#damian fuega
gritsandbrits 2 years
Did Damian, M脿ra's brother-in-law, kill his own daughter in order to raise his granddaughter by himself with no one that dared to stop him and corrupting her into a greedy, cruel and corrupt person just like him?
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gritsandbrits 2 years
What is the name of M谩ra's brother-in-law (the father of her grandniece) and what personality does he have?
Damian Fuega is a charming, malicious person motivated by greed and control. Surprisingly he has magical powers but he uses them to secure his own interests. He married into the Esposito family for money. Took advantage of already present tensions to turn them against M谩ra, prompting her to run away.
Damian's marriage wasn't a happy one. Over the years his true colors revealed themselves. He had a daughter but they become estranged; she had her own kid but something happened to now her baby was being raised by the grandfather.
In the present time Damian still lives in M谩ra's home ruling the decrepit estate with an iron fist. He learns that M谩ra is alive in Bogot脿, with her own fortune, so decided to capitalize on that. He tracks her down and visits her but she refuse to see him. Angered he destorys her home while she was away at a fashion show; prompting M谩ra's boss to send her to live in an unknown village for protection.
Damian wasn't always like that, but without support in his youth he developed a deeply cynical view of the world. Even presented with a chance at redemption he rejected it. With his granddaughter he's cold. But keeps her in line bc he had to have someone to control or use for bargaining chip.
In short Damian is my wish for a Classic Disney villain because I am so tired of sudden twists or 'oh actually he's sympathetic'. No. He is NOT a good person and I want to show that sometimes irredeemable jerks do exist. He is a foil for both M谩ra and the Madrigals. In terms of looks he is very handsome even into old age. He wears bright primary colors, which further makes the hideous nature of his actions more jarring.
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gritsandbrits 3 years
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Sr. Damian Fuega, has hellish underworld power and something of a power broker/merc. He married M谩ra's sister and turned her already broken family against her. Like Bruno he also had to deal with rumors about his powers and rejection. So he turned to violent means as an outlet. Damian just kept on going even after presented an opportunity of redemption by caring for his wife and her family. He did nothing but stir up strife, splitting the Aiza Clan for good and driving Mara's sis into alcohol-fueled self destruction. Decades later his wife is long dead and the money all dried up. Sr. Damien finds out M谩ra is still alive and has her own money and comes after her. Which is how she ended up in the Madrigals village - partly bc of her reassignment but also to escape him.
Possible designs: Dilf, time and alcohol clearly aged him but he still thinks himself as attractive. Another is a goofy almost Looney Tune esque bandit, his hat shaped lile devil-horns! An alternate is his hair wispy almost like flames. His surname is from Fuega, a character cut from the film. I think I might go with the dilf designs to show that he is still human - which makes his evil all the more realistic.
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