#dad just bought me my fav brand of pads & fav chocolate brand
e.m. & your period
When you ask Eddie to buy you pads/tampons/whatever you use, he says yes without hesitating and doesn't see what the fuss is about. He takes the packaging of the almost empty box or takes notes of your description of what it looks like if you discard the packaging before you're done, and isn't afraid to ask the nearest employee for help in finding what you're after. He'll go store to store to store if he can't find it and he will not come home 'til he's got precisely what you asked for.
Feels like the worst boyfriend ever if he has to come home with a substitute. Will phone Dustin's mother if all other hope is lost. Knows your exact favourite chocolate and other snacks and comforts and gets them as well as your products to 'ease your way down satan's sacrificial waterfall'. He only calls your period that in the hopes it'll make you at least crack a smile. What your heart is warmed by, he sees as the bare minimum and is constantly trying to one-up himself in how he shows you he loves and cares for you.
Because fully showing and expressing your emotions in whichever ways feel most natural and comfortable to you is metal as fuck, sweetheart.
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