#dagger being so quick and acrobatic and close quarters
wraithsoutlaws · 9 months
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ihopethisendswell · 2 years
Some more stuff with The Princess In The Tower! Fighting Styles!
The Princess is a speedster with high stamina. She moves fast and her attacks are quick. She can give out bursts of energy if she needs it, though I think that takes a lot out of her. She's also incredibly acrobatic and has high reflexes due to her time in The Tower. Her downfall is that her time in The Tower was in her dreams. So while she knows how to do certain things, the muscles that she had in her dreams aren't there in real life ( which causes her great body dysphoria). She has to train a lot to do the things she wants to do. With all that being said, I can see her maining daggers as her main weapon,along side power kicks as she's a runner.
The Hunter is a jack of all trades really. He's a hunter, a weapons master so to speak. He knows everything in the book, despite his timid nature, and definitely knows how to execute them effectively. That being said, The Hunter prefers to be in the back lines. Crowd control, if you will. He's already really good at longer distance weapons, and when paired with The Princess, who is more close quarters,he works makes sites enemies stay off her back. Now the downsides, cause oh boy does he have some. 1) being an expert of many. Handling so many weapons is great but between wanting to switch to a different weapon do the risk of getting overwhelmed by someone is really good at one thing can happen. Fortunately, The Hunter has trained in ways to counter his weaknesses, but that doesn't mean they don't happen. 2) His weapons are magic. The Zara and Bo Universe is not the same as TPITT, but I'm still going to use Bo as a comparison. Bo is a Null, meaning he can't be affected by magic. So if he picks up a cursed weapon, he will not get cursed. But The Hunter definitely can. There's also having to attune to these magic weapons. If you've played dnd, then you know what I mean. At most The Hunter can attune three, and that's under the assumption he is successful. The consequences of not vary, but it can get very very bad. It's always a risk. If you're wondering why The Hunter can't use magic/powers, he doesn't have it. He's a regular ole person( think quirk less). And for #3) himself. The Hunter can sometimes become more....brutal when he fights. It doesn't happen often, but sometimes he gets too absorbed in the fight. And again, given how he's good at every weapon, I would say that he would bring whatever seems suitable for the given fight. I do feel like a rifle or something long-ranged would always be with him though.
The Prince is the least thought out, but here we go. I've always seen The Prince much like The Hunter except with spells and magic. Not to say he doesn't know how to handle a weapon, he does, but spells were always more of his thing. And the spells vary a lot, much like The Hunter and his weapons, but what's most notable about him is his healing spells. He is an insane healer, and can give buffs ( and debuffs if he wanted to, but that's actually a bit harder to do) to anyone he wants. He's a good support, though given his ego, he doesn't want people to see that part of him. When he's not healing, he knows how to dish out Big Damage to his enemies, both in magic and in close combat. I feel like he's a swords guy. He's "The Prince" after all. For downsides, it's very similar to The Hunter. Spells take time to learn and master and it's hard to manage so many. Learning more "darker" spells might also have some side effects, though let's be real, it's magic, magic is incredibly fickle to even touch.
The Sleepless is hard, but the best I can say is that she's an unhinged wild card. I often imagine her slashing and hacking as well as fast sporadic movemts. She's very unpredictable, so you don't really know what she's going to do. She could slash you with her nails, use a spell, use a dagger or two. And it's not like she doesn't think. The Sleepless is smart, and she knows how to play other people. Her downside? I think she's pretty frail. I mean, The Princess is too, but The Sleepless doesn't have the muscle memory of acrobatics and such to help her. I also feel like she can be reckless, ditching a plan if she sees a more fun option. Finally, I think she can get very emotional if you find her weak points. How and why? I don't know. But that's the vibe I'm getting.
And that's it! If you read this far, thank you!
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