senterya · 2 years
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ey I re-edited the old Pale Rose banner so now it has all the founding members included c:
ran out of fuel so technically still a wip, but I'm posting it anyway :>
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senterya · 3 years
It's been an absolute joy reading people's takes on the OC interview that has been floating around recently.
The idea of a Pale Rose interview (read: Fyarh and Nym dragging ex-courtier Reln into this) sounded so oddly entertaining that I wrote it for myself for fun but it turned out... surprisingly okay? So I'm gonna leave it here.
OC Interview: Pale Rose edition
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(Draw (or use an old drawing, don’t worry!) or take a screen of your character in an interview setting and make them answer the following questions!)
1. Can you introduce yourself?
Fyarh: Sure. I’m Fyarh, founder and – formally – leader of Pale Rose. I’m also the head of the Dreamers’ division in our guild. (turns to the other two) And they are Nymeleia and Reln, head of the Soundless and Courtiers, respectively.
Nymeleia: (with a wide smile) Glad to be here!
Reln: (remains silent – just nods a little)
2. What is your gender identity, orientation, and relationship status?
Fyarh: (after a few seconds of thinking) I’m male, maybe prefer others who identify as that too? Didn’t think too much about it before.
Nymeleia: I’m looking both ways. I’m female and taken, you could say.
Reln: Why is this even– (exhales) ...I’m male, I don’t care what my partner identifies as. And my relationships are not for the public to chew on.
3. Where and when were you born?
Nymeleia: Back in the Grove, all of us. I awoke at Dawn and the boys are both Night blooms.
4. What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
Fyarh: I’m best at stealth and surprise – daggers work just fine with that. If it’s an open confrontation, I prefer a light sword that doesn’t hinder my agility. But I’m trained and still training in hand-to-hand combat too.
Nymeleia: I was trained at the Vigil to be the shield, not the spearhead of the attack. I stay behind and make sure nothing hits that shouldn’t. I utilize shades and magic so technically I don’t need a weapon – a staff or scepter can help, though. I also carry a dagger on me, just in case.
Reln: I’m best with a bow. Two-handed sword if it comes to that. But whatever does the job, really.
5. Lastly, are you happy?
Fyarh: (smiles and glances at the others) I am. I’m on the path my Wyld Hunt laid out to me and I got great allies and friends that are with me every step I take. I’m truly grateful for that.
Nymeleia: (with a soft smile) I feel like I found my calling here. I’m working on a cause and with people that are amazing. I’m pretty happy with that, yes.
(both look over to Reln)
Reln: (after a few seconds of silence, with a cynical smile) Are we just supposed to say yes or no to that? Like happiness is that easy to define. (he glances to the side for a second.) But it’s been better here. Take that as a yes.
1. What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
Fyarh: The guild is the closest I have to a family in a sense you ask. I think? I’m on good terms with everyone – luckily, I mean... (he laughs a little nervously) ...it’s as it should be.
Nymeleia: I’m with Fyarh on this one. The sylvari in Rose are the closest people to me.
Reln: It really is pointless to ask sylvari about “family” – we’re all technically related, but are strangers at the same time.
Nymeleia: (with a smile she barely tries to hide) You are dodging the question.
Reln: I’m not dodging anything, I’m being reasonable. I have close friends, and allies – call that a family, if you want to.
2. Have you ever run away from home?
Nymeleia: We’re all sort of runaways, aren’t we? (she laughs) I’m Soundless, I left the Grove quite early, then joined the Vigil. Does that count?
Fyarh: It counts. But just so that you don’t feel left out. (Nymeleia gasps and mimics trying to kick him in the shin, they both laugh. Takes them a few more seconds to get back on track.)
Fyarh: I used to sneak away a lot when I was supposed to be in lectures. I loved discovering Caledon, I knew every corner of it so well when I was a sapling. Maybe I’d still remember if I walked around.
Reln (after everyone looks at him): ...I’m from the Court. I think that’s self-explanatory.
Fyarh: But didn’t you also wander away a lot?
Reln: You could say. I preferred being alone. Hunting was a good excuse.
3. Would you consider marriage or having children?
Fyarh: In the far future, maybe? I’m still very young though, and my hands are full with my guild and my Hunt. It’s definitely not something I think about a lot.
Nymeleia: Marriage sounds cute – I like the idea of honoring commitment with a little ceremony.
Reln: Neither of those seems to be for me.
Nymeleia: (quietly) Ah, my heart.
(Reln glances at her, but doesn’t respond.)
4. Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
Fyarh and Nymeleia: No...?
Reln: (slightly annoyed) Is it even a friend if you hate them? Next question.
5. Which friend knows everything about you?
Fyarh: Maybe Daleien? We've known each other for the longest, and he was with me through thick and thin. Nowadays I share a lot with Nym and Reln too. I used to be very secretive about myself but I’m working on it.
Nymeleia: We chat and gossip a lot with Dia – she’s another Soundless from the guild. She’s lovely and so supportive, I’m really glad I have her.
Reln: I’m not the one to share everything about myself. But my second-in-command knows the most.
Nymeleia: Oh don’t listen to him. He and Lavan technically read each other’s minds – no words, just half a gesture, and they know all they need to know.
1. Are you literate? Have you been to school?
Fyarh: I’m literate, and I’ve been mentored as much – well, maybe a little less – than any other sylvari.
Nymeleia: I actually struggled with reading and writing for a while – I could, just not well, as I never really had to. Paperwork has been a nightmare for the first months in Rose, but by now I got the hang of it. I’ve been reading a lot of novels recently, too.
Reln: I’m literate, and was mentored like all other saplings. The latter didn’t reach its purpose, though.
2. The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
(They all look at each other, but neither of them seems to have an answer or anything they’d be willing to share.)
3. What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
Fyarh: Oh. I somehow never really talked about my Wyld Hunt in.... sufficient detail to my mentors? Not before the Wardens arrested me for hiding thorn pups in a forsaken outpost. It was a real journey talking my way out from there. One of the most embarrassingly funny things that happened to me, in retrospect.
Nymeleia: I was always too caught upon not handling the concept of pain, and death, very well. I don’t regret working on it and toughening up, I just wish I had realized sooner that I should hone my strengths instead of desperately trying to “correct” what I perceive as a weakness.
Reln: ...I guess I haven’t realized soon enough what real understanding means. (he seems mildly uncomfortable by the question, and does not elaborate)
4. Do you have mental health or physical issues?
Fyarh: Fighting takes a toll on everyone, I’d say. But nothing other than that.
Nymeleia: (nodding along – her eyes wander off to the distance)
Reln: A few scars here and there. Had a lot to deal with after coming back from the heart of the jungle, but I have worked through most of those by now.
5. What is your current main goal?
Fyarh: I’m dedicating all my time to the guild. It’s been coming along so much better than what I prepared myself for, and I’m not about to waste the opportunity.
Nymeleia: I’m not satisfied with my level of skills on the field yet – I’m spending as much time on training as I can, next to Rose. There are some other necromancers in the guild with who we share our knowledge, and I have gotten some general good advice and lectures from Firstborn Trahearne himself. It’s crazy how far Fyarh’s connections go.
Reln: I’m busy training and supervising my own division. Most of us are reliable and trusting, but there are and will always be a few loose cannons I need to keep an eye out for.
1. Drink or food?
Fyarh: A drink, maybe? I tend to forget to eat. It’s getting on Nym’s nerves at times.
Nymeleia: Ah don’t even mention it. I’m picking food – nothing tops a good, warm meal after a long day.
Reln: Food, if I have to pick.
2. Cats or dogs?
Fyarh: I love cats. I wouldn't mind adopting one, but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to take good care of them.
Nymeleia: Can we pick both, maybe?
Reln: (glancing at the thorn wolf lying next to him) I’m more of a dog person. But cats are good too.
3. Early bird or night owl?
Fyarh: I’m a night owl. Waking up with the rest of the guild at early hours is a nightmare for me. I tend to oversleep so much, it’s almost comical.
Nymeleia: That’s not a problem for me though. I’m up before everyone else. And so is Reln.
Reln: (nodding)
4. Optimist or pessimist?
Fyarh: Optimist.
Nymeleia: Same, some will even say naive for sure.
Reln: Middle ground. I’m more of a realist than any of the two.
5. Sassy or sarcastic?
Fyarh: Maybe... sassy? With close friends. I don’t feel like either most of the time, honestly.
Nymeleia: Would you say I’m more sassy or sarcastic?
Reln: (to her) Is that really a question?
Nymeleia: Oh entertain me.
Reln: (gestures towards her; she laughs)
1. Been caught sneaking out?
Fyarh: Once, when I was sneaking out of a Court camp with two stolen thorn pups. Barely got away. Didn’t dare to show myself around there for a while.
Nymeleia: Several times. Did a lot of bathroom cleaning in the Vigil for it too.
Reln: If I was, I doubt I would be here today.
2. Broken a bone?
Fyarh: Miraculously, no. I don’t even know myself how’s that possible.
Nymeleia: My left arm. Open wound, too – wasn’t a good experience.
Reln: Nothing that a field medic couldn’t fix.
3. Received flowers?
Fyarh: If you mean it like, in a romantic way? No, not yet.
Nymeleia: I received a few, but in my experience Vigil soldiers are more of the blunt than the romantic type.
Reln: No.
Nymeleia: How dare you. I gave you potted herbs a while ago!
Fyarh: (leaning forward) Potted herbs?
Nymeleia: It’s because he takes his food back to his room all the time. And then he complains about the seasoning. Go figure!
4. Ghosted someone?
Fyarh: I did... use to run away from confrontations a lot. But people say I’ve gotten better with that too.
Nymeleia: I prefer to just tell people if I’m not interested in talking to them. As kindly as possible, of course. But I think it’s ruder to leave them hanging.
Reln: I did leave from places – the Grove, the Court – suddenly, but then again, I didn’t have many connections to either in the first place.
5. Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get?
Fyarh: That happens. Easier than trying to go back to it and figure it out, takes away the flow of the conversation.
Nymeleia: Everyone does that from time to time, no?
Reln: I don’t. If someone’s not funny enough, that’s not my problem.
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senterya · 3 years
5 and 9 from that four winds ask meme you made maybe?
5. Who buys little trinkets for themselves or their loved ones?
Dianthen! She loves collecting small trinkets and probably spends way too much money on small silly things to give to her friends.
9. Who gets a little too drunk?
Fyarh basically doesn't have alcohol tolerance. This gets incredibly bad when someone jokingly challenges him to climb up the cliffside after a few drinks and before anyone could do anything he's already on the wall like a delusional goat, scaring the shit out of his entire guild and miraculously not falling to his death immediately. After that incident he barely drinks though, and Daleien never again loses sight of him during the rest of the festivals.
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