#dammit why does ohm get all the good roles that drive me mad
jemmo · 2 years
So Tess really screwed up and caused a lot of damage for puen but pakorn still hugged talay thinking it was tess when he went back to his universe? What exactly happened between these two? And how much of a brat is tess that everyone in both the universe end up hating him? I'm so curious abt their story. Pls season 2 with tess and tun.
exactly!!!! like im so hyper interested in tess especially. he’s this bratty rich boy that manages to hurt those around him and turn people against him, who takes over talay’s life and has no care for how he fucks it up, who previously hurt pakorn to the extent that pakorn avoided him at all costs when talay as tess pursued him, who when plunged into an alternate world with pakorn the only person sharing that unique experience again hurt him - he’s just so fucking intriguing. what makes him tick?? what are the things in life he truly cares about?? bc we know what drives all the others; pakorn’s desire to be a successful screenwriter, talay pursuing his dream job and loving puen, puen escaping the limelight and finding someone to love and comfort him… what about tess???? im starting to think it’s a trend that all of ohm’s characters are an enigma in this way, bc with pat we had him act so boldly but confusingly towards pran and then when he realised his feelings, pran became his sole focus, we never knew what his dreams or wants were outside of being with pran. tess is like that with the volume turned to max, he acts so boldly but in a way that you can’t read, and we have no idea what his ultimate goal is, what he’s trying to work towards. I mean… he quit talay’s job just to go and work for pakorn as puen, how do you read that?? is that him pursuing pakorn, or is that him pursuing his portkey?? does some of the drama sprout from the way tess acted towards pakorn in order to activate whatever portkey magic is needed to go back to his world, did he hurt and disregards pakorn’s feelings in the process?? bc clearly he doesn’t care for his new world, when we see him he’s just sitting around waiting to go back, in pure rich boy, bratty style. which makes me think… is he the one that was supposed to learn something from this experience?? so often these body swap/alternate universe plots happen to make someone learn something, grow, become a better person. within talay and puen, it’s clearly puen who this was for. talay was ripped from his perfect life, but puen was the one drowning in the fame, and who ultimately learned and gained something from his universe travelling experience. tess and pakorn seem to be very similar; pakorn ripped from his dream life where he’s pursuing his dream with his friends, while tess lives this closer in rich boy life lorded over by his parents and acting out bc of it… clearly in this story tess should’ve learned the error of his ways and found his own joys in life and become a better person. but from how we’ve seen him up to now, he hasn’t. he hurt pakorn, he ruined talay’s life, and he’s just sitting around waiting to return to the same old life that should be waiting for him. so is the way talay has changed his life gonna be the catalyst for his change. is it not a matter of learning from his experience in the other world, but seeing how talay has made his own life better, seeing the kindness a complete stranger gave him and being humbled by something so good and selfless. it would be rather fitting, a selfless deed being the thing to turn the rich selfish brat into a good person. so i guess now we just have to see what ep 12 has in store for us.
and i swear to god gmmtv, if you don’t give me the conclusion i need, i will need a spin off
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