Daily Dad Discussions 15
( Bands present BTS, SVT, EXO, GOT7, NCT and VIXX)
Jaebum : Are you crying?
Jinyoung : No, I'm having an allergic reaction
Jaebum : To what?
Jinyoung : Our motherfucking children.
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Namjoon: Kissing burns 6.4 calories a minute, do you want to test it out?
Seokjin: Are you calling me fat?
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Ten : If I was kidnapped, what would you do?
Taeyong : Nothing. Wait 30 minutes until they let you go voluntarily.
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Seungcheol : hey long time no see
Jeonghan : let’s just keep it that way
Seungcheol : I'm only going to say this once so listen carefully
Jeonghan : I'm only going to listen once so say it properly
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Junmyeon : *Looks around at xiuchen, chanbaek, kaisoo and then slams his hands on the table* That's it I'm tired of being single, you! *points to yixing* We're in a relationship now.
Yixing : *blushes* Okay
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Taekwoon : *accidentally brushes hakyeon's hand with his own*
Hakyeon : *agressively holds taekwoon's hand*
Hakyeon : Fucking commit to it
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Seokjin : the dorm looks like a mess, we need to clean it
hoseok: who's coming over?
Seokjin : no one
Yoongi : then why do we have to clean it? we know we live like this
Seokjin : fine. The judgement express arrives at 7
Taehyung : which one ? You have a whole group of judgy friends hyung.
Namjoon : Is it the "i don't care about my children at all. I treat them just like the rest of the world. With major critism minor surprise with a hint concern" Jinyoung from got7 ?
Jimin : or is it the " I'm a divorced father of 8 stuck in a love triangle with a man in china and a bratty child " Junmyeon from Exo ?
Taehyung : Or its it the "i have too much love to give and you have to take it. Don't like it ? Suffer" Hakyeon from vixx ?
Hoseok : or is it the " i have fruits in the form of wine for dinner otherwise i would never be able to cope with my ever growing children " Taeyong from Nct ?
Yoongi : or is it the " I did not marry two husbands for nothing, they'll take care of the 10 children. Excuse me it's time for my nap" Jeonghan from seventeen ?
Seokjin : Its all of them and if they heard you they would roast your asses off.
( Door opens, Jungkook enters panting )
Jungkook : Hyung i got ALL the bottles of wine from the nearest convenience store, just like you asked. Do you think it'll be enough ?
Seokjin : God, I hope so.
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Daily Dad Discussions 14
( Bands present BTS, EXO, SVT, NCT, GOT7, and VIXX )
Taeyong : ( gulping down wine )
Seokjin : um Taeyong something wrong ?
Taeyong : ( while pouring another glass full ) No ? Why do you ask ?
Jinyoung : Because you're gulping down wine as if its water and you're a bottomless hole.
Taeyong : well..... i have 20 kids now.....
Everyone : ....
Jeonghan : * walks to the cabinet and removes a box of wine *
Suho : * passes everyone a bottle. Two for taeyong *
Hakyeon : Lets all raise a bottle in honour of this brave soul.
All gulp down wine.
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Daily Dad Discussions 13
( Bands present BTS, EXO, GOT7, NCT, SVT, and VIXX )
Seokjin : ( toasting with wine glass in hand ) so we commence todays celebration in the name of Hakyeon aka N leader of vixx and awesome dad and in the name of Taeyong aka.... taeyong leader of NCT and another awesome dad.
Hakyeon : Awe a party !! Yayaya
Taeyong : You guys did this cause you're my friends ♡
Jinyoung : Well, I suppose some part of me possibly has a sense of casual kinship with you, much as one might be of a street cat.
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Suho : okay so we know how this works. Lets go around saying things we love about them and give them presents
Jeonghan : okay I'll start. Taeyong my fellow 95 liner. As the maknae of our little grou-
Suho : okay wait. I refuse group dynamics in a group that was created on the basis of group dynamics. No just no.
Jeonghan : okay then. Because we are in this group with such assholes who only the language of shade. I'm very greatful to have a friend like you. So to celebrate the occasion I got you edible candy panties !!!. You know cause you love sweets. Use them well ;)
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Taeyong : ..... um thank you jeonghan.
Jeonghan : N hyung. I would just like to say that our discussions about make up and hair products are so helpful and amazing. So i got you this amazing make up kit. Hope you like it ♡♡
Hakyeon : I love it jeonghannie ♡ Jinyoung: Cute. Hakyeon I have to say you were not at all what i was expecting you to be. You are an A class bitch. And I love it. Love you. My gift is a diary. I hope you write all your happiness and sadness in this ♡
Hakyeon : oh you're gonna make me cry.
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Jinyoung : Taeyong. Wow sixteen children. Hats off man really. Here are various vouchers for amusement parks and basically places where you can leave your kids for a few hours. God knows you deserve a break.
Taeyong : hahahaha thank you hyung.
Seokjin : My turn. N hyung wow i haven't called you hyung in ages but I really look upto you, you know. You manage to play the role if the leader so so well. And taeyong I have to admire how hard-working you are. You have a lot of pressure and you handle it so well.
Okay So its no lie that we all love wine. So i got you both wines from your birth year. One of a kind and exquisite. Drink well my friends.
Jeonghan : But hyung didn't you say you couldn't find one from N hyungs year ?
Seokjin : I may have stolen it from Jimins stash....
Taeyong : so I guess we'll be celebrating jin hyungs funeral next meeting.
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Suho : so I'm gonna keep it short and simple. Taeyong I'm so proud of you, the person you've grown up to be. And i wanted to get you something practical. So here is a full cleaning pack. I know you're a bit of a neat freak so i hope this will help you
Taeyong : these are all the latest ones. Thanks hyung
Suho : Hakyeon our constant bitching over our significant other or in my case lack of has brought us closer and given us many hilarious memories. So Seriously your love hate relationship with leo has to be pushed in a better direction.
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Hakyeon : oh no you didn't
Suho : I got you bdsm toys :)
( A loud crash followed by screams and shouts is heard. The door breaks open and 22 people enter the room falling on top of each other. The lit candles of the cake in their hand manges to catch on the curtain and the room is in fire in 2 mins )
( Everyone outside while the fire department is doing their job )
Hakyeon : ( coughing ) I'm not even going to ask how I'm still alive, because you know what i think ? I think I died a long ago and you five are my eternal punishment
Ken : hyun-
Seokjin : It's fine. We even manged to save the gifts. This is a success story.
( Explosion in the background and Taeyong running trying to gather all his children)
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Bilated N day and happy taeyong day
I hope you guys like it. Let me know what you think ♡♡♡♡♡
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Daily Dad Discussions 6
( Bands present - BTS, EXO, NCT, SVT, GOT7 and VIXX )
Seokjin : You know how we always throw so much shade ?
Everyone nods
Seokjin : Today we'll be nice. I wanna know about one special moment you'll have had with your husbands. Youngest go first taeyoung ?
Taeyong : Being the leader of 17 boys is exhausting. Since we're a relatively new group, the pressure to do well is always present. But the day jaehyun said to me, my heart felt a little lighter and at peace.
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Jeonghan : Seungcheol is so good to me honestly. But one moment that really stands out to me was during my long hair phase. I used to complain about losing or not having hair ties. One day I was complaining and seungcheol just removed one off his wrist and handed it to me. It was a small thing but it moved my heart
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Jinyoung : it wasn't a particular moment you know like I was just looking at him smiling and looking adorable and my heart felt like it was going to burst.
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Seokjin : for me it was this moment. Even though it had been 3 - 4 years since we had been together. Him winking still made me flustered and brought butterflies in my stomach ♡
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Suho : After Kris left, I didn't know what to do. I could handle being the leader but my heart ? Lay handled that. And now he's in China. I just really miss him you know. * group hug *
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N : Leo is not a very affectionate person. That's why I like to believe that I'm affectionate enough for the both of us. But he knows that I'm here for him whenever he needs me. And when he comes to me, I just feel a little assured you know. That he's in this as much as I am ♡
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Sorry guys I was feeling soft today
As always I would love to hear your thoughts♡
find more daily dad discusions : here
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Daily dad discussion
Guys i need you opinion
So I've made like 15 of these daily dad discussion.s And now I'm thinking of making it into a proper chat fic which i would post on archive of our own.
Now if you would be interested in reading the fic please like /reblog
But if you want me to stick to the tumblr post comment.
Thank you. Please let me know your opinions :))) ♡♡♡
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Daily Dad Discussions 8
( Bands present - EXO, NCT, SVT, GOT7, and VIXX)
( after Jin left for america for the bbmas )
Suho : finally the bitch is gone now we can bitch about him all we want
Taeyong : dont you bitch about him infront of him
Suho : well yes.
Suho : But this is different cause he's not here :) Lets all say one thing we don't like about him.
N : I'll go first i hate how perfect his and namjoons relationship is. He and namjoon just compliment each other and understand each other so well. And jin hyung is always there for him. So annoying. I totally don't want the same for myself.
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Suho : why does he get to lead our group. He is a terrible leader always letting us do whatever, have fun and listen to our problems. I should have been the leader. Not his loving highness
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Jeonghan : He was like totally not funny of course. All his dad jokes, bitchiness and sass was not at all funny. Nope not funny. Just like his dance moves are horrible and not at all adorable
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Jinyoung - and those god awful cookies and brownies he got last time. I totally didn't like them and got a stomach ache afterwards
N : didn't you have a stomach ache because you ate too many of them ?
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Everyone :
Taeyong : Well a hoe is sad and that hoe is me. I miss jin hyung :(
Everyone nods and starts to drink their wine
Suho : Damn even drinking isn't fun anymore :(
As always i would love to hear your thoughts
You can find more posts of this series : here
Also thank you @jacksonssmixtape for the prompt ♡♡♡
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Daily Dad Discussions 4
( Bands present - BTS, EXO, SVT, NCT, GOT7 and VIXX )
Seokjin and suho fighting in the background
Jeonghan : Are they still fighting over who is gonna be the leader?
Taeyong : Yes, I really don't know how they are the hyungs. They act like children. Children I tell you
Jinyoung : Let them be. Do you know how bad it's gonna be if they stop fighting?
N : Exactly you kids don't know but if they become friends were all doomed.
Taeyoung and jeonghan: What why?
Jinyoung : For three reasons
N : 1. they both are so savage. It hurts my pride to admit it but if they get together. They'll roast us everyday
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Jinyoung : 2. they both are the typical mom's. While me and n hyung are the easy going mom's. They.have.no.chill.
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N : and last and final reason. They both adore DAD JOKES. Imagine having to hear that all the time.
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Jinyoung : Right now they are too busy shading each other to remember any of this. So we can live in content.
Jin and suho come back in
Jin : ugh my back is hurting
Suho : really mine too ! Aaaah
Jin: of course it is, after all we just got stabbed in the back !
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Please tell me your thoughts or views or come scream at me in general. My inbox and ask is always open.
Find more monthly mother posts in the hashtag #dailydaddiscussions
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seokjin : You’re smiling, did something good happen?
Junmyeon : Can’t I just smile because I feel like it?
Taeyong : kris's current girlfriend dumped him.
Jeonghan : Very publicly.
Hakyeon : With a slap and a splash of wine in his face.
Jinyoung : Also yixing is coming home a month early.
Junmyeon : its like christmas and thanksgiving put together :)
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