#damn hokshi really be out here just vomiting her insecurities into the tags without a stopper huh?
blushinggray · 3 years
Okay ngl I usually don’t post hc’s or updates or ideas about my fics bc I usually wanna keep them “as a surprise” for when I do publish it (if I ever even do lol) or I’ve had this mindset that just talking about writing prevents me or takes time from actually writing. Or that even if I do talk about my feelings/ideas about smth, that no one will really care. Which is why I kinda save it for dm’s with friends/when the topic actually comes up. And even then, I don’t wanna overwhelm them with all my thoughts/ideas so I kind of hold back on some things
But recently I came across this Twitter thread that reminded me that it is perfectly fine to blabber on about the things I like if I want to. And even if no one cares, it’s MY freaking blog. I write for fun and for free and for ME. So I should stop trying to hide behind self deprecation as “humility” or keep my ideas bottled up just to save them as “surprises” when I actually just wanna talk about them!!!!!
I’m gonna start tagging these as #fic trivia so if you don’t care to see my babbling, or you prefer just my surprise fic emails outta nowhere, then feel free to hide that tag from your dash. But I am gonna try to start being more open about what I wanna talk about when I wanna talk about it, regardless of the feedback/interaction (or lack thereof) that I get
So without further ado, some hc’s from my tattoo artist!bakugou fic:
Among his friends, Bakugou has tatted:
Jirou (first practice canvas)
Kirishima (upper arms and chest, maybe legs)
Uraraka (upper arms)
Kaminari (random scattered pieces for whenever he’s feeling spontaneous and can handle the pain)
Sero (one sleeve, chest, legs)
Deku (he’s a good boy but he wanted one by his friend so he got one on his hip just to support kacchan/hide it from his mom)
Ashido (random pieces all over, not only by Bakugou bc she has more tattoo artist friends who practice on her, so she’s pretty filled up)
Inasa (whole sleeves and chest pieces)
Camie (one thing on her back maybe)
Tokoyami (random pieces on his upper arms)
Sato (whole sleeves)
Shoji (whole sleeves and random stuff all over)
Tetsutetsu (whole sleeves and chest pieces)
Among clients, Bakugou has tattooed:
Nejire (obviously) — a singer in this au
Shindou (chest and upper arms)
Nakagame (one thing in her arm)
Gang orca (whole sleeves)
Death arms (chest pieces, one thing on legs)
Kendou (one on her arm, one on her side)
Present Mic (one on his arm)
Vlad King (one upper arm/chest piece)
Burnin’ (tat on her back)
Before starting Dynamight Studios, he was an apprentice for Best Jeanist for several years. His mentor was a lot more artsy than he was, but Bakugou respects legends in their own right. Plus it gave him a chance to experiment with things to find out that he does, in fact, only like to do what he wants to do 😪
But Jeanist gave him a ton of experience and brought him along to plenty of conventions, domestic and international, so his time as an apprentice is irreplaceable. They still talk and Bakugou visits every once in a while. 
Reader has tattooed:
Mount lady
Intelli Saiko & friends (from provisional license exam arc)
Kodai & Komori (came in together)
Probably way more people in her base area
Reader apprenticed with Hawks, which honestly gave her a bit of a headache. He’s a super talented tattoo artist but his work style is kind of overwhelming. She learned a lot from him, that’s for sure, but the way he would just make her crank out dozens of sketches a day was not sustainable for her. It did force her to think out of the box a lot though, which is what eventually birthed her new personal style
She now works at a relatively popular tattoo shop she started with another tattoo artist friend, but she takes jobs from a lot of people and places. Sometimes, she even gets a client referred to by her old mentor, whom she visits every so often with food. 
About Red Riot Bar:
It’s a pretty spacious place, with mostly low rise coffee tables and stools so that you don’t feel like you’re being obstructed when you talk to others by tall furniture. If there are tall tables, they’re off to the side/the bar itself
There are arcade games set up one side of the bar, like pinball, darts, Pac-Man, etc. Opposite the pool table. and the walls are decorated with all of kirishima’s favorite art, bands, and inspirations (esp crimson riot, his favorite tv show character. He’s still waiting for the day that the actor shows up to his bar so he can put a framed photo on the walls)
It’s a chill place, where the music is good but not too loud and everyone can feel at ease. It’s on a street that’s pretty popular and busy with restaurants and other izakayas, so he’s got competition. But the ones who do come in and stick around are exactly the type of clientele he prefers for his bar
Was talking to @tonystonem about this but if you happened to stop by his bar a few times casually after work or smth, he would probably remember you since he’s pretty friendly with all his customers and likes to get to know people
And bouncing off of that, if you happen to catch his eye, then maybe he’d crank up the flirting a bit. Or get a little nosy when you bring a guy friend/acquaintance along with you one day
Obviously, jirou and yaomomo are in a band together, along with some other friends. (Although yaomomo still has a part time day job working for her family’s business) They play for a lot of different live music places and sometimes get booked for touring artists or events.
Their first big gig was given to them by popular radio host and producer present mic, at a music festival. They’re working with him occasionally on an EP, but they’re putting a lot of care into the project so it’s taking a bit longer than expected. But it’s gonna be so good and kirishima is definitely gonna stream it nonstop in his bar when it comes out
Kaminari knows everyone and everything in the city lmao. Everyone wonders if he actually has a job bc he’s always just out socializing and partying and having a good time. He does have a job tho! He’s like a recruiter for his company, so he has to go out and find new clients or workers all the time but that usually involves inviting them out for a casual hangout first to throw his pitches. It’s not always successful but he makes a lot of friends out of it. More than he can handle/remember sometimes lol
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