dagwoodhq · 4 years
big news ! we hit our opening goal, which means we’ll officially be opening tomorrow, may 30th at 4pm est !  at this time, we’ll be open for in-character interactions, we’ll send around the link to the optional ooc discord, and everything will be ready to go !   we’ve got lots of fun planned for our opening week, and we can’t wait to get it all started. please like this post once you’ve seen it so we can gauge who’ll be around. 
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dagwoodhq · 4 years
below are the options for our first event!!! as far as timing is concerned, we imagine this taking place prior to the campers arriving for the summer. we understand that many have elected to write threads with campers already involved, but these are just meant to be light, fun events that shouldn’t mess with timelines or subsequent events too much, so no stress! click here for a poll to vote for your favorite event.
EVENT 01  :  welcome bonfire
the night before the campers arrive, it’s dagwood tradition for the staff to join together for a bonfire. every year at the welcome bonfire, all staff is encouraged to participate in an old camp ritual: they pass around a hat filled with dares as the bonfire begins, just a simple, harmless task, save for the possibility of a little embarrassment. camp legend says that you have to complete your dare by the time the bonfire ends, or else you’ll be fated to have your most unlucky summer yet. *dares will be sent to each member via ask box, and they may choose to respond to the dare in ask meme format, self para, open starter, or in a private thread.
EVENT 02  :  motel party
a short distance from camp is an isolated motel where counselors and most head staff (they’re the ones that started the tradition when they were counselors, after all) rent multiple rooms to host a summer kick-off party at the end of every orientation week, just before the campers arrive. it’s their one opportunity to let loose before the camp season officially starts. and since they’re off dagwood grounds, anything goes. but this year, the administration is tipped off. do they resolve to break up the party and start off the new season by writing up all of their staff, or do they adopt an if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em mentality and join in on the fun? *muses in administrative roles have the ability to decide how their will respond to the party, the main will assign roommates for sleeper rooms at random.
EVENT 03  :  field day
this would be held on campgrounds before the campers arrive for the season. there will be contests and field games, music, food trucks, a rented bouncy house and ball pit. *this event would feature an interactive element where muses are randomly divided into two teams in direct competition for the day. we will post a variety of competitions and events on the main, and you will submit to us a list of what your muse chooses to participate in, and their times/values (for example: i would have devin “sign up” for the hot dog eating contest and say he ate 5 of them; keely could “sign up” for a hula hooping competition and last 2 minutes and 43 seconds). whoever submits the highest values by chance wins, and their team receives a point. winners of team sports (tug of war, relay races, etc.) will be randomly generated. winning team will be announced at end of event.
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dagwoodhq · 4 years
we’re going back & forth on a few ideas for our first event, which will be announced tonight ! since we’re having such a hard time choosing ourselves, our plan is to open it up to a poll & go with whatever you all prefer. before we present you with the poll, we wanted to open up the floor to your suggestions ! send ‘em in via ask box & we’ll include them in our list to be voted on. no judgment literally ever, but feel free to do so on anon if you’re feeling shy !
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dagwoodhq · 4 years
we’re now officially open for business !  time to post your intros, starters, whatever your heart desires ! i’ll be sending out the link for our optional ooc chat shortly. make sure you’re following everyone on our follow list. remember to tag your intros with #dagwoodintro and your starters with #dagwoodstarter. we obviously encourage everyone to spread the love, and make sure everyone’s starter is getting a little love, and use discretion before posting your own.  we’ve got lots of fun (including an event, a task, and a meme night) planned for our opening week, i can’t wait to see what we can get into together !
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dagwoodhq · 4 years
hey everyone, we hate to do this to those of you who’ve stuck around, but due to general low activity/interest, we’re electing to close down dagwood. thanks for joining and taking a chance on us.
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dagwoodhq · 4 years
hi everyone ! thanks for your feedback in the group chat about whether or not you were all interested in an honesty hour/meme night tonight. we think it's an awesome opportunity to get to know each other’s muses better, so we’re excited to go forth with it ! no pressure to participate if you’re not interested. it will kick off at 8 PM EST, so be on the lookout for more information at that time !! as an additional note, we will be accepting event ideas until 8 PM.
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dagwoodhq · 4 years
i think i’ve sent out a link to everyone for the ooc chat (and messaged a couple of people i wasn’t able to im). if you don’t have a link/ask about it, and you want to join the chat, let me know that i missed you and i’ll set you up asap !
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