thevirtualvicar · 7 years
John 12:24 The Somme and Hope! DDP#821
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svbcttd · 3 years
శ్రీమద్బగవద్గీత భగవంతుని యొక్క రహస్యాలను తెలుసుకోవాలనుకుంటే తప్పక చూడండి. సాయంత్రం 7:00 గం" లకు మీ SVBCTTD Youtube Channel లో …..
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Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOEOyKDoLVE
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michaelkeithcooper · 4 years
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Making Family Devotionals Fun
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 Holding family devotional together as a family has many benefits. But have you ever called your children for family devotions and then they roll their eyes suggesting that the devotionals session is boring. This could be that your family devotional time has become a boring routine, quite repetitive and unimaginative.  Because of this, you can find yourself looking for ways that can liven up the family devotions for you and your family. One way is by finding the right devotional books and materials that will help to liven up the devotional sessions. Take some devotional books that can give you important tips that are helpful to make the devotional time interesting. These family devotional books will help by capturing the imagination and also bring out the creativity in your children. Even when they have been bored with the devotions, they will find this as a different approach to devotions. Your children will have fun reading, praying and even sharing these kinds of devotionals as they will enjoy the change in the approach to doing your devotionals which can be refreshing, learn more!
 You can as well change the strategy instead of having the family devotionals by David Servant every night which can be exhausting; you can choose to have the family devotions at least one night a week. This will make the kids look forward to this night as it will not be a regular routine. This time will not be boring because they get to do it just one night in a week. Some devotions are for kids between the ages of 5 to 12 years, but they can also be used by either younger or older kids above the ages mentioned above. These devotionals although, they are written as "family" devotions the activities included can be used for the children clubs or other children programs too.
 Select books that are precise and give basic and also easy instructions to follow. The books should also list the materials that are required for each of the devotional activity, as this will help you to prepare for the devotional time. Some of the fun devotional activities that you can include in your sessions include the darts, laser tag, nature hike, creative writing, bible charades, blocks, music tricks, games, servant jar among many others. These devotional books have extensive sections that are dedicated for holiday period like the children day. For the teachers and parents who are interested in rekindling the children anticipation about spending their time with God, these books can be a great resource that you can add to your home or school library. Get more facts about devotion at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daily_devotional.
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jayjayasuriya · 7 years
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Daily Bible Reading Devotional [Psalm 23]-March 27, 2017 Daily_Devotional, dustoffthebible.com
Scripture Reading(s)
Psalm 23
23:1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.
23:2 He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters;
23:3 he restores my soul. He leads me in right …
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thevirtualvicar · 7 years
1 Corinthians 15:56-57 Is there life after death? 2/2 DDP#815
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thevirtualvicar · 7 years
Matthew 6:33 First! DDP#813
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thevirtualvicar · 7 years
1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 Thanks! DDP#811
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thevirtualvicar · 7 years
Romans 15:1 Not scary! (Halloween 2 of 2) DDP#809
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thevirtualvicar · 7 years
Mark 1:35 Daily Routine! DDP#803
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thevirtualvicar · 7 years
Mark 1:16-18 Down tools! DDP#817
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thevirtualvicar · 7 years
Jeremiah 10:10 The True King, I presume? DDP#816
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thevirtualvicar · 7 years
Isaiah 43:19 New! DDP#812
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thevirtualvicar · 7 years
James 4:13-14 The size of God! DDP#807
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thevirtualvicar · 7 years
Romans 5:6-8 The seagull of gratitude. DDP#798
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thevirtualvicar · 7 years
Colossians 1:23 Be brewed! DDP#795
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