#dabix reader angst
goth-girlfriend · 4 years
I really LOVE your writing. It makes me happy && really love Endeavor more then I already do. 🥰 But! While I was reading you’re Stain fic I couldn’t help but feel like you would write a GREAT angst. I mean that whole good bye scene had my twisting all the way into my soul. So if you could? 👉👈🥺 would you, could you, please write an Angst fic for Endeavor or Dabi? I’m a sucker for pain 😫😩😩
Dabi x Reader aggressive Angst? Reader x Brief Overhaul/Kai Chisaki
Aggressive angst?
Inspired by a weird dream and the song Daddy Issues
I’ll try to redo it! I want to put more effort and more angst. I wanted them to be lovey dovey at first but my progress was lost so I just came up with another plan. I still hope you enjoy what I wrote! Thank you!
“Touya!” I screamed running up to him. I plopped down beside him, in the next swing.
“We match again.” I pointed to the white bandages on his arms and neck.
“Heh, yeah, I had another quirk accident. Trainings getting harder.” He mumbled looking down at his feet.
I smiled and nodded, “I’m sorry, maybe it’ll get easier?” It was more of a question.
“Yeah, hows you get hurt?” Touya pointed at my own bandaged arms.
“Daddy issues.” I shrugged, that’s what I’d heard mom call them, so I guess that it.
“Oh.” He mumbled.
“Yeah, but it’ll get easier....” I realized how big of a lie it was for the both of us.
“Let’s get ice cream!” I jumped out of my swing and held my hand out to Touya.
“I guess.” He shrugged and took my hand.
I pulled him with me, five year olds, crossing the park, in twining bandages, in the late afternoon, just before dark. Everything seemed okay at the moment, everything was good. For the twenty minutes we sat, staring at the cars passing by, and licking ice cream.
“Whatcha thinking about?” I turned to Touya who had been staring at the bare popsicle stick in between his fingers.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked.
I shrugged, “I wanna be known, a hero, maybe. I don’t know, my dad says I won’t be anything. But I can try right?”
“I was thinking the same thing.” Touya mumbled.
The years like this passed, We grew up and we fell in love. We tried to spend more time together, well at least the time we could steal. Spending late nights at the park talking in whispered and hiding when cars or a hero would do a round, fining a hill off to the side of some train tracks and laying down on the grass judging the stars and feeling the summer warmth in the soft grass, the occasional sounds and yellow lights of a passing train up hill. Jumping off of bridges into the water streams, trying to smile when things got hard. Fixing each others bandages and talking through it all. Night walks home on the dark streets the only safe haven being the street lights we’d rush to and stand under. Finding one of the few wooden posts and carving our name into it was a sharp stone. I fell in love, and I fell hard. I smiled like an idiot every-time I turned to look at him, and he’d return the smile twice as big.
I found myself hugging Touya’s chest and crying, he rubbed my back, “what’s wrong?”
I only hugged him harder the tears falling harder as I rubbed my eyes into his chest tears staining his black button up school jacket. I cling to the black fabric on his back still not wanting to let go. My wrist and palms and body was hurting, when I got here I could even stand without wavering, not I’m clinging to his jacket like it’s my life line. I couldn’t get word out, “I wanna runaway an-“ I was cut of by a gasp for air between my sobs.
“It’s okay, I already know you have daddy issues, because I do too.” He sighed, his chin resting on the top of my head.
“You wanna runaway?” He asked and I nodded against his chest, not letting go of the back of his jacket, he sighed, “I guess I can’t let you go alone.”
The day came, I’d packed a bag with necessities, and money I’d been slowly taking from my dad. My mom was long gone and now I suffered the abuse for the both of us. The day had been grey and muggy, humid. Nasty, disgusting, irritating and just infuriating. I was getting antsy, the cop car would do its final round of the neighborhood for the night and then I was home free. I picked up my window watching the tail lights disappear. And dropped my bag out and a second bag of secondary supplies. I pushed everything away from the window and so it wouldn’t look like I escaped through the window. I cleaned the window with ease and closed it from the outside. I picked up my bags and headed out, to meet Touya where he’d promise to meet me.
It was all the way across town, he wasn’t there, not a sign of anything, no bag, no shoe prints, nothing. I dropped my bags on the floor behind a dumpster, I sat on the floor and just waited the night. Touya was supposed to be here, he wouldn’t leave me would he, he wouldn’t break his promise would he? I waited all night, nothing, and all the next day, nothing. I sat in the rain all the second night, I’d found some pallets and a piece of plastic tarp and made a makeshift shelter. After a few months of being homeless and on the move to make a life for myself I had a small apartment and day job. All out of spite I can add, because by the fourth day I’d realized I’d been stood up completely. He wasn’t coming, he left me alone, he lied to me just like my dad. I found myself wondering the streets tonight, it was winter and I could see my breath under the street lights I passed. I shivered at the satisfaction of cold air over taking my body and internal organs with every deep breath I took.
That was until I had to lunge and send my right fist foreword, and ice wall and shard of ice flying at the man who decided to attack me.
“Leave,” I snarled and got ready to attack again.
“What are you an idiot, don’t you know fire beats ice.” The guys voice was snarky.
“Yeah, well frostbite kills the flesh and fire wont bring it back.” I snarled as flames melted the ice and I stopped the and sent more ice flying at the man.
“Feisty,” he chuckled and through the steam I watched a blue light being held at my shoulder height.
“Too bad feisty gets on my nerves.” He growled and the light grew coming at me.
I made a thick and large ice wall
It surpassed the buildings we were between in height. I focused on my feet and made an ice pillar below me shoving myself up. Once Kent he air I melted the ice making a ramp to the roof top and slid in my heels down the ice ramp. Thank God this place was far away from my apartment.
“STAY STILL BRAT.” Fire came flying up catching everything in its path.
I snarled and focused on the ice that and turned to water, I tried to manipulate it and form a ring around me, I focused on the broken building pieces and tried my bets to bright them closer the stones tumbled before forming another ring, and finally I tried to manipulate the air and it formed swirls around me. I felt my hair getting pulling in different directions, not painful just being tossed by the wind.
“Listen here, I don’t know what you want but I just need you to leave me alone.” I snarled and stepped back not knowing where he could come from.
“You’re still as naive as ever, begging wont help you. Nothing will, I’m here to kill you. Nothing ever gets easier.” I shivered the voice finally hit a nerve and I was enlightened.
I snarled and ran to the edge of the biking jumping straight down, splitting a ball of fire in half with the help of ice. I started trying to physically fight the boy who left me, abandoned my after making a promise. I landed a coupe hits but he used his quirk, it resulted to me using my mine, my hands freezing and finger tips almost going number I went to using the rocks and earth to throw things at him and trying to just immobilize him. But he burnt through ice, water, rock, mud, dirt, and his fire was strong enough to break the air currents I was using. All I had was fire but since that day I vowed I’d never use it.
“TOUYA TODOROKI YOUR A DIRTY LIAR, A NASTY HUMAN BY, AND AS BAD As your father.” I snarled and brought my hands up together, a huge ball of colorful flames leaving my palms burning the skin and bringing feeling back to my palms and fingers.
That hit something because attacks got worse, we battled this out destroying half of the abandoned infrastructure around us. I managed to pin him down, and by pin him down I caught each of his hands in a pillar of concrete and and ice and brought him to his knees pulling his hands underneath the ground.
“WHY DID YOU JUST LEAVE ME?!” I screamed wanting answers, the problem was I was full of anger, wet anger, the kind of anger where you care to much and builds up and rushes up to your eyes and then your crying and you don’t want to cry because then you’ll weak. I didn’t want to look weak in front of the boy, because a man wouldn’t hurt anyone this way, but this boy did.
“Couldn’t you tell?” He scoffed, looking up from his place in the dirt, “I didn’t want you, you cried to much, no one could ever want you with how much your cry, look at you, crying right. Go and ahead and cry little girl, because no body can cry like you do. You cry for every little thing, and it’s annoying.”
I couldn’t say anything if it’s how he felt then fine, I’ll just leave, if he thought I was annoying then why did come here, why was I here? I scoffed and closed my eyes, the tears stopping, I looked up to the sky and opened them coming face with a full moon. With a wave of my hands I ripped the rocks away from Dabi and sent them flying into every light post around us, dressing the neighborhood in a dark shade then it already wore.
“You’re right, I guess that’s the problem when you care about someone to much. You trust them with everything, but in the end its all one sided.” I huffed and turned around and walked once a few blocks away I turned a corner and just ran, I was gone, I wasn’t waiting for anyone or anything anymore.
It’s time I live for me, if Touya wants to play villains good for him, but I have my own life to live, and as long as I’m as far away from him as possible, I’ll be fine.
“Overhaul sir, I’m at the meeting spot, I’ve scoped it out and everything seems clear.” I spoke into my phone and quickly disappeared from scene hiding on a rooftop nearby.
“Thank you (Y/n), I’ll be arriving shortly. Make sure to take care of any problems.” He spoke smoothly into the phone.
“Of course.” I nodded my end of the phone and he hung up.
I tucked my phone away and squatted against the wall do a roof top door entrance. The shadow covered me and left room for movement. I pressed my back against the wall and sat my butt on my heels, it prepared me for easy lunges and more forced if I had to run. I watched intensely at the large alley below, just waiting. I watched as a white van pulled up, the side door opened and a group of people poured out, one with hand son his body, a girl in a school uniform, a guy covered in black mist, a another in a grey and black suit, the man driving was a lizard and he made a hand motion and drove off. A few minutes passed and the lizard guy came walking up with someone who I couldn’t help but feel familiar.
They all stood around waiting and talking, until a new It was time, using moisture in the air, I created a cold thick dog to block out the view, I left a clear entry way for Overhaul and his men. I was paid to make sure they got in and out unharmed, so you can bet, it’s what I’m going to do. I watched as a black sleek car pulled up, I was blocking out the sound of commotion, and dropped the temperature causing ice crystals to form in the air.
As soon as Overhaul gave the sign the I split the fog, he wanted a great entrance, so I made sure it showed him first and spread to show the people around him. The crystals in the air slowly dropping forming a wind chime symphony.
“Tomura Shigaraki.” I shivered at Chisaki’s voice.
It’s not hard to admit that I’d found myself tangled up with Kai more then just one way. I sighed and pried my eyes away from him staring at the other group. Form what I had learned they were called the league to villains. I didn’t learn the names, I didn’t need to. All I needed to know is that they work under the man I had a bad run in with. But it was a benefit for me when I escaped his grimy hands. And then fell right into the clean gloved hands of Kai Chisaki.
He forced me to work with him, he knew who I was and learned what I was capable of, and with the new quirks that had been engineered into my DNA, he had even more reason to hold me down.
I let out a silent sigh and crossed my arms over my knees counting the people across from Kai, the same number, so everything was alright. That’s was until screaming started, I noticed a blue light starting up and my shoved myself forward left heel pushing against the wall I was just propped up against. Crashing down I manipulated the blue fire up into the sky in a pillar, quickly the ice crystals forming a thick wall between the two as I landed beside Kai. The sounds on the other side of the ice we’re muffled, Kit barked orders at his team and they quickly went into action, they rushed to the open end of the alley making sure Chisaki got out, I followed in the back among sure no one got hurt. I looked back seeing a large ball of blue fire coming, I quickly brought my palms up fingers spread using my own fire to break through and send a baldy back, it was yellow with streaks of green, red, blue and purple. I quickly erected a stone wall at the alleys entrance as I stepped out blocking their exit.
I rushed and found Chisaki getting into his car, the man held the door open, Kai turned to me, “Get in.” He barked.
Just as I was about to another ball of fire caking crashing near the other cars.
“I’m sorry Kai,” I turned around to face the source, “I promised to get you all out safe and right now you just need to go, I’ll find you soon.” I shut the door and told the man who was holding the door to go.
He quickly left no waiting or denying. I ran back to the cars that were almost being burnt, using the water moisture again I put out the fire and froze it causing another wall of ice.
“GET OUT OF HERE.” I screamed at the men who were lingering trying to fight back.
They listened and rushed off to escape, I snarled standing in the middle of the empty street alone. Facing the blurred figures on the other side of the ice, they came through in black pools of mist. I reached behind my head tightened my lunar eclipse Kitsune mask.
“It must be terrible being left behind, why don’t you join us.” The little school girl spoke up bringing her hands to hold her mask.
“We don’t need her, we just need to know where your boss is going,” Tomura asked hunching over.
I scoffed, “He’s not my boss, and I don’t know where he’s going, Im only here to make sure they get in and out safely.”
I reached down and grabbed the handle to a katana. I slide it up and brought it foreword taking hold with both hands. I examined them hoping to find a weak point on each of them, I did, and got ready to use it if I had to.
“Lets just burn her, she won’t be any help anyways.” The guy with black hair piped up, I looked at him, something inside me clicked, he looked familiar, but why couldn’t I remember him, I knew him.
“I’ll just finish this.” Was all I heard before a hand came in contact with my mask, I was watched it crumble and then a hand planted on my face.
I stood there not knowing what to do, there was literally just a hand on my face. The pressure on my nose cause me to sneeze, the hand was pulled away as I rubbed my nose and used the back of my Katana to knock the guy down.
“What are you doing” I scoffed and turned to sneeze again, “that was my good mask.”
I looked at the crumbles that remained on the floor, Kai is gonna yell at me, and then yell some more, and then some more, and then he’ll buy me a new one.... but when he yells it lasts like an an hour... and a half.
“WHAT?!” He screamed and looked up from his kneeling position.
“I know it doesn’t look like much but it costed a ton.” I picked up the ribbon it was all that was left, “Rude.”
“Why is she alive?” I looked up to see the guy with the grey and black suit looking shocked.
I heard a ding in my ear from the ear piece, they were long gone and it looked like I was in the clear to escape.
“Well, it was nice wasting time here,” I took a few steps back, “But I have to go.”
Using one of the few quirks I opened a white portal behind me but was stopped by a scream and blue fire. I dropped my Katana and quickly counter acted closing the portal and making a wall of cement and jumping on it, with the wave of my hand I ran a stream of fire over all of them hoping they would run or burn. I stopped and noticed they were gone, maybe they’d left, until I felt something hit my back, quickly breaking the ice wall I tuned it into water and whipped it around to smack down whoever had hit me. I looked back to see the same black haired guy. Everyone else was gone, I quickly dropped the cement wall and put distance between us.
“Your little group is gone, shouldn’t you be with them.” I scoffed and brought my fists up preparing to counter act whatever this guy had.
“I could say the same thing,” he fought his right hand up a blue flame igniting, “Do you remember me?”
“Should I?” I asked annoyed and trying to make more distance.
“Eleven years and then some and you forget about me,” he scoffed.
“I guess you aren’t important.” I shrugged.
“Id say I was, you cried when I left you and you cried when I found you after all that time. And now you don’t remember me.” The fire in his hands died out.
“Like I said bud, nothing.” I couldn’t fight the feeling though, I totally knew this guy.
“Well, do you remember your da-“ just before he could finish I sneezed.
“Sorry, my bad didn’t mean to cut you off.” I rubbed my nose, “anyways, I don’t have time to waste, I don’t knew you, and if you know me good. But back to the point no time to wa-“ I was cut off by a cold feeling in my chest.
Not ice cold, but a burning cold, my reaction was to surround myself with ice spikes, the guy in front of my just dissolved, I looked over my shoulder, there he stood, blue fire pressed in between my shoulder blades, and in my body, singeing every organ it could touch.
Looking at his face this close, his eyes, memories quickly flashed in my mind, just brief second of the past.
Dripping ice cream, bloody tissue on the floor, blue eyes, bruises, passing train, cloudy full moon, stars on water, blue fire, snowflakes, bandage tape, red hair, school uniform, dumpster, unknown men, tubes, burning house, cop car, tail lights, hands clasped in the a bush, standing under a street light, (e/c) eyes, screaming, running, laughing, tears on the dry dirt, empty swing moving, crying, balled up fist, blood dripping from finger tips, a bag with money, a black tarp, a little girl screaming Touya
I don’t know when but I held my breath, my insides had frozen over killing off the fire inside, I felt the fist in my flash, my organs immediately starting to regenerate, burning in my lungs, stinging my eyes followed by and echo in my mind “You cry for everything.”
“YOU BURNT BASTARD ILL KILL YOU.” I screamed blood flying from my mouth and a tip as I turned ripping his arm out of my back, my own fists lightly up with fire.
I went for it not nothing to looking which able to feel the vibrations through the ground, the tears dropped forming ice crystals building up as blood dropped from the wounds that were closing, “I TRUSTED YOU, YOU LIED TO ME! YOU LEFT ME AND I SUFFERED, I LET GO AND I MOVED ON I DON’T KNOW WHY YOU CAME BACK ILL KILL YOU BUT THATS NOT IT! YOU SAID WED RUNAWAY TOGETHER, YOU AHD DADDY ISSUES AND I WATCHED YOU CRY, I WAS THERE EVERY TIME YOU CRIED, EVERY TIME YOU WERE HURT, I CARRIED YOU WHEN YOU WERE WEAK, I WAS OUT LATE WHEN YOU COULDNT GO BACK HOME I WAS ABUSED FOR STAYING OUT LATE I GAVE EVERYTHING I COULD IN THOSE TIMES AND NOW YOUR LITERALLY STABBING ME IN THE BACK FOR A SECOND TIME!” I didn’t stop even when he started to fight back, I took burn after burn, not caring about the pain.
I stopped the moment I had him in an all to familiar pose, ok his knees the way that night played out, I snarled and my chest heaved, with quick heavy breaths, “I should kill you.” I mumbled.
“Do it.” He snapped and struggled.
“I won’t, it’s ridiculous. You probably want to die, it’d make it to easy for you.” I snapped at him.
“Whatever, so do you want to know why I’m bac-“ I quickly cut him off with a muzzle of ice.
“I don’t want to know anything, at all,” I turned away from his eyes closed, “I don’t even want to see you, if I annoy you so much why do you come after me, the first time alone, this time alone after your team left. I don’t care, I take that back I don’t even wanna know why.” I turned away completely and opened my eyes staring at the new moon phase of the moon, a void, surrounded by stars.
“Because I keep trying to let you go, but I Can’t,” He spoke to clearly for my liking, “I’m not entirely here anymore, half of me disappeared and I want it back.”
I scoffed not looking back, I took a few steps away from him, “I guess it’s just not your call anymore Touya.”
I kept wasn’t going to look back, I heard a sniffle, I shouldn’t look back, but I did. For once his burn tear ducts leaked, his eyes looked sad for a second, his jaw clenched teeth showing. All I could see was a red haired six year old crying, standing alone in a park, bandages on his right arms as he forcefully wiped his eyes, his left arm hanging down in a fist, bandages falling loosely, bandages skeins his neck tears pooling in his eyes and dripping down his chin hitting the ground. He was crying and sobbing, he was human once, and for a brief minute he was human again. I wanted to join him and tell him and hug him the way I did before, but I was afraid of getting hurt, I couldn’t let myself get hurt again, I wouldn’t.
“It’s disgusting to see a grown man cry,” I snarled and turned away from him, “and it’s annoying watching little girls cry.”
I heard a final sob before I sighed and opened a portal, I entered before I backed out, I found myself immediately in a dark alley across town, I slid down the wall probably ripping my costume as I cried, my fingers digging into the flesh of my biceps as I hugged myself.
I heard a tune around the corner
‘You gotta let it out soon, just let it out, Go ahead and cry little girl, Nobody does it like you do, I know how much it matters to you’
It was cut off, I looked up from my knees to meet a hand, I looked up past the hand.
“You’re dirty, lets get you home,” The voice was authoritative but it’s didn’t hold the cold feeling that usually accompanied it, “(y/n).”
He sighed and reached into his pocket and pulled out a white folded square, he squat informs of my, his left hand coming to my chin, his fore finger and middle finger lifting my chin, his right hand came up the white pocket square soft against my cheeks as he wiped them.
“Don’t expect me to ever do this again,” he huffed and pushed an arm behind my back and the other under my knees.
“Filthy, now we’re both dirty.” He scoffed and walked into the back door of the building we were by, I sighed and dropped my head against his shoulder, “Thank you, Kai.”
Small tears fell from from the outer corners of my eyes as the image of young Touya crying alone in the park faded to a black memory. I fell in love with him, the problem is, I never fell out of love with him, he was just erased from my mind when I became All for One’s year subject..... but how can you love someone when....you can’t even look them in the eye anymore..
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