#daddy daichi 🧎🏼‍♀️
kingdaddydaichi · 2 years
katsuki has been dethroned!!!!! 😯 daichi supremacy!!!! 🤸🏻‍♀️
Dom Daddy Daichi just walked in like he owns the damn place and scooted Katsu out the way like
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He’s been lurking for literal MONTHS just waiting, etching his name deeper and deeper like a tattoo on my heart. He’s just so magnanimous and wise. A true, distinguished gentleman; an altruistic, natural leader. So. Damn. KINGLY. 😍😍😍🤧😮‍💨
DAICHI SUPREMACY FTW!! ALL HAIL THE KING! (I would bow but I STAY on my knees for this man. 🧎🏼‍♀️😩)
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kingdaddydaichi · 2 years
So Your Husband is a Cop
Random Relationship HCs: Officer D. Sawamura Edition
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⊱ cw: a teensy weensy bit of nsfw, heavy on the fluff, mention of blood/puke/brain matter (hey, your husband is a cop…these are very real occupational hazards, however I used small red strikethrough text if you wanna skip over it)
⊱ taglist: @lanaxians-2, @briokayama, + anyone else who has been patiently waiting for Chapter III of "of and for gods"...please accept this snack while I re-prioritize this series to the top of my list...I love y'all. 💋
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Daichi’s shifts are always changing…one week he works first shift, four days on 3 days off…the next week he works 3rd shift. It really fucks with his sleep schedule so he’s almost always tired.
As much as you wanna spend time with him on his days off, you let him sleep in (and after you have kids, forbid the children from interrupting his sleep).
So, it’ll be midday on a Saturday or something and you’re outside weeding the flowerbeds.
He wakes up and goes to the kitchen to make himself some coffee (I see him as a coffee drinker? 100% owns a French press) and sees you through the kitchen window. A few minutes later he walks out wearing a pair of basketball shorts and an old t-shirt with the sleeves cut off and finds you in the flowerbed. You look up to see his tired but happy smile and it makes your day brighter than the sun itself.
He’s so ready to spend some time with you that he’ll just jump in or sit down and start doing whatever you’re doing with you. He asks you how your week was and laughs when you tell him a funny story, and you listen while he talks about his week. It’s kinda weird bc you live together – hell, you’re married ffs – but cops keep some fucked up hours okay? So he’s just so grateful to do even the most mundane shit with you.
“Hey babe,” he says as he approaches you with that big, cute boyish smile of his. 
“Morning sunshine,” you say to him as you lean forward to kiss him.
He pecks you on the lips and says, “It’s not morning.”
He squats down and starts helping you pull weeds and just chats with you. Asks you how you’re holding up and making sure you’re okay with the fact that half the time you don’t get to sleep together.
He knows it’s not easy being married to a police officer.
Never mind the comments and looks you get when people find out you’re married to a cop.
Even a couple of your friends stopped talking to you when your relationship with Daichi got serious. 
He had told you he’d understand if you didn’t want to be with him because of how it was affecting other relationships in your life.
You’d been crying, upset about having been dumped by a friend.
Daichi sat down to comfort you and told you he’d understand if you wanted to end things with him. 
That's when you got mad.
“No! Fuck that, Daichi! They don’t know you! If they refuse to see past your badge then that’s on them and they can fuck right off! Shame on them for judging you – for judging us! – when they know nothing about the man behind the badge! They don’t know what an amazing person you are! They don’t know about the sacrifices you’ve made, they don’t know how selfless and kind and caring you are! If they can’t be happy for me when I’ve finally got a really, really good man in my life then good fucking riddance. That just leaves more room for you – someone who wants me to be happy no matter what!”
He was taken aback by your rant, but was so moved by your words. That’s when he knew you were the one and the man damn near cried when he wrapped you up in his arms and told you how much he loves and cherishes you. “Are you happy with me, (Y/n)?”
Sobbing into his chest, you nodded. “Yes!”
He laid his cheek on top of your head and squeezed you tight. “It’s just that I don’t wanna be the reason you cry, honey.”
“You’re not the reason I’m crying, baby.” Your shaky voice came through muffled. “They are. This isn’t your fault. Fuck them. I love you, Daichi n’I wanna be with you.”
Yep. It took him another year to get around to asking you, but he knew right then he was gonna marry you one day. 
Then there’s the fact that his job is dangerous – more than once he has come home with someone else’s dried blood on his skin. Getting puked on after pulling over a drunk driver is always fun, he jokes. Finding a homicide victim’s brain matter on his uniform though…he doesn’t joke about that.
He does a lot of little things to make sure you know you’re still the love of his life. 
Tells you he loves you a lot. Expect lots of cheek, forehead, and top of the head kisses. He’ll do as much as he can around the house on his days off to help you out. 
I feel like he likes working outside a lot when he’s home? When the weather is nice anyway. 
If it’s really hot you’ll bring him a long, tall glass of water (like him heh) or lemonade. 
He smiles when he sees you walking towards him, stops whatever he’s doing, and lifts the bottom of his shirt to wipe his face - one of many opportunities you seize to enjoy the view of his glorious abs. 
He guzzles the cold drink before giving the glass back to you. “Thank you, babe,” he says and then wipes his mouth with his arm before leaning down to kiss your cheek.
But at the same time you won’t let him do too much. Or you start fussing if he does. “There is such a thing as sacred rest, Daichi.” Or “You work too much, honey.” Or (pouting) “Babyyy, come get in the shower with meeee. Wanna spend time with youuuu.” That last one he can almost never resist. 
Ugh he’s so sexy when he’s all sweaty and hot tho. 
Go ahead and get used to getting random texts and calls from mutual friends and family members: “Hey, what’s going on over at (x)? Is Daichi there?” “Is Daichi on duty? Why are there so many patrol cars over near (x)?” “I saw (x) doing blah blah at (x)…can you send Daichi over to take a look?” (bonus points if it’s his day off). Like bitch, I’m not his dispatch, I’m his wifey?
Also - I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the obligatory fact that he keeps a spare set of handcuffs and its keys in the drawer of his nightstand.
I think the first time you wanted him to put them on you made him feel kinda weird bc cuffing people was something he did for real and it felt like an abuse of his power. 
That was right up until you looked up at him with doe eyes and a finger on your pouting lip and said, “But I want you to arrest me, Officer Sawamura.” Then you turned around and gave him a not-so-innocent booty shake. “I’ve been a bad girl.”
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kingdaddydaichi · 2 years
Holy sheep shit, Martha. Can we please talk about how painfully accurate this is and how badly I need Mr. Sawamura to rail me against the nearest wall??? jfc 🤲🏼🧎‍♀️😤
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