#daivd dobrik
lolacola01 · 6 years
Prank Gone Wrong DD
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The boys Decide to prank David with Riley Reid while he’s in bed sick with the cold. Only no one lets Y/N in on the prank and she walks in on them.
“This is a bad idea,” Carly complains as she looks at Zane and Todd. “He’s not going to be happy about this.”
“Never mind him,” Erin frowns from her seat on David’s sofa. “You’re just lucky Y/N is busy tonight. She would not be letting any of this happen.”
“It’s a prank,” Zane laughs.
“David’s in bed doped up on cold medicine and you think it’s funny to get a porn star to slip in to bed beside him so you can film his reaction, and you’re calling it a prank?”
“And lets not forget the porn star has already sent him flirty text messages,” Carly added.
“But it’s funny,” Todd smiles. “I mean he’s always doing these kind of things to us.”
“Well he’s never done it to me or Carly so we’re staying out of it,” Erin remarks as she stands from the sofa. “Don’t come running to us when this blows up in your faces and Y/N is mad at you.”
Before any of the boys can answer her, the door bell rings and everyone looks to the glass door to see Riley Reid standing behind it with Dom by her side.
“Just be cool guys,” Zane frowns as he goes to open the door.
 Carly and Erin leave soon after. They try and warn everyone again, but it falls on deaf ears. As soon as the girls are gone the boys show Riley to David’s bedroom. He’s still passed out in the same position he’s been in all day.
“So how do I play it when he wakes up?” Riley asks as she starts to strip down to her underwear.
“Just casual,” Zane answers. “Like you’re supposed to be waking up next to him. Trust me the second he sees you he’s going to know it’s a joke. We just want to catch his reaction on the vlog.”
“We’ve got all the cameras set up and we’re going to be watching from the podcast room,” Todd adds.
“Sounds good,” Riley smiles as he gets under the covers as lays down by David’s side. Jason takes that opportunity to walk into the bedroom and frowns.
“Are you guys sure about this?”
“Not you too,” Zane groans. “Yes we’re sure. Yes David will see the funny side of it.”
“It’s not David I’m worried about,” Jason grumbles. “If Y/N sees this. I mean there’s a porn star on her side of the bed.”
All the boys turn and look at David passed out with a porn star laying almost naked beside him.
“I think it’s cool,” Dom giggles.
They spend a few more minutes arguing if it’s right or wrong before Jason finally gives up and heads home.
That only leaves Zane, Todd, Dom and a few of the Instagram models scattered around the podcast room watching the laptop screen waiting for any sign on David waking up. It’s a long hour of waiting before everyone slowly begins to fall asleep one by one. Even Riley has given up on David waking up and has crawled further under the covers and into David’s side.
 David’s POV
 The first thing David notices when he begin to wake is the weight of Y/N against his side. She is practically laying with her head on his chest. The cold medicine he took earlier really knocked him out and it takes him a few seconds of trying before his eyes finally work. When they do open he is met with confusion. Instead of seeing Y/N’s blonde hair spread out across his chest he is met with a full head of brown hair. Panic begins to set in and he tries to sit up but the girl laying on his chest is making it differently.
“What the hell,” he starts shouting causing the girl to finally move from his chest. When she lays back against the pillow beside him he gets to see who he’s in bed with. “Riley?”
“Morning sexy,” Riley gives him a lazy smile as she begins rolling onto her side.
“okay what the hell is going on?” David is in full panic mode as he tries to figure out what’s happening around him. He doesn’t get anything else out before the bedroom door opens and he’s met with a very shocked looking Y/N staring back at him. “No no,” he says as he finally manages to get up out of the bed. “Y/N I have no idea what’s going on here. I just woke up and she was here.”
 Y/N doesn’t say anything. She can’t. she just stands still at the bedroom door, a bag holding a cup of warm chicken noodle soup in her hand. She had left work early, thinking that bringing her boyfriend some soup would help him get better quicker. But while she’s out he’s found other ways of getting better.
She knew Riley had a crush on David, but she had no idea David would do this. Their relationship was still quite new. It had only been four months but in those four months David had told her more than once that what he cherished most in a relationship was honestly. He had no time for cheaters or liars, but now Y/N was realising that he was all talk. He had probably been all talk the whole time.
After Liza, David had struggled so much to get over her, but when Y/n came into his life he seemed to change overnight. Everyone in the group and told her so. They were always going on about how good she was for him. How he was so happy with her, but it all looked like a lie now. Now it was all ruined. All the friendships she’d made with David’s friend group gone because this had happened.
David’s now by her side talking to her, but she can’t hear a word he’s saying. She’s too focused on Riley. She’s laying in the same spot she had woke up in that morning. The same spot where David had curled into her side and kissed her.
Now all Y/N could think was he probably did the same with Riley. He probably begged her to stay in bed. Probably slipped his cold hand under her t-shirt making her giggle. He probably whispered ‘I love you’s’ in her ear as they lay close together.
It took Riley to say something before Y/N shook herself out of her trance. “Excuse me?” she asks as Riley pulls back the covers to reveal the smallest pair of panties and bra Y/N has ever seen.
“I said it’s not what it looks like,” Riley stands at the side of the bed, hands on hips like they’re about to have a completely normal conversation.
“Well it looks like you’re a whore who’s just got finished fucking my boyfriend.” Y/N has no idea where the bravery has came from, but she’s going with it.
“Y/n,” David frowns from her side. “Look this is…”
“David I’m warning you,” Y/N interrupts. “If you’re about to start lying to me I will turn around and you will never see me again.”
“Y/n I didn’t sleep with…”
“Goodbye David.” Y/N turns to leave but David quickly grabs her by the arm, trapping her between himself and the bedroom door. “Let go of me.” She adds through gritted teeth.
“Not until you listen to me,” David says back. “Now I have no fucking clue what is going on here, but I know I did not sleep with Riley. I just woke up and she was here. I’m just as confused as you are.”
“You should listen to your boyfriend, sweetie,” Riley says as she pulls on her jeans. “It was just a prank. We thought it would be funny.”
“We?” David asks turning around to face Riley. “Who’s we?”
“The boys and I,” Riley answers. “Dom brought me over and…”
“Is this part of your little script for if you ever got caught?” Y/n snaps causing David to turn back at her. “Blame it on someone else.”
“Look this is all getting out of hand,” David tries to stay calm but Y/N is too far gone. “I’m just as confused as you are baby.”
“Don’t you baby me,” Y/N snaps as she throws her purse towards him. “You don’t get to call me that after crawling out of bed with her.” She spits out the last word as she gives Riley a dirty look. “If I hadn’t have walked in would you have said nothing? Would you have let me in your bed tonight. In the same sheets she’s just been in. I mean who knows what you have now.”
“I don’t have to stay here and be talked to like this,” Riley scoffs. “I’m out of here.”
“Don’t bother,” Y/N steps forward and grabs her purse from the floor. “I know I interrupted something. So I’ll leave.”
“Y/n you can’t do this.” David begins to panic as Y/N goes around the room picking up anything that belongs to her. “Riley tell her nothing happened.”
“Save it David,” Y/N pauses in front of him and looks him up and down. “I thought we were something. I really thought this was it for me. I didn’t think it could be thrown away so easily. I guess it didn’t mean the same to you as it did to me. I just hope she’s worth it.” She then turns to Riley who is standing behind David looking uncomfortable. “I knew you wanted him. I must have been crazy to think that I’d have any chance against you.”
“Y/N,” David tries to reach for Y/N hand but she pulls away too quickly.
“I don’t want to hear from you again,” she says before turning and running out of the bedroom leaving David standing in a state of shock.
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moredobrik · 5 years
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I have David as my wallpaper on my phone. My grandma saw it today and ask if he was my boyfriend. I looked her died in the eyes and said “in my head he is.” She looked at me like I was insane. All I did after that was walk away. She ended up telling my mom that and my mom asked the same question and I said the same thing. My family officially thinks I am insane and they still have no clue who the boy is as my screensaver. ❤️
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