippuden
You can agree that Marcy feels like a combination of traits from Shikamaru and Rock Lee
Marcy has the enthusiasm and determination and the inability to stop doing something until she completes whatever task she’s doing like Lee
And then she has a shit ton of intelligence like Shikamaru
That’s my singular thought of the day
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p4ntry-d3m0n · 2 years
I did a thing because I was itching to doodle
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I thought that Anne’s parents would be very proud of her for all her work and all her efforts, especially after the heartbreak of leaving Amphibia
They’d see her for the first time in her new uniform and Anne’s dad is instantly like “WE NEED A PICTURE” and her mom is just struck with pride and love for how her daughter turned out
Their hair is a bit greyed because of how they’re growing older
The height of her parents is a bit botched up and the dad’s legs look a bit wonky, but I just- didn’t wanna mess with it more lol
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p4ntry-d3m0n · 2 years
Marcy Wu would chug energy drink after energy drink for her all-nighters of researching her interests and playing video games and Anne and Sasha would consistently be bewildered by how she’s even alive because any normal person would’ve had like- three heart attacks
Funnily enough, she stays the hell away from most coffees because she thinks it’s too bitter
I fully expect Sasha to enjoy coffee like her life depends on it, both super sweet and super bitter and everything in between
Anne’s coffee usage might be limited because her mom is like “no, too much is bad for you” or something, but her dad could also secretly pass her an energy drink or two depending on whether he tries pulling all-nighters while he plays games too
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p4ntry-d3m0n · 2 years
I love how inconsistent my style is lol
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I very much loved Anne in her Breath of the Wild getup and I love imagining her in an actual fantasy au with Marcy and Sasha and she’s like “LOOK AT THIS FROG/BUG” and rambling on and on about different elixirs and the effects of elixirs while Sasha is creeped the fuck out by the insects and Marcy is fascinated
Also it just amuses me in general to imagine Sasha, probably a soldier/warrior, who can hold her own in most fights and doesn’t show much fear as frightened of bugs lol
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p4ntry-d3m0n · 3 years
I want-
Anne to be pissed off for more than five minutes or a paragraph in fics and all
Maybe I haven’t had the best luck in finding angsty fics about y’know, Sasha and Marcy’s betrayals or maybe I’ve just been blind to some gems, but I haven’t come across a lot of fics where Anne is angry and goes off on them and all that
And I’m assuming like- to be fair, Anne doesn’t get much time to be angry or think about anything because she’s constantly thrown into another adventure, another problem to deal with, but like-
I want Anne to be mad, I want Anne to scream, I want Anne to wake up from nightmares and instead of going to whoever’s arms she flinches away from Sasha or Marcy’s touch and leaves the room to be away, I want her to question whether her friends actually cared about her or her feelings once they grew up, I want Anne to snap at Sasha and Marcy, I want her to be distant from them
I have a dozen ideas in my head, but one that comes to mind right now is Anne, because y’know she desperately wishes things could go back to the way they were, pretending to be fine and pretending to forgive but whenever Sasha or Marcy is behind her, they notice her tense. If they move too quickly, she flinches and almost looks like she’s preparing for a physical fight. If they try touching her, she shivers or flinches or straight up avoids it. And when they question her on it and are like “if you say you forgive us, why are you acting this way” and she just- snaps and tells them that she wants things to go back the way they were but how could they when every time she sees them, she’s reminded of the pain and hurt they caused her and how her trust is just gone and how she doesn’t even know if they cared at all about her feelings and all that
And like- yeah, this idea is fairly basic and I’m sure has been done multiple times and maybe I just haven’t seen the fics that have a lot of angst and Anne being angry, but yeah, this is in my head, it’s stuck, it’s not going away
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p4ntry-d3m0n · 2 years
Anne as a sarcastic flirt who would 100% nearly get herself killed by saying “what’re you gonna do, stab me?”
With her beta design. And in a high school setting
Also anyone who gets a crush on her has to deal with her being a flirty little shit and the person’s theme song is “Let Me Explode”
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p4ntry-d3m0n · 3 years
I want ALL of the girls to talk about their feelings and actions. Anne has been hurt a lot, but so has Marcy in their copedent relantioship, with Anne being overbearing, and she never really said much when the trio was together (as shown in Dinner and Bands episode). ALL of them need to talk things through, and I'm also not a fan of the idea of "oh, Anne got so hurt, Sasha and Marcy are the only guilty party here". Anne also has done mistakes in their friendship with toxic habits.
Fair, fair, and while Sasha and Marcy aren’t the only guilty party and Anne likely did some things as well since their friendship wasn’t entirely healthy, they did technically do the most with their betrayals
It would be nice to hear them talk to each other and actually communicate, though. I feel like if they did, it would either be slow and open or they would blow up eventually because let’s be real, not a lot of people like admitting they fucked up, particularly Anne and Sasha
Anne’s pretty stubborn and while she has developed a lot and learned a lot, I feel like she’d feel more hurt by what Sasha and Marcy did and be conflicted and struggle with those emotions before fully acknowledging what she could’ve done to hurt them as well
Sasha is stubborn as well and has control issues and she could struggle with admitting she’s wrong as well and possibly push the blame onto Marcy since Marcy technically brought them to Amphibia in the first place.
This is all speculation and imagining a worst case scenario in terms of them talking, but I could be completely wrong and their character and their actions. Part of me hopes they’ll get along again, but I honestly just really want the conflict and the angst and the pain way before any of that
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p4ntry-d3m0n · 3 years
I'm sure the show will have Anne have a hard time forgiving Sasha and Marcy (though maybe she'll forgive Marcy first seeing how she was killed and all) considering how it did Anne and Hop Pop's strained relationship in First Temple. Do you also hope to see more of Sasha and Marcy being awkward and a bit distrusting around each other too since in this case, both sides betrayed each other and would love more interaction between the two in general?
I feel like Anne’s struggle to forgive them, even talk to them or look them in the eyes should be drawn out because no one can really forgive that easy, especially if it costs you the life you had before. With Hop Pop, I’m glad they didn’t just go back to how they were and while I do wish they had drawn it out more, there’s only so much you can do with the time you’re given, so I get it
I hope that Anne struggling to forgive Marcy and Anne will be drawn out, but I’m happy with it even being acknowledged for more than an episode
I do hope to see them struggle and be distrusting of each other, but at the same time, it would be hypocritical in a way because both Sasha and Marcy betrayed Anne, not just one of them
I imagine they’d have a hard time, and Sasha would probably be really unforgiving as well since while she’s tried getting better, I think she’ll struggle with her emotions on that. But at the same time, if Anne is keeping her distance from both of them, I feel like they’d have to learn to forgive because, well, they kinda only have each other
But I would absolutely love it if they were to get more interactions and to have more of their thoughts shared on the matter. Anne was devastated in True Colors, sure, but Sasha was more mad. I would love to have her emotions, and even Marcy’s emotions, get talked about more
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